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/fa/ - Fashion

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7391094 No.7391094[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So my Daily intake is about 1200-1500

And everyday my exercise routine is
15-20 minutes skipping
8x8 dips
5x100 Russian twists
8x8 Pull-ups

It's all I can do since I'm on holiday and have no gym equiptment.

I have no idea what bf% I'm at but is there any way I can speed up fat loss so I can obtain visible abs in time for January?

>> No.7391123

i dont know if any routine can show results in one month, the body just cant change that fast

>> No.7391128

really hope you mean skipping rope, op

>> No.7391145
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You mean you haven't heard pf the health benefits of frolicking?
Yeah I get what you mean. This was me about three months ago.
I still don't feel like I've progressed much

>> No.7391149
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the bright side? you have broad shoulders and narrow hips. fuccboi-proof if you get your bf% down.

>> No.7391150

/fit/ fag here.
You have low muscle mass, thus it doesn't show.
I would integrate more exercises to your calisthenics routine.
You are just skinny, you can keep starving and training but that won't help see a lot of change, just eat at maintainance for three months while training 5 times a week and then you'll see results.

Or stop being a fag, lift hard and go on a winter bulk.

>> No.7391155


>> No.7391153

yo you've definitely improved a lot, keep at it! you can definitely make it, but like i said a month may not be enough time.

>> No.7391154
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also eat less if you wanna lose weight

>> No.7391166

Worst fitness advice ever.
>fat faggot
Choose two fatboi

>> No.7391168

Well okay, tell me more.

I used to do the whole bulk/cut thing, but I travel a lot so I want to rely on calisthenics.
If anything my goal is to get lean then build myself up with short bulks.

>> No.7391174

Also 182cm and like 67kg

>> No.7391182


>"eat less food if you want to lose weight"

how is that bad advice you mongoloid

>> No.7391188
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Also I don't think I'm too bad for muscle mass, but I guess I'd be DYEL to someone from /fit/

>> No.7391196

that's shit advice
eat less calories/fat/carbs sure, but if you want anything long term you need to keep your intake up

>> No.7391208

So I'm at about 1200cals today, should I eat more or just go to bed?

>> No.7391204

Just eat at maintainance with a high protein intake,
train hard and you will see results in three months, is not an easy road and is long.
Even though your goal is to get "toned", doesn't mean it will take a short amount of time.
There is an infographic going around about calisthenics, is called the Diablo 666 training chart or something like that.
Just make sure to train your whole body and that you are eating correctly.

>> No.7391215

I bet you think you have pecs

>> No.7391222

your choice
eating late is generally a bad idea because you're not going to be burning anything, but if it's fruit or something it won't make any difference
just snack healthily between meals in the day so you don't get hungry at night

>> No.7391224

I have no idea what my maintenance would be, and shouldn't I be on a deficit?
I've used RDI calculators but they all give me different results.

It doesn't matter if it's easy or hard, as long as I know I'm getting there.

>> No.7391225

>not knowing is all about calories in>calories out
All this broscience is killing me

>> No.7391229

Doesn't everyone have pecs?

>> No.7391238

You're at like 14-13% keep going.

>> No.7391245

>eating late is a bad thing
Dude, tell me you are kidding.
I bet you also believe there is an anabolic window and that Obama is illuminati.
Son, tell me how in the fucking hell is bad to eat late?
Do you think your body is a fucking factory that stops at 7 and automatically turns all intake into fat after said hour?
Just do everyone a favor and stop spreading your shit knowledge.

>> No.7391255

I mean you aren't manually going to be burning anything when you're asleep, so it might not be a good idea to eat pizza at 1AM
what's deluded about that? it's fucking obvious

>> No.7391266

As I said before, being on a deficit and expecting maximum gains is a bit out of line.
I'm not saying bulk on a 4000 calories surplus because you are not an athlete.
I'm just saying that you should eat at a stable intake so you don't fuck up.

>> No.7391275

>this is what faggots actually believe

op if you just want to lose weight do keto and cardio (at a deficit obviously)
keep doing dips and pull-ups though

>> No.7391282

So you think eating 40 apples at 1am is good?
You think that fruits magically don't have carbs?
Are you fucking stupid?
All it fucking matters is that you eat your calories before you go to sleep, doesn't matter if its all one big ass meal or in 8 small meals during the day, all it matters is to reach your goal.

>> No.7391287


>Dude, tell me you are kidding.

tell me you are kidding dumbass
this is how a lot of ppl get fat
eating at 1030pm then going to sleep without excercising

>> No.7391306

/fa/ - Fashion/ /fit/ general

>> No.7391311

No, you dense motherfucker.
People get fat because they eat too fucking much.
You an ignorant faggot.

>> No.7391317

why are so you fucking angry about this
fruit contains less carbs, fat, salt, calories and other shit than most sustaining meals, so if you want a snack it's a good idea
if you want to eat fatty and/or high calorie foods i'd imagine it would be a good idea to do so earlier in the day so you have time to exercise rather than lie down for 8 hours..
i'm not a dietitian but you seem very annoyed and wrong

>> No.7391330

Sooooo.....we're fighting about fruit now?

>> No.7391333

only >>7391311 is

>> No.7391336

>a calorie is a calorie no matter at what time is ingested
>is all about calorie in/calorie out
Oh, according to fucking who am I wrong?

>> No.7391337

no im not

>People get fat because they eat too fucking much.

two guys both eating 2500 cals a day
one guy doesn't eat after 8pm
the other guy has dinner of 800-1000 cals right before he goes to bed

who looks better?

>> No.7391340

I really just want to lower my bodyfat and then start a leangains program with calisthenics.

>> No.7391355

Wouldn't it not matter at all, since they've both consumed the same amount?

I'm honestly asking, I have no idea it just seems logical to me.

>> No.7391356

stick to internet dieting you stay-at-home soccer mom
i think i'll keep burning my calories

>> No.7391360

doesnt matter

>> No.7391368

If they both do the same amount of physical activities, they look the same.
Is all about calorie in/calorie out.
You mad though?

>> No.7391379

dude you are really, unnecessarily angry
for no reason
just fuck off

>> No.7391376

Why you mad though?
I still have better gains than you and will look better than you.
Enjoy your no-gains

>> No.7391387

you're so bitchy and immature.

>> No.7391389


if they both work the exact same job during the day, and the only difference is the one meal later, the guy who eats later will slowly get bigger because he's not burning as much as the other guy

>> No.7391394

...Yes you have. Hell, you went from prime skinnyfat to actually fit.

Keep at it.

>> No.7391403

So just to be clear, I'm the OP and have been observing this shitfest unfold hoping someone gives me some advice inbetween.

>> No.7391402

Post a picture of your body fatboi.
Really, lets see who's right.

>> No.7391410

Pretty good body, decent face?

>> No.7391414
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use a backpack with books or something

just don't go on a hunger strike or you'll go into starvation mode

>> No.7391451

I don't want to do that, I just want to lose fat as fast as possible but I really have no idea how many calories I should be aiming for.

Every morning I make myself two chicken breasts with diced tomato,capsicum,chilli and mushrooms with some cheese mixed in. All up about 500 cals give or take and then make up the rest with fruit and light snacks throughout the day

>> No.7391508

Keep doing what you're doing

>> No.7391524

sounds yummy m8

>> No.7391558

Maybe more meat instead of fruit?

>> No.7391610

Skip 30 minutes

>> No.7392046


>> No.7392518

you're probably at 12% now

>> No.7392566
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Don't know if this has already been said in the thread or not, but at your BF%, I would guess 12-15%, you would be able to see abs IF you had decent muscle development.

Russian twists are great, but doing 500 reps of something is endurance building, not muscle developing. Look at a marathon runner vs a sprinter.

If you want abs FASTER at YOUR BF, you need resistance. Weighted crunches are easy if you don't have access to equipment. Aim for something that you fail at after 5 sets of 10-12.

Pic related, not mind blowing abs, but at my age (30+) I assume it is enough to show you I know what I am talking about.

>> No.7392574
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Also, fuck the haters, dadcore for life. Hashtag IDK what hashtags do.

>> No.7392585

you really need to step up your dadcore game. That looks like shit. MFA dresses better

>> No.7392595

major improvement since last time

>> No.7392596
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You DARE to dishonor me!?

>> No.7392608

Do you have a fedora to pair with that?

>> No.7392610
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Hey thanks man! Averaging out everyones opinions from this board helps a lot.

Also... wife helped me put this one together from pieces I had... diff view here.

>> No.7392621

My god man, I hope you are new to /fa/ or just at looking how other people dress in general.

>> No.7392620


On principle I don't. Save to say I am old enough to pull it off without looking like too tryhard though.

>lol he wears a suit jacket and nice shoes guiz
>lol where is his homosexual goth ninja outfit amirite?

Dude that guy is like 40, why would he wear shit like a teenager?

>> No.7392623

fire your wife

>> No.7392624

Your jacket looks clearly tailored, but the bagginess of your pants throws off the look. The shoulders also look too far out.

Why are you wearing a sweater under a blazer?

You have one end of the collar tucked under your sweater and one untucked. Looks fucking retarded.

Your shoes are pretty ugly too. Buy some nice oxfords for a change.

>> No.7392630


A bit of both. Developing my own style, most likely will not be a skinny jean/trendy one, but I am enjoying it none the less.

Outfits with a bit more longevity.

>> No.7392636

>nice shoes
Yeah, I don't think so, man. I'm not bagging on the style at all - I have to wear shit to a real job, too. Your outfit looks pretty bad in general, though.

>> No.7392637

Because he is 40, he should dress like a manager of burger king?

>> No.7392653

congrats on improving

stop wearing checkered shit

the red doesn't go well with earthtones, which is what everything else is.

>> No.7392660


I think if the shoulders were too far out, the tell-tale dimple would be fully visible.

I am wearing a sweater under a blazer because it is cold. google sportcoat sweater combo. I appreciate the traditional brittish country style, not trying to look tooedgy4u here.

The collar was an oversight, just slipped out, way to be autistic though.

I have black Bluchers and Balmorals to pair with it, but this was evening hours. My god, what is this, france?

BUT, to be fair, decent judgement on the pants, a little loose. I didn't actually have any work done on the jacket. I asked my tailor to supress the waist, and he told me he thought it would be unecessary, and to give it some thought.

If YOU think it looks good, I may leave it alone.

>> No.7392663
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I meant go spend the money on a decent pair of shoes, brah.

>> No.7392680

for men, fashion is more about how clothing fits and how it looks than keeping up with current trends. You should focus on finding clothing that fits well and blend well together. You are dressing kinda tacky.

I know /fa/ won't like this, but you should browse mfa or a gq magazine for some dadcore inspo. Both are sorta silly at times, but they are usually headed in the right direction, just take everything with a grain of salt. You don't have very good taste but that is something that you can learn.

>> No.7392677


This was evening wear, my professional attire is issued. But if it 'looks bad in general', I think it is fair to agree to disagree.




I like argyle 'checkered shit', and it's the holidays. About the only time it is acceptable.
I will consider revising the flannel option though...

>> No.7392687


Those are sexy... As you can tell though, I am a fashion novice. Still just playing around till I get a feel for it, then maybe drop some real money on items like those.

Pretty tastefull imo.

>> No.7392698
File: 326 KB, 600x800, WIWT10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shit just doesn't fit, man. Gotta pull off the dadcore look the right way. Dare I post my own photo, but fuck it.

>> No.7392699

keep the flannel. It just doesn't go with that outfit. The argyle shirt is tacky and a bit try hard.

>> No.7392700


Fair assessment, thank you for the input.

>> No.7392723


>skinny jeans
>untucked button collar shit showing under a caridgan

I think I would feel silly... looks 'okay' on you though, you are a bit more skinny than me.

Which reminds me, I hope OP listens to my advice.

>> No.7392734

Except the difference between OP and I, is that I eat 2,500-2,800 cals a day and do SS 5x5.

>> No.7392744


I AM considering everyone's advice, even if it doesn't sound like it, but I am also not the type of person to just say 'okay, i'll do that cause a random internet person told me they think my way is stupid'

>> No.7392759

Just buy slimmer pants and ditch the ugly ass sweater and you'll be fine, dude. The jacket looks good, I even figured it was tailored.

>> No.7392770


I wasn't comparing you two, don't know what you look like with your shirt off, or your stats. Was just trying to un-de-rail the thread 'lol'


Sounds advice on all counts I think.

I also think it is sleepy time. Thanks all.

>> No.7392781

thats how you should get fashion advice. Take everything into consideration, but make your own decisions based on what you have learned.

>> No.7392780

Also, here's some decent inspo. http://stayclassicblog.com/

>> No.7392799

one more piece of advice before I also go to bed:

To pull off dad core well, you should be ready to spend some good money and get everything tailored. Dad core looks really bad if the clothing is cheap and it doesn't fit you.

>> No.7392827


Agree broseph, thanks again.

>> No.7392903

>mfw when people don't understand that doing x amount of work and eating y amount of calories a day will achieve the same results
>whether it is all in one meal or spread out, early or late
>eating 2500 calories and burning 2500 calories in one day will maintain the exact weight
>so obvious
>literally lol'ing that people think eating after 8 will make one guy fat and the exact same guy not fat if the guy ate the same amount of calories before 8

>> No.7394528

Thanks for the advice man. So weighted crunches INSTEAd of russian twists? Or as well as them?

>> No.7394557

I think he means as well as

>> No.7394741


>> No.7394774

the thing is, he doesn't want to lose weight, he wants to lose bf%

to do this he must be in a caloric surplus to gain muscle, then be in a caloric deficit to lose fat (which will also lose a bit of muscle too)

so bulk and cut

>> No.7394848

This except nephew

>> No.7394921


if one was not in a hurry, wouldn't it be possible to eat at maintenance level (as far as calories) with plenty of healthy protein and still gradually gain muscle and lose fat by doing basic weight training and cardio? this, rather than a bulk/cut cycle?