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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 141 KB, 620x928, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7370010 No.7370010[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Im really into the whole rock star look right now, what does /fa/ think?

>> No.7370055
File: 83 KB, 147x247, yyu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it too OP

Rockstar-core thread?

Rockstar-core thread

>> No.7370053

Dress however you like, just don't rape babies

>> No.7370061
File: 45 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mx2cq4LQBr1qea02ko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7370073

It's cool, but it's nothing for winter.

>> No.7370080



>> No.7370085

ITT: Plebs trying to make leather jackets not fedora-core.

>> No.7370087
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>> No.7370094
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people on this board think skirts are ok but not leather jackets

top kek

>> No.7370099
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>> No.7370103

dont be into the look. be into yourself.

>> No.7370107
File: 89 KB, 500x749, tumblr_ml0a67uo6L1rlqcmfo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this outfit is probably like 6 grand

>> No.7370115
File: 106 KB, 466x700, tumblr_ms5dpn7BGo1rrv1jto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any sauce on this outfit?

>> No.7370116

people on this board have dissenting opinions.

Odds are anyone who uses "fedoracore" probably isn't too avant-garde.

>> No.7370150
File: 35 KB, 640x427, 1386313237819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7370159

wear like six coats and a waffle shirt and walk around like some kinda cunt while getting struck with breeze

>> No.7370257

w2c that whole outfit

>> No.7370285
File: 162 KB, 171x478, gyukr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7370291
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>> No.7370293
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>> No.7370296
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>> No.7370300
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>> No.7370302

Random styles with a perfecto is now ' rock star'? Fuck yourselves

>> No.7372168

I think you are going to like this one

>> No.7372208

I'm a bit of a punker so I can basically tell you what a "trve pvnk" style would be.
Essential is boots, black leather is preferable but you can do close to anything, but, they will be fairly standard, scuffed, etc. Ebay them.

Pants don't have to be denim but they should be slim/taper/skinny. If they aren't tapered on the bottom learn how to cuff them so they look tapered. Either way, cuff em. Half the length of your thumb twice. Black pants or jeans.

Honestly as far as shirts go, white or black band shirt. It's not a big deal, just not button ups unless you know what you're doing. You can get pretty weird in this category though. Flannels, sweaters(but not hoodies strangely.

Jackets are typically a military style.


Just my observations of my "scene".

>> No.7372236

I think: 2003.

>> No.7372242

that might be what people in "the scene" wear but that shit is not fashionable at all
just because the majority of the people who have that genre in common dress like that does not make it stylish or fashionable in the motherfucking slightest
Black dress shirt? Beanies? Really nigga?
>leather perfecto or ma-1 (distressed)
>scabbed jeans
>some fucked up boots
>badges , pins and rings
>layers of gritty clothing
That's how you dress fashionably punk you little bitch

>> No.7372271

I said no button ups, haha.

When it comes down to it the "scene" style is just fucked up boots you've had for four years that you got used, unwashed and tearing jeans, a Ceremony shirt with blood on it, and a jean/military/leather jacket you got from Goodwill.

And yeah, it's cold where I'm at right now, beanies.

>> No.7372319

Oh not gonna lie I kinda skimmed through your post because you're not important in the slightest and your opinion does not and will never matter to me so sorry if I missed a few things.
You did the same though and missed the point completely. That shit is not fucking fashionable in the slightest. It's just scummy and unhygienic. There's a difference between an arthouse film about a crackhead and the emotional struggles he goes through and all that deep shit and someone filming a crackhead falling off a chair in mcdonalds on an iphone 3gs.
There is a difference between someone scribbling on a canvas and it winning the turner prize because some people who have nothing else to do looked at it and got all sentimental and a fucking dog stepping in paint then shitting on a sidewalk.
Fashion does not equal plebeian shit that retards do because that is not fucking fashionable. You have to work towards a desired aesthetic and add all the emotional , social and economical constructs that they connote and denote and weave them into the fabric of their creation , you have to pour your heart and soul into every little shit and you have to actually like wearing your heart on your sleeve , literally in some cases.
Get it now?

>> No.7372354

Doesn't tight pants on that bodytype always look a bit top heavy? Got the same and always avoid skinny bottoms because i think it looks awkward

>> No.7372370

I think there's something wrong with you.

>> No.7372424


>> No.7372433

I-is that Ian Watkins - babyrapist?

>> No.7372523

Can someone post light blue denim inspo with the rock/punk aesthetic pls?

>> No.7372559

why is everyone in this pic good looking and well dressed

>tfw no effay friends

>> No.7373774


>> No.7373869

This kids is what autism looks like.

>> No.7373889
File: 234 KB, 1500x1500, 1385850982635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7373895

Looks like it.

>> No.7373971

Where to cop female?

>> No.7374041

>ian watkins

>> No.7374047

Hes so pretty :'(

>> No.7374910

:( :( :(

>> No.7375706
File: 130 KB, 640x480, mc ride in the back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kanye is pretty much his stylist but i approve bc he relly looks good now
still has an awful voice tho

>> No.7375711

Put your finger over his face and tell me that outfit looks good.

>> No.7375746
File: 165 KB, 500x415, ross farrar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol such fuccbois
people who try and dress 'punk' are always the worst cunts. it's always obvious who is dressing for the scene and who is actually there for the music at shows. get fucked toys

pic related: ross farrar looking really punk

>> No.7375762

do americans really do this?

>> No.7375824

>promoting multinational conglomerate brands

>> No.7375835

Imagine how Fearne feels now
I wonder if she'll be investigated

>> No.7377840

Do what?

>> No.7377868

Do what?

>> No.7377950


imagine the kinky shit he made her do in bed.
I'm getting a boner thinking about it.

>> No.7378027

radio 1 offices

>> No.7378031

he litterally fucked a baby man

what the fuck

>> No.7378061
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>> No.7378064
File: 70 KB, 468x326, keith-richards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7378081
File: 69 KB, 465x575, avedonbob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7378089
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>> No.7378147
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>> No.7378177

Yeah he was into some fucked up shit, he had a public online profile with pics of him having sex with men an women aswell as fisting and other sick shit...

>> No.7378515


do you think he fisted fearne?

>> No.7378645

he raped a baby

>> No.7378921

I'm pretty sure it was only attempted baby rape.

>> No.7378924

Probably, he had threesome with tranny's

>> No.7378940

>implying there is a moral difference between 'attempted' baby rape and actual baby rape

>> No.7378946

even if he never actually raped the baby he did sexually abuse other infants and i think they found videos on his comp of him fucking children and animals

>> No.7378950

>2013, haven't raped a baby
Lel Pleb

>> No.7378954

Damn... Sound like one badass motherfcker

>> No.7379011

have you ever fucked an animal? shit's cash. i ejaculated on my flatmates pet snake once

>> No.7379138

thats pollenonthebreeze on mfa

>> No.7379634

What's not fashionable about wearing old worn in clothes. They put just as much passion into their clothes
As a matter of fact punks put more passion. DIY takes a lot more work than buying your expensive fucking designer shit

>> No.7379682



muh tru punx!!!111

stfu nerd

>> No.7379708

its true though

>> No.7379758

What about what I said isn't true you idiot.

>> No.7380195

Wait is raping babies /fa/???

>> No.7380315

>I'm a bit of a punker

stopped reading there. lol

>> No.7380320

lol no

>> No.7380327

w2c shoes?

>> No.7380340

the moment you care this much the moment you lose.

>> No.7380344

quoted the wrong comment. sorry.

>> No.7381004

Is it????

>> No.7383426


>> No.7383517
File: 86 KB, 1200x800, 1386538425264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly a rock star, but still

>> No.7384710

Why does he want to appear as if hes walking even though its apparent thst hes not moving?

>> No.7384716


kill yourself

>> No.7384738


>> No.7384770

Why the fuck do so many of these "rock stars" wear only black. What happened to the fucking colors, the hippies new how to do it well.

>> No.7385051

I have been wanting some plaid pants but I have no idea how to make them work... the other day I saw some guy actually pulling them off, looked pretty sick

>> No.7385118

God, this guy. How does someone even become like that. I'm still allowed to like that song "rooftops", r-right , guys??? :(

>> No.7385166

Really like his fit, would mire so hard if I saw him irl
>tfw no /fa/ bf

>> No.7386306

Because black is awesome, Fuck colors.

>> No.7386325

if it took the paedophilia thing 2 turn you off from their music then idk what 2 say

>> No.7386399

What's wrong with their music?

>> No.7386789
File: 33 KB, 500x330, 47b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having to ask if babyraep is /fa/

>> No.7387119


>> No.7387170

>being this new

>> No.7387208

Where to cop babies?

>> No.7389178


>> No.7389199

man that was like one of the first disturbing things I ever found on the internet
I was like 11 and I used to type "az anime boobs" into Google because I didn't know how to delete search history and starting the search with "az" put it at the bottom of a long list of 'a-' searches and you couldn't see it

Anyway az is apparently a word in German or some shit and I ended up seeing a lot of crazy German hentai sites, one of which discussed guro