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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 111 KB, 420x500, asos-skinny-scarf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7339061 No.7339061 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a reasonably athletic 170ish 5'11 white male, but my wardrobe is pretty shitty. This is not what I'm trying to address.

I wear predominantly athleticswear, because it's comfy as shit and I'm a college student in a longterm relationship, so I 1. have no need to look professional, or like not a scumbag, and 2. have no need to impress the grills at this time. However,

I have pretty severe back and neck problems, and I'd like to start wearing a scarf to keep my neck warm during the day. The only problem is I have absolutely zero interest in resembling pic related. I can get away with a Puma hoodie and sweats but I suspect I'd just look like the worst of both worlds if I tried to wear a "fashionable" scarf.

Any suggestions for a bad-wardrobe poorfag like myself with neck problems?

>> No.7339076

1. how the fuck would a scarf help ur back and neck problems
2. the scarf in ur pic will do nothing to keep ur neck warm, fucking look at it
3. it literally says asos in the filename wow

>> No.7339098

1. by keeping muscles warm, you can prevent injury and enhance (while they are still warm) flexibility. I used to have long hair, and when it was wet, it would aggravate my neck problems massively. Just believe me when I say that keeping my neck warm is very important at this stage.
2. no shit, I literally google imaged "scarf men" and picked the faggiest turd I could. This is not what I want to look like or be.
3. I have no idea what that means. I'm not even British.

>> No.7339106

don't stress yourself out on this one

buy a team scarf
(donno what sport you play, but a lot of teams have scarves, especially for soccer)
so just buy a long one and twist it around your neck, maybe even tighten it and tie it to the ceiling fan

>> No.7339111

a pearl necklace from your frat bros ;)

>> No.7339209

thank you, that's actually really legitimate advice

smelling more and more like le reddit in here. Nice trips fag

>> No.7339367
File: 123 KB, 982x451, IMG_20131129_082338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You buy dark scarf. And coat.

Look like my comrade here, he is a dad. Good back, strong lifts. No neck at all for to have problems.

This whole outfit cost him 40$ at goodwilled.

>> No.7339391

Stop the presses, Methuselah is around has back problems and wants to stay warm all the time.

>> No.7339406


I think 170 is his weight... ...

>> No.7339421

You think, but maybe that's just when he fathered Lamech.

>> No.7339427


Had a good Bah Mitzfah?

>> No.7339447

Hey, I'm Southern Baptist, I just know some Old Testament, mang. That's when God was HARDCORE.

>> No.7339498

And sandals were IN.

They were like, the Geobaskets of Mesopotamia.

>> No.7339718

this is a remarkably good idea, spasiba dryg.

>> No.7339778



>> No.7339782

jesus fuck m8. Just buy any scarf, ANY FUCKING SCARF WILL DO. go into your local high street shop. Oh shit is that a scarf, is it to fashionable? NO. it's a fucking scarf you can buy on the high street. NOW BUY THE CUNTING THING

also lose wieght cunt

>> No.7339796
File: 129 KB, 1024x768, IMG_20131129_133530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know if any scarf is great though man. Look again at my comrade here.

Is not great agains?

I don't see how this board is so picky about bullshit, then tells the man to just buy whatever.

Maybe he should look like the teenage goth gay? And Skinny yeh?

>> No.7339829

The scarf and the shirt look great. I may emulate this in the future.

>> No.7339843


No it doesn't, it looks horrible. I can say that because i'm on /fa/, and i'm the poor schmuck in the pic.

I may use the scarf for other outfits, but it is just too much in pic related, accorind go these teenage assholes on here, my wife, and myself now that I give it a skeptical eye...

A plaid scarf may look okay with this outfit, but not the same pattern as the shirt, it's just weird. Probably need a solid scark

>> No.7339850
File: 92 KB, 910x484, IMG_20131129_133443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Note the appearence without the scarf, much more structured and less distracting.

It just really seems too much with it on...

>> No.7339854


Darker pants may also help...

>> No.7339874


m8 just stop.

>> No.7339885

Uh, no. The shirt is major uggo. With the scarf and with the jacket open it doesn't look nearly as bad.

>> No.7339882


Stop showing him how not to accessorize?

Dude told him to buy ANY scarf, I was showing him the possible consequences.

>> No.7339890

Or well, the shirt isn't inherently ugg, it just doesn't fit with the jacket.

>> No.7339901


note that fashion is a lot about opinions.

Which is why people on this board can gor for dozens of threads arguing about a tshirt and whether it is the best t-shirt in the world or a complete abomination made for utter morons.

Introduce real style? Well... we don't know what to think.

>> No.7339906

Darker, skinnier jeans would look 1000x better. I wouldn't recommend such a pattern w/ a blazer. Just go for a solid colour, or tasteful vertical striped shirt. White, Navy, or Black would work.
Shoes are the right shape and colour, and the blazer is a bit loose, but I like a tight fitting suit, but that's just my taste. Also, I wouldn't match the scarf w/ the shirt like that. Solid colours are your friend.

Not bad dude, just a few adjustments and you'll be A+

>> No.7339917


Definetly agree that matching the scarf pattern with an already off style shirt was too much, which is the point I was demonstrating for OP.

Was sort of an experimental piece I was doing. Your advice seems in line with what I am thinking yeh.

I asked a couple tailors how they felt about suppressing the waist, have got no affirmatives yet, so gave it pause for though... still not sure, but leaning towards slimming it down a bit like you said

>> No.7339929

>Definetly agree that matching the scarf pattern with an already off style shirt was too much
It's not. It looks like you're actually going for something there instead of just wearing mismatching shirt and jacket.

You look like you're supporting the Lumberjacks' sports team.

>> No.7339936


Lumberjack administrative assistant I would prefer.