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File: 67 KB, 900x601, 1380396106623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7332306 No.7332306[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Boots General.

Any recommendations for something with a slim profile and good quality like Vibergs? Any recommendations for Chelsea boots?

>> No.7332312
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>> No.7332315

Looking for non-leather boots inspo.

>> No.7332318
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>> No.7332325
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>> No.7332327
File: 165 KB, 954x839, Dayton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ has agreed for a long time that Dayton Service boots have one of the best profiles around.

You've always been able to custom order if you emailed them, but now they have the options on their webstore.

Being directly across the straight from Viberg and priced similarly, I'd say that Dayton and Viberg are direct competitors.

>> No.7332329
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>> No.7332334

Both are equally pricey. Guess I'll just refrain from purchasing boots until I have enough for one of them.

>> No.7332336
File: 17 KB, 400x400, $T2eC16RHJFoE9nh6nwRWBRNJBpd63Q~~60_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you get some real boots, faggots

Get the fuck out with these peasant shitstained boots

>> No.7332337

my dayton profile looks like the vibergs in the second pick now btw. gets pointy looking a little after things wear down

>> No.7332340
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>> No.7332347
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>> No.7332344
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such a timeless style

>> No.7332355
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>> No.7332368
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>> No.7332380
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>> No.7332393

how are iron rangers for the price?

>> No.7332395
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>> No.7332408

If I'm looking to spend roughly no more than 120 on brown boots must I go with Clarks?

>> No.7332424

Sounds like it.

>> No.7332447

Desert boots are too popular and I don't like the other boots they have. Anyone care to link me with soemthinG?

I just need something casual without spending a ton of cash

>> No.7332459

Just picked up a pair today. They had a black friday deal and got 20% off.

>> No.7332473

What are some effe boots that can stand up to harsh winter conditions? Don't want super clunky but I'm not hungry skeleton so some ruggedness would be fine.

>> No.7332475
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>> No.7332483

Breddy good.

Not good for slippery slips though. The soles have no tread.

But they hold up and end up looking awesome and worn in, especially the rarely bought copper rough and though type imo.

>> No.7332487
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>> No.7332495

Just how good are the Vibergs really?

800 can get you plenty of boot from other manufacturers.

>> No.7332496

What brand of mink oil do you guys use? Or will any of them do?

>> No.7332510

maybe some made-in-china doc martins if clarks aren't your thing

>> No.7332519

This. Made in China or Made in Thailand Docs are good forthe price.

>> No.7332527

thank you! i will look for them. not knockoffs, but official ones just not made in the US righT?

>> No.7332535

If you wear boots and do not work in construction/outdoors than you can suck on my chode for being a poser faggot.

(expect this kind of reaction from people if you live this false lifestyle)

>> No.7332540

It's not that they're knockoffs, it's that they're produced in China, and some argue that the quality is lower than when they were produced in God knows where way back when.

>> No.7332547

Can't wear a peacoat because not in the navy
Can't wear boatshoes because no boat
Can't wear jeans because not a miner in the 50's
Can't wear bombers because you don't fly planes
Can't wear athletic sneakers because you don't play the sport

How dumb are you.

>> No.7332545

It's not so much about the quality (though the quality is up there)

I'd say it's more about their unique last. They're also not goodyear welt as is typical with a lot of similar boots -- they some other stitching method. (Blake welted? I can't quite remember what)

Really though, if you read their "about us" it's quite clear that 10 years ago they were an ordinary boot company no different from dayton or whites or even redwing/wolverine.

Lately they've decided to expand into "lifestyle" shit.

Meanwhile, Dayton, their compettitor right next door still makes the same ordinary logging and motorcycle boots they've made for years (plus the one service boot collab thing with W+H)

>> No.7332565

Why don't you tell us about how awesome you are and why you are qualified to wear boots. I am sure you do very manly things like taking out the garbage and doing groceries every week.

>> No.7332563

Except all of these designs are 100 years old and none of them are CSA approved. So you'd never be allowed to wear them on a worksite.

Because they're not really workboots anymore.

>> No.7332594
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>> No.7332599
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Thought on these red wings?

>> No.7332608
File: 114 KB, 320x320, Thorogood_6-inch_Moc_Toe_Boot_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guise.. what do you think of Thorogood

Link to boots here

>> No.7332618
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>> No.7332620
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This may be a bit plebish, but you can never go wrong with Dr.Marten's.

>> No.7332630
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>> No.7332641
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thes in gray navy and brown

>> No.7332642
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>> No.7332649
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Cop or not?

I need a black boot with a slim profile for <200

>> No.7332661

I actually like the chunky styling, but I hate the cheapness of the leather. After moving onto better pairs made of Chromexcel leather, I just can't see myself wearing a pair of cheap Docs.

I would pay some good money for a pair of Docs made out of good quality leather, like Chromexcel. I know that Doc has a Made in England line, but the leather used on that line of boots just isn't that great.

I also liked the Star Wars prequels.

>> No.7332660
File: 90 KB, 1327x569, do want.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just get clarks maui

>> No.7332682

Crepe sole tho

>> No.7332683

I forgot to ask in >>7332661
if there are any boots that resemble the Doc 1460, made in quality leather.

>> No.7332701
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Visvim okie cap virgils

>not wearing virgils

>> No.7332746

are crepe soles really that bad for winter

>> No.7332775
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I'm new for starts, but I'd assume because the brand hasn't even been mentioned in this thread that I shouldn't get these doc martens francos?

>> No.7332814
File: 18 KB, 288x432, DSC_0046[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know of any good quality budget boots? Preferably combat boots

I'm looking at some from virginblak

>> No.7332821

I just picked up a pair of blundstone chelseas, highly recommend them

>> No.7332836

>not made in the US righT?

nigger, you know that docs are as English as a skinhead bleeding out on the pavement right?

>> No.7332867

>when they were produced in God knows where way back when.
they used to be a made in England staple, but swapped production in 2003 to Thailand and China with a noticeable drop in quality but continued to sell at the original price despite the lesser production quality and cheaper labour. Fuck doc martens.

>> No.7332885

Interesting. Does that mean that their prices skyrockeyed in the past decade since the "lifestyle shit"?

The last used for their Service Boot is, I'll admit, particularly attractive. I don't think $800 worth attractive, but very aesthetically pleasing nonetheless.

I'll take a look at the competitor you mentioned.

>> No.7332889

if it rains or snows yes

>> No.7332904

I prefer the models with the captoes. Also, from a practical standpoint captoed footwear tends to look better after wear (breaks up those mid foot creases)

>> No.7332927

The MiE line of docs uses better quality leather than the Asian made ones. It's not chromexcel, but it does holds up better for correctedgrain than whatever crap they use for the Asian ones.
You get what you pay for.

>> No.7332986

Blunnies are cheap and can be nice, but only the model 059/060/062's as they can be dressy enough to not look like manual labour workbooks.

I can recommend them any more as they swapped production to Thailand and India in 2007 and just don't last add long add they used to, at least for rougher work use - For city romps they'd prolly do okay. Look to Rossi or Redback for work-tier Aussie made chels that are still quality, or Baxter, Harold or RM Williams for dress-tier if you are willing to spend more.

>> No.7333010

>with a noticeable drop in quality but continued to sell at the original price

The same deal with Blundstone,
They got worse, we made for cheaper, but kept the old pricing.

One of the reasons why I can't recommend them; I hate companies that so blatantly try to screw over buyers.

>> No.7333027

Sorry for spelling/grammar.-using a fucking tablet.

>> No.7333122
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can you guys enter this thread and tell me productive words


>> No.7333131
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Do I get katahdins in cordovan

>> No.7333136
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or doo doo brown

>> No.7333142

Are there any Ausfags here that know any stores that sell boots in Adelaide?

I've looked around a bit but stores just seem to sell Timberlands or boots with crepe soles which I don't like very much.

I suppose it's due to the current season.

>> No.7333154

Qatardeeens come in cordovan? As in shell cordovan? Or just a color name?

>> No.7333206

Color name.

>> No.7333247

What kind you looking for specifically, because isn't Adelaide where the rm williams factory is? You're sitting right near the place where the best value for money quality chelseas are made m8.

>> No.7333248

I hate living in Adelaide.
Down Ebenezer place there used to be a shop that had a whole wall of Red Wings, across from midwest trader? You might be able to try trims, they have Docs and im not sure what else

>> No.7333265

The brown ones apparently look more scuffed and worn in OOTB if that roughed up look is what you want straight away.

>> No.7333285

What are the heal stabilizer shock abosrber things like?

>> No.7333313

>/fa/ has agreed for a long time that Dayton Service boots have one of the best profiles around.
Bullshit. The Dayton Service Boots have a clone shoe tier profile. /fa/ only liked them because they were way overpriced.

>> No.7333323

Agreed. Daytons look nothing like Vibergs in terms of profile.

>> No.7333324


>> No.7333338
File: 86 KB, 718x507, RoyBootPage1web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any thoughts on Roy boot?

>> No.7333352

Those are super nice boots. What are they? Vibergs?

>> No.7333361
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>> No.7333363

Where can I cop some boots that look like this but are around $100?

>> No.7333374

What size are you? I have some Red Wings for sale.

>> No.7333384


>> No.7333385

I need a good winter boot because it's getting cold as fuck up here in canada.

http://www.llbean.com/llb/shop/57044?feat=49464-ppxs&dds=y cop or not

>> No.7333393

The plastic heel counter is fucking retarded.

>> No.7333400

I've owned a pair since 2009 and they're great. Though, that crepe sole is fucking treacherous in wet weather.

>> No.7333406

Ebay. If you get really lucky.

>> No.7333415

That's what I though. What would the style be under or what should I search for?

I'm a noob to boots but would really like some.

>> No.7333414

Can't think of anything around 100 sorry, but the katahdin's posted somewhere above could be had for like 168 with a discount voucher a few days ago. Check the LLBean site.

Or, check out the Clarks Desert Mali boots. They certainly aren't for winter type weather though if that is a concern. Maybe 140 without discount, so they'd surely be cheaper now.

>> No.7333419

Is it really plastic? I thought it would at least be some sort of rubber material.

>> No.7333428
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Guess i should include a picture.

Cop or Not

>> No.7333462

Even if it were, is that any better? Visvim is cool brand in terms of aesthetics, but a lot of the stuff just isn't worth it, when you consider what else is out there.

>> No.7333479

I don't know if there's an overarching style name, just look at common boot brands. Alden, Red Wing, Viberg, Oak Street Bootmakers, etc. Find a brand or model you like and save up, scope ebay or sales threads on superfuture, or someone mentioned the L.L. Bean Katahdins for a cheap, quick fix. They're not a bad pair of boots for the price.

>> No.7333497
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i'm going to South Africa in a month in the coming weeks, i'm thinking im going to try picking up a pair of SADF boots, anybody know about the quality and fit?

>> No.7333501

What are some boots that are better than visvim in terms of quality?

>> No.7333511 [DELETED] 
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thoughts on these?

>> No.7333521
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thoughts on these?

>> No.7333520
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Can anyone ID these? I have been in love with them for months..

>> No.7333526
File: 49 KB, 600x400, Billede-13[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does effay think of redwing 1907s

>> No.7333528

Decent boot for a reasonable price. But, they're not really insulated for like, arctic conditions so you're gonna have to rely on socks and your foot-blubber to keep your mobility pods warm.

The lugged sole would be handier than the other model they have with the less treaded sole.

>> No.7333531

Current fad, generic styling with those wedge soles.
What's there to say?

>> No.7333543

These look really big in the flesh. Not recommended if you wear really skinny jeans and are heroin/poliocore or have very large feet. You will end up having giant footprints.
Good for everyone else though, and very well built.
I don't like the moctoe styling though.
Doesn't Gosling sport these?

>> No.7333541


>> No.7333552

They're custom Viberg service boots in harness leather - approx $800+++ and a 20 week wait time for them to be built.

>> No.7333549


>> No.7333553

Viberg, for starters. But even relatively cheap brands like Yuketen compete in terms of quality. Visvim sells a particular aesthetic first, quality follows.

>> No.7333558

ive a pair. Fucking shit ass pain in the dick to breal in because of heavy duty leathery, but they are gonna last.

>> No.7333568


>> No.7333574
File: 539 KB, 1024x768, c6ae7244_r0026074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

copped these on amazon with dat der 25% off black Friday promo.

>> No.7333575
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>Fucking shit ass pain in the dick to breal in
ur wearing them wrong m8ty

>> No.7333581

Very good buy.

>> No.7333588


>> No.7333591

Ugh how? What code?

>> No.7333604

BFshoes25 at checkout

>> No.7333624

What aspect of those boots is appealing to a fad?

Certainly you're not referring to the wedge soles. Wedge soles have been around for a long time, especially in work boots, the type of boot which those certainly are.

Generic styling you say? Generic in itself is harmless enough, but we're talking about shoes here, why do you say generic with all its negative connotation? Why not simple? Why wouldn't you say not over styled? How are you delineating between these?

There's lots to say. For example one could comment on the use of color here; there's a white sole, green upper and tan laces. One could also comment on the contrast between their austere workwear inspiration and the playfulness of a green pair of shoes.

>> No.7333645

Considering it's Alden it'd probably be very well made and all, but really the design is so specific to them that they're such a "must have" imo. Alden do more unique styling for some boots than this.

And like
said crepes rubber soles can be deadly in the wet and slippery.

>> No.7333660

>Certainly you're not referring to the wedge soles. Wedge soles have been around for a long time, especially in work boots, the type of boot which those certainly are.
you're right that wedge soles aren't anything new, but haven't they really only recently come back in style with a vengeance? Seems like a few years ago you couldn't find anything for casual wear with those thick, white wedge style.

>> No.7333665

>Certainly you're not referring to the wedge soles.
Wedge soles are old but they are the fashion fad at the moment.
The color of those boots is nice though.

>> No.7333677

I wish IR's came with brass fittings rather than chrome or nickel.
Would look much better.
I wonder if its a just a stylistic choice or if brass vs chrome or nickel is a construction choice.

>> No.7333684

I'll definitely agree that they have risen to prominence as a sole style that was without question more obscure even a few years ago

I do however take issue with describing the white wedge sole as a fad. A fad would imply they lack inherent aesthetic value, and those who have elected to wear them now will later regret their choice when they fall out of popular opinion.

It's possible that such a thing could happen, but, and the answers can only be opinions until time runs its course, don't you anons think the white wedge is aesthetic on this boot, and perhaps even in general?

>> No.7333689

>haven't they really only recently come back in style with a vengeance?
If by recently you mean, like, five years ago.

>> No.7333693

>Generic styling you say? Generic in itself is harmless enough, but we're talking about shoes here, why do you say generic with all its negative connotation? Why not simple? Why wouldn't you say not over styled? How are you delineating between these?
I personally don't see anything particulary special about those boots. Wouldn't call them generic though.

The colouring is interesting though; don't see to may boots in that grey/green (teal?).

It's best not to over think comments on here m8; most of it is bullshit typed out of their arse.

>> No.7333694

i was trying that last night and tonight and it's still not working
horse cocks

>> No.7333700

Blame wooster.

>> No.7333701

>and those who have elected to wear them now will later regret their choice when they fall out of popular opinion.
I fucking hope so. Hideous tofu soles are the devil's work.

>> No.7333706

Meaning they hit the mainstream like, a year or two ago?

>> No.7333708

have you seen any in real life, like on someone's feet, or you just saying that?

>> No.7333712
File: 7 KB, 225x224, wuster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u blame wot m8?

>> No.7333720
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I see them worn everywhere on many types of shoes or boots. I think they're very, very ugly and should be killed with fire.

>> No.7333722

No. When I said five years, I meant five years. /fa/ is, as always, behind.

>> No.7333736
File: 403 KB, 640x960, Nick-Wooster_1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong Wooster.

>> No.7333742

Fucking this. And every maker out there including the more traditional ones are falling on that shit look.

To each their own though, right?

>> No.7333749

dont you dare blame the god of menswear pinhead larry

>> No.7333751

haha okay cool thanks for the opinion

aye tis true 4chan is to be taken with a grain of salt, but sometimes people respond reasonably when you put some thought into responses

>> No.7333757
File: 20 KB, 381x380, 80 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn cheesecake sole ruins it imo. Mish mash of overly casual and traditional just looks bad, especially on that kind of boot.

>> No.7333763

I don't like it, but it does make the fit less, I dunno, severe or something?

>> No.7333773
File: 1.39 MB, 1015x800, Screen shot 2013-11-30 at 9.05.56 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive been really happy with these, theyre rick combat boots with the sawtooth sole, theyre pretty lightweight but the sole is soft so theyre really comfortable for standing/walking for a long time. also the zip is really nice to have+looks dope

>> No.7333777

it makes him look like he's parodying brogue boots or something.

>> No.7333780
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>zippers on boots

>> No.7333783

holy shit youre back

>> No.7333784

>also the zip is really nice to have
I've wondered about this.
Does that mean you just never touch the laces again after first fitting?

>> No.7333786

yeah they're great.

You can put your boots on in like 1/4th the time

>> No.7333789

do you know much of a pain it is to untie and loosen the laces on a high boot and then do all the work in the reverse direction whenever you want to take off or put on your shoes?

don't knock the zipper till you try it mayne

>> No.7333799

>tfw some fuccboi on sufu was gonna sell me his pair then sold them to someone else

>> No.7333801

i just untie the laces and pull the tongue forward to loosen it

>> No.7333815


makes it super fast to take on/off


hey kinda busy


basically, you just lace them to where they look good/are comfortable and use the zip only. i havent untied them in months.

>> No.7333847

Brown brogues may be traditional, but they're country boots. In other words, they're fucking casual. The cristy sole doesn't detract based on it being too casual in comparison to the vamp.

>> No.7333851

>The cristy sole doesn't detract based on it being too casual in comparison to the vamp.
They look more at home on sneakers.

>> No.7333882

>They look more at home on sneakers.
Where they have never ever been sported. Right.

>> No.7333932

Doesn't change the fact that they'd look better on athletic shoes rather than on those boots or other wingtips. Cheapening look.

>> No.7333937

It's not a fact. It's just your not particularly compelling opinion.

>> No.7334013
File: 29 KB, 640x753, tfw_crying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your Katahdins won't be here until Thursday

>> No.7334019

How much did you pay?

>> No.7334148
File: 57 KB, 762x1100, UG112C01G-702@1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are UGG boots a big no no?

Pic related

>> No.7334275
File: 32 KB, 428x494, 277310_116_41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just incase no one gets to me in the c/n thread

You guys think these look nice?


I want some high shafted boots.

Or should I just get the Katahdins in pic related

>> No.7334306

can't stand those soles either.

>> No.7334557
File: 38 KB, 174x188, Descartes takes his own medicine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True abominations. And they're so unsightly when used and dirty; worse than crepe soles because of their prominence.

>> No.7334756
File: 134 KB, 480x400, 14220001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not sure how to feel about the soles

>> No.7334760

Wtf are these and where do cop. I am love.

>> No.7334767

Honestly the soles won't look so bad unless you see them really close up, but if you have any sort of weather you'll be glad they have good traction.

>> No.7334781

Tadeusz Januszkiewicz Horween Shell Cordovan Boots

Can't cop em anywhere anymore

>> No.7334797

those look pretty nice, and although the sole isn't great, you'll be happy if you live in a place with bad weather.

>> No.7334799

Haha are you fucking kidding?

>> No.7334968

looking for some slim black boots, and i really like these >>7333773
they seem a bit hard to find/expensive though
any recs for other black boots?

>> No.7334989

Ditto, are the topman boots any good? Obviously they won't be on the same level as a pair of thousand miles but I am looking for a good pair of boots for the price.

>> No.7334994
File: 67 KB, 450x300, WX2Z6818_7391[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muh grail

>> No.7335023
File: 106 KB, 700x410, ca29d6717f7a37498ba72edb37e4d707_large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Doc's vs the boston boots from kickstarter?

Which ones are better? I feel the second has a timberland like toebox and that really turns me off

>> No.7335443
File: 627 KB, 2125x1587, 1385305130551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7335457

168 bucks. I found a 20 percent off coupon on Styleforum's ll bean boot page, so in my opinion it was a steal.

>> No.7335485

>indo boot viberg ripoff
Question is, do they hold up?
Fucking rip off shipping.

>> No.7335506

No idea. Saw some guy post about it and how shipping is fucking expensive and that locals get it for much cheaper. I think the boot itself looks great. If the quality of leather is good, I would try to cop,

>> No.7335520

Damn that code's been superseded by some useless 10% off crap.

>> No.7335525

Leather quality is one thing, but what of the build?
The insole? That shit's important for comfort and longevity.

I wonder if I can convince some indonesians I know to order some for me.

>> No.7335538

Yeah, I think I got it within hours of them swapping them out.
Really glad too, since they ran out of the Beckmans in the size I needed.

>> No.7335560

Ausfag here. Endclothing.com has beckmans left; I was tempted to order some coz of the checkout discount + free world ship but went out and bought some RM's on impulse lel.
I suppose I really should see how my IR's wear in first before considering another boot on that last. But man, I really want some black cherry beckmans...

>> No.7335572
File: 2.20 MB, 286x186, 1364745422585.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your knees hurt after wearing rw 9011 for 3-4 days in a row
I should probably just buy good hiking boots.

>> No.7335578

Ah, well I don't think I was gonna enjoy them anyways. They seemed too big and just didn't suit me very well. If I wasn't so skinny I would have loved them.
I had used the Revolve discount on them, but they ran out in 8.5s.
I figure I'll get these Katahdins as my winter boot, and then I'll grab some Wolverine 1ks once I'm a bit better dressed and a little more in shape. (skinnyfat like you wouldn't believe)

>> No.7335723

Don't ever buy shoes from the high street. Try a pair of Timberland earthkeepers. I've had mine almost 2 years now and they've held up well. I only really wear them in the wet but still.

>> No.7335914

If you do get them, post a review here.

>> No.7335942

>tfw wearing earthkeepers for an 8 hour shift
>go shopping afterwards

>> No.7336120

really wish i could afford a pair of these, really nice boots man

>> No.7336536

If you're a guy and you wear boots with zippers then you are inherently un/fa/ and a massive faggot.

This. Brainiacs.
Sure it takes longer but that is part of being /fa/ niggers. This is not a game.

>> No.7336582

that doesn't work with every pair of boots you assuming faggot

>> No.7336592
File: 1.15 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are my work/rain/shitkicker boots. They're the boots my old man wore in operation enduring freedom/Iraqi storm so they've seen worse shit than I could ever put em through. Thoughts?

>> No.7336593
File: 76 KB, 640x426, 写真(13-11-24 8.04).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I buy British Officer Ammo boot of Imperialist who fight against honor and justice of oriental patriot as agent of London Capitalist and Jewish high finance from website "What Price Glory", is very cheap and sturdy made. Not as neat as good 300 dollar boot like Alden~Allen Edmond, and some of stitch is a bit squiggle like US Imperialist rattle snake out to bite you and leather has some dirt on when arrive, but is less noticeable with wear and polish. Metal heel and toe make click clack noise but get used to it after a while and you can click your heel when you German Greeting, is much better than anticlimactic sieg heil with rubber heel. I make baby cry with sound of shoe so maybe it is not recommend however. But it is not hard to install the rubber sole/heel on shoe if desired, if you are vaginal.

Is very fancy with brass eyelet and leather lace, come with extra lace and bag of hobnail for more outdoorsy fellow.


>> No.7336596


i have some #8 aldens in the same cap toe im looking to sell if you want them

>> No.7336611

They look nice and have history, wear them proudly.

>> No.7336619
File: 1.79 MB, 264x200, facepalm2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saving on footwear

>> No.7336659
File: 96 KB, 580x871, aM4s1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7336718

w2c pants like that

>> No.7336754
File: 94 KB, 350x335, boot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was gonna cop these Red Wings for $160, thoughts?

>> No.7336768

Not too sure on black, redwings all ways look good in oxblood though

>> No.7336953
File: 416 KB, 1000x668, _DSC4166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Grenson Spikes. Wasn't too sure about them but picked them up for £50 from the factory sale in Rushden. Look nice with all black/grey fits. Also actually great in the rain! Much grippier than my Freds.

inb4 the soles...

>> No.7336959

Those are some fucking cool boots with a fucking cool story behind them. History is fashionable as fuck. Thank your father for his service to our country for me.

>> No.7336993


>> No.7337004

I'm pretty sure they're BBS

>> No.7337028

they look good man

>> No.7337039

i like them and i don't think there's anything wrong with the soles. i think the pebbling actually works on this boot. how are the stitches holding up on the front end?

>> No.7337093

They're built really well. Really solid, and compared to leather soled boots they're so comfy. Especially with a foamy insole. Mmmmmm...

>> No.7337195
File: 285 KB, 720x720, ThatsBullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my work boots and my not-work boots are different though. you sense no making yes

>> No.7337204


what ams this? might i inquire?

>> No.7337224

Poorfag here. Can I get a list of websites with cheap ankle combat boots?

$50 - 100 preferbly

>> No.7337235
File: 474 KB, 1024x612, 5363995126_23f1399155_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive got these RW 9161s (not my pic but same boots) and considering selling them because i can NOT wear these for longer than a few hours. how do you iron ranger fags deal with the cork sole because it is so terribly uncomfortable.

>> No.7337254

cole haan x nike

>> No.7337256

got sum red wing chukkas too small for me size 8 UK in the lighter tan leather colour worn >10 times coz they hurt my feet

anyone wanna buy em

ill include a signed pic or something too

>> No.7337272

show me some bootis with big heels so i dont look like a man ]let

not gay twerk it high heels manly ones like whaisaac brock wears

>> No.7337319
File: 22 KB, 276x448, DAKboots1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these /fa/?

>> No.7337362


>> No.7337374
File: 19 KB, 614x383, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you have a pair of IRs and want desperately to buy a pair of Vibergs
>tfw you can't justify the purchase

>> No.7337385

post never before seen selfie

>> No.7337472

more info, fuccboi here what is BBS

>> No.7337553
File: 51 KB, 321x320, 5434-get-out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calling me a fuccboi
>Not knowing who BBS is...

Yeah they're probably too expensive mate.

>> No.7337565
File: 2.10 MB, 1176x878, 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7337574


did you suck on that lolly good?

>> No.7337582

I think he's calling himself a fuccboi, m80

>> No.7337583


>> No.7337584

What would be more versatile, black or brown boots?

>> No.7337594

I can't read

>> No.7337649

good job, fuccboi

>> No.7337684

are you half asian or something?>>7337565

>> No.7337737

those are IR right? What color is that?

>> No.7337825

what boots are these? Are they dr. martens? what model?

>> No.7337836

>UGG boots

>> No.7337955

too bad they're only in size 14s now. These are really nice for 50 bucks

>> No.7338310

Any advice on boot care? What do people use?
Got my first pair and wondering how I should go about it.

I live in SoCal and there's not much rain to worry about so I figure I don't need Obenauf's LP or Sno Seal as long as I avoid rainy days.
Thinking about using Lexol conditioner we have for the cars but I'm wondering how it'll affect the color (cordovan)

>> No.7338385
File: 441 KB, 1500x994, 1359995018542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's too light for amber harness imo. Probably copper rough n' tough which seems to be the least seen model. Everyone goes for the hawthorne suede or the amber, and sometimes the black, but never the copper.
Copper looks the best beat up with that lovely color pattern.

>> No.7338392

What boots are they?
Made out of what leather?
What colour?

>> No.7338420


Zippers on boots are the worst fucking thing. Boots are my favourite type of footwear, and it's so annoying when I see something promising only to find a god damn zipper when I turn the boot.

Zippers are horribly ugly and mess up water resistance.

It's not that difficult or time consuming to lace and unlace a boot. I live in Vancouver, so I wear boots at least 8 months out of the year, and I don't have a single pair with fucking zippers on them.

>> No.7338444

He never said which side his dad was on.

>> No.7338623

>I never said which side I was on...

But I'm pretty sure not many Kuwaitis come here.

>> No.7339262

What's the best color of iron rangers? I'm thinkin black because I really like black jeans but would they also work with other colors like indigo?

>> No.7339266

Black is the worst color.

>> No.7339322

Cordovan Wolverine 1000 Mile or tan Grenson Sharp?

>> No.7339507

Can I wear black jeans with red wings? I only ever see pics of indigo jeans when wearing them.

>> No.7339522
File: 1 KB, 100x100, 1380488939003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one with a good fashion sense would even look a those pieces of leather shit

>> No.7339545

What brand/style/name/etc? Look lovely, I would kill to find a boot that could fucking last through the shit I put them through.

>> No.7339551
File: 345 KB, 1600x1600, dockers-chelsea-boots-stiefel-stiefeletten-dunkelbraun-122-693579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


they cost like $1000 mexican pesos (mexfag here) and theres this shoe market over here that sells a wide variety of shoes and boots but i really dont know, does these Docker´s boots really worth it? i really like the style but i´m on budget, should i buy the cheap versions that probably have the same design? Dockers make good quality boots?

help me /fa/

>> No.7339556
File: 2.13 MB, 2448x3264, Front 1212013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I do on most days of the week.

>> No.7339579
File: 372 KB, 426x640, photo (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look cool atm dude

im not rly a boot guy so im prob not the best to ask but milsurp stuff usually lasts a long time, at least for me, have had the same ones since high school and they've lasted in perfect condition going on till now
try docs, they're p. cool. I literally know nothing about boots though so you should ask someone else imo

>> No.7339603

Of the stiff leather either Amber Harness if you prefer slightly darker or Copper Rough and Tough if you want lighter.
The Hawthorne is the softer, suede but that gets pretty grotty after a while like all suede.

The copper and the amber are really similar, almost indistinguisable OOTB, and with constant conditioning the copper will end up looking like the amber, but the amber won't get that light/dark splotchy patina that the copper gets that I think looks rather nice. (check the pics of them posted above).

That being said I have the amber, but only really because I couldn't get a hold of the copper at the same very agreeable price.

The black can be nice, but really, IMO, if you're gonna get a black boot just get combat boots or something more sleek.

A chunky black boot is available everywhere and there's no need to flock to Red Wing and the IR model for it.

>> No.7339606

What would you recommend as far as sleek black boots go?

>> No.7339619

The Wolverine is chunkier and the Grenson sleeker, but with broging, not to mention completely different in colour.

Pretty different boots m8.

One thing about current Grenson quality though, I'm kinda hesitant about their current level of it. Ever since that kerfuffle about where in the world their stuff is produced and their recent push into the more mass produced casual sector and selling via places they never used to sell in, well, I'd be more inclined to go with the Wolvernines as at least I'm 100% sure I know where they are made and am familiar with the level of quality associated with them.

Grenson, by some accounts, has kinda gone downhill.

>> No.7339687

The sleekest black boots that I've experience with have been a kind of wholecut chelsea, which may not be what you're looking for.

The RW, or Wolvernines (particularly the former) have that really bulbous toebox which really doesn't evoke a feeling of sleekness.

How dressy do you want to go? Allan Edmonds have the macadam and fifth street, but they're not really for romping around in inclement weather. I don't have experience with those, I'm just going by their general profile.

Loake wolfs? I tried on a tan pair and their toe box wasn't very bulbous, still not as sleek as some chelseas I've seen though.

These are all brogues; nothing readily comes to mind that is plain, as far as lace ups.

As a general thing, anything based off a work boot or soldiers boot (IR's,1kmiles, various combat boots etc.) is not going to be very sleek, so you're going to have look at dress boots.

>> No.7339746

Before /fa/ knew that you could order them from dayton, the discontinued W+H service boot was grail as fuck.

>> No.7339821

how chunky is the wolverine compared to say iron ranger? from some of the fits i've seen, while not nearly as sleek as the grenson, it still looked reasonable.

>> No.7339881

It's been a while since I've seen the 1k mile in person, not to mention near an IR to compare, so it's hard to judge.
I dredged this thread up from SF with a ton of pics.
Judge for yourself.

They're both still very much "work" boots to me, so an element of chunkiness is to be expected and probably desired by those that buy them.
You could look at the RW Beckman - not sure if it comes in black though. The feeling get from them is as if they're the inbetween boot between the IR and the 1k miles.

>> No.7339895

Any boots that you can actually take hiking that don't look like ugly tacticool milsurp.

>> No.7339903

Oh i'm not the anon looking for black boots, I've already got black malis. However, I really do appreciate this.

>> No.7339909

i have a pair of those discontinued W+H in black suede, they're so fucking gorgeous

i don't know why this fag >>7333313 is being all derisive towards the glorious WH daytons

>> No.7339934
File: 28 KB, 395x395, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know anything about Thorogood boots? Are they good?

>> No.7339938 [DELETED] 

I would def.
I'm kind of tentative regardless though, as there's plenty of boots and shoes out there that are on my list that are of known quality.
Too few people own the Chevaliers (and for not long enough) for me to get an idea on how they'd hold up.
Durability and longevity are just as important to me as aesthetics.

>> No.7339948 [DELETED] 

I would def.
I'm kind of tentative regardless though, as there's plenty of boots and shoes out there that are on my list that are of known quality.
Too few people own the Chevaliers (and for not long enough) for me to get an idea on how they'd hold up.
Durability and build quality are just as important to me as aesthetics.

>> No.7339955

I would def.
I'm kind of tentative regardless though, as there's plenty of boots and shoes out there that are on my list that are of known quality.
Too few people own the Chevaliers (and for not long enough) for me to get an idea on how they'd hold up.
Durability and build quality are just as important to me as aesthetics.

>> No.7339972

Are Red Wing Iron Rangers good boots or is there something similar that's better?

>> No.7339978

They are good. If you want something cheaper look at the katahdins from LLBean.

>> No.7339986

help pls

>> No.7339987

what's the nicest boot I can get for about 200 dollars?

Size 9, though a thin foot. I'm 5'10. I really like the boots in


so a similar style would be sweet

>> No.7339995

Get replica US Army roughout service shoes from Atthefront and grease the fuck out of them

>> No.7340007
File: 79 KB, 640x426, 写真(13-12-01 0.28).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scroll down and you will see one for $95. That is what I buy.

>> No.7340012
File: 146 KB, 1482x528, 555556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left is 380 Right is 150, how are the functionality of both because the left is the one I want more for style but I'm all right with the right as long as its a decent winter boot.

>> No.7340075

you cant

>> No.7340095
File: 42 KB, 127x198, スクリーンショット 2013-12-01 0.56.46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are puttees /fa/?

>> No.7340371

post pic and I'll consider it

>> No.7340455

Can no one ID these? Really like them a lot

>> No.7340460

Step one: Open google images
Step two: drag image to search bar

You have now discovered what these boots are!


Step one: not be a fucking retard and have 4chan x installed
Step two: Click "google" above the image

You once again have discovered what these boots are!


>> No.7340484

ey guy
long time no see

>> No.7340587


>> No.7340605

No need now to even install 3rd party shit nor go to google manually; the native 4chan extensions have google image search in them.
That poster is even more of a faggot than you pegged him for.

>> No.7340608

They'll probably not hold up very well in bad weather, and suede gets hella shitted up if not protected.
They look like doc soles - they'll do. At least you can get them resoled.

>> No.7340675
File: 107 KB, 1082x1443, RO - Men&#039;s Unshaven Cowhide Plinth Boots (back).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More of a fan of the black ones

>> No.7340680

What is it about it that you like? Is it the stripes? The fit? Or the pattern? The pattern is called herringbone anyway.

>> No.7340682

Holy shit how lazy are you? I'm sorry but that's just retarded, you can go google that yourself. I'll give you Zalando I guess but really fuck you, do your own research damn..

>> No.7340712

No, they're A1923 (formerly Augusta) Infact they are the "reverse lama boots"

Don't call him a fuccboi, you should know your brands.

Your argument is annulled by assuming they were BBS but you're right when it comes to the non-greentext line, they're in the 1500€ +

>> No.7340717

They're Zalando-core as hell, I wouldn't buy them. I'd save up for some sneakers if I were you and get boots later on when your wardrobe has advanced.

>> No.7340735

I'm sorry user but I just can't into regular Rick combats.. The only thing really unique I see in them are maybe the tongue and the padded upper rim, that's about it. Don't get it twisted though, I mean, I love the way you dress, hell I bought some DD Silent sweats from you. Keep on trucking in fashion school man, you're the best thing to happen to this board since I came here almost two years ago now.

-Alex (not trip alex)

>> No.7340748

You could scout ebay and Sufu and maaaaybee stylezeitgeist classifieds for some used ones to get them cheaper. Hope that helps.

>> No.7340832

doc nero

>> No.7340926
File: 669 KB, 644x483, posboots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need some new boots too guys
these been gettin beat to shit

>> No.7340945

>leather conditioner

>> No.7340973
File: 174 KB, 460x413, Screen Shot 2013-12-01 at 6.22.03 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think of reddish brown leather?

>> No.7341061

I like it. I don't like that frankensteinpatchwork boot though.
A bit of red in the boots makes them richer than plain old brown.

>> No.7341165

Why would I try to trick someone into thinking I have a shitty job? It's fucking footwear.

>> No.7341237

Not sure if you're still here, but I might be interested in the Alden's, shoot me an email if you dont mind.

>> No.7342835

sauce on the black boots?

>> No.7342863


Those brown boots look so nice with them faded wrinkles.

>> No.7342892

They have that much stitching because they're actual hiking boots- for hiking.

>> No.7343432

most effay motorcycle boots?

>> No.7343836

No. There's no correlation to that at all. Actual hiking boots don't need that.
They're just another fugly design from a budget brand.

>> No.7343877
File: 1.50 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7343913
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 22-07-2013_clarks_desertboot_ambergold1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cop or not?

>> No.7344005
File: 1.25 MB, 2592x1944, WP_000225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7344048

idgaf what /fa/ says, they feel good and look good

>> No.7344108

They're mall-tier.

>> No.7344121
File: 2.83 MB, 3264x1836, shews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The boots are my workin boots.

>> No.7344127

>where you buy things affects quality
>I don't like things because they're popular
>I'm this pretentious of a douche
Clarks are a nice looking, nice fitting and cheap alternative to many other shoes out there.

>> No.7344134

you need to realize some people don't need more than that

>> No.7344174

I've done Doc's. Three pairs in a year and a half. They look lovely, but are utter shit if you actually put a beating into them. Sadly their for life products only offer various ankle high styles. And who knows what the ''English Made'' product line actually holds up to.

I wish that poster would post what those are, They look decent enough and if they've really been through hell and back, I'm super interested.

>> No.7344199

>Clarks are a nice looking, nice fitting and cheap alternative to many other shoes out there.
They certainly aren't nice looking IMO, a shapless flap of suede on a clunky rubber base. But the sure can be comfy.

>> No.7344207

>And who knows what the ''English Made'' product line actually holds up to.
Better leather, better stitching - possibly even better soles.

I think they'd hold up for normal wear ie. not hiking or working industrial stylie.

>> No.7344225

any boots you can actually take for a hike that won't fall to pieces?

>> No.7344236

Hiking boots.
Don't ruin other boots by using them for purposes for which they are not optimized. There's a reason why specific boots made for hiking exist.

>> No.7344268
File: 72 KB, 960x639, 1379807312855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're custom Viberg service boots in harness leather - approx $800+++ and a 20 week wait time for them to be built.

What about the ones in this pic? w2c????

>> No.7344287

All Vibergs have a 20 week wait time though, unless you buy from a retailer that actually has some in stock. A rarity.

>> No.7344290


>> No.7344319


Please tell me you have a link

I really wanted those vibergs but those are way too expensive

Hook me up brah

>> No.7344348

The ones pictured are an old model from who knows when. These are what Levi's has currently.



>> No.7344353
File: 104 KB, 800x600, chevalier 1yr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cheapest and closest alternative to that Viberg service boot style is from an Indonesian shoe company.
They have to be custom ordered too, take a month and cost about 200 - shipping.

>> No.7344365
File: 671 KB, 2591x1935, chevalier captoe boot made in indo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I really wanted those vibergs but those are way too expensive
Oh yeah, and join the club.

>> No.7344372
File: 599 KB, 2125x1587, chevlaier iron ranger cdb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7344386
File: 172 KB, 1200x800, viberg service boot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No doubt don't hold a candle to the Vibergs in regards to overall construction quality, but you're not paying nearly a grand and millions of years wait time too.

I'm still debating whether I like the style enough to consider a messy overseas dealings with indo's.

>> No.7344391
File: 601 KB, 1013x468, 123123123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks for the help man but those don't live up to the price imo


Holy fuck, the first link actually seems quite similar...

My eyes aren't deceiving me right???

>> No.7344403

looks completely different to me mang

flatter toebox

different broging

>> No.7344405


Hmm actually the heels seem bigger and the lining's a bit different where the ones on the right have holes in them...

Still tho, kind of want to cop...

>> No.7344419

if you're going for cdb's get the beeswax

>> No.7344420


Yeah justs noticed that....

Why couldn't i just be rich af

would've copped these vibergs [>>7332329] immediately


>> No.7344423

they're clearly different, but they do look pretty similar
would be nice to see the ones on the right worn in

>> No.7344450

They were my first choice but these are a lot cheaper. Which do you think would be better for everyday use?

>> No.7344512

20weeks m8
probably longer since the harness isn't standard leather for them

>> No.7344533
File: 405 KB, 800x533, barnside2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suede gets gross if you don't protect them first - some kind of spray.

If they're for wear in actually hot weather the suede would probably be better, but over time the beeswax will definitely look better. For example, this patina could never be achieved with suede - it's an extreme case, to be sure, but it's an example.

Rare to see the ambergolds, but then again I think it's because that model isn't sold in the US hence little coverage of them.

The beeswax always struck me as a kind of "babby's first boot" - and I use the term "boot" kinda loosely in that sense.

They're nice and comfy, but the whole thing is very overexposed if you have a problem with ubiquity.

>> No.7344559

Oh, and there are 2 other colours, more subdued than the amber gold, that I think are perhaps slightly more versaile - at least at first; when the amber golds get worn in and dusty and shit then they'll look more subdued. They're kinda bright to start with. I don't know their names, but one is like a dark, sandy colour and the other's called "cola" suede or something But yeah, depends on the colours in your fit. Amber is brighter and thus more eyecatching.
Though, why anyone would want their cdb's to be eyecatching I don't really know.
Comfy but so inelegant.

>> No.7344579
File: 59 KB, 324x296, t_p_detail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Dr. Scholls a good brand? These are going for 45 bucks marked down from 120 and I'm pretty apprehensive at that price, but on the other hand I feel like I've heard good things about Dr. Scholls.

>> No.7344596


bro these look like the kind of boots they wear when they're walking in the sewer...

>> No.7344768

Didn't know scholl actually made footwear. They're good for insoles and shit as far as I know.
Still, for less than 50 bucks you can't go wrong; at least you can try out the styling.

>> No.7344846

Thanks for the info. Would using something like otter wax on them work on improving their colour at all?

>> No.7344979

For suede?
Definitely not.
You *can't put wax or anything else on suede really. Best you can do for them is spray suede protector on when you first get them and periodically for maintenance

>> No.7345006

These are fine a cheap. Dunno how long they'd last though. They in that perfect impulse-buy range.

>> No.7345132

they're ugly as shit
i'd rather wear j's than those

>> No.7345188

I'm assuming their pants will cover the top part. You can't see the ugly, then.

>> No.7345818
File: 11 KB, 604x352, boot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Winter is about here and I need good winter boots. I saw some Asian guy the other day with some cool looking boots where the heel led up the heel (as I've tried to illustrate as best I could from memory). I want to find these boots or at least a similar boot.

>> No.7345841

btw boot was brown, sole was white. May have had some fluffy lining at the top I don't remember