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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 157 KB, 1920x1200, 1378860740446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7373448 No.7373448[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: How to become a cool motherucker.

There's this guy in 2 of my 400-level classes at uni. He radiates coolness and I wanna know how people become like this and mimic it.

I talked to him a few times. He's 22 but he looks like 25. He's pretty built, but not in like a bulky way, in like an athlete way. He's like 5'11'' maybe. I am and he's my height. Pretty standard face, buzzcut, usually unshaven

The guy wears really random shit. Like yesterday, he wore some weird leather mid-top boots, dark jeans, a drapey low cut tank top that had all of his chest hair popping out, and a navy pea coat. Like, who wears a tank top with a pea coat and why?

He's also covered in tattoos like everywhere but his hands and neck. I usually think tattoos look trashy, but he has like a weird mix of artsy shit and cool looking military shit. I don't know which branch he was in. He has one of a logo with like a globe and shit on his arm.

And he gives off this weird vibe. Like he's always really laid-back and you think he is out of it, but he's always on top of all of his school shit and all that and always cracking jokes with people around him. And half the time, he just reads unrelated books in class or looks at stuff on his laptop but still knows what's going on somehow. I see him talking to random girls all the time around campus. I'm wondering does he know them from before or how's he know all these girls?

I got really curious when he came to class wearing a full suit. This sounds weird, but I go to school in a major city and people often have work or interviews or whatever before or after classes. So I see people's reactions to guys in suits. It's usually pretty whatever. But I sat in the back of the lecture hall and watched him walk in and every girl was checking him out wearing something really plain. Weird.

He has like a relaxed walk and always stands all chilled out like and shit.

So yeah, how do people become all cool and put together and shit like that and how do I do it?

>> No.7373460

confidence, a bit of autism and not giving a fuck

>> No.7373462

You sound beta as fuck dude.

>> No.7373466
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Oh yeah, and he walks around with like excessively good posture. Like his chest is way out and chin up and shit. Like, I can't tell if he's doing it deliberately or what. Should I mimic that or does it need to stem from something?

Like, his chest is out and his body is slightly leaned back from his hips all the time. Like he's leading with his crotch when he walks. It's odd.

>> No.7373469

Mild autism, high-ish IQ, little sleep.

Also, people like that "make" themselves during the years leading up to and during high school. Pretty hard to change yourself up during college.

>> No.7373476

anon i think you may be in love

>> No.7373481

>I wanna know how people become like this and mimic it.
no dude

find out what makes you and be yourself.

>> No.7373482

what does little sleep do?

>> No.7373486

1. Get confident
2. Don't give a fuck about what anyone [including/especially /fa/] thinks
3. Give the impression that no effort went into your appearance
4. Read the 48 Laws of Power without going full fucking retard and taking it literally
5. Practise eye contact
6. Either be skinny or fat, not skinnyfat
7. Chin up, shoulders back
8. Impersonate a duck

>> No.7373494

Gives you /fa/ as fuck eye bags, a pale, sallow look and gives the impression that you aren't putting much effort into anything. Insomnia is pretty damn great.

>> No.7373496

is peacoat w/ tank top effay approved?

>> No.7373500

Gives you time to learn shit people consider interesting (i.e.: develop a taste in music, film, literature).

You would be baffled by how much time we waste sleeping.

>> No.7373505

This. It's like trying to comb your hair against the grain. If you don't suit a suit, don't wear a suit. Find what suits you, and work on that.

It's never, 'those are nice jeans,' it's 'those jeans look nice on you.'

>> No.7373508
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He doesn't look out of it like he's about to pass out. Just like his mind is elsewhere half the time.

>> No.7373509

Feels like OP is describing me,feels good man

>> No.7373516


>> No.7373517

Also this. Sleep deprivation makes you not care so much about more trivial shit that regular people obsess over.

>> No.7373520

Ryan Goosling pulls it off.

>> No.7373521

inb4 20 more of this
you wish fag

>> No.7373523
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i think op has his first crush

>> No.7373531


>> No.7373525

>tfw me too
only im not some 5'11 manlet

>> No.7373526

I wasn't looking for attention it just made me feel good.

>> No.7373532

I can confirm this. But the tiredness fucking sucks.

>> No.7373548

It's the military. No shit. For some people, it makes civilian life extremely laid back and chill. I've seen it in quite a few people. They have an appreciation for the easiness of civilian life.

I had a neckbeard brony friend who was in the army. Dude is extremely chill, can talk about just about anything, and has no fear in talking to people.

>> No.7373558
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Should I join the military to become cool as fuck?
Do you need to see combat or is like boot camp enough?

>> No.7373564

>joins the military
>"s'okay sarge, I'm just here til I'm cool enough"

>> No.7373567


I have a couple of friends who joined the marines and yeah, the military really does make you more confident. I guess you sort of have to stop being autistic/introverted/beta when you join the military just to be able to get through it without wanting to hang yourself.

>> No.7373569

>4. Read the 48 Laws of Power without going full fucking retard and taking it literally
so how should you take it then?

>> No.7373576


>> No.7373589

You will most definitely see combat. Unless you're part of the reserves, a cushy embassy job, or National Guard.

>> No.7373598


Sticky needs updating:

First step to becoming /fa/;

Join military and become hard as

>> No.7373607


>> No.7373615


Air Force too, hello

>> No.7373616


>> No.7373629

insecure manlet dectected

>> No.7373639

Tfw 5'6 for lyfe.

>> No.7373641

insecure yes but manlet nope

>> No.7373642

am dumb as dirt

>> No.7373644

Depending on the unit, NG can see a crap load of combat.
Don't be jelly that we don't have to be at the motor pool for the whole day doing PMCS.

>> No.7373652

Confidence. Do what you love. Don't be afraid to try. Stop thinking about the opinions of other people.

>> No.7373661

why do you say that?

>> No.7373700

he sounds fucking dreamy tbh

>> No.7373740


i lol'd imagining that
If only because I bet a few people have went in with that attitude

>> No.7373760

>be yourself.
pleb advice

>> No.7373782

well, he's probably not on /fa/ on a friday night for starters

>> No.7373790

as someone with insomnia and restless leg syndrome, No. I'm a paranoid mess

>> No.7373801

That's called depression yo
insomniac here, been that way for like 15 years
depressed for the past 5 at least

don't give a shit about shit

>> No.7374115

someone said I looked like a serial killer today
did I do go /fa/?

>> No.7374147


>> No.7374467
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>> No.7374501
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>> No.7374625

wow /fa/ is truly pathetic

>> No.7374738

>or fat


>> No.7374798

i giggled m8

>> No.7374822


>> No.7374949

>wears random shit
>you think he's out of it
>tattoos a mix of artsy shit and "uniformed" military
slight autism, gives you that natural disconnect. as well as high iq and confidence. you say sometimes you get the feeling that he's out of it, or his mind is elsewhere half the time? yeah, always processing info

>walks with good posture, leads with his crotch
that's his natural character, ingrained and built over time. relationships and experience. not really deliberate in a sense, paired with high iq and confidence it's more of a natural motor ability.

>how do you do it?
>i want to mimic
no, short answer. put personal effort and naturally build yourself up

>> No.7374992

he was just born that way and had the proper life experiences to be shaped into that kind of person.

you weren't.

tough luck m8.

>> No.7375008
File: 89 KB, 500x503, tfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bouncing my leg violently
>sitting next to qt3.14
>she grabs my leg as if to calm it down
>look up at her
>she smiles and laughs

>> No.7375017

Sounds like a military thousand yard stare.

>> No.7375118
File: 63 KB, 240x200, coooool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you wanna look "cool" OP?
do what he does

pic related

>> No.7375136

milfag here. Being an enlisted soldier is being in an /fa/ cocoon.

When you come out dealing with people is super easy, you have tons of income for clotehes and shit.

Pretty much you can pull off wearing more mature clothing at a young age because you are a hard ass.

>> No.7375147

>tfw people make fun of you when you walk out of the barracks in your uniqlo chinos

>> No.7375157

God damn that cool fuck

>> No.7375177

Where you at?

>> No.7375187

jesus fuck i hate everything about this kind of attitude. proud ignorance and bigotry.

>> No.7375193

>tfw u walk by the smokepit and they ask y u r dressed like the camp casey creeper

>> No.7375205
File: 42 KB, 500x666, DihvfnX - Imgur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'scuse the poor English

not a milfag but I am regularly told that I look "confident", sometimes even 'intimidating' (a girl I I dated told me that her first impression was that I walk like I "own the place") and (not even fucking joking), I've been told in multiple occasions that I "walk like a model".....

The kicker? I do not consider myself confident. I mean, I know my strengths and weaknesses. But I am no alfalfa by any means. If anything, spaguetti is always lurking in my pockets (although I can talk to girls, I cannot for the life of me "flirt" with them, even though I know I am fairly attractive). As for my physical appearance:

>"puffed chest" due to many years of competitive swimming
>slight 'lean' when I walk due to very mild scoliosis (swimming was part of the treatment and I just happened to be good at it).
>sharp nose
>mixed Negro + Spaniard genes....depending who you ask, I am a hawtie or ugly as fuck.
>Negroid proportions = super long legs. Long legs = reaally long stride. Really long stride = "confident"-like walk

I am also lucky that I had a good education and a natural inclination to read books and whatnot. It really helps when you are in social situations and you are able to discuss almost anything, maybe not in depth, but at least to carry a nice conversation for a couple of minutes. And it reinforces your own (healthy) self-esteem. Too bad I am lazy and don't really care about the social ladder, although I have a good job and a good amount of friends.

>> No.7375283

>weird vibe. Like he's always really laid-back and
ya, don't do that tho...

>> No.7375289

what I
(>>7375283) meant 2 say was:
>Like his chest is way out and chin up and shit. Like, I can't tell if he's doing it deliberately or what. Should I mimic that or does it need to stem from something?
yeah, that. don't try and imitate that. it will look weird and try hard and fucked up unless it comes naturally.
... fucking always hilighting shit i'm reading and always grentxtn the wrong shit. damn tyrone...

>> No.7375295

it helps to know you are more physically fit, smarter, and have better job prospects, objectively.
ugh the smoke pit

>> No.7375299

not *that* true... i've always kindof always figgured ppl figgure out who they WANT to be in high school [american vernacular] and how2 achieve that at/near the college age. it's all fucking development man, and ppl r autistic n shit in hiskool n shit (it's ok my roommate has autism). also, i fukkin blossomed in college
>successfully grsiblas

>> No.7375303

OP, im going to go out on a limb here and say you've taken written observations about this guy.

Chill back, some people have natural "chillness" to them. Don't get giddy around this guy. Also, walking around with good posture is a positive thing to do. But dont do it to the point of looking like a try hard trying to flex.

>> No.7375308

don't you have to be in the military for a minimum of 4 years
idk just seems like u would be missing out on the prime of ur life

>> No.7375310

pleb advice
patrician attitude...

>> No.7375316

he walked out of a murakami novel

>> No.7375321

not opie, jus tellin him not2 tryn cop someone els's posture, it will look forced/awkward/just bad...
ur prolly right 2 tho, i don fuckin kno, tho...

>> No.7375342

nah m8, you can join ours for a year at a time up

>> No.7375351

w2c good posture

>> No.7375356


>> No.7375362

lift weights, fuccbois

>> No.7375377

that shit about being cool is bullshit its like ur born cool or not that's how it works

>> No.7375439


If someone did exactly the same things he did in exactly the same way, said person would be exactly as cool. Never be under the impression that you can't improve yourself.

>> No.7375449

Wrong he'd look like a poser

Inauthentic insincere

No confidence

No swag

Doesn't carry himself the same


>> No.7375454

>He's 22 but he looks like 25



r e a l l y

you're retarded

>> No.7375607


Please reread

>exactly the same things he did in exactly the same way

>> No.7375812

Someone can't look older than they are?

>> No.7376192

>Like, his chest is out and his body is slightly leaned back from his hips all the time. Like he's leading with his crotch when he walks. It's odd.

It's not a good look bro:

>> No.7376727

>/fa/ as fuck eye bags, a pale, sallow look and gives the impression that you aren't putting much effort into anything

>tfw that shit doesn't look cool on grills

>> No.7376758


22 and 25 look basically the same

>> No.7376773

you're really cute OP, this was heart warming

>> No.7376807


please stop with the middle school slang k thx

>> No.7376828


made me smile

>> No.7376878

>Early 20s
>Prime of your life
Maybe if you're a fucking loser.

>> No.7376883

Not the U.S.

>> No.7376887
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I'll post more later, but damn, let me take care of some basics for you, /fa/.

>Like, who wears a tank top with a pea coat and why?

Pea coat = it's fucking winter.
Tank top = it's not inside your climate controlled school building. Also, it was clean.

>I don't know which branch he was in. He has one of a logo with like a globe and shit on his arm.

Like this, OP?

>> No.7376890
File: 259 KB, 1600x900, 1380416596269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, one of those.

>> No.7376897

18-22 is not the prime of your life. the prime of your life is mid/late 20s early 30s.

>> No.7376910

35+ if you use your 20s to get into a position to have money later in life. my uncle is 45 and was poor in his 20s and spent his time working. now he drives supercars and fucks ukrainian models.

>> No.7376942

info on your uncles job

>> No.7376950

"Cool guy" here. It's really all about not giving a fuck. If you can't manage to, it will come sooner or later when you become mature and don't have the time to sweat little things anymore.

"Betas" are usually autists who are concerned about others' opinions too much.
>Am I effay?
>Did I make it, /fit/?
>What do I talk about to avoid awakward pauses in a conversation?
>How long does my dick have to be to satisfy a woman?
>Am I a manlet, /fit/?
>Am I white, /pol/?
>Muh spaghetti
And so on. You all know the drill.

The only secret is saying "I don't care", "Idgiaf" and "Deal with it." Once you realize that you can't be everybody's darling, anyway, life becomes much easier. Stop obsessing about what others think about you.

>> No.7376959

Used ti be an engineer. Started buying office buildings in his late 20s. Owns a bunch of real estate and rents it out to businesses now.

>> No.7376963

mb if ur 13 lel gb2 teenfashionadvice sud-blebbit

>> No.7377000
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>> No.7377008 [DELETED] 
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/fa/ opinions on bones? whatever you say im still gonna love this guy but just interested

>> No.7377014

My opinion is that he needs to clean his room

>> No.7377016

should shave more

>> No.7377050
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>> No.7377099
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>> No.7377214

>cushy embassy job

p sure you have to be the best of the best to get one of those, i.e. see combat

>> No.7377237

Why are you so sure? I'm a Marine and that's not true. Why compels you to talk out of your ass?

>> No.7377246


>> No.7377271
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>another marine on /fa/

Holy shit miramar here

>> No.7377275
File: 50 KB, 743x760, 1365460377416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was in NJROTC a few years ago and my instructor told me that.

Thangks 4 defending r country B)))))))

>> No.7377287

Your instructor was a has-not

>> No.7377327


>> No.7377363

stop caring what people think of you
> everyone suddenly thinks im cool

>> No.7377467
File: 33 KB, 480x640, SpaceGhostPurrp+Blvck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is sgp /fa/ ?

>> No.7377471

dumping sgp pix

>> No.7377483
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>> No.7377493
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>> No.7377499
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>> No.7377513

Like any of these sorts of books (Meditations, Art of War, The Prince) you can take the advice and see how the underlying social dynamics that drive human interaction come into play to use them to your advantage. Taking it too literally would be like those fedora PUA dudes think shit like this is the only way to interact with people and act autistic as fuck. Note these sorts of advice and how they affect your world but still use your own sense and don't be fucking weird about it.

>> No.7377516

sly guy pete?

>> No.7377524

gotta get those GATs and field jacket

>> No.7377546

Nah you are just missing the main point of this that is often over looked
>be yourself
>make yourself a better person

It means don't do what OP was thinking about and imitate someone else you have yo earn your own sense of purpose and swagger by discovering how to do so in a way that is unique to your human experience.

So yeah being yourself doesn't mean trying to show girls your anime figurines it means becoming someone you yourself admire and naturally others will to.

>> No.7377550

hey i'm about to graduate MOS school should I go for Miramar?

>> No.7377564

Black nails gay as fuck nigga
Production is the f shit tho' but the nigga has a retarded attitude

>> No.7377572

im on dat snow white
dats y im faaaaaaaaaaaaaaded

>> No.7377606

move to nyc or berlin, go to art galleries and the coolest places, make friends and let them rub off on you

>> No.7377623

>tfw no dinosaur comb

>> No.7377626

i see u ugly mane

>> No.7377628

Osprey crewchief

>> No.7377638

Yes motherfucker nugget are you retarded? West coast is the only good place to be stationed

>> No.7377780

What does the S-2 do down there

>> No.7377836

ahem, reptar comb

some grill said i was super cool and looked like i had everything in my life sorted out for me.

i take pills for my anxiety ;_;

>> No.7377849

>mfw did marching band in highschool
>good as fuck posture when I walk forever.

>> No.7377975

>no sleep etc.
I keep nodding off in lectures and feel even less like talking to people when I don't have much sleep

>> No.7378039

Since coming to uni, my friends are 10x cooler than they used to be - and I feel less cool than ever because now, instead of being the coolest of the nerds, I'm just the nerdiest of the cool people.

>> No.7378059

>Also, people like that "make" themselves during the years leading up to and during high school. Pretty hard to change yourself up during college.
This is the most depressing thing. You see people at uni who come in at eighteen years old but fully adult, confident, self-sufficient, etc., and then you have all the normal people stumbling forwards through life, probably only in college at all because they don't yet have the bottle for the real world. You can't be truly /fa/ if you're in the second group.

>> No.7378101

certain people just have that cool aura about them. like when i was growing up i always thought my older brother who's 9 years older was the coolest person ever and used to copy everything he did even ranging as far as copying this facial twitch that he has probably because he did too many drugs

>> No.7378106
File: 95 KB, 640x960, Joseph-Gordon-Levitt21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have that man idealized, if you ever thought about becoming gay this is your time.

Also, coolness comes with self-esteem, culture and actually caring about your outfit.

>> No.7378115
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>He's 22 but he looks like 25.

what's the difference?

>> No.7378126

everything's going to be ok anon.

>> No.7378128

>people actually thinking about joining the military to be like this dude

just start doing a fuck load of coke instead, much easier

>> No.7378155
File: 1.44 MB, 1680x1050, 1380070151999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually talked about drugs with this guy. He was having a smoke outside and I asked to use his lighter. I asked if he was into uppers because I sell my adderall script and he said he hates uppers and used to do dope until he ODd when he was young. I think he means heroin, but I didn't want to sound like a tool and ask him to clarify. We're in Chicago if it matters.

>> No.7378405

>become like this and mimic it
>mimic it

That's your problem

He sounds like a guy that just chills on what people think of him and has a relaxed view on insignificant stuff but keeps track on important things.
Probably has an organizer but doesn't show it around because, again, he doesn't care if people assume he doesn't work for what he gets.

The key to getting that aura around you is to come at peace with what and who you are and have a magnetic unique personality.

And please don't get tattoos to be cool, or even worse, completely jack his swag.
Just relax, you sound like a cool person.

>> No.7378449

3, anon :^)

>> No.7378451

>tfw almost became a heroin addict in chicago when i was younger

ita a chiraq thing, now im on that alcohol floww

>> No.7378602

how do you almost become an addict?

>> No.7378669


>> No.7378722

sun bat her

>> No.7378759

you make me want to be him

>> No.7380017

holy fuck i lost my shit

>> No.7380024

>147 posts and 23 image replies omitted. Click here to view

lel the guy op is describing is so cool he has three degree of fuccbois commenting on his person

>> No.7380120

i like this

>> No.7380206

im anxious, awk and a little uptight but i can get away with it cause im a nice cute grl :^) it's not about the individual attributes you have, it's the whole package

>> No.7380227


Go tip a fedora, bro(ny)

>> No.7380246

ok but its physically impossible for a girl to wear a fedora

>> No.7380271

OP is describing what happens to a person once they have a very concrete sense of identity; a sense of style often follows from there

The man OP is describing sounds like he's already both:
1. relatively conventionally attractive
2. very comfortable with himself
3. knows how to carry himself

>> No.7382661

What is every skinny blonde woman in hip LA?

>> No.7382670

a pretentious cunt

>> No.7383629

sounds suspiciously like gooseling

>> No.7383740

>just don't give a fuucK!!!
is basically what everyone is saying

it's hard to do that when you're a massive narcissist who bases a ton of his self-worth on appearance/looks and social status

>> No.7383814


ask him out already op.

>> No.7383851

>admiring a person of the same sex makes you gay
lmao you were probs raised by a single mother or something
off yourself

>> No.7383924

mein nigga, everyone is always talking about my walk. Telling me that I own the place and walk like a model, and just like you, it's just because my left leg is slightly shorter than the other hahaha.
>Super broad back inherited from my father's 10 years of forced communist labor
>Asian so I get to experiment with cool shit for fashion
>Acne, but I started taking these generic pills so it's my dirty little secret
Same my nigga, been super introverted so growing up all I did was read history and philosophy books.

>> No.7383950


noo just dont give a fuck about anything -except yourself-

the stuck up narcissist works gr8 for me

some basic hoes called me the male equivalent of the bitch from apt 23

top lmao

>> No.7383982

nigger u gay

>> No.7384098

>>Super broad back inherited from my father's 10 years of forced communist labor
/fa/ - phd in genetics

>> No.7386150

Thread must live.

>> No.7386205

>sleep like fuck
>depressed as fuck
>tired all the fucking time

Im probably anemic or some shit

>> No.7387500

>noo just dont give a fuck about anything -except yourself-
I don't think other people are gonna be able to differentiate that from generally giving a fuck about everything

>> No.7389615


>> No.7389722

How can I get eyebags without not sleeping? Is it possible? I just dont have the willpower to not sleep :(
> inb4 eyebags arent attractive

>> No.7389727


this is legitimately the gayest thing I've read this month probably

>Like yesterday, he wore
>chest hair popping out


>> No.7389752

My fucking god toppest of lels

>> No.7389818

Really? I think it does, seems like itd kinda make you look more respectable - not really respectable but like ... you werent a fucktard dumb bimbo kinda bitch. Y'kn-y'knoow oww?

>> No.7389857

You don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.7389929

Yeah, people keep mentioning autism but I think it's just what you said

>> No.7390158

laughing at the thought of OP blatantly trying to copy this dude

>> No.7390262
File: 80 KB, 420x319, 1386627958225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this made me lol awkwardly.

>> No.7390279

Op you fag, brilliant troll. 10-10 great post. You just described Tyler Durden and nobody had it figured out.

>> No.7390288

Tyler Durden doesn't have a buzzcut. He probably doesn't go to OPs uni either

>> No.7390320

Sounds like every single tryhard faggot in Australia.

>> No.7390349

how do i into SPG

ive been sleepin for so long, it's time to wake up. the ugly mane and three six are probably my favorite artists of all time too, quite a shame im sleepin

>> No.7390378
File: 13 KB, 350x300, FightClub_350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also that is the joke, gb2reddit homo

>> No.7390485

>/fa/ getting wet over some hipster piece of shit

get some taste, you plebeians.

>> No.7390565


I mean, i guess you have to take the foreign services exam or something

>> No.7390835
File: 104 KB, 1600x669, fightclubtwo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7391321
File: 63 KB, 549x720, 1359359215631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LEL I thought the same thing when I read it

Lamarck much??