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/fa/ - Fashion

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7397306 No.7397306[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>that kid who intentionally dressed like a greaser every day

>> No.7397333

>that kid who wore carpenter jeans that were too long and they frayed at the bottom from scraping the ground

>> No.7397373

>that guy who wears the same sweater rain or shine everyday

>> No.7397381

>that guy who wears a 3 piece suit and newsboy cap to math class every morning

>> No.7397391

>that girl who would wear her cheerleader outfit on the day of school football games

>> No.7397400

>tfw I was that guy in high school

>> No.7397416

>tfw dad gave you his favorite sweater on his death bad
>tfw wear it every day after he dies
>tfw full of holes
>tfw color faded
>tfw on bad days you can swear it still smells like your dad

>> No.7397418

all of high school for me

>> No.7397425

>tfw i was that guy in middle school

>> No.7397431

nothing wrong with that

>> No.7397439

>tfw everyone thought i let out a really smell fart during nap time but i really just shit my pants

>> No.7397440

lol in high school I wore the same hoodie and jeans every day for like 2 years straight.

ironically enough I got more pussy and felt happier then than I do now

really makes me wonder sometimes

>> No.7397441
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>that guy who says he's a "sneakerhead" but owns one pair of Jordan's

>> No.7397468

>those kids who wear tucked in hunting tees, belt buckles, and cell-phone holsters every day

>> No.7397476

Don't forget about work jackets.

>> No.7397480

fuck these guys especially

>> No.7397492

most of the time the whole team had to anyway
gotta raise morale
rally the troops

>> No.7397499

/fa/ as fuck bro

>> No.7397507

the white guy who says he's a sneakerhead

you jus a whiteboy with rich ass parents who buy you too many nikes

you aint the illest

>> No.7397539

>that faggot loner

>> No.7397567
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>carhartt cargo pants
>realtree jackets

>> No.7397570

>crew cut, drab fatigues and boots

>> No.7397576

>homies clown on muh steez
>week later rocking the same haircut

Damn niggers

>> No.7397587

I went to a school in the middle of nowhere, Texas.

so many obnoxiously lifted trucks, wranglers, square toe Ariat boots with the heel super worn down, carhartt jackets, and cowboy hats or caps.

half were good people, hunted, worked on cars and trucks and shit, and were pretty fun.

the other half were tryhards but still had friends because LOL WERE REDNEX

>> No.7397584

>that guy who still wears the parachute pants from the nu-metal mallcore days on a college campus

>> No.7397590


Dude, I'm from Austin and we had people ilk this, too

we called these guys overnight cowboys (the poseur ones)

>> No.7397597

>that guy who still does this in his senior year of college

he gets more poontang than everyone else...

>> No.7397675

i know a guy who does that but has his own style and dresses cool
so for him it's more of a uniform

>> No.7397817

phone holsters are still a thing?

>> No.7399113

>that kid who wears the same 2 outfits every day that consist of ugly redneck denim jeans, denim jacket, boots, walmart olive kicks, olive/black hoodie who doesn't know how to stay away from people and tries to copy my hairstyle

Fuck you denim bitch. You're the only person I hate in my entire life.

>> No.7399195


All of my boners.

This shit is my fetish

>> No.7399201

>that fat kid with a nasty ass hair and dresses like a typical loser that sit with himself at lunch

>> No.7399212

sounds like you u fucking tweefaggotcunt

>> No.7399228

>that fat punk rocker kid that smelled

>> No.7399231

>that faggot who sits in the back of class always dressed in black with snowboarding shoes

>> No.7399253

>that kid who wear orange pleather jackets to class, has a phone holster, wears relaxed fit Calvin Klein jeans, acts really loud and arrogant as if he's some attractive movie star, but actually everyone hates him.
>tfw he always talks to me in class in front of qt's

I hate this kid

>> No.7399255

>that kid with the naruto headband

>> No.7399292

>tfw people call you sithlord/matrix/ninja/etcetc in real life

huh, well I guess /fa/ wasn't lying.

>> No.7399303

I thought all cheerleaders did this, well at least at my high school

>> No.7399304
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that kid with the sick ricky fit who is handsome and more intelligent than everyone in the class.

o w8 thats me

>> No.7399311

not even dude that guy is me

>> No.7399316

I am spartacus

>> No.7399317

>the non-black guy with an afro

>> No.7399318

>that kid who's wearing boat shoes in the middle of fucking winter
I know it's the bay area where it doesn't snow, but fuck dude it's cold/out of season you dadcore pleb

>> No.7399323

>that Korean in a yesstyle shawlneck hoodie and fake Burberry accessories

>> No.7399328

>gets butthurt people are wearing boat shoes "out of season
>wears vans and converse year-round

>> No.7399334

he never said he wore vans or converse all year round you asperger

>> No.7399345

>those douchie asian kids who all dress in outfits they bought exclusively at tillys and won't shut the fuck up about being Asian

I had ap classes with all of these kids.

>> No.7399349


Yeah that shit was annoying.

>> No.7399353

>that one kid who strawman reasons in every discussion in class
yeh u

>> No.7399351

doesn't matter

something being """out of season""" is just a cop out because you don't have any real reason to dislike it.

like socks/sandals among other things

>> No.7399357

these vancouver area feels

>> No.7399365
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>> No.7399368
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If it doesn't matter then why did you say that stupid shit in the first place?

oh right, aspergers

>> No.7399369

>that one kid who regurgitates rules he read on /fa/
yeh u

>> No.7399375

>those poser "scene" kids that after a few years become legit cool kids and you are mad jelly of them because you knew they were posers so you never associated with them. now they get pussy and you don't ;_;

>> No.7399383

any pride is fucking cringeworthy

those fat nerdy autists who sperg out over autistic shit?

"lol i have viking blood, ya man, my great ancestors were VIKINGS, swede pride!"

they listen to viking metal too

>> No.7399385

w/e brah u just mad white boys like yourself have no culture apart from minivans and hamburgers

>> No.7399390

that's not so bad if the sweater isn't a shit
shit hoodie that is, the kind some /r9k/ fat fuck would wear to bed then to the store

>> No.7399395

"w/e brah u just mad white boys like yourself have no culture apart from minivans and hamburgers"

- some brown skin digusting nigger

>> No.7399397


Sup Francis how's piama

>> No.7399398

>Not getting sick fades on your sweater

>> No.7399406
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I love you for getting that reference

>> No.7399413

& whats ur heritage, city wok or dipset? epik brah B^)

>> No.7399438

>poorly dressed people at weddings.

You will not believe the shit some people wear.

>> No.7399443

>the tumblr girl who pulls her socks above her jeans and constantly moans about being sad and uninteresting

>> No.7399446

>dressing poorly at a wedding
what the fuck man, who does this?

>> No.7399470

fuk u, i wear my cashmere everyday under my 3 coats because I don't have time to be /fa/ at 8am. Lucky i even shower u nigger.

>> No.7399485


I work high-end restaurant that doubles as a wedding venue. The most recent things I've seen

>oversized button down
>acid washed jeans
>chunky dc's
>leather fedora

I shit you not.

>> No.7399503

>tfw I am that kid.
>I'm wearing them atm
>my parents won't buy me nice clothes because no purpose
>dad is half autist software engineer who wears a dress shirt with slacks and running shoes to work
>he doesnt even run
>sometimes wears sweatpants instead of slacks
meh. I'll see if I can convince them to go shopping this weekend

>> No.7399506

i'm not asian, i'm mexican

say what you will about mexicans but we got more culture than your bitch ass

>> No.7399510

>those asians who aren't as smart as there parents want them to be but still take ap classes and get 80s even though they tried way harder than you.

>> No.7399518

>that kid who thinks he's more handsome than everyone else who has a ugly fat bitch as a gf and wears his grandmas jacket and scarf with the same fucking beanie every day and wears ae pants that don't fit him and wears boats hoes regardless that we live in the driest part in Texas and wears them in winter and has a shit haircut. And he's a midget.

>> No.7399526


thats just bcz they r common lower class peasants u cant rlly blame them

>> No.7399582

>people who wear TV show shirts

I still actually do that...

>> No.7399589

did someone steal your gf

its okay

we can talk about it

>> No.7399597
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>> No.7399602

Nah brah. He stole my life

>> No.7399607

Why am I crying
I-I'm so sorry anon.

>> No.7399617

Always see qt.314s wearing the same outfit
>beanie, military jacket, black pants or leggings, and doc martens
>They always have this attitude of being a "misanthrope" or being alone

And then you talk to them, and they're really shallow and uninteresting people. They'd make for good hook ups but extremely bad conversationalists. They'll tell you they love Joy Division but don't even know who Ian Curtis is.

>> No.7399638
File: 1.27 MB, 2784x1856, 3325710654_261edd256e_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats wrong with dressing like a greaser?

are you a faggot or smething?

>> No.7399645

i saw those guys when i went to japan lol

>> No.7399699
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Str8 edge btw. Ask me on a date by writing it on a used Starbucks napkin. Does anyone have a template for these?

>> No.7399715


how bruh, was that ur swag?

>> No.7399733

know a girl kinda like this irl. except she's fucking awesome, we get on really well. introverted type person but I really like that, definitely not uninteresting. potential soontobe gf.
you're probably right with the stereotype though lol

>> No.7399752
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>snowboarding shoes

>> No.7399754

I'm a substitute teacher and i gotta say it is funny how you see kids now. they just wear a sweater or some dress shirt shit and like chinos and act like they are fashion. cant be fashion when they all look the same lol

>> No.7399757

omg your feet will get so cold r u stupid
seriously who the fuck cares? they're shoes, not an item designed to keep your body warm.

>> No.7399763

>>>>>>>>this happens to me too

>> No.7399912

There was one guy who would wear a tux to finals, with a top hat and a cane, EVERY semester

>> No.7399929

ask her out before she "friendzones" your pussy ass. just ask her out for dinner like sushi or something, make your intentions known to her

>> No.7399938

>that kid who covers his face, wears a hooded jacket, skinny jeans, t-shirts as long as a dress for girls, and some really silly looking black and white high top shoes

>> No.7399960

situation's complicated, no details but it can't happen atm. i'm not pushing anything. i'd rather stay close friends and be called a pussy than be another shit event in her life. p sure she thinks I like her already, we're pretty close.

>> No.7400774

Tunnel Snakes4lyfe

>> No.7400781

Slick trick m8

>> No.7400795

>that kid who wore a hockey jersey

>> No.7400800

oh god

oh god

>> No.7400811

They're called tripp pants. God damn it mom.

>> No.7400816

fuck you're clever

>> No.7400818

that was required at my school. you know i didn't mind though ;)

>> No.7400824

>that kid who wore a scarf in winter
>that kid who was a homosexual
>tfw they're the exact same kid

he was hot as fuck too

i miss you Sean ;_;

>> No.7400856

Being scene back in the day really got you involved in the underground music scene. It had you out meeting girls instead of staying inside. Looking back it was totally worth looking like an idiot for a couple years because all the girls from back then are tumblrcore qts now.

>> No.7400873

>that kid who wore sunglasses in winter

>> No.7400910


Not to mention they all had about 3000 myspace friends who are all super popular youtube/vine/instagram bloggers for maximum efame while I'm sitting here as some anon on a dead board on a shitty website oh god i need to kill myself all that potential i had in high school was wasted fuck my life

>> No.7400936
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He probably had shitty eyes from sitting in front of the pc too much (or indoor)

My eyes are sensible as fuck to light too but I don't wear sunglasses.

(Snow reflects light like a bitch)

>> No.7400970


its still bright nigger

>> No.7400993

they're called sunglasses, not summerglasses

>> No.7401036

thats cool man

>> No.7401040

>that guy who dressed like a psychiatrist

>> No.7401055

excluding all of Canada or Minnesota

>> No.7401064

plz post pic of psychiatrist-core

>> No.7401060

Almost everyone who is cool now went through a poser stage because you get cool by faking it until you make it. Emo/scene kids got through their poser stage at an early age, surrounded by other people in the same boat. I regret not being an emo kid.

>> No.7401071

Also I had a thing for cheerleaders when in HS.
don't give a shit now. Possibly jaded at this point

>> No.7401076

These guys are better people than you.

jus sayin

>> No.7401077

Americans going on about how they are swedish/irish/english/scottish/russian/whatever because they have 'swedish blood' is so fuckin annoying
you were not born in sweden
your parents were not born in sweden
your grandparents probably weren't born in sweden
you have no connection to swedish society or culture other than at most a surname
you are not fuckin swedish

>> No.7401144

can't find a good pick but it was like, tweed jacket, waistcoat, dress shirt, dress shoes, sometimes a tie all day erry day at a school where the vast majority of boys would just wear jeans and hoodies

he was actually a cool guy and pulled it off pretty well

>> No.7401238
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>homies clown

>> No.7401250

it feels good to understand your culture heritage and be in touch with it

sure, they're not fucking nationals, but I don't see why you have to be so pissy about it

>> No.7401252

>parachute pants
these are parachute pants. I don't think that's what you're talking about.

>> No.7401254

More like professor-core, but I can see it.

Shrinks are so poorly-dressed these days.

>> No.7401265

I just found out today apparently almost everyone (except my grandfathers family, his kids, my dads kids) live in the US.

And my dad lives in the UK, and we're all Swedes. Like seriously, in Sweden there are like 100 people with my last name, in US? Probably over 9000, literally.

>> No.7401307

damn that is pretty much this chick i'm talking to ;_;

>> No.7401315

>that person who talks really fucking loudly/on the cusp of flat out shouting in social setting
>interrupting people who are taking
>thinking this makes them more interesting or funny
calm the fuck down. and I know it's not necessarily /fa/ related, but it's certainly un-/fa/ behavior.

>> No.7401337
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just noticed it dropped my pic

>> No.7401346

What's wrong with saying you're Swedish when you're Swedish?
Just because your family hasn't lived in Sweden for generations it doesn't mean you stop being Swedish

>> No.7401372

>old frayed tigers hat with the bill folded so much it's almost cylindrical
>hunting camo underarmor hoodie
>ugly bootcut prefaded jean with contrast stitching

Michigan white guy outfit

>> No.7401382

except it does?
even going by blood (which is stupid anyway), half the people who say they're 'swedish' are only like 1/16 swedish stock anyway

>> No.7401530

>tfw tall blond blue-eyed swedish master race
>yes yes immigrants feminism etc.

At least you can wear cool clothes without being called a faggot, and there's few fatties around

>> No.7401554

I've come to accept this is true about everything I do and to a lesser extent things advocated on 4chan in general
>all the music
>all the tv shows
>all the style and clothing
eventually people will adopt it. feels good to be nxtlvl compared to plebes

>> No.7401563

Here we see an American who's so frustrated about his country having no roots, no history or culture of its own that he has to appropriate other people's identity.

>> No.7401572
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When people who are obviously American say im swedish, italian, german, ect it is pretty obvious to us that they are saying "I am of Swedish stock". It is just shortened because we are all from somewhere in the US and no one wants to say "I am descended of swedish immigrants" when saying "im swedish" does the job.

Also most people I know love explaining the intricacies of their heritage rather than just try to bandwagon one that they are 1/16th of. I swear people love explaining, "well im 1/16th scottish, 1/16th swedish...." and to be fair it is kind of interesting because everyone has a story and a lot of people can actually trace it down with immigration records and the like.

God damn I love america

>> No.7401578

>tfw euros never understand how Americans view our heritage
You guys should make a better effort to understand us since we rule the world homie

>> No.7401602

> his country having no roots, no history or culture
7/10 almost typed a lengthy response

>> No.7401607


Nail on head.

>> No.7401626

my feels... fuck.

>> No.7401637

>tfw I do this

I have a grey sweater from JCrew and that's really all I wear.

>> No.7401641

my feels

>> No.7401648

can't tell if everything he wears looks good as fuu
or if him being really good looking is throwing me off
lookbook. nu/user/50784-Adam-G

>> No.7401659

I'm not even American

>> No.7403347

i want to punch those kids. espacially the angry looking ones...specifically the angry looking ones

>> No.7404479


>> No.7404550

>all the frat guys wearing the exact same pair of Timberland yellow clompers that they probably all ordered online at the same time

Literally saw four dudes walking shoulder to shoulder wearing the exact same outfit, the only different was the color of their sweatpants

>> No.7404624

do it faggot

sounds like the same position I was in before I finally manned up and got a qt

>> No.7404661
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>the scene/goth girl everyone wanted to fuck

>> No.7404864

>frat guys

>> No.7404894

underage ban pls

>> No.7404955

this lmao

>> No.7404966

its the hockey player version

>> No.7404970

where u from in texas du

>> No.7404981

i like people like you (^:
go america

>> No.7405523

>those kids who wore boat shoes with nike crew socks, khaki cargo shorts with a lanyard hanging out the pocket, polo shirts or tilly's bro tanks

>> No.7406224 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 1008x862, 1381254859429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is nowhere near as cringe and rage inducing than all the ginger-anglo-americans claiming they have 0.0019% native american ancestry. Like I'm supposed to be impressed your great great great grandfather's father was a rapist, congrats.

>> No.7406233
File: 150 KB, 1008x862, 1381254859429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is nowhere near more cringe and rage inducing than all the ginger-anglo-americans claiming they have 0.0019% native american ancestry. Like I'm supposed to be impressed your great great great grandfather's father was a rapist, congrats.

>> No.7406239

>being /fa/ since birth
Moms had me in like Ralph Lauren, Burberry, etc. when I was a lil nigga.. But now that I'm grown I'm flexin' on these hoes in Kiton, Berluti, and Bottega Veneta like it's nothing.

>> No.7406244
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>no roots, no history or culture

>> No.7406252
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>> No.7408263

I'm sorry anon

>> No.7408402

try Jedi.