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/fa/ - Fashion

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7374487 No.7374487 [Reply] [Original]

good /fa/ feel.
>mfw a girl just complemented me on how i dress everyday to school

>> No.7374492
File: 308 KB, 548x876, happy guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i get a steal price on shoes

>> No.7374490

>mfw girl i was talking too had see-through panties

>> No.7374511

>be chillin in comfy core fit
>be on phone outside building
>two beaniecore tryhard grils walk by
>hear them say "I like that style"
>not sure what to think bc they dressed terribly

>> No.7374531

post fit?

o-only if you want to...

>> No.7375170

I will tmw m8 always I got u
It will be a double fit day for me since haven't posted a fit till last week

>> No.7375195

The only compliments i ever get are about my clothes. the last time i was complemented on anything else was a year ago

>> No.7375217

>tfw got really drunk with all my friends
>tfw we went around telling each other what we liked about them
>tfw I was, among other things, someone who exudes coolness
>tfw I learnt about some indie grills that had the hots for me
all is working well

>> No.7375272


>> No.7375293

>eat whole pizza
>go puke it up 20 minutes later because regret

feels good man


>> No.7375304

Oh god, I used to do this every meal.

>tfw feel like a trashy high school girl every time.
>tfw body image issues brought on by fashion and /fa/ to an extent

>> No.7375306

I went from 189 to 164 in 4 months without much exercise, and i dont want to gain it back

I still want to lose 10 more or so

>> No.7375325

Did nearly the same, except it was 2 months with the help of Adderall.

>> No.7375330
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I lost about 20 pounds when I started my job. All the qts think I'm anorexic cuz I don't eat on my lunch break.

>> No.7375337

I'm sure they find your refusal to partake in social activities and your abnormal eating behavior absolutely charming and a little sexy even.

>> No.7375373
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>browse the interweb for a bit
>N&F elephant 3s
>everyday that passes I flipflop between regret and excited.

I just don't know anymore

>> No.7375391

1st day of college cutest guy in my class complimented my clothes

also when people say i look like a doll
i'm almost 23 so it feels good man

>> No.7375478


>> No.7375481

>indie grills

>> No.7375496

>tfw most girls go out of their way to make eye contact with me
I still feel like shit, but that's something

>> No.7375510

ur an old woman lol

>> No.7375515

>buy your first pair of expensive sneakers and feel like a million bucks in them with a huge shit eating grin on your face

call me a fuccboi, I don't care.

>> No.7375575

>I love your shoes man!
>aw i like your jacket
>those boots and jeans look really nice together!
>I like your shirt, the sleeves are cool.
and my personal favourite

>wow you l-look really good. I-i mean well dressed! w-well I meant good too. Like hand some good. Wow im sorry im such an idiot hahaha.

fuckin qts man, melt my heart

>> No.7375595

>find out scales aren't trued
>reset them, find out i'm 5 pounds lighter
>5 pounds closer to my target of 150lb :D 161lb 6ft 3 atm

>> No.7375599
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>people only compliment my face and hair
>never my clothes

I don't know what to feel.

>> No.7377028

>"anon u look like an abercrombie model"
>"u dress like a model"
>"jawline 4 model"
>i dont give a fuk bout anything but still know how 2 b dope

>> No.7377082

I wish I had good feels

>> No.7377106
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>be asian
>be staying in singapore
>decide to walk around bugis street awhile and explore
>asian qt's staring at me left and right
>not sure if because i'm hot shit or i look like a tourist with my dslr
>just assume the former

>> No.7377114
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iktf. I usually get a variation of
>wow anon what the fuck are you wearing
>how can you move in those jeans

feels bad man

>> No.7377126
File: 216 KB, 313x320, 1386028748632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw more than one GOAT reseller on fashion forums in your size

>> No.7377130

>tfw known as "the fashionable kid"
>girls always complimenting me and asking if I like their new (always slutty) items of clothing
>guys always assume i'm slaying mad pussy on the regs
>i just lurk /fa/ and sufu and buy things I like
Goddamn it's not hard /fa/

>> No.7377141

yo but I bet ur hot tho
>tfw can't into skinny skellington mode

>> No.7377158

>"anon, you're the most fashionable guy I know, are you gay?
>"anon, your hair is always so perfect, are you gay?"
I always get compliments on my clothes and hair,
but qts never take me serious because they think I'm gay.

>> No.7377185
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>> No.7377190

They think you're gay because men who spend effort on hair and clothes are gay.

In short, they think you're gay because you're gay.