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7396968 No.7396968 [Reply] [Original]

how does effay feel about straight edge?

Personally, I think it's utter shit.
>I don't want to drink alcohol
>I don't want to do drugs
>But I think I need a label so I know "Hey, you can't do that, remember?"
>fuckkkkkkkkK are people really that stupid?

Also, >SXE "merch".

>> No.7396980

everyone was str8 3dge when we we like 13, then we got drunk or high and realized we were retarded

>> No.7396995

I'm somewhat involved in the hardcore/punk scene (Detroit/Toledo) and being straight edge is what's cool. People literally will not listen to your band if you don't claim you're edge. How fucking stupid is that. Jesus christ I could claim edge for a day, do acid, and immediately I'm a traitor. Do these xxxTUFFxxx idiots realize how dumb they sound??? gahh

>> No.7397015

it's stupid to make your abstinence from vices a 'thing', especially to leverage your self worth above others

and it's stupid when people criticize others for not having substance vices

>> No.7397030

>kissless virgin
>never done drugs
>never got drunk
>grew up in LA
>weed always around me and at arms reach
>dad drinks
>hard liquor around me and beer always in fridge
Everyone that has ever harmed me has been drugged up or drunk, so my association between harm and these substances prevents me from wanting them.

>> No.7397042

and I get that, so don't touch them. No need to claim """"edge""""" (other than grasping for attention/thinking you're better than others who don't claim edge). Half the straight edge folk I know of haven't even had bad experiences because of substances, they just claimed edge for the fuck of it, which is so fucking stupid.

>> No.7397051

I don't do drugs and I don't drink any alcohol but I don't need to call that "straight edge" just so I can tell people that it's an interesting thing I do. I always thought calling something as trivial as not doing two things is just admitting that it's a problem for one.

>> No.7397054

labeling yourself as straight edge isn't /fa/

acting like you are superior because you don't drink/smoke is retarded

personally I have never drank or smoke and I'm 22, but it's not something I ever bring up

>> No.7397066


>Oh, you're edge? Congratulations, you deserve a medal.

>> No.7397082

>haven't had experiences
this is what annoys me the most. Not trying anything and have a decision to be str8 actually based on something other than whatever they say ('it's bad for you', 'it's dumb' idk)
before I started doing drugs and drinking I was talking to someone and it came up and I said I'd never done anything
>"So you're str8 egde?"
>No. I just haven't done anything, I probably will at some point though.
>"So why are you str8 edge?"
>wtf dude.

Now that I do stuff it's had no impact on my personality/lifestyle/decisions. I'm the same person. It's my business and I'm not going to wear it like some do, or str8 edge people wear their decision.

>> No.7397123
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People come up with all kinds of narratives to cope with the world and shape their decisions, more news at 11.

>> No.7397149

i know a few kissless virgin guys who use straight edge as a high horse and think theyre the embodiment of "nice guy", yet chase after golddiggers - i dont understand

>> No.7397151

This nigga gets it.

>> No.7397201
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>don't drink
>don't smoke
>still have fun
>virgin yes, kissless no
do I call myself straight edge? no
do others call me that? yes
it's fucking stupid
I just choose not to, that's all
it makes me no better or worse than anyone else

claiming that anyone that doesn't drink or smoke thinks they're "straight edge" is what's stupid

>> No.7397245

My muslim upbringing makes me straight edge, despite not practicing

>> No.7397300

people r retarts lmao whoa big supreyes !!

>> No.7397338

I don't drink because I hate alcohol, and I don't drugs because I hate drugs. I don't label myself straight edge or anything though. only a couple of people close to me know that I don't do either and why this is.
I think it's cool either way so long as I don't know you. I secretly fucking hate it when people I care about binge drink and/or do any drugs.

>> No.7397379

straight edge would have never existed if your drinking age was as low as it is here. Teenagers needing a label, so why not abtinence from alchohol and drugs? When theyre old enough to buy the alchohol they dont want to lose their identity.

>> No.7397396

Im straight, but really only because I smoked once and it was meh. Also beer makes you fat.

but I think I'm going to smoke again soon, just to see again. I'm a firm believer in "don't knock it till you try it"

>> No.7397405

I wish I was straight edge. Drugs are expensive.

>> No.7397409

I think it's great
>Tell girl you're straight edge
>Let her "convince" you to partake in a vice
>Say yes but act like it's a secret between you and her
>Get laid.

>> No.7397458

Are you going to try smoking because of friends or someone you like? If so, you're doing it for all the wrong reasons.

>> No.7397780

ding ding ding

>> No.7397787

altho i like the minor threat song

>> No.7397791

I dnt fuck w/this drugs. I dnt call my self strX tho


>> No.7398339

carpe diem, yolo, faggot

>> No.7398402

>I'm somewhat involved in the hardcore/punk scene
lel loser

>> No.7398418

I don't do drugs or alcohol but I don't label myself "straight edge" though.

Why the problem OP?

You a junkie faggot? Seems like you mad son.

>> No.7398447

I never got the whole straight edge thing. Like, do you have so little self control that you cant grab a beer with friends without blacking out injuring yourself?

>> No.7398449

> Also beer makes you fat

Yea if you like binge drinking.

A few beers spread over a week isn't going to make you fat if you're an active person.

I've smoked in my late teens but i quit and haven't smoked since.

>> No.7398462



>> No.7398465
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>don't use drugs
>don't smoke
>rarely drink, never got drunk
>not virgin
>I'm not really handsome
>have a qt gf that I love
>I'm actually happy with my life

>> No.7398470

I have a friend who literally can't drink alcohol else he has seizures, but he acts like a holier-than-thou sxe punk elitist. What an asshole.

>> No.7398503


shut up dave

>> No.7398509

I drink socially but haven't done any other drugs since highschool. I won't get pissed drunk either.

>tfw eternal designated driver

>> No.7398523


I know a guy that gets shit-faced drunk after 2 beers. He has an incredible low alcohol tolerance. He had like 5 beers once over a period of 3 hours and we had to carry him outside the bar.

>> No.7398527

not dave you shit

>> No.7398534

See, where people go wrong with straight edge is the one size fits all No drugs, sex, vegan, whatever. Straight edge is about living a non self-destructive lifestyle. How you want to go about that is up to you.

I hate drinking, seen drugs mess up quite a few people, and have no interest in doing other drugs or perscuous sex. So this lifestyle came naturally for me.

>> No.7398540

Also most of my friends do drugs and I don't care, that's up to them.

>> No.7398539

Did you guys know the lighter your eye colour the more tolerance you have for alcohol?

>> No.7398547

The Straight Edge movement is attention seeking on steriods. It's a "lifestyle choice" to the great unwashed.
It's for people who think that heavy drinking and getting tweaked out every weekened is something we are forced to do, and that they are so righteous and brave for going against that culture.

I don't drink myself into a stupor because I don't have a feeble and easily entertained mind.
I don't do hard drugs because I'm not retarded enough to have to amplify my thoughts / emotions. I don't consider myself straight edge because I'm not a pseudo-intellectual who thinks that they are top shit for saying no to substances that only tempt the weak-willed.

>> No.7398563

*tips fedora*

>> No.7398570


>le meme

>> No.7398600
File: 51 KB, 600x599, 1386734860422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not edge but i think it's sick. it's a positive and healthy lifestyle. there's nothing wrong with labeling yourself straight edge, it's just about wanting to belong to something which is a pretty basic psychological need. you guys might claim that you are so above labeling yourself but i can guarantee every one of you has done it before.

ITT: neckbeards circle jerking about how they are so above making positive lifestyle choices and wanting to feel like they belong

pic related; a straight edge album that has positively influenced me more than anything else so far in life

>> No.7398609

My childhood (and still) hero is straightedge, and I have bad experiences with drugs and alcohol. I don't really tell people when I meet them that I am straightedge. Like I am not "the straightedge person". Fuck that, that's not what I want to be known as.

It has come up in conversation though, and like


girls often ask me to smoke with them and shit as some weird enticement to have sex with me.

Life is weird.

but real shit though, like let them live their lives. Don't fucking belittle people just because they call themselves straightedge. They are proud of their lifestyle, just let them be, it really doesn't affect you.

>some SXE merch can look nice I guess

>> No.7398615
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is it this guy

>> No.7398627
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Yes, nice call.

He is a super huge asshole, but he is very passionate and is also the best wrestler on the planet so there's that.

>> No.7398635

haha yeah i've heard he's a jerk to all his fans. i wonder if it'd be different if they were wearing edge merch or something though

>> No.7398644

I would hope he would at least give a nod or some shit, but knowing him as well as one can through second hand internet knowledge, he would probably claim your a phony and refuse to give you an autograph.

>> No.7398658

I sort of share your pain OP, I'm a vegetarian and it's shocking the number of people who don't understand what that means.

>do you want some of my fried chicken
>no I'm a vegetarian remember?
>do you eat fish?
>no, a fish is an animal
>want to go fishing/hunting? (literally less than a minute after I've told them I'm a vegetarian)
fuck this gay earth

>> No.7398665

you don't have to eat animals that you hunt
some people are vegetarian for non-retarded reasons

>> No.7398671

OP here - I'm vegetarian as well, so I feel your pain.

>> No.7398688

Where can I get SXE merch? I'm interested since I am sure some brands could do cool shit with something as open ended as sXe.

>> No.7398698

I'm straight edge but I ain't on that SXE crap.

Sober livin is /fa/ livin

>> No.7398707

Ive tried a good variety of drugs (weed, lsd, mdma, cocaine) but i havent taken much stuff since i hit my twenties. I havent been drinking in a few years either, after having been a pretty regular binge drinker. I smoked a joint the other day and was on the verge of a full blown panic attack, but during my teens i couldnt get enough of the stuff amlnd always felt really creative and stimulated. I even stopped smoking a while ago.

I wish i could have fun with drugs the way i used to

>> No.7398757

I'm a vegetarian but I'd happily eat something I kill quickly and efficiently. humans are meant to eat meat, its the factory farms which are fucked.

>> No.7398792

>do you eat fish?
an absolute fuckload of self considered vegos would say yes, the majority of the ones I know do. that's a very stupid thing to judge someone for asking. the other two are ignorant af on their part though.

>> No.7398799

I've had miserable experiences with alcohol and I always have more fun sober.

I've had miserable experiences with all types of drugs and it has definitely turned me off of them.

I wasn't inherently straight edge and I don't shit on other people who partake.

Straight edge is a shitty hardcore movement, you can blame Minor Threat. Straight edge isn't okay. Simply abstaining from alcohol and drugs is okay.

>> No.7398800

please be future me
this is one of the outcomes of my next month or two

>> No.7399829

from straight edge bands you complete cockbrain
'straight edge isn't okay'
why not? you got any legitimate reasons for this or are you just agreeing with everyone else ITT

>> No.7399850

I was haning out with a guy at a party he seemd pretty chill
I was going to grab a beer and asked him if he wanted one, he said "no thanks I dont drink" and everything was fine
this one bitch on the other hand said " yeah dont get me one either Im straight edge that means I dont drink or do drugs yada yada yada and she wouldnt stop blabbering about how bad it is and how we are ignorant for doing it and stuff
god damn

>> No.7399950


it's fine if you're not a cock about it.

I didn't know i was that way until someone actually told be about it in college, noone i hung out with smoked or did drugs or drank, we just had fun.

The sad thing is, i don't really even remember what we DID. i don't know how to have fun with other people without drinking or smoking or doing drugs.

And the more i think about it now... that's pretty fucked up.

>> No.7400006

Have you never had a beer before? I'm not attacking you, I'm genuinely curious. I like to get drunk occasionally, but I could not imagine never having had a beer (and I don't mean a coors light, I mean something with flavor).

>> No.7400028

Sorry my bad, I meant to ask if you have never had a beer before, or just never gotten drunk before. Didn't mean to sound like a dick.

>> No.7400050

>don't use drugs
>don't smoke
>don't drink
>not virgin
>I'm not really handsome
>have a qt gf that I love
>get dumped for no reason
>start drinking
>start smoking
>hate life
>browse /fa/ all day
shit's cash

>> No.7400104
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I don't drink or do drugs but I will never label myself as Straight Edge because:

>Not in highschool

>Could not give a fuck if everyone else wants to live a different lifestyle than I do

>I like being able to give a bottle of wine to a friend for her birthday without having a moral crisis over it

>Not naive enough to pretend my perspective will remain unchanged until I die (who the fuck would I be kidding if I pretended I'm not gonna want a glass of wine with dinner when I'm 60 fucking years old?)

>Straight Edge has been ruined by innumerable sententious faggots who are only on the bandwagon until their local scene blows over and they decide it's now cooler and more convenient to smoke meth

>So many terrible, terrible edge bands out there (seriously, apart from a select few '80s bands, the vast majority is just generic, cheesy, preachy, vapid bullshit, and that's without even mentioning the '00s HxC fad)

>People who DO drink and do drugs are usually a lot more fun to be around than I probably am. I'm boring and quiet as fuck with very few friends... but at least I'm not part of some poser 'crew' or saving up to have tats lasered off.

I do have pic related up on my bedroom wall though, as a reminder that determination and discipline can do great things for a person.

>> No.7400111

why did you even type all that out
nobody cares

>> No.7400128
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>> No.7400154

idc if people do drugs or not but to label yourself because of that is weak.

>> No.7400157

I don't drink, smoke, take recreational drugs, and I'm ugly

I'm just a loser

>> No.7400166


We know.

>> No.7400175

thats some truth i really eat meat but when i do i try to eat local

>> No.7400178

Then they're pescetarian.

>> No.7400187

My gripe with straight edge people is that they tend to be very aggressive about their lifestyle. In my city, every time shit a house party got trashed it was started by straight edges.

This one party I was at people were throwing the host's clothes out the window and smashing up the wardrobes.

now that I think about it they were probably a bunch of /fa/ fuccbois

>> No.7400192

>they tend to be very aggressive about their lifestyle

This tends to be the case with any "extreme" lifestyle group. Look at Vegans, FFS.