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File: 133 KB, 629x859, donda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7344805 No.7344805[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you invested in DONDA yet /fa/?

>> No.7344820

Because I have no idea what the fuck it's supposed to be for.

>> No.7344816

Cuz this nigger ain't shit.

>> No.7344844

>Because I have no idea what the fuck it's supposed to be for.

no one does, not even kanye

>> No.7344841


>> No.7344856

qt pigeon-toed stance kan

>> No.7344871

What does DONDA even mean?

>> No.7344883


>> No.7344884

>giving money to niggers

back to Paris with you faggots

>> No.7344885

donda investa ino mi compania
it's italian

>> No.7344891

what has donda done really?
a few album covers and set design for a concert?

>> No.7344894

its his moms name

>> No.7344912

If you ever heard him in interviews, he skips through so many ideas and references that, overall, he ends up sounding really stupid, and reckless, which is probably why no one wants to invest in him.

>> No.7344926

well yeah, from what i can tell he doesn't know what he wants to do and has no plans
simply being kanye west doesn't result in money when it comes to companies and investment, i guess that's not something he's used to

>> No.7345015

because from the beginning it was obvious that kanye was just talking shit. now he wants to act as if he was always taking it seriously, but he has no idea what the fuck he wants to do with the company anyway.

>> No.7345576

i dont get how kanye doesnt have enough money for whatever he wants to do. he keeps bitching he needs more money for shit and companies to back him, but how is he not rich as fuck? he and his slut are both wealthy.

>> No.7345668
File: 105 KB, 398x503, trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Welcome to DONDA MEDIA, the world is our office.

>> No.7345697

If he lost weight he would be /fa/ as fuck

>> No.7345703

I imagine he thinks of himself as something far and above being a musician... I wouldn't be surprised if his goal is to top a billion in net worth.

>> No.7345719


>> No.7345770

We can turn the screens off right now I'm coming up to you as a homie

>> No.7345792

he lost 13 million dollars m8.

also what he is trying to accomplish is on a larger. scle. for some reason he doesnt want to start off small. he needs someone to be the Medici family to his Michaelangelo (him/donda)

>> No.7345803
File: 97 KB, 1019x703, it me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>larger. scle.

wow i cant type.

>> No.7345831

obviously a fashion designer, but he was able to do that without a financial backer, right? idk wtf he is trying to do though but it must be pretty big if hes trying to recruit programmers n shit.

>> No.7345829

Pretty apt comparison, especially considering how absurdly delusional Kanye is. Hell, I can see him making that statement himself.

>> No.7345840

>he lost 13 million dollars
>also what he is trying to accomplish is on a larger. scle
what is he trying to do????

>> No.7345858

he has over $100 mil net worth

>> No.7345868

he did make that statement lmao... thats where i got it from

"And by the way, Marc Parker(Nike CEO), yes I will still accept an investment in DONDA. I’ve got some more ideas that don’t involve shoes. But if you guys are investing in the arts, y’all wanna invest in a school in Brazil, y’all wanna go to Africa, I am standing up and I’m telling you, I am Warhol. I am the number one most impactful artist of our generation. I am Shakespeare, in the flesh. Walt Disney. Nike. Google. Now who’s gonna be the Medici Family and stand up and let me create more? Or do you wanna marginalize me until I’m out of my moment?"

it was from the sway interview below

just watch this

>> No.7345873

Do you not remember his paris runway premiere? Dude basically stole from everyone and it presented it as his own. It was unanimously frowned upon.

>> No.7345882

Net worth =/= liquid assets/usable money

He's worth millions of dollars through things like any property he owns (houses/mansions, recording studios, cars, etc.), royalties/copyrights, businesses he operates or are under his name, etc.

>> No.7345879

He did in an interview.

>> No.7345881

do you know what net worth is?

>> No.7345935


>y’all, y'all, y'all

I still don't get why he insists on talking like an uneducated ghetto nigger when there are other interviews of him speaking proper english AND anyone who is black or has spent enought time around people who grew up talking in ebonics can tell from a fucking mile away that Kanye is faking it

>> No.7345979

What is persona?

Most people are like this.

It's subtle sometimes too: you might curse a lot, but in front of certain people you never use swear words

>> No.7346001


I know its a persona, but its a pants on head retarded "persona" that does not suit him and makes him look like a fucking tool

Everytime I hear him talk I cringe.

>> No.7346005

>faking it

man this is like the 100th time im posting this but fuck it

"Every black american is bilingual, all of 'em.
We speak street vernacular, and we speak job interview.
There's a certain way I gotta speak to have access.
If I'm sitting across the table from a studio exec, you know, sometimes they'll do it to me.
"Say, my man, what's happening?" I say, "hold up, hold up, no, no, no, no, no," and I gotta throw out them big words.
I gotta let them know that my parents are probably smarter than your parents.
They're much better educated than your parents, but they may not have had the access that your parents had,
But this is show business.
I can climb that socioeconomical ladder, just off the merit of my skills, I can talk that shit."

>> No.7346009

btw dave chappelle said this

>> No.7346045


this is retarded

i would feel insulted by it if i was black

>> No.7346047

Chapelle is a really smart guy. His work is full of social commentary -- and it's subtle too.

But I'll let you in on a secret.... a lot of white people are bilingual too.

I can play the eloquent and university educated upper-middle class guy if I want, but I can talk like a beer swilling hoser too. It all depends on the context.

>> No.7346056

is he mentally ill :o?

>> No.7346279

Not really. Modern african american vernacular is really just an inclusive dialect. Code switching is common in many other cultures besides this one.

>> No.7346292

im framing this and putting it in the lourve lollll

>> No.7347043


>> No.7347759

but it's linguistic fact

>> No.7347921

thank you for this

>> No.7347928

yeah, he's really gone downhill since his mums death

>> No.7347992

shit, imagine if it was yeezy who died in a car crash instead of Paul Walker. would be s.a.A.d.

>> No.7348023

i remember the first time i picked up a turbocharger in high school autoshop, off of an old mk2 supra

asked what it was, since i saw it in fast and the furious.........fast forward 2 years and i was a professional auto mechanic while going to school as a teenager

>> No.7348035

what a stupid nigger.

he acts like an insane, panting sperg. losing his shit in that recent radio interview smh.

fell off (if he was ever on)

>> No.7348095


now imagine you're driving along in your corolla, when a monochrome black ferrari comes out of nowhere, smashing into you on the passenger side. somehow you're unscathed so you run to check on the other driver and it's yeezy, dead, wearing red octobers. do you cop or not?

>> No.7348110

corolla is a steel unibody, ferrari is pre-impregnated dry wet slump seamed with excess epoxy vacumned out and a monque hollow alum frame in the drvers cage

yeezy would become one with the ferrari and yeezys would be melted to nothing

>> No.7348453

sieg why dont u get a job at a car dealership or mechanix store?

>> No.7348506

Not good enough for all his degree. I will say it agian Sieg. Become an university researcher.

>> No.7348563
File: 151 KB, 960x681, kanye looks for investors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7348801

ahahahhaah thank you for this

>> No.7349099

Nice try, Kanye.

/fa/ doesn't have disposable money anyway. We spend it all on based rick.