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/fa/ - Fashion

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7394691 No.7394691[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw can never ask for advice from /fa/ because I'm too ugly
>tfw my picture would be saved and used as a meme/whatever
>the only time I posted my picture on 4chan (which was on here), the only reply was "Dear god..." and then I deleted everything
>went on omegle with fellow r9kers and got called ugly

>> No.7394695
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>> No.7394702

>the only reply was "Dear god..." and then I deleted everything
that was me
send me 100 bucks or your pic will be all over 4chan
I'm serious now

>> No.7394708

>tfw /fa/ loves my fits
>tfw ok-looking
>tfw gf

>> No.7394710

>tfw /fa/ thinks my fits are ok
>tfw ok-looking
>tfw gf

>> No.7394736

lmao you dont need to care that much about such things man just look at Jay-Z, he's ugly, retarded and makes shitty music but still he managed to get where he is now

>> No.7394743
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>tfq good looking people on /fa/ get more shit than mongs

>> No.7394750

>tfw this
being normal is kinda nice sometimes

>> No.7394754

>tfw fits are good
>tfw look good
>tfw no gf
>tfw no social life

>> No.7394762
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>female classmate told me I was good looking, but in a casual way (not sure if serious)
>male classmate told me I look like shit and looked dead serious
Who should I believe

>> No.7394763

>tfw posted a pic of myself to fa once and people made fun of my eyebrows

>> No.7394761

>tfw gf but no social life

>> No.7394826

>tfw no eyebrows

>> No.7394829


>> No.7394854


women say nice things, but most of the time they don't mean it
men say alot of mean things and most of the time don't mean it.

>> No.7394852

>tfw posted my face to /fa/ and people said i looked ok
>tfw posted my face to /mu/ and one person said i was qt and someone else accused me of samefagging

>> No.7394860

>tfw i've never posted a bad fit according to /fa/
>tfw i'm the most /fa/ person I know
>tfw social life
>...... tfw no real friends
>......tfw ex wants to get back together but I don't but i'm thinking about it just to feel some intimacy
>.... tfw depressed all the time and missing college due to it
>... tfw no money and substance abuse problems
Anyone wanna be internet friends?

>> No.7394877

>post face on /mu/ and everyone tells me I should model
>post face on /fa/ and get told I'm ugly

>> No.7394883

well you're a fucking r9ker, perhaps if you stopped being a cunt and feeling sorry for yourself you'd be able to do it
life is your movie fam, are you the sideman in your movie, or do you conquer?

>> No.7394892

>tfw good looking
>tfw decent social life
>tfw depressed
>tfw just realised I actually hate a lot of my friends

>> No.7394910

all of these things apply to me.
i can't even sleep any more because i just lie in bed thinking about how lonely i actually am, and how i fail to maintain a relationship with anyone i know

>> No.7394916

wanna feel confident?? go to /soc/

>> No.7394924
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>tfw about to buy grail on ebay for $1000
>tfw waiting for my money to transfer
>money finally transfers
>check listing and it sold

>> No.7394925

>tfw good jawline, cheekbones and face apart from nose
>tfw depression and ADHD
>tfw just dropped out of university
>tfw everyone sees me as a failure
>tfw friends and family are all living successful lives as lawyers, doctors and engineers
>tfw working in a coffee shop and still living with my parents

Wanna trade OP?

>> No.7394939

tfw ugly
tfw dont care

get over it dude lol

>> No.7394949

you can just cop and start transfering you're moneys afterwards

>> No.7394976

go post on /r/amiugly

>> No.7394993

fuck off london

>> No.7395003

do u srsly need to wait until its transfered?

>> No.7395014
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>tfw everyone's laughing at me
>tfw hear some girls say eeeew and know they're talking about me

>> No.7395036
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>tfw 6-7/10
>post picture
>no hateful replies
>no praising replies

>> No.7395053
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im just cripplingly uncertain about my looks

i've never been with a girl and anonymous internet opinions make no difference to my self confidence in the long run, so i just go between phases of looking in the mirror and being a solid 7 and then an hour later im a digusting piece of shit babyface 2.

>> No.7395061

>/fa/ hates my fits because I dress like a well adjusted person and am more athletic than skinny
>not /fa/ because dress to be attractive, not for muh selvexpressuns
>best dressing person I know
>best body of anyone I know irl
>tfw real friends
>tfw gf
>tfw money
>tfw hobbies

>> No.7395064

>tfw look better in the mirror than photos
>tfw face looks symetrical in mirror then not in photos
>tfw hair is really thick and sticks out at the back when it grows out and head looks weird from the side unless i spend ages wetting it and flattening it

>> No.7395066

Gym mirrors make me 8/10
Home mirrors make me 6/10
Mirrors with fluorescent lighting make me 5/10

>> No.7395063

they're not, anon. its just your crippling low self esteem manifesting itself with auditory hallucinations.

get some fucking confidence bruh

>> No.7395070

I hate my nose so much, it's always been sort of a button nose and it's not long enough. My brothers both have pointed well shaped noses and i have a smaller version of my dad's nose. fucking annoying

>> No.7395085

What are some signs you're ugly? I think I look pretty good in the mirror but I might be delusional.

>> No.7395088

>implying being ugly isn't effay

>> No.7395089

it's so fkn hot inside my house but if I open a window insects will come flooding in

>> No.7395091

>tfw only plebs asks you out

>> No.7395094

Post pic here, add 1 point
Post pic to soc, subtract 2 points
post pic to fit, subtract 1 point

Last night /fit/ said I was attractive but that I need to lift more. But I only want to be ottermode so I can look good in clothes.

>> No.7395100

Stay delusional then, what good is it going to do to make you think you're ugly lel

>> No.7395108

All those rating systems are off bro.
>/soc/ posting themselves looking all greasy and then rating every girl 8+ and every other guy a 6 or under , all the model tier ones are never higher than a 7
>/fit/ - He who is swole and lean wins
>/fa/ - No cheekbones/jaw = 5 or under instantly
If you're insecure then you're insecure and someone on an image board with their own flawed perception and values about human beauty assigning a number to your face will not help that in the slightest.

>> No.7395118

I made fun of someone's eyebrows

>> No.7395120

well cheekbones and jaw are very important

and on /fit/ they have actual face threads, without bodyshot

you ignore the greasy disgusting people on /soc/. I went there drunk once and told everyone to get haircuts, lose weight, buy better clothes, and lift and they all got mad and rated me low. I told them I only go to the vanity boards and therefore have more expertise. A wave of butthurt flowed over me like the sea onto the egyptians when moses was thru parting it.

>> No.7395121

Yes anon. I'll be your friend

>> No.7395127

>I dye my blond eyebrows light brown
>am a dude
>my sister who works in fashion is the only one who noticed

>> No.7396068

But then again *correction* he makes good music

>> No.7396164

>tfw post on soc rate thread 2 times
>tfw average a 7.6
>tfw meh fits
>tfw girls compliment me on bad fits
>tfw no social life
>tfw 6-7/10 girl doesn't like me but 8.5/10 does
>tfw no gf

>> No.7396184


I dont understand, I don't feel for you at all. As a side not you seem like a fucktard

>> No.7396194

they can take it

>> No.7396258

tfw everybody tell im ugly
tfw 18 and still no gf
tfw manlet 5'8"
tfw no social life

>> No.7396270
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>tfw you've never gotten a reply on any fit or face post

>> No.7396277

get air conditioning
>getting asked out
I assume your a woman because i've never heard of a man being asked out by a grill

>> No.7396287

>tfw asked out by gril earlier this year
>tfw said no and regretted it later


>> No.7396304


>> No.7396333

>tfw Robert Smith hair
>tfw wear oversized sweaters and black wrangler jeans almost exclusively
>tfw own several hockey sweaters
>tfw steel-toed work boots
>tfw perfect gf who i am proposing to soon

>> No.7396357

>tfw i got complimented on my eyebrows by a girl im infatuated with
did she want the D?

>> No.7396392
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>tfw asymmetric chin
>tfw 65kg
>tfw i will never be model tier

>> No.7396397

>tfw trips

>> No.7396409

>fellow r9kers


go away

>> No.7396414

>being black
>posting your picture anywhere at all on 4chan for advice or otherwise
>negative attention or none at all

Cry me a river, whitebois.

>> No.7396429

I'd rather be called a nigger in jest than be called ugly in seriousness

>> No.7396443

i've seen beautiful black dudes post here and get showered in complements though

>> No.7396483

>tfw head is too big for body

>> No.7396965

>fellow r9kers
welp there's one of your problems

>> No.7397546

post a fit i will tell you if i like it or not :)

>> No.7397583

>tfw nigger of darkest shade that you can find
>tfw ugly protuding eyes
>tfw thick sausage lips
>tfw teeth protusion and zero chin

Can pure niggers be /fa/? I lost all hope on life. I lost the genetic lottery big time.

>> No.7397592

Take the average and now you're average!yay!

>> No.7397621

>tfw posted in a facial aesthetic thread and no one bothered to say anything about me
at least crush my hopes and dreams, at the least

>> No.7397637

have some fucking pride, man. Jesus Christ. How can you be so insecure and racist towards yourself. you're pathetic

>> No.7397638

post pic bb

>> No.7397645
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>not being white master race

>> No.7397655
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Yes 'pure niggers' can be /fa/
You're just ugly

>> No.7397657

It's not about proud of being black or not. I could live with being black but it's depressing to be uglier than everyone I've ever seen irl or online.

>> No.7397666


Why would you position your hand like that?

Anyway 4/10

>> No.7397669

thank you =)

>> No.7397679

you look like drake's half brother who staredfrom the bottom and sunk further

>> No.7397685

shower me with your disapproval
I've needed this for so long

>> No.7397687

r u gay bb

>> No.7397705

>tfw posted my face to /mu/ and one person said i was qt and someone else accused me of samefagging
fucking lol´d

>> No.7397712

post a pic you faggot

>> No.7397713

dated a girl for around 2 years, hooked up with 3 others
don't like the idea of dick
I think I'll just die alone

>> No.7397726

be my friend

>> No.7397729

To my fellow blacks in this thread...
stop dogging on yourself..
There is no master race and even if there was there will always be people who are attracted to your exotic features.

>> No.7397771

like, in your case, plantation owners

>> No.7397778

>not being original at all

>> No.7397786


I for one think that blacks have the ugliest and most unaesthetic features, if not repellent

>> No.7397799
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Much love bro

>> No.7397804

>still not white

>> No.7397809

I'm not gay =(

>> No.7397813

Too bad

>> No.7397822


>i for one

cool opinion

>> No.7397820
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>the derivative of 1006.5x^2
>being half white anyway

>> No.7397839


>> No.7397906
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> two days before the day after tomorrow
> not bleaching your nig skin

>> No.7397904

I've met some truly gorgeous niggers, friend.

You guys have the thickest fucking hair I've ever seen. It's rad as shit; there's gotta be like, infinite possibilities for styling.

>> No.7397918

>post on /mu/
>get called a qt like 5 times
>post on /fa/
>make fun of my hair

>> No.7397926

>10 December 2013, 21:12
>I'm fine with not looking like a bleached creeper

>> No.7397949

ironically my dad is an air conditioning engineer but absolutely refuses to get air conditioning

>> No.7397961


>> No.7398108

>be bullied in middle school, outcast, rated as ugliest in class
>learn to make myself look good during high school
>get into college, have been asked if I'm a model or told that I look like one (not sure if serious) but still never get hit on
>sometimes I seem to look really qt but others ugly af
>tfw I don't know if I'm ugly or not and is eating me up inside

>> No.7398117

post pic

>> No.7398155

post a pic 4 reel. u'll get an honest answer from /fa/

>> No.7398180

why are you here?

>> No.7398370

>15 days away from Christmas
> not accepting that bleaching your skin is the only option

>> No.7398538

>half black
>6'3 ottermode aesthetics without having to lift
>in process of growing out long thick mane
>get occasional compliments
>big nigger nose my only insecurity
>otherwise good face

People tell me it's not that big but when I look in the mirror I see different every time. It seems like a hit or miss when it comes to pictures though. Sometimes I look great and sometimes all I see is that fucking nose. The combo of a bridge bump and a rounder tip looks horrible imo. Already considered a nosejob before but too poor to follow through. Hold me effay.

>> No.7398573

are you just a more socially active me
>tfw good looking
>tfw no social life
>tfw depressed
>tfw just realised I actually hate all of my friends

>> No.7398580

post a fit fag

>> No.7398703

You could have hurt their feelings.

>> No.7399030

>tfw Bjorn never posts...