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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 107 KB, 540x540, leather-biker-jacket-from-rag-o-rama-hm-gingham-shirt-urban-outfitters-black-bow-tie-ray-ban-wayfarer-levis-black-510-skinny-je.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7340142 No.7340142 [Reply] [Original]

So does anyone here actually own a leather jacket? Please tell me none of you are THAT autistic that you voluntarily purchased a leather jacket...

Can we get a petition going to ban anyone who admits to owning a leather jacket?

Daily reminder:

-you are not marlon brando
-you are not james dean
-you are not a greaser
-you do not ride a motorcycle
-you are a pasty skinny suburban teenager trying to look edgy

Picture related; if you are actually stupid and naive enough to wear one, you WILL look like this.

There are no exceptions. We know you are not a model. We know you are a 5/10 at best.

Leather jackets are the outerwear equivalent of a fedora.

>> No.7340156

I fucking second this

>> No.7340161


agreed, leather jackets are for autists

>> No.7340172

autists are people who write big long things like this telling people to stop liking what they dont like

>> No.7340196

leather jacket wearer detected

>> No.7340215

Hello Bandido

>> No.7340213

don't own one
butthurt detected

>> No.7340218

Bandido pls go

>> No.7340223

Sure is a lot of samefag going on here. I already explained this shit, OP. Why can't you restrict your sperging to one thread?

>> No.7340231


lmao i wear rick leather stfu povvo ass lil bitch

>> No.7340248

I willingly bought a leather jacket. It looks good on me and I wear it when its cold. Stay jelly neckbeard OP.

>> No.7340270
File: 61 KB, 452x452, 1911367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought one for $300 that was off of $600, but it was too big in the arms and the fit was atrocious. Was an impulse buy but the store was cool enough to take a return 2 months later because it was virtually unworn.

Gotta say though, it smelled nice as fuck and felt comfy as fuck.

pic related. wasn't long enough either.

>> No.7340284

I wish I could pull one off, good ones look really nice. I don't want to be an unapproachable faggot though so I won't try.

>> No.7340405


>> No.7340410

>tfw no moni to buy balmain

>> No.7340411

Hi bandido.

>> No.7340421

i have one. i wear it with a scoop neck tee, hoodie, denim jacket, skinnies and some random shoes. it's pretty punk but i don't really care tbh

>> No.7340545

But I am a greaser.

>> No.7340550

Way to tell these fuccbois off OP

*tips fedora gently*

>> No.7340561

and I do ride a motorcycle

>> No.7340560
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Stay mad. This is the warmest jacket I own.

>> No.7340569
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>> No.7341073
File: 75 KB, 720x483, 398223_10151229590647769_1557745715_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umm why cant someone actually be a greaser? You dont have to ride a motorcycle. Its a style like any other. Most people look stupid in them yes, but i've seen MANY that totally pull the look off

>> No.7341084
File: 64 KB, 592x400, 308421_315716968442096_1753596783_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7341133

i just love this threads

OP you are an excelent troll 10/10

>> No.7341146
File: 31 KB, 606x454, 1384453570743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one for my motorcycle. I don't wear it unless i'm riding. If you think that's unacceptable please get out.

>> No.7341160

>bandido finally took his trip off after he realized everyone filtered him

keep jacking yourself off nigger

>> No.7341170
File: 248 KB, 388x406, Screen Shot 2011-09-06 at 5.25.14 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


CAPTCHA: membership entry

>> No.7341175

At the same time.

>> No.7341191
File: 106 KB, 1140x327, fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So does anyone here actually do those threads? Please tell me none of you are THAT autistic that you voluntarily did a thread like this.
Can we get a petition going to ban OP?

Daily reminder:

-you are not sieg heil
-you are not a tripfag
-you do not write books
-you are a pasty skinny suburban teenager trying to look edgy

Picture related; if you are actually stupid and naive write one, it WILL look like this.

There are no exceptions. We know you are not a model. We know you are a 5/10 at best.

Making threads like this are the writing equivalent of a shit.

>> No.7341198
File: 122 KB, 1024x768, IMG_20131129_141820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Bulgaria winter is cold. Leather is good durable. Warm.

>> No.7341212
File: 133 KB, 703x937, jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not wearing comfy jacket in the winter

>> No.7341219

OP, you may have not been diagnosed with autism, but i feel you may have a mild form nonetheless.
Only an autist would make a thread crying and samefagging about an item of clothing they don't particularly wear themselves.

>you are a pasty skinny suburban teenager trying to look edgy
this applies to 95% of /fa/ so don't think you're cleverfor saying it, I see it in almost every thread.

>inb4 hurrrrr leather jacket wearer detected
never owned one, ever.

>> No.7341229
File: 24 KB, 605x605, 1464624_536502889777112_1813591545_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7341243


hey thats the dudes from the bone death crew


>> No.7341253

my opinion is the polar opposite

people who don't wear leather jackets are either unwilling to invest or afraid

is it fashionable? Of course it is, what the hell is the word 'fashion' mean and why does every major label have a leather jacket?
But are you too unconfident to pull it off? very, very likely.

this board's obsessed with finding clothes that target the largest possible audience to like them; leather definitely narrows that number, it cuts it into pieces. leather jackets aren't politically correct

-they smell
-they're costly
-they come from an animal
-there's a number of powerful associations stemming from culture

Maybe if some of you people stopped buying what people told you to buy, and weren't afraid others not liking how you looked, you'd develop your own style from your tastes, preferences, and daily life. this may include a leather jacket.

now what about application? are we spending all that time on tanning this shit for fun? leather is robust as fuck, if treated properly, it does not degrade unless it wasn't constructed properly or of the right material, or it's been through some trauma like road rash.
when it comes to utility, what they lack in breathability they make up for in ruggedness.

And what about light brown sueded leather?