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/fa/ - Fashion

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7359660 No.7359660[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

White people should never wear _____
Black people should never wear _____
Mexicans ______
Asians ______
Middle easterns ______

>> No.7359687

White people -baggy shorts
Black people can wear literally anything
Mexicans - anything that isn't FIFA 14
Asians - black leather jackets
Middle easterns idk

>> No.7359694

>Asians - black leather jackets
This. So much this. I hate it when Asians wear leather jackets. They just ruin the whole image.

>> No.7359707
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>Asians - black leather jackets

Oh ahahaha!

>> No.7359716

W- anything that isn't forever 21
B- dreadlocks. Stop that shit.
M- idk
A- idk
ME- idk

>> No.7359729

White people should never wear snapbacks
Black people should never wear suits
Mexicans - everything
Asians - coats
Middle easterns - everything but traditional dress

>> No.7359739

>Asians - coats

That's a pretty huge range of attire. Already know you're not serious with the whole black people not wearing suits thing.

>> No.7359747

>Asians - black leather jackets

I think the exception would be with Asian women.

>> No.7359786

>White people should never - try and pull off stubble, it looks shit unless you have a tan and dark hair
>Black people should never wear dark fits
>Mexicans idk
>Asians shouldn't wear shoes with big soles
>Middle easterns - can pull of almost anything, provided they aren't ugly

>> No.7359804

>Asians shouldn't wear shoes with big soles
>big soles

What does that mean? How can the sole of the shoe be disproportionate to the rest of the shoe?

>> No.7359811
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>>Black people should never wear dark fits

>> No.7359812

>Middle easterns ______
Anything that makes them look like they're trying to be black. It's worse than when white people do it.

>> No.7359869

White people should never wear anything from Hot Topic
Black people idk
Mexicans can wear anything
Asians can stop pretending they are in the fast and furious Tokyo drift movie
Middle easterns idk

>> No.7360558

>>White people should never - try and pull off stubble, it looks shit unless you have a tan and dark hair

Hmm I have dirty blonde hair, bush brows. Maybe I should get a tan but it's almost impossible.

>> No.7362641

White people - basketball shoes
Black people - skinny jeans if built
Mexicans - needs to stop ruining the AF1s and button up shirts
Asians - geos
Middle easterns - towels, blankets, bed sheets

>> No.7362668

>White people should never wear all white shoes
>Black people should never wear patterned sweaters
>Mexicans- can't be /fa/
>Asians can wear anything
>Middle easterns- ??

>> No.7363244
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>Mexicans- can't be /fa/

>> No.7363264

those stacks

>> No.7363267


Pffft I'm 6ft 150 I look boss in a suit. And I don't nig it up with tennis shoes or making it huge either

>> No.7363275

White people should never wear bald heads. You all look like chemo patients.

>> No.7363342

What if you're mulatto who looks dead center in the middle of black and white

>> No.7363369

Black guy here. Black people should never wear those boxy 5-panels or snapbacks ever. Its been ruined for us and people automatically assume we're douches.

White kids should never wear camp caps. You suburban swaggots ruined it for yourselves

I can wear a camp cap though :^)

>> No.7363370
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They don't dress nicely anymore, and I'm not digging the whole decapitated look they got going on.

>> No.7363379
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Then you're an abomination.

>> No.7363408

What would you recommend I do?

>> No.7363415

I mean about being abomination

>> No.7363424

white people should never wear-cargo shorts
black people should never wear-extremely baggy jeans/jerseys (unless going to a game)
Asian-jordans/hypebeast sneakers
Middle easterns-turban makes them look like a terrorist (you know its true)

>> No.7363461
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m8 u wot

>> No.7363505

its a religious thing you ignorant fuck

>> No.7363519
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>Asians - black leather jackets
nah man leathers look good on slim builds.

>> No.7363535

Yeah dawg. I go to a mostly Asian school and I always see a shitton of fuccs wearing these it pisses me off so much goddamn.

>> No.7363555
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White people - dreads
Black people - bling-bling
Mexicans - anything that doesn't cover chest hair
Asians - less than 5 layers of clothing
Middle easterns - explosives

>> No.7363556

god this looks so douchey and bad
looks like he was in a boliwood fast and furious movie. look like he got a dragon tattoo under that

>> No.7363570

so? What is said is still valid

>> No.7363580

>implying you wouldn't rock dreads if you were black

>> No.7363584

>tfw I wish I was middle eastern.

>> No.7363588
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>Middle easterns - explosives

>> No.7363590

why theres like a 1 in a million chance that you'd be beautiful and extremely handsome and nobody would prejudice you for being middle eastern
unless you're some shit race like mexican or jungle nigger asian

>> No.7363609

white people should never wear...motor oil
black people should never wear...hornets nests
asians...may or may not exist
middle easterners...do not exist

>> No.7363637
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>Be good looking Persian dude
>mfw we can wear anything

Except Paco Rabanne's 1 million, don't know how any of you could forget that

>> No.7363648

wear a turban, you cant wear anything

>> No.7363709

>Implying any folk besides middle-eastern folk can pull off a turban
>Implying you aren't incredibly ignorant to the religions of the world

You tripfags get worse and worse every day

>> No.7363772

they cant pull it off either...they look like terrorists. Who cares if its their religious beliefs its still not /fa/

>> No.7363810

White people - jordan 11s
Black people - all black
Mexicans - gold chain/necklaces or white pants
Asians - n/a
Middle easterns - backwards baseball hats or white pants

>> No.7363820
File: 111 KB, 426x640, DEL%20Delhi%20-%20Gurdwara%20Bangla%20Sahib%20Sikh%20temple%20portrait%20with%20colourful%20turban%2002%203008x2000[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying a shitty tripfag can dictate whether or not something is /fa/


>> No.7363833
File: 10 KB, 410x276, 99_J&K-Sikh,christian,Musli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you kidding me dude? theyre fly as fuck, go back to /sp/, ur a huge plen

>> No.7363832

>being such a buttmad sandnigger

You have shit-tier genetics, deal with it.

>> No.7363838

so you're implying that other races can wear turbans? they look even worse

>> No.7363839

>tfw i can never wear a turban because I don't have a bear to compliment it

>> No.7363850

>>Black people should never wear dark fits
For their own safety, yeah

>> No.7363857


>> No.7363867
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Just opened up all of my gifts early from relatives. Did I cop a good color of Clark's?

>> No.7363906

No its not. It's a cultural thing. Its a religious thing for Sihks.

>> No.7363913


>> No.7363942
File: 504 KB, 886x1308, artcomesfirst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Black people should never wear suits
breh these niggas are always going to be stylin on you

>> No.7363952

What's wrong with clarks

>> No.7363957

>implying its not society that deems it un/fa/
that looks like shit...but I wouldnt expect a diaper wearing faggot to get it
youre right, turbans should be banned by everyone but no other races really wear it

>> No.7363973

>clown shoes

>> No.7363995

fuck yes looking like a young shinobi in these streets

>> No.7364001
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>> No.7364002

they look like ugly old rabbis

>> No.7364010



>> No.7364027

you really think that turban doesnt ruin it? Hes on point with everything else. He could also trim the beard a little bit, its getting a bit narly

>> No.7364036

you niggas are fucking retards

you actually think that looking like a look book is a good fit

you niggas cant be fashionable if fashion stared at you in the face

>> No.7364051
File: 631 KB, 1242x1590, tumblr_mk9uv7XXTZ1r4hvnro4_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turbans can complement your fit. You're just not used to fashionable men rocking it(not your fault there's like 3). But I really think there are no out and out no-nos.

>> No.7364075

>Being so low level to consider something so next level as unfashionable

Why do you exist?

>> No.7364083

flat bill hats
tank tops

>> No.7364112

idk if its a religious thing but what are the dots beneath his eyes? look p gnarly

>> No.7365494
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>muh racism

>> No.7365534

it sooo 2009

>> No.7365541

All I'm learning in this thread is that asians can apparently wear anything.

>> No.7366445
File: 837 KB, 2000x1333, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White people can not wear man buns
Man bun belongs to Hispanics only.
Pic related it's Shia lamboof in "the necessary death of charlie countryman"

>> No.7366456
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>mfw Hispanic master race reporting in

>> No.7366461

He looks like a girl

>> No.7366478

Who the fuck are these guys I've seen like 10000 of their fits

>> No.7366479

>Implying it's better to discriminate against people who don't have nice clothes than different race.

At least we embrace our discrimination faggot. Ugly is ugly and if you don't like it gtfo

>> No.7366489

I lold

>> No.7366538

Black people should never dress like a goth/emo/whatever. Even less as a hipster. In fact... no one should dress as a hipster.

>> No.7366663
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I will never understand why black guys do this hairstyle so rarely

>> No.7366738

>Middle easterns - explosives
god damn toplel

>> No.7366821

bad example m8

>> No.7366847

Mexicans please stop wearing baggy jeans, oversized khakis, flannel shirts, white undershirts, bandana, flat-brimmed baseball caps, darker lip liner for Cholas, Loweriders, jerseys, clearly visible tattoo, gold jewelry specifically crucifixes and high knee socks.


>> No.7366849


>chest hair

you dont live around many mexis do you? most of them have child like hairless bodies.