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/fa/ - Fashion

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7367771 No.7367771[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /fa/
I don't go here (/v/irgin here)
but it's cold as fuck where I live and I need to buy a good jacket, (I'm canadian)

Where would I go about finding a jacket like this? It looks military but I don't know if surplus stores would carry that sort of thing. I'd go online but I don't know any reputable sites.

Also, I usually wear old bomber jackets, it's not really my "thing" or anything but people do kind of associate me with them, so if anyone has any advice that'd be great.

>> No.7367779

>/v/irgin here
woah no shit

>> No.7367793

you're not Leon OP

>> No.7367789
File: 147 KB, 590x885, 1368509457127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We Leon now.

>> No.7367794


Buy it direct from Alpha Industries' website.

>> No.7367796

full disclosure
I've always wanted a Leon jacket
I think it's pretty fucking cool looking
I guess that's why I'm a /v/irgin though

>> No.7367809

Should've left out that you're from /v/, would've saved you the trouble of the Leon comments. Bombers are fine though, just find one that fits.

>> No.7367821

I have no idea what is and isn't fashionable so I wanted to at least make people aware I was fashion retarded
I've always found bombers cool and my old one's getting ratty so I were looking to you guys

>> No.7367832

here you go asshole


>> No.7368080

Since we're talking about Alpha Industry, does any of you know a place where I could get a green bomber jacket that you can switch the inside so it can also become a navy bomber jacket ?
The only one they have are either their original color, or orange..
>link related

>> No.7368104

Look at Schott, OP.

>> No.7368539

This looks like it's from a Christmas movie

>> No.7368555

And if OP is "fashion retarded" I doubt he's about to go spend $600 on a jacket.

Searching for a better option, Ill report back when I find something

>> No.7368593
File: 48 KB, 570x580, il_570xN.406454498_dwam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, what do you think of this? $135

>> No.7368617
