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/fa/ - Fashion

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7386925 No.7386925[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Where to cop coat on right?

>> No.7386935

My guess? Etsy. Woolrich and pendleton and penfield made stuff like that.

>> No.7386933


>> No.7386936


>> No.7386955

is this taken from the ARIA's?
pretty sure i remember nick wearing that coat but idk

>> No.7386973

Bump, I was looking for something like this earlier in the year

>> No.7386983


w2c boa

>> No.7386985

Yeah it was pre arias he's worn it heaps before though

>> No.7386988

why it's fucking disgusting

>> No.7387027

I think it's awesome. I'd totes wear that.

>> No.7387028

yeah but you have boring shit taste

>> No.7387032


>> No.7387035

lmao, no. my taste is anything but boring. some people might consider it too eccentric and possibly ugly, but boring doesn't come close to describing it.

>> No.7387041

Post a fit.

>> No.7387048

OH I'm sorry I can't hear you over the sound of you not posting a fit

>> No.7387052

the only way you could pull the coat off is if you wore it ironically like in OP,
your lumber-dad core is terrible and doesn't look good

>> No.7387053

Foooooooooch boi

>> No.7387063

k gimme a few min i have no fit pics, i will try my best to get one
>tfw no fullsize mirror and everyone i know takes shit pics

>> No.7387064

Do you kids even know what the word ironic even means?

A hipster is just some kind of unicorn from the internet to you people isn't it?

>> No.7387067

if ur desperate for one i can just take a pic of my clothes not on my body cuz that would save me 20 minutes of trying to take a pic and giving up

>> No.7387069

enlighten us, Dan sama.

>> No.7387070

Does anyone even like this guy, unironically?

>> No.7387084


Basically a bunch of clueless fresh outta highschool punk-in-recovery partytards moved to the city to live the free party life and saw a bunch of honest weirdos doing shit they didn't understand. Kids wanted to fit in.

"Irony" was a lame excuse that a bunch of second-wave wannabes gave for doing/wearing shit that they didn't even like in imitation of people who actually liked things.

Yes, somewhere at the end of the rainbow is a bluegrass festival attended by a guy in a woolrich CPO with who *actually likes things*.

>> No.7387089

Aw gee still waitin on that fit-posting bro. If you post one I'll check it in the morning. I've got work, so I have to sleep.

>> No.7387096

im uploading the pic now if ur still here

>> No.7387097

Post a fit boifuck

>> No.7387102
File: 1.50 MB, 1191x897, 1386577975332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k this is basically like everyday type fit for me, the jacket is navy blue

>> No.7387107

looks pretty fuccboi to me ima guess you bout 16, judging from those swaggot sneaks

>> No.7387113
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>> No.7387114

they're bernhard willhelm u uneducated twat and im 24 but also gay so ur hetero rules dont apply to me

>> No.7387122

Do you intentionally dress like the urban outfitters sale rack?

>> No.7387124
File: 101 KB, 595x483, u-mad-cuz-im-stylin-on-u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i wouldn't take any of you seriously anyways because /fa/ thinks rick owens is god

>> No.7387129

lmao no, i realize that my sweater is hipstercore but its cute so who cares

>> No.7387138

>my sweater is hipstercore


It's shit like this that makes it necessary for things like this >>7387084 to be said.

>> No.7387148

I hope you realize that dan's clothing isn't far off from yours. He often dresses LOUD. Did you see his fit from yesterday? Bright fucking electric blue cowgirl print shirt with bright red buffalo plaid layered over.

>> No.7387157

>implying i give a shit about the meaning of the word hipster or the "honest weirdos" who "liked things"

i dont wear it to be ironic so whats ur point

>> No.7387160

i saw todays fit in which he was wearing a peacoat that would have been considered /fa/ on this board in 2009

>> No.7387163


>> No.7387164
File: 277 KB, 1000x1334, 10378264_1938728_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also if you wanna know what i would dress like if i could afford to buy any clothing i want, here's a pic, and i don't even care if the entirety of /fa/ hates it or if i'd be outcast by society

>> No.7387168

So your goal in life is to dress like Riff Raff?

Eh. That's cool. I'm not hating, that's better than most of /fa/.

>> No.7387183
File: 1.31 MB, 3024x4032, 1386540545542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got it. It looked better in black and white.

>> No.7387192
File: 298 KB, 1000x1334, 10498744_2844292_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh, i guess, i just googled him and basically if you take away the part where he's trying really hard to be gangster or whatever then maybe

>> No.7387204

that cowgirl shirt is really ugly and not in a good way, i've seen him post it before without a jacket. otherwise the jacket is pretty boring and the sunglasses are really boring.

>> No.7387206
File: 1.24 MB, 1200x1600, 1386540545548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Colors too clashy imo.

>> No.7387222

what a fucking joke

>> No.7387228

I actually like that shirt,almost copped it myself. I don't think it works with the jacket tho. Needs a chunky cardigan imo

glasses look like cheap chinese. prolly are. I don't have a problem with that

>> No.7387238

i dont have a problem with cheap either, i have expensive taste but an extremely tiny budget so i basically have to wear clothes that are cute and affordable instead of fantastic and lavish.

i feel like i should put a name to my posts but i don't really want to. opinions?

>> No.7387244

fuck off

>> No.7387245

so that's a no then

>> No.7389213

where's dan

>> No.7389257

I'd wear blaze orange, but not as pants. Maybe as a vest or jacket or a hat or something
teenage as fuck. like you're 14 or something
Not bad.

>> No.7389273

lol this

>> No.7389283 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 482x720, 1379956797659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i usually like stripes against black,

>> No.7390268
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thanks dan