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/fa/ - Fashion

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7365776 No.7365776[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Question :

Why does /fa/ hate women, minorities, and poor people?

I thought that being insecure was un/fa/shionable?

>> No.7365812

i just hate fat people and think women are stupid (i still love them though)

>> No.7365822

Well I'd wager we hate women because they won't sleep with us, we hate black people because they wear anything better than us and we hate the poor because we fear being in the same situation.

>> No.7365823

women, minorities, and poor people have nothing to be secure about

>> No.7365827

gr8 b8 my m8 i'll r8 it an 8/8 time to celebr8

>> No.7365828

>I thought that being insecure was un/fa/shionable?
think about what you're saying. why does anyone dress fashionably? it's because we're insecure, in one way or another. feeling attractive makes people feel better. if we didn't have insecurities, we wouldn't give a shit what we dress like
but generally women, blacks, and poor people are fucking stupid. to answer your question

>> No.7365834


>Why does /fa/ hate women, minorities, and poor people?

But this is not true. The whole "wymin hate" is ironic and pretty fucking immature. There are tons of minorities that post in here and the odd time some faggot spouts racist shit, they get directed to /pol/. And most of the fags here are students, so no, they don't hate "poor" people.

Lurk moar and stop making senseless threads you asshole

PS: 4chan, in general, is not as racist as you think it is. Source: I am black and have been in this shithole since ~2007

>> No.7365840

black and asian people are /fa. Every other minority...not so much

>> No.7366000

1. urban Asians (modern Japanese)
2. aesthetic Blacks (those who model for nxtlevel attire)

> only cool if it works out, and usually does tier:

3. traditional Asian (samurais n shit during Feudalism era, or monks)
4. rioting mudslimes and youthful terrorists
5. fuccboi Asians (South Koreans)
6. el macho latino boi/el sexy latina grill
7. boring Mediterranean pseudo-white people (Italians, Greeks)

...(irrelevant shit, like jews and oriental gooks, and all types of shitskins)

>disgustingly fuccboi tier
30. hypebeast blacks/Filipinos/Latins

>absolutely disgusting
300. Slavs, the squatters
3000. Spixx
300000. true nignogs

>> No.7366019


>> No.7366022

you probably think Argentinians and Irish folks are white

>> No.7366023

>squatting slavs
>not top tier

>> No.7366030

I was actually going to put them top as a joke, but idk felt like keeping it right.

le squatter guys are 2funny tho, with their tracksuits n whatnot

>> No.7366035

slavs have generally way better facial aesthetics than whites
they're also tall and thin mostly
I live in Finnish town near russian border and the russians are way more /fa/ than the mongolian shits right here.

>> No.7366039

Slavs have pretty great facial aesthetics, and hypebesting pinoys should be lower on the chart.

Still, >>>/pol/

>> No.7366048

you got a point there, I was just thinking how they all dress like utter shit
but facial aesthetics are a factor in effayness

>> No.7366053

well I'd say the russians in moscow/st.petersburg dress better than walmart-tier amerifats

>> No.7366059

I specifically excluded all types of white people, but yeah bottom-tier glutton fatsos would be the only whites in absolutely disgusting tier.
also general russians go in the (...) portion

>> No.7366080
File: 246 KB, 500x625, Fela+Kuti+fela.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>300000. true nignogs

Implying Fela ain't /fa/

>> No.7366103
File: 79 KB, 482x332, Fela_Kuti_and_Band_Perform_in_Lekki_-_Lagos,_early_90's.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga doesn't look like a true nignog, he seems like an inbetween with topblack and ordinary black black adult that woudl be in the ... portion (the type that can actually pull-off a fedora)
cool guy though

>> No.7366119

>fuccboi asians before whites
Korean detected.

>> No.7366121

>nigga doesn't look like a true nignog,
Just be assured he'd tell you otherwise if he were still allive

>> No.7366124
File: 473 KB, 630x550, oU329IL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not the most based and realest "nignog" to ever grace Earth

white ppl pls stop

>> No.7366131

no whites u fuccnerd, lrn2read

doesn't mean it's true, if he was your true nignog he wouldn't be wearing half the shit he's wearing, nor be able to cultivate a highly influential genre
also don't take the list so literal, there are exceptions for each

>> No.7366135


The worst thing is that I can't tell whether this was serious or not when posted.

>> No.7366138

"peak nignog" has a nice ring to it

>> No.7366141

cri harder lel

>> No.7366142

Don't you think

>> No.7366150
File: 201 KB, 352x457, king_of_fa_styling_on_all_you_bitches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>slavs have generally way better facial aesthetics than whites

pic related

>> No.7366156

I still wanna see the dude who redid this but with a spongebob face

>> No.7366174


>implying slavs are anything other than white
>2/10 made me respond

>> No.7366175

nah i don't really care, i just found it funny.

>> No.7366182



>> No.7366187

/int/ is a shithole btw you should probably stop going there unless you want mega autism
>i'm a victim

>> No.7366201
File: 30 KB, 1136x580, 1386040222569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it can be fun sometimes though

>> No.7366214

yeah it's fun sometimes but it turns pretty much turns everyone into a nationalistic undercover racist.

>> No.7366216

/int/ is the best board tbh

>> No.7366228

I don't think they're that subtle