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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 2.94 MB, 420x240, 1369303495244.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7347328 No.7347328 [Reply] [Original]

Ok a proper new Waywt cause the old one seems full or atleast too old.

>> No.7347331
File: 328 KB, 650x1860, QuickRunTotheGroceryStore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And to start off I'll post a picture of how I went to do groceries today.

>> No.7347336


>> No.7347337

>dat button
>dat shitty colour scheme
>waiter shoes
>those socks
>tongue of lowtop sneakers peeking out
>raglan sleeve

Why do you even bother

>> No.7347347
File: 871 KB, 245x230, 1384224027146.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7347352

I thought it was appropriate for going to the supermarket but not tooo slobby :(

>> No.7347355

its not overtly bad there is just no point in posting it

>> No.7347358

seems fine to me

>> No.7347362

I'll get into something a bit more special and post that :p

>> No.7347378
File: 1.76 MB, 408x225, when_someone_is_delusional.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

n-no.. that's ok..

>> No.7347404
File: 102 KB, 489x837, seapunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

went as a seapunk to a party lel

>> No.7347408
File: 303 KB, 600x1775, JustForYouAnon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but I'm sooo bored and Its been a long time ago I wore both of my raf at the same time.


>> No.7347411
File: 1001 KB, 1185x3145, Sans titre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7347415

yellowy green tips
p gross

>> No.7347416

Its probably nice but you can't see shit.

>> No.7347420
File: 1.96 MB, 400x225, huehue.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

qt erring lel

>> No.7347427



>> No.7347442

don't wear that t-shirt

ugly jacket


>> No.7347452

Its my favorite item tbh..

>> No.7347480

manlet ? I'm 6"0
post a fit you fat fakkuboy

>> No.7347483

I personally like it a lot
don't listen to that idiot

>> No.7347495

dressed by the internet

>> No.7347503

ugly everything

>> No.7347633

dude, dit is echt legit een coole fit en stuff, maar uw gezicht lijkt er zo retarded mee gewoon. het enige wat ik echt zou kunnen aanraden is wat gezichtshaar groeien of wat liften, dieet veranderen en shit zodat uw kaken meer zichtbaar worden

>> No.7347650

bit of a waste of moni here m8

>> No.7347646

i love how /fa/ says how great some item of clothing is and then shits on anyone who buys/wears said item

>> No.7347656

ehhhh cuz it looks shit?

>> No.7347652 [DELETED] 

pls...pls... be in vancouver

>> No.7347654


don't wear it badly fgt

>> No.7347661

Fuck, I can only grow a porno-stache, I'm already a vegetarian and I swim occasionally. I hate lifting/gym stuff and I can't do anything intense cause I got some blood pressure issues in my left arm.

What is?

>> No.7347665

But he isn't wearing anything poorly
His fit is really inoffensive

>> No.7347669

raf 4 mr p jack

>> No.7347670

pls jolien put on ur trip

>> No.7347676

lmao nice argument nerd

im sure you're just some goof ninja or poorfag who is angsty

>> No.7347677

Not really I didn't pay nearly as much as americans had to and I love the item.

I really appreciate the effort BB but please no1 will believe you are not me.

>> No.7347686

that raf jacket is sick as fuck

>> No.7347687

30x pompen en situps elke dag voor minimale workouts, loop af en toe minimaal
eet eieren voor proteinen
=>na 3maanden gaat er al een klein verschil zijn

>> No.7347688


>> No.7347691

aja die raf vest is echt wel cool als dicks dude

>> No.7347692

>cool as dicks dude
jezus, wat een kankerhomo ben jij

>> No.7347695
File: 135 KB, 1184x900, Screen Shot 2013-12-02 at 4.57.31 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice try nerd

>> No.7347700

>nog steeds kankerhomo en jezus aan het gebruiken

top hehe plen


>> No.7347702

oosterpark 15:00 kom dan, vuile hoer. ik breek je neus

>> No.7347706

>/fa/ is one person

>> No.7347709

yeah hivemind as fuck

>> No.7347711

meh ik ben in antwerpen en ik heb examens morgen, don't rlly give a fuck

>> No.7347715

Better then FFA

Not digging the shoes and that shirt is not at all /fa/

Keep the skirt though, i like it but it's not form fitting.

>> No.7347716

godver, ben jij een belg? ahahaha

>> No.7347725

daarom de taalverschillen yo

>> No.7347729

gokienekienen jeweellsllenn or proormna zjiekzkekkke kiejkeek

>> No.7347742
File: 2.04 MB, 960x1280, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoe edition.

>> No.7347745

o, ja, had het kunnen weten.

>> No.7347784
File: 164 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 12-2-13 at 9.20 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 bali

>> No.7347788

pls be in london

>> No.7347798
File: 495 KB, 840x1200, waywt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Full comfy fit today.

>> No.7347803

what shoes (are they shoes) are you wearing?

>> No.7347806

are u going to bali for schoolies or what

>> No.7347812

they're knitted house shoes made with love from my granny.

>> No.7347816

i-is that serious? thats actually pretty cool, could i maybe get a close up photo or something? i like the silhouette

>> No.7347820

2 lazy, just really basic knitted sock/shoes dunno.

>> No.7347835

lol ur 5'8 at most fuccboi

>> No.7347927
File: 2.52 MB, 2448x3264, Photo 2013-12-02 15 14 20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7347936

What tshirt is that?

>> No.7347942

I think it's fine man.

>> No.7347947
File: 269 KB, 325x609, Screen Shot 2013-12-01 at 5.16.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shoes were just chucks

>> No.7347949

looks allright
would have wore another sweater tho
this is chill but you look like a mermaid
it's ok
i dont like the shirt showing

>> No.7347966

those rs velcros make my dick so hard

>> No.7347975

What pants are those?

>> No.7347976
File: 450 KB, 450x680, photo (12).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey qt sup bb

hey dude for what it's worth i like the jacket here
looks cool and im mirin your rafs ;)

anyways repost 4 the guy who asked me for chuck fit

>> No.7347983
File: 1.34 MB, 1840x3264, IMAG0333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7347993
File: 37 KB, 256x380, cop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goa pants

>> No.7348022

thanks m8

>> No.7348046
File: 255 KB, 528x1200, waywt3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the full fit tho.

>> No.7348054

Fuck thats hot, w2c errthing?

>> No.7348065

thats a fucking sick fit, maybe get some different shoes tho

>> No.7348077
File: 1.91 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_3071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7348078

> vegetarian
No wonder you look like a total bitch. Eat sum red meats not soy shit...

>> No.7348090

Why do you care what other people eat?

>> No.7348117

Dr.Denim Parka "Julian"
Long shirt "New york" from girav.de
Random ass grey scarf
grey Element sweater
Pants see: >>7347993
Self composed Janoskis (Nike SB)


>> No.7348167

everything looks too new

>> No.7348172

DAMN i love these shoes, the hightop ones more tho
but the jeans dont work.

>> No.7348174

This board is quite similar to /fit/ in some ways. Most of you dress to impress other people on this board, not people in real life - the same way guys on /fit/ try to get the look that impresses other members, not females or normal people.

Most (not all), are probably getting shit on behind their backs by regular people who think you dress like a retard, not stylishly. Instead of trying to look how you think /fa/ wants you to, how about you actually work on looking good in general. After all, praise on the internet is worthless.

>> No.7348178

I have similar colorway problems
what kind of sweater to wear with fucking black shoes and pants?

>> No.7348182

v cool
love it man

nah m8 I dress for my own self. ive only posted a fit like once anyway. although i cant speak for everyone else

>> No.7348188

Agreeing with >>7348182 on this one. Personally only dress in stuff I like myself. Now if something in reality comes off as provocative for the normal person I don't mind it. After all, you shouldn't be wearing clothes that make YOU feel uncomfortable.

>> No.7348202

You're correct, except you're entirely fucking incorrect.

To begin with, barely any /fit/izen wants to get ripped for /fit/, you idiot. They want to get ripped so that they can become comfortable enough in their own bodies to socialize IRL. The entire struggle toward aesthetics and effay is centered around leaving 4chan.

>> No.7348210

Of course, I didn't want to group everyone together because not everyone is the same. If it gives you confidence then fuck yeah go for it.

But i feel like some people here are almost uncomfortable in their fits and are seeking praise by dressing the way people here tell them too, instead of looking the way they want to. There's nothing worse than having a unique look but not having the confidence to pull it off.

>> No.7348213

thanks m8

you're very wrong my friend
why r u so bitter? it's not like the way /fa/ dresses here is exclusive to the internet or 4chan lol
i don't think u know much about what you're talkin about if that's what u think

>> No.7348228

>people here are almost uncomfortable in their fits and are seeking praise by dressing the way people here tell them too
this is true i think for the rly new guys, but i feel the ppl who stick around (aka those who aren't from /b/ or /v/ and r trying to get girls) and are truly interested in the way they dress all have a personal style. i mean look at mango, that lunar guy who looks like a jew, an others i can't think of. basically everyone who actually has the "passion" for lack of a better word all develop their own style

>> No.7348234
File: 130 KB, 383x472, 1383649312893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this actually worked for me
>put on 25lbs, lose 30
>get a decent wardrobe
>became arrogant, narcissistic, and vein
>this was the key to life

>still not happy with body
>14%bf is fatty fatty boom boom to me
>need to lose 5 more pounds and then put it into pecs and shoulders
>spending all my money on clothes
>running out of room for shoes

>> No.7348245

Are... Are... Are you me-e...????

>> No.7348243

To clarify I'm good at socializing as well because I got a job as a cashier so my social fear is gone now and I learned to dance. Also I'm dating a girl I actually like now.

>> No.7348250

>I got a job as a cashier
living the dream

>> No.7348249


Why post this? I understand this is waywt but I think I saw a bmxer dresses the same earlier

>> No.7348253

I'm in school for software engineering.

>> No.7348252

I like everything but the tee graphic. Just the green seems weird to me, would look nicer with a white graphic.

>> No.7348259

pls be my gf

>> No.7348571
File: 330 KB, 443x544, Screen shot 2013-12-03 at 4.43.48 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repost, vtb, ksubi, jp,,,,,,,,,,

>> No.7348578

w2c tee

>> No.7348588

Why do people 'repost' in a fucking what are you wearing TODAY thread.

If you want reaffirmation go and put it on mfa.

>> No.7348587


>> No.7348590

can you read english or

just fucking leave pls

>> No.7348591


>> No.7348594

cause i deserve your attention

>> No.7348595
File: 208 KB, 600x586, stahp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7348627


Back in the living room

>> No.7348643

because it's a waywt and it's what i wore lol
tht bmxer must be a cool dude

thanks man. ya i get what u mean a white graphic actually would look cool now that i picture it

>> No.7348646
File: 152 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7348669

shirt looks a size or two too big. probably one. I kinda like the oversized look in this fit

>> No.7348673


It's XS and I can't even button up the collar without choking. I think it's just the sleeves

>> No.7348684

ya i like the shirt dude, espec the baggy sleeves but i don't like the nbs, but they work here so whatevs

>> No.7348701
File: 282 KB, 500x696, outfit2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7348697


W2c bumpy ceiling?

>> No.7348703
File: 149 KB, 1224x1632, 20131202_130442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I know I need to lose weight.

>> No.7348705

shitty topman suit/10

>> No.7348722

You look like you've learned nothing here.

>> No.7348730

Yeah ... but no

>> No.7348736


Suit quality aside, you need to ditch that belt and tie pronto.

Also get a shirt that doesn't look like fermented cat shit.

meh/10. I'd get some better shoes, and a tapered trouser. You don't look massively overweight so lose some lbs and get some tighter fitting t's.

>> No.7348739


Try to express yourself more.

>> No.7348741
File: 179 KB, 540x600, Ryan-Gosling-in-Ides-of-March.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to lift. Your proportions look fucked and your negative traps disgust me.

>> No.7348746

what's the matter with the tie ?

>> No.7348750


Why does his tie tip look so awkard there? lel at negative traps

>> No.7348772

It's too thin and doesn't loft outward enough at the bottom.

>> No.7348788

protip: take your pictures in another room you've never posted from before
censor your entire head
never post the jacket again
pretend to not be Jolien so you can get some feedback for your clothes instead of your trash e-persona

>> No.7348795
File: 513 KB, 1381x3264, b1eb800a-e08e-4479-b26c-eaf5ef87b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7348796

shit palette

>> No.7348800

I live a perfectly normal and fun life outside of 4chan, I don't care about my persona here. Its just fun.

>> No.7348804

>that kid in hs who wouldn't stfu about high school musical subscribes to GQ and graduates

the 90s

>> No.7348805

i've seen this fit over 100x on this board over the past month

not bad tho top half is sloppy

>> No.7348808 [DELETED] 

everyone on this thread looks like shit

>> No.7348834

pls b in copenhagen

>> No.7348851
File: 768 KB, 1535x2112, Uf0oeSV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's my palette?

>> No.7348860


>> No.7348868
File: 732 KB, 2448x3264, getting the hang of things.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just playing around with some textures

>> No.7348871

sauce on sweater and patns?
change shoes tho

>> No.7348879


Sweater is JCF. Pants are Dockers

>> No.7348880

Ruined by the boots. Black would be best in this case.

Stone pants would be better here.

>> No.7348883

if i saw you on the street i would probably laugh softly to my gf

>> No.7348899

dad please go

>> No.7348910

I have some coke that I bought at a rave the other night. Is it more /fa/ to snort it or rub it on my gums?

>> No.7348930

uhh rubbing it on your gums is just to test the quality

>> No.7348948

those are fucking hideous
>typical example of a brandwhore

>> No.7348954
File: 377 KB, 675x900, pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any suggestions on what other shoes I could wear with this?

>> No.7348957

if you are that clueless, you probably weren't sold coke

>> No.7348962


I was. I went with a friend who is pretty into the rave scene. He got it for me

>> No.7348965

snort that shit duh

>> No.7348967

guidi backzips
ccp drips
velcros if youre cheap

>> No.7348980

>all of those shoes
>praying it doesn't actually rain the whole time
why doesn't tricky rick make some sick rain geos

>> No.7348985

I kind of hate CPs at this point
you look like a character that hasnt been unlocked yet

i cant do this anymore i give up youre all so boring jesus christ

>> No.7348990
File: 673 KB, 1080x1080, PhotoGrid_1386010828147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what to do with this shirt yet. Its chronicles of never and it is markedas a small but as you can see it fits like a 3xl.

>> No.7348995
File: 122 KB, 540x960, 1476174_686322794725844_1037983793_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7348991

Navy is unusable

>> No.7348996

lol why would you post this again

>> No.7348998

into the trash it goes

>> No.7349013
File: 743 KB, 2448x3264, dec 2 2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American Apparel x2, DRKSHDW, Levis, Y-3

>> No.7349012


You look the bad kind of effeminate. You need to work on your posture a bit, head up, shoulders back, no slouching. I'd go for some shoes with a decent amount of white on. Your coats got too much going on. Maybe take the shit out your pockets so it's not as bulky at the bottom.

Too fat to pull off a style like this. Your hair makes me want to vomit in my own eyes. Ring and watch mismatch. Watch in general. I think you look good from the waist down though. Points for effort though, it's an interesting look.

I'd swap out the shoes for some black docs, otherwise pretty good.

>> No.7349020


Nice profile, but whats up with the knees?

Would glance at in street.

>> No.7349024
File: 959 KB, 2448x3264, dec 2 2013 front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another angle

>> No.7349025

shouldve gotten geos dude

>> No.7349027

I was wearing a heavy backpack :( also thx anon for your opinions.

>> No.7349028

I ride track bikes, so my thigh muscles are gigantic. It gives me a pretty strange lower body profile some time but I have been running more to try and slim down.

>> No.7349030

ew dont do this

looks good m8 pants look king of baggy but honestly thats nit picking. gj

>> No.7349036
File: 236 KB, 343x800, boring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7349040

I payed 100 dollars for this shoes, but if I had geo money right now I would have gotten them instead. I like not having the same high tops as everyone else though.

>> No.7349043

I like your current shoes better with that fit anyway

>> No.7349055

yep its boring

>> No.7349082

One of the best way to improve posture breh, if you can hold a good posture under heavy load you'll be golden without.

Nah embrace that shit. I thought it was some gnarly knee bags, or your other leg and the angle fucking up.

Boring to me is neutral, not bad not 2edgybasedstyle. I dress boring. This is bad. Your jacket's too big, the neck scoop is retarded, why do you have your sleeves rolled up. It looks like you've been chewing on your t neck, your jeans are all bunched up and look like they're washed out. P. nice sink though, is that a school bathroom!?

Open your jacket, pull your sleeves down, push your trousers down from the knee, straight lace your shoes and take another pic. Think you'll look much better.

>> No.7349128
File: 101 KB, 468x849, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7349147

Shoes suck, and your jeans are ~1" too long. Otherwise not bad. Would be better if it wasn't backlit and dark as fuck so you could actually see wyawt.

>> No.7349151
File: 149 KB, 774x1032, M47R1X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7349152

I really don't like it when leg openings are slightly too big and I see it often (that's why I always get my pants tailored) if you can't be arsed with tailoring pinroll them. It's a detail but it's gonna look much better. I feel like that leg opening thing ruins the silhouette. Pinrolled/smaller leg openings look much smoother and better especially with slim sneakers like those MMM's.

>> No.7349158
File: 442 KB, 382x621, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying they aren't beautiful

>> No.7349164

haha yum

you look like a black dante

>> No.7349165

>not using reserve image search to confirm such an obvious troll

>> No.7349169

omg who cares

>> No.7349170


they look like some shit my grandma might wear man. Even if you're wearing them ironically they still look awful. Some of the colorways are alright but that is fucking disgusting

>> No.7349176

they look like average dad shoes

like something you'd get at a walmart

>> No.7349181
File: 745 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about these bad boys. Also thanks and ignore the shit room

>> No.7349243

pleb, you dont know shit. and im not defending joliens fit here.

>> No.7349254

wow, how has noone responded to this yet?

>> No.7349255

dark brown or black boots

>> No.7349258


> all dese plebs

>> No.7349271
File: 1005 KB, 3024x3024, bio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7349292

I like the thumbnail, but the actual shoes look bad. Invest in some decent footwear.



wow chill out. lolcuffs/10

>> No.7349294


you have no arguement as to why they look good other than "pleb you dont understand"

>> No.7349297

lol, just because you dropped 300 on designer kids/autist running shoes doesnt make them any prettier

>> No.7349303

Overplayed? Yeah. But I think they're still viable.

>> No.7349305

the cuffs looks ridiculous, im was just surprised he didnt get 20 replys hating on his givenchy tee

>> No.7349306
File: 64 KB, 400x400, juistja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deze draad

>> No.7349313


> Dis delusion

>> No.7349317


>> No.7349326

The guy calling you pleb isn't me.

>> No.7349338

Those are CP's your killing me

>> No.7349387

>im was just surprised he didnt get 20 replys hating on his givenchy tee
anon pls

>> No.7349404


Yes I am

>> No.7349408


lol 4real? It looks like a George (Walmart) canvas plimsole from the photo.

>> No.7349427

Pic is a testament to why that's not true. I'll give you some more feedback though, you seem like a nice guy.

The leg opening on your trousers are too wide, IMO would look a lot better tailored to a shorter inseam and slightly tapered from the knee down. The peacoat is the only thing seriously ruining this outfit. A bomber, parka or single breasted wool mac would be so much better. I also don't like how you've laced your boots.

>> No.7349440

he's right. they look like shit

>> No.7349437

Most of /fa/ from goofs to swaggots to dads all liked both the shark and rottie givenchy tees.

Most of /fa/ also realized that trashy people would like them as well.

Smart people on /fa/ didn't cop despite liking it because they recognized that it would be killed by plebe drift inside of two months.

>> No.7349451

I normally wear more taper on my jeans. I intentionally went to slim straight for this single pair.

I find that slim straight gives a more workwear-ey look which is appropriate to some shit.

Also I was bored with all my jeans having the same cut.

>> No.7349463

But yes on the shorter insean. They're like 36" long and I have to cuff like crazy.

>> No.7349491

Fuck I've been wanting to cop one for ages and my friend was selling his but every time I see someone in one I just assume it's fake. I don't want anyone to think I wear fakes. Fucking plebs ruining everything. :(

>> No.7349583
File: 2.16 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

p basic today and yes my mirror is way too high

>> No.7349652


If that's your p basic I'd be interested in seeing your v or u basic.

Leg opening almost as bad as your shoes.

>> No.7349667

>I don't want anyone to think I wear fakes
iktf. hold me.

>> No.7349675


I only think people are wearing fakes if they're dressed in other shitty items. It's like fedoracores that are wearing rolexes. Flaws aside you just fucking know they're knock off.

>> No.7349683

>Most of /fa/ from goofs to swaggots to dads all liked both the shark and rottie givenchy tees.

>> No.7349695

what is this jumper

>> No.7349708
File: 170 KB, 1000x1000, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7349717

really, really gay

>> No.7349722


Nice ass

>> No.7349746
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awkward pose so you can see boots in light and shirt

>> No.7349747

oh dear

>> No.7349755
File: 2.51 MB, 286x258, fuccboigeneral.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy look shit you look legitimately like a queer
w2c nailsaloonemployee-core

>> No.7349792
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Went hiking today

>> No.7349799

sorry im not too sure if many people can pull of light denim, you definitely cant. Just swap for some black skinnies and you're good.

>> No.7349806


>> No.7349811

room looks comfy

>> No.7349816



Throw away those jeans. Is that a 30 seconds to mars tshirt? Nice looking boots, what are they? Don't go with your jeans though
>implying anything would

Red, blue, green, white, black. Are you painting or hiking? Jeans are too short to cuff. Boots are puke-core.

>> No.7349820

all but the kicks

>> No.7349836


Please don't stand like that ever again, pretty feminine pose tbh.

Polo is too tight and short.The wash and rips on the jeans are just plain bad.

>> No.7349840
File: 626 KB, 2208x2104, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cm bayani
thom browne

>> No.7349851


All these pasty, skinny fat white boys.

Work on your bodies for christsakes. You all look like lonely autists.

>> No.7349855

Shoes are ugly and the shirt doesn't go with the general aesthetic you're trying to achieve imo

>> No.7349857


Those socks tho

>> No.7349862


Parka seems to big for you.

>> No.7349860


Jacket looks huge and you look like you're 13

>> No.7349865

parka's way too big dude
shit color choice on socks
shit shoe choice
start over

>> No.7349869
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These redwings better?

>> No.7349877

I'm gonna cop some cps or some shit soon enough
supposed to be huge
I'm a tiny person so everything is
you seriously think so?
shoes look adequate enough in person and I just rolled up the socks over the pants to show that they exist

>> No.7349883



>> No.7349888


That's like me getting my dick out in public so people know I have one.

We get that you are wearing socks. You don't have anything to prove.

>> No.7349895
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Hey bb I was at the balls in rundle waiting for you, y didn't u show?

>> No.7349912

Why bad leg opening? My cps were destroyed, so I have to wear my adidas, sorry, anon.

>> No.7349921
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>Bad hair
>Graphic tee
>This guy fucking trips

What are u doing m8

>> No.7349916
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high level

>> No.7349923

/fa/ STILL has terrible taste in shoes. its like being /fit/ with chicken legs

>> No.7349940


Work out and build mass.

>> No.7349976

get loads of compliments on my hair

>> No.7349977
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>mfw this manchick could break me in half. Time to lift?

>> No.7349979

Burn that coat

>> No.7349987
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Old fit

>> No.7349989

Lol shoes

>> No.7350017
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The belt just brings the whole gay vibe together.

I mean that's ok if you're gay and that's what you want, but I'm just saying anon. You look gay.

>> No.7350044
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no big mirrors where i am at


>> No.7350056
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>> No.7350057
File: 2.30 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes I need to get /fit/
>yes my shoes are disgusting
>yes I have fat legs

>> No.7350077

u know what u need to do so do it dude then come back post results

>> No.7350078

Curious, what determines if one can pull off light denim?
Boots are randomtier I copped at the Bay, durability not great, but I like them
I don't think the shirt is 30 Seconds to Mars, I picked it up cause I thought the print was interesting. (Man with tiger head eating breakfast. He's holding a muffin :D)
I'll post a pic of the print later

>> No.7350088

wtf is up with that buttoned collar

wrecks your whole ensemble

>> No.7350083
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>> No.7350085
File: 13 KB, 350x288, Laughing+way+too+hard+at+that+gif+_d9ed8e1567101121260bc410847df253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7350142
File: 6 KB, 196x238, 1348005137480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat posture
top kek

>> No.7350212

Shirts too small for you circumference wise, not digging how open the collar is either.

v neck not even once, lelshoes

I dont think anyone's looked /fa/ in a halfzip ever. Your scarf is currently keeping your coat warm, seeing as it's about 4' away from, oh i don't know, your fucking neck? Can't really give advice on fit or anything cause of half-shot.

Shirts a touch too small at the shoulders and/or upper back. Fix your left collar (it's indented). Also buy some more fitted trousers, they're horrible. You don't even look fat or whatever your pants just make your legs look bulky fedoracore. srsly those shoes

>> No.7350236
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Word of advice, blur your face next time.

>> No.7350239

Oh shit I have the same belt.. bought it when I was 15 tho

>> No.7350240

10/10 could b real

>> No.7350254
File: 153 KB, 533x800, bbsfw13-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parka looks good everything else is shit
Especially the jeans
lol@BBS stance btw

>> No.7350260
File: 23 KB, 500x500, BUPl9uKIEAIzQOy.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will do

>> No.7350264

You have some pretty cool pieces (referring to previous fits too), though I feel like you are majorly dressed by the internet.

>> No.7350265

pls respond

>> No.7350266

Buscemi possessed another one?

>> No.7350274
File: 213 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_mx44qee8Ps1qeiyqio1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

siki im :: yyph :: cdgh+ :: docs

>> No.7350289


>> No.7350284
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>> No.7350297

Shoes are wrong season and don't go well with the rest of the fit.

>> No.7350310
File: 137 KB, 540x960, 1455870_660534240658201_1310832987_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheap Monday

>> No.7350321

did that a bit last year
guess I'll try to get back into it

>> No.7350326

you look a bit like an autistic teenager

I get that you like your dick owens but honestly you have to spend some money if you don't want to look like a dumb nigger

>> No.7350327

lol is this hifi lmao if it isnt double lmao if it is

>> No.7350331

yeesh, for all that rick and yohji you look mad generic

>> No.7350329

i love this
show a side view

>> No.7350332

Took that pic this morning and already changed sorry

>> No.7350333
File: 127 KB, 263x609, wiwt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

diy diy diy nb

>> No.7350339

i rly like the look here but i think the shoes could be swapped for something else, just can't pinpoint what though

>> No.7350340

i like, but not weird enough

>> No.7350344

teach me

>> No.7350345

because autism

>> No.7350351


>> No.7350375


i think the layering should be more pronounced if its gonna have any impact... also diff shoes, nbs sorta clash in my mind. dece comfy core though man

>> No.7350383

yeh working on my shoe game . . need some low profile black sneaks. recomendations? <$250

>> No.7350412



>> No.7350423


>> No.7350426

ebay will cost u a arm and a leg tho

>> No.7350433

everything about this is fucking awful, dude. baggy-ass jeans, ill-fitting, wrinkled pleb collar shirt and an unbuttoned cardigan. you seriously aren't even trying.

>> No.7350436

o lovely when are you coming to London??? I want bucketboi friend for lyf

>> No.7350437
File: 2.56 MB, 3264x4928, dragon tattoo lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gap Coat
H&M Scarf
Levis 511
Shitty Primark Boots

>> No.7350438

hi swindler :)))

>> No.7350440

This is a *very* conservative fit, dan. Like -- this isn't just some kind of "inspired by 1940's workwear" shit. You actually look like you're wearing 1940's workwear.

>> No.7350450

i actually might b coming w/ some friends after finals to watch the boys from qpr take home a championship (nawm sayin pun completely intended)
where u at? we can hang out

>> No.7350462


as in low top or just unassuming?

either way lots and lots of options

>> No.7350463

ehehehe, fuck qpr.
I'm like peckham area (inb4 ghetto poorfag)
It's about 30 mins from central by train

>> No.7350474

cool drop ur email and if i make my way out there i'll shoot u one, i have no idea how far that is but it's likely i'll be stayin somewhere near downtown if/when i go

>> No.7350485

to diy

>> No.7350497

sheet of fabric
sewing machine

go @ it m8

>> No.7350515

just drop me ur skype bud, no worries bout that.
Ah town is 1 train for me, no matter where it is ahaha

>> No.7350526

skype's in the field homie

>> No.7350559
File: 64 KB, 638x960, qt twerkdoctor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice dadcore

>> No.7350588

new thread when?

>> No.7350618

w2c mask?

>> No.7350614

w2c Deutschland parka?

>> No.7350629

Digging the mandarin shirt.

>> No.7351146


>> No.7351914
File: 140 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always post to these fucking threads too late, and no one ever ends up responding/ the thread ends up getting pruned.
How's the fit? And no I didn't actually wear the bucket hat to school. Just for the pic lol.

>> No.7352522

would be cool if you wore this shit with a sketchy vibe. otherwise if you just act like an awkward teenager, it's gonna look ridiculous. don't wear the costume if you can't play the part.

>> No.7353089

Those are fucking terrible. The all-black makes them look like fucking asics tennis shoes

>> No.7353091

It could be any of the brands listed you stupid, worthless piece of degenerate shit. Get out

>> No.7353097

Navy and khaki are made for each other

>> No.7353100
File: 452 KB, 1200x618, ASICS GEL-TRIGGER 8 JUNIOR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they look like fucking wal-mart sneakers