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/fa/ - Fashion

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7333029 No.7333029[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What would you call the body type of these kinds of women?

>> No.7333041


>> No.7333043


>> No.7333036

average just like their outfits

>> No.7333044

freshman 15

>> No.7333045

comm major-core

>> No.7333047


>> No.7333055


>> No.7333062


they literally are all fat pieces of shit

>> No.7333068

do they think they look attractive?

>> No.7333070


>> No.7333084


>> No.7333139

What's the deal with midwest america?
I'm a foreigner and I dont understand this. I'm guessing it has something to do with farming? Care to explain?

>> No.7333162

College underclassmen as fuck

>> No.7333165

Disgustingly average/pushing chubby.

>> No.7333152

welp first of all its not a Midwestern thing

its an american thing. because people all throughout the country dress like this. i live on the east coast and see loads of girls that dress like this

>> No.7333168


its got nothing to do with farming wtf
its the latest mall trend

>> No.7333179

smaller than the "average" american woman but that doesn't say much, they'll all look awful unclothed too

can't tell for the two on either side of the girl in the red pants, might be the same

>> No.7333191

I thought it was called the freshman 40?

Or was my cafeteria just really terrible.

>> No.7333200

what makes a midwestern different from say a californian or new yorker?

>> No.7333203

I don't know. I never lived in res. Maybe it's like 15kg ~ 40 lb?

>> No.7333205


>> No.7333207

basic bitches are basic bitches no matter what far away lands u travel to my friend

>> No.7333217

you look like an art project made out of cream cheese

>> No.7333223

OH. That makes perfect sense.

God, 40 pounds. I know I get fat jokes, but I've never gained that much weight in my life.

>> No.7333224
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>> No.7333229

everyone who weighs mroe than 60lb has gained at least 40lb in their life

also ur fat as fuck

>> No.7333242

>mfw know this swedish girl
>she was qt and hooked up with her
>moved back home but still keep in contact
>she's fairly mentally unstable
>goes on new meds, gains 15kg
>"sends me snapchat pics of her eating oreos
>say "yep must be the meds"
>"I've given up I can't beat them"

just lold at her... bitches have such little will power

>> No.7333243

you look like a background actor in American History X

>> No.7333249

You're just askin for a plonkin.

>> No.7333259

yeah its a good look imo

>> No.7333268

you look like Small Dicked Cream Cheese Neo Nazi 3 from American History X

>> No.7333266

>tfw no average pleb gf

>tfw no average pleb bluepilled life

>> No.7333283

post fit

>> No.7333293

you look like you were chiseled out of one of those grumpy apple trees from wizard of oz

>> No.7333296

Iktf, I used to be normal and hopeful about the future and I dated normal, positive girls with productive lives. I dated one too many psycho and now I'm a mess.

>> No.7333301


Shut up, faggot :>}

>> No.7333314

looks like Trunks riled the Wolf Gang Kill Them All.
welcome to my posting paradox motherfucker

>> No.7333525

clinically obese/should be taxed or put to sleep permanently

>> No.7333557

Typical anglo/irish stock.
I would not at all be surprised if this was in America or Australia.

>> No.7333572
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dem birthin' hips
so unsvelte
so un-continental

>> No.7333612

anything over a size L should be more expensive I say
I don't care about MUH FREEDOM to be a fat fuck, but it does take up more material and probably more effort to make so I don't know why large clothes cost the same as smaller ones

>> No.7333630


the one on the far left facing away is the only one with a *decent* body. the rest are fat. not chubby. not "average". But disgustingly fat.

>> No.7333647


Sup /pol/ *tips fedora*

>> No.7333652

>one fatty
>merka or straya
nigga pls

>> No.7333654

yeah no I don't go on /pol/, it just makes sense though.. if you're buying a 500g bag of chips you can't expect that a 700g bag of chips will cost the same amount because it's the same product only more of it? so why should clothes be the same

>> No.7333655

whats wrong with anglo-irish americans? also that girl in the middle looks like kebab

>> No.7333662

Itt - /fa/ggots who have been tricked into liking girls with little boy bodies

I'm not even saying they're attractive. They dress like shit but c'mon. You guys have the most shit taste in women it's ridiculous.

>> No.7333667

Yeah when we got cut babies out women we fucked up somewhere

>> No.7333671


>> No.7333674


>when we got cut babies out women

>> No.7333676


what are you even saying

>> No.7333678
File: 151 KB, 336x229, doc ock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah when we got cut babies out women

>> No.7333686


this post reeks of obesity

>> No.7333692


this is you:


>I s-swear I like girls that are a little bit c-chubby. T-theyre more attractive to me!

>> No.7333717

suburban tmblr core american

>> No.7333725

Caesarian section dudes keep ducking girls with little boy bodies can't push out a kid so we have to cut the baby out that prob mean we fucked up someone not pushing eugenic but come on

>> No.7333759


I think it's just pasty virgins overcompensating for their flabby bodies by by dressing well.

>> No.7333765


Rather fuck chubbys than be a borderline pedophile.

>> No.7333768
File: 333 KB, 529x411, n7uEeOd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would fuck that big-nosed slut

come at me

>> No.7333790
File: 76 KB, 600x450, Absolutely Disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a fucking thing

>> No.7333794

why not get all these generic basic bitches pregnant

>> No.7333814

I was about to say 'fuckable' until I noticed they are all wearing the same fugly boots. WHO DOES THIS

>> No.7333823

Are they part of a gang? Do they call themselves the Riders of the Storm

>> No.7333824

jesus that blonde haired girl next to the indian girl in the middles HEAD IS SO FUCKING BIG wtf

>> No.7333830
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u must be new

>> No.7333831
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did anyone catch massive back fat yet

>> No.7333884


Lol shut up virgin

>> No.7333902
File: 107 KB, 833x551, 1381044206562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7333917

Most of these girls look normal.

/fa/ how do you even get laid?

>> No.7333921

insecure alternative girls suppose but seriously personal would bang any these girls except the obvs quite overweight one mean why not

>> No.7333931

>dat os

>> No.7333988

I wonder what these girls do.

Like, in their free time. I wonder what they think about themselves. I wonder if that girl in the coral pants looked at her ass in the mirror and thought "wow these pants make my ass look real dumpy, but I don't care. I am woman and i am free"

>> No.7333993

sit on facebook a lot get drunk regularly watch mediocre television shows spend a lot of time with their family

>> No.7334234
File: 35 KB, 288x499, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The matter is not their body. It's why the fuck are they all dressed the same?

>> No.7334293

sedentary lifestyle type. They look like they are all working as cashiers

>> No.7334340

This is probably spot on.

>> No.7334365

look at the thighs on the one in the DRKSHDW long sleeve and balmain bikers

dibs on the moo cow

tfw when i have fucked pound for pound more woman than /fa/ has combined

>> No.7334380


>> No.7334421

>Quantifying the amount of women you've fucked by pound
>Not quantifying them by literal quantity

So you're saying that fucking 1 500lb hambeast is fucking "more woman" than fucking 4 110lb beauties?

I'll take my higher number of lower weight women thanks sieg

>> No.7334673

they're big, but would smash

don't knock til you try

>> No.7334706


>> No.7334759

Fucking fat.

>> No.7334769

If this is now the normal size I'm disgusted in the world we live in.

>> No.7334779

sieg you fuckin whale rider

>> No.7334790

Its no wonder youre unhappy

>> No.7334809


>> No.7334821


>> No.7334857

fat ffs

>> No.7334872


wtf is this

>> No.7334884
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>> No.7334940


>> No.7335046

That's not a bad thing though.

>> No.7335057

Does this article mean my impossibly high standards are because I'm such a gorgeous alpha-male?
I guess there's some truth in it because in high school I was an ugly, low-self-esteemed fucker and my taste in girls was much weirder.

>> No.7335063
File: 12 KB, 354x352, 2342341234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suburban girls who think they're country

>> No.7335077

Do fat/chubby girls get bow legged from their weight or is a weird coincidence.

>> No.7335079

They actually teach themselves to stand that way to look cute

>> No.7335101

Average to chubby to fat. Looks like at least one builtchub in there. There's a large mix but I'm sure /fa/ will call them all fat.

Ugly guys usually have "quirky" taste in that they act turned off by bleached orange chicks with hot bodies. But you make the mistake of assuming that MOST men would have to be quirky to find these women--the vast majority of young women--attractive. They wouldn't. These are normal women are are dated by normal men. You don't have to be quirky to find them attractive, but you do have to be a narcissistic person who spends too much time on the internet to act like they're below average and below you.

>> No.7335103
File: 105 KB, 595x842, socute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing says cute like looking like you a folding table overloaded ready to collapse.

>> No.7335105

Look at how girls stand in K-On. Japan sets a standard for cute that finds its way to the US more often than not.

>> No.7335140
File: 102 KB, 200x298, 1377806371236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'The Stump'


>> No.7335152

Let's look at this from another perspective.

Look at the guys in the pic. 2 out of 3 are obviously fat fucks.

The middle one, where would you get a hoodie like that? K-Mart? A Dollar Store?

Guy on the far right pisses me off for 3 reasons. 1st, hair. Ew. 2nd is slacks. Maybe he likes them to be a half foot too long?

Finally his expression. You can tell by his stupid face that he is explaining something so interesting an important to him, that he actually thinks his 20 something year old wisdom needs to be heard.

Fuck that assclown and everyone like him.

>> No.7335153

You'd be lucky to marry a girl like them

>> No.7335160
File: 69 KB, 401x545, wwlgoP7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>this foul Year of Our Lord, two thousand and thirteen
>getting married

get a load of this pleb

>> No.7335166

They don't get bow legs. They get knock knees.

I'm pretty sure it's just the weight.

>> No.7335178

noone in these images is bowlegged, do you know what bow legged is?

>> No.7335179

I feel like this is a rhetoric question... no?

>> No.7335184

when the knees extend out laterally :)))))))))))))))))))))SD

>> No.7335236

my hypothesis is that they're fat from birth and their legs have to grow with that additional weight put on them, so they end up bow legged for more stability

>> No.7335242

or knock-kneed, however you want to call it
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>> No.7335249


You using window 3.2...?

>> No.7335251

wow people are interested in things, god forbid they show an interest in things when talking to others
people aren't pretty we get it

>> No.7335338


>20 yr old curly headed fuccboi detected

>> No.7335351

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>> No.7335367

yes anon

>> No.7335375

>implying i wouldn't shamalang far left's badonkadonks

That's something I can get behind

>> No.7335415


holy fuck hahahahahaha

>> No.7336681

m8 I'm with you, I'm down with that French-Spanish hybrid Basque look

>> No.7337354


>> No.7337370
File: 416 KB, 741x887, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7337405

You're the funniest trip, Sieg.

>> No.7337419

try black leggings and an olive parka

>> No.7337426

i'm straight and the only person there i'd fuck is the guy on the far right

>> No.7337465
File: 609 KB, 4432x1752, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from r9k

>> No.7337484

Dude I'm basque and basque women don't have that kind of nose, that's le old jew nose

>> No.7337491

And most importantly basque =/= spanish-french hybrid

>> No.7337493


can u post a photo of a typical basque qt3.14?

>> No.7337494

U mean Spanish right? wink

>> No.7337503

I'm not gonna get butthurt in a chinese cartoon board, but good try, m8

>> No.7337511

why is american so obsessed with starbucks?
then they export their shitty coffee (if you can call that coffee) to my country and everyone shit their pants and thinks it's premium.
>hurr look at me I'm at starbucks so kewl right? Took me 1 hour in line but worth it xD #yolo #whateva
fucking plebs

>> No.7337522

are these the new uggs or something

>> No.7337542
File: 46 KB, 399x600, Itziar Atienza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7337543


anon pls


>> No.7337573
File: 343 KB, 650x977, Nerea Garmendia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7337586


She looks like a Bulgarian synthpop singer

>> No.7337600
File: 49 KB, 396x594, Fotogramas+Magazine+Cinema+Awards+fjxVr0W9Rdvl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one too

>> No.7337608


>> No.7337614


>that iPhone

Spot on.

>> No.7337616
File: 1.71 MB, 1417x1772, alazne-101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one mopre

>> No.7337627

haha too fucking true.

I like 'em curvy but have learned from first hand experience unless they're going to the gym it's a fucking disaster behind the 5% spandex

>> No.7337667
File: 10 KB, 491x406, im glad i have life alert copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

arr har har hardy harr

>> No.7337673

It's just the social culture up here. Eat, drink, and eat some more... Pass out, wake up, rinse and repeat.

You think this is bad, wait till/after they get pregnant..

>> No.7337683


thx. dey all qt

what's the typical basque girl uniform?

>> No.7337714

It's all good to be a little chubby in your teens and 20's, but after that it's a permanent sad state of affairs.

A nightmare, more like it.

>> No.7337752

How come it's news to you guys that the average girl, much like the average guy, isn't that attractive?

>> No.7337755


My gf is an average pleb.

kinda sucks.

>> No.7337765


It's Windows 7, "Classic" theme you idiots.

>> No.7337776

>implying being fat is average
then again i guess its a normal thing for you americans and their fat acceptance bullshits on the tv and social media

>> No.7337808

normal and average aren't the same thing, bro

>> No.7338150


>normal and average are the same