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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 250 KB, 1200x800, everything is purple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7388134 No.7388134[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>'When we opened the first store we did not go for a grand opening or press announcements. In fact, in the beginning we had no press of any kind. We finished our very limited build out in 6 weeks, which involved very little paint, acres of cashmere for curtains, and this insanely expensive carpeting (same as The White House) which Rick promptly sprayed with bleach in selected spots to make it more interesting. The collection arrived three days later along with girl genius Elsa Lanso, Rick’s Italian partner and key element in the company’s success. We all merchandised together for the first time. When we finished, Rick turned to me and said, ” soooooooooo what do you think? Should we just open the door?” '


rick general

>> No.7388170 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7388181

>going onto sz

Y have u betrayed us tinny

>> No.7388185
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>> No.7388193 [DELETED] 


>> No.7388194 [DELETED] 

top kek

>> No.7388213 [DELETED] 


>> No.7388221 [DELETED] 



>> No.7389004

that woman comes across as an idiot
employ me instead rick

>> No.7389012 [DELETED] 


>> No.7389037

"If rick were to have another background, it would be to become an architect" -Michelle

mfw i'm an architect

>> No.7389051
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>> No.7389059

> I attended Michigan State University from 1979 – 1983. I was a communications major, and, ( wink ), a sorority girl, ( if you do not know what a sorority is you do NOT want to even Go there) seriously tragic ..

who df is this dumb bitch
get away from my rick

>> No.7389064
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>this is the staff and the paris rick store


they look like ordinary trash

>> No.7389076

i'd love to see you accomplish what she has w/o any formal business or management education. she's one of the reasons that owenscorp managed to expand during the depths of a recession that pushed several much larger and more established labels to the dead precipice of bankruptcy (yohji yamamoto among them.) she also manages to pull off soccer mom lowlights with br00tal full rick crocodile leather fits

>> No.7389082

just bcuz she's good at her job doesn't mean she doesn't sound really dumb m8

>> No.7389091

>implying she pulls it off

>> No.7389104

nice that they hired a cancer patient though

>> No.7389210

>On the first day of design production it was my job to make sure Rick got up on time. This would remain my job for the entirety of my tenure as his assistant, during which Rick was routinely three to four hours late. In my defense, Rick's interior clock is more attuned to the circadian frequencies of a bat or possum than a man. He typically goes to bed around six or seven in the morning and gets up at three or four in the afternoon. Yet he was insisting on morning meetings for design and management staff.

>After quitting my job at French Connection, I parked my Lumina in Rick’s driveway. I walked through his front door, which was ajar, and called his name. No answer. There was a kettle of boiling water on his stove, whistling away. I took the nearly empty kettle off and went upstairs. Rick’s bedroom door was closed but I heard him make a few grumbly noises, one of which sounded like “Five minutes.” I went back downstairs and sat on his couch, where I found a note from him to me that said: “You will receive majority of candy (95%) when completion of designs. I’m not Santa Claus.”

>“Candy” was Rick’s unusually creepy slang for money. It was typical Rick behavior to delay revealing an agreement’s fine print until after the handshake.

>After twenty minutes, I went back upstairs and knocked on his door. “Five minutes,” Rick said again.

>I realized, sitting there on his couch, that there was a pretty significant loophole in Rick’s payment plan: What if we never completed the designs and went to production?

>> No.7389229

>Rick briefly appeared on the staircase, looking disheveled. “We take your car, okay?”

>“Okay,” I said. “But why?”

>“Because these people talk if they see my car.” He started heading back to his room.

>“We’re late,” I said. “When will you be ready to go?”

>“Five minutes,” he said.

>Soon I was lying down on the couch. Rick’s plan was kind of ingenious when I thought about it. How better to incentivize my involvement in his design studio? How else to convince me to wait on his couch for an hour after he told me he’d only be five minutes?

>What was Rick doing? Primping, getting dressed, getting undressed, reprimping, doing pull-ups, getting dressed, primping again, falling asleep. At one point I marched up the stairs to inform Rick that he couldn’t be two hours late on the first day of opening his own design studio. But before I could give him this blast of tough-love truth, Rick walked out of his bedroom wearing white surgical gloves stained to the wrist with black hair dye. Rick had actually decided to redye his hair before heading over to the studio. I went back downstairs and started watching Spy Game. Rick had hundreds of DVDs scattered all over the floor, though I’m not sure he watched many of them. By the time Spy Game was over, Rick was ready to go. We were four hours late now — and we hadn’t even stopped at 7-Eleven for Rick’s customary five cans of Red Bull. I think this could be deemed an inauspicious beginning.

>> No.7389258

>Rick walked out of his bedroom wearing white surgical gloves stained to the wrist with black hair dye. Rick had actually decided to redye his hair before heading over to the studio

>> No.7389265


They work at a clothing store, how would they even buy high fashion stuff?

>> No.7389269

link where this text is from u fuck

>> No.7389278

This is more or less how I'd live given unlimited funds.

Would I buy a bunch of shit like ferraris and islands? Naw. I'd definitely hire assistants and trainers to wake me up and motivate me and do my laundry though.

And I'd definitely miss all my appointments anyway.

>> No.7389280


>> No.7389285 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7389304


>> No.7389301


>> No.7389318

No Google results for a few random phrases. If this is fiction, I'm impressed.

>> No.7389343
File: 361 KB, 570x702, 12680227283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rick genuinely seems like a cool decent guy

it's just too bad you faggots wear his clothes

>> No.7389350

Yeah he seems down to earth in his interviews.

>> No.7389346

what a shitty awkward shop

>> No.7389358

off of tips

>> No.7389374

He doesn't have unlimited funds

>> No.7389414

>stays up all night, sleeps all day
>shit scattered all over the place
>late to everything
>needing constant reminders to do anything
>just wants to relax and take his time
Are me and Rick the same person
Does this mean I was secretly living an effay lifestyle the whole time

>> No.7389620

this is a fun thread

>> No.7389804
File: 44 KB, 150x225, SMILEY FACE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a Rick thread

>> No.7390066

Rick comes across as such a great dude in his interviews
humble, down to earth, friendly

I wish Rick was my cool uncle.

>> No.7390097

>humble, down to earth, friendly
So the exact opposite of the people that buy support him?


>> No.7390149



>> No.7390188

Yeah, pretty much. Always differentiate between artist and audience.

>> No.7390264

nobody on /fa/ actually wears rick

>> No.7390287

there are ppl in the waywt right now wearing rick u fukin melon

>> No.7390461

its three or four tripfags and the odd anon that usually gets bullied into never posting again
plus a ton of fakes wearers

>> No.7390474

Lots and lots of fabrixsquare goofs pretending to own rick.

>> No.7390487

who the fuck buys from fabrixquare?

>> No.7390537

/fa/ f/w12

everyone wanted to try the dick slims even uuuuhhhh bot some

>> No.7391279

I tailor my own clothes

>> No.7391300
File: 82 KB, 500x500, blackgeo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these or

>> No.7391314
File: 34 KB, 460x534, bw geo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these for my first geo

>> No.7391322



>> No.7391329

why? i actually kinda liked the black w/ white sole more

>> No.7391344

I'd go with the second because of the iconic layout. They're more recognizable and original and look lees like a simple pair of boots.

>> No.7391352


>> No.7391405
File: 112 KB, 600x600, 1386179645801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blacks. Look how beautifully they age.

>> No.7391412

...Is this what the suburbanite, flyover state denizens of /fa/ believe?

Not everyone looks like a model in a photoshoot 24/7. That would be about .0001% of the world's population, and definitely not most of you.

>> No.7391409
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>> No.7391418

>business or management education
>helping anything

Pick one. Seriously, biggest lies Americans have been sold over the last 20 years: that BAs, MBAs are good for anything.

>> No.7391419

hypothetical question... do fake ones age ok?
obviously wont be as beautiful but they look alright right?

>> No.7391423


No. There was a thread where a poster shared his experiences with two pairs of fakes and the consensus was that all the negative outweighed the positive of having an "affordable" pair of shoes. A bad shoe is a bad shoe, no matter how little you paid for it.

>> No.7391427

He worked his ass off cutting, learning the trade, designing and impressing whoever gave him funding. He earned his rest.

You haven't.

>> No.7391434

so what? the sole isnt gonna yellow? is the "leather" gonna crack or something?

>> No.7391435
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The reason the Geos age so well (and in my opinion, look better when they are beat up after years of use) is that they are made from high-quality materials.

Fakes are not, and will therefore not age as well.

>> No.7391443

ofcourse not as well but they wont look... worse? after being beat up will they?

>> No.7391444

Yep. And yet the faggots on /fa/, and all other hypebeasters who buy his stuff never get the hint.

>> No.7391445


>> No.7391448

Listen, you can get a pair relatively cheaply. These >>7391435 went for $400 on ebay a couple of days ago. Save up for a while and you will be able to get a pair of sneakers that'll last you for years. Plus you won't contribute to the enrichment of a particularly immoral subset of the fashion industry.

>> No.7391460
File: 2.36 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my fakes after a month of hard wear

>> No.7391470


cowhide geos, did rick go too far?

>> No.7391465

link please?

>> No.7391473

yes, taobao

>> No.7391480
File: 114 KB, 1200x1800, rio-islanddunks_2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of the Island Dunks?

>> No.7391491


No, they are beautiful. Although, I feat they might not age as well as leather Geos.

>> No.7391501

Hey man what did you do for shipping? Did you do the courier or the EMS? Which one should I choose?

>> No.7391505


I didn't really like them until I saw them in more tonal colorways and then grew on me. Still me leather favorite out of all the mainline sneakers, though.

>> No.7391510

I really like them, wanna get a black pair.

>> No.7391517

I bought them while living in China, sorry.

>> No.7391525

Don't you think the texture looks weird?

I dunno, I always saw geos as something slick and futuristic, and then Rick comes and goes all Wild West on them.

>> No.7391530


If you think about the washed jerseys, distressed knits, blistered leathers, you realize that Rick's always been about texture. Shopping for Rick has always been a VERY tactile experience for me. Can't wait until the new tailoring comes out for spring.

>> No.7391534
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Got some fits?

>> No.7391549

It's one thing to play with texture, and another to use one that just seems completely at odds with the rest of his collection.

All these other textures seem quite a bit more in line with what I saw Rick's vision as (subversive, opposite of the industrially engineered "feel good" fast-fashion aesthetic), but cowhide? Cowhide looks like too much a throwback to actually fit.

Or maybe I'm just being stupid about this, I dunno.

>> No.7391552
File: 62 KB, 1082x1442, ric0214015mil_06_large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the texture. Looks luxurious and rich.

Here's another colourway that looks sick.

>> No.7391561

how to get distressed knits that arent that expensive?

>> No.7391571

Let your dog lay on them for a while, then wash them quite a bit.

>> No.7391572
File: 36 KB, 494x459, 37484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I fail to see what you're talking about. The use of fur has been a mainstay since his Revillon days and he's done various forms of fur on shoes before.

>> No.7391609

I'll have to re-study his previous collections.

>> No.7391717

>Michigan State University
>yfw she went to a redneck party school

>> No.7391744


Frankly, my experience is that school only takes you so far. You can go to a crap school, but if you make the most of it and create opportunities to learn and grow, then that's all that really winds up mattering.

>> No.7392214

They are so elegant and casual at the same time. I almost purchased a pair. I was going to wear them with all my outfits. Decided to purchase CPs and Ramones for $100 more.

>> No.7394836

tricky bump

>> No.7395661
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Not sure what this faggot did but heres what they usually look like
Plasticy as fuck

>> No.7395679


is this only after one month? It looks like at least 6, my real ones don't look that bad yet

>> No.7395943

i wear them rarely so dunno
really regret buying, they still look similar to real dunks but they cost way too much for being so shitty
>my real ones don't look that bad yet
i should fucking hope so