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/fa/ - Fashion

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7329982 No.7329982 [Reply] [Original]

ITT - Tiny things that make you not /fa/

>no biblical/british royal name
>not perfect teeth

>> No.7329997

>female, but short as fuck, so even if I'm thin I still look chubby.

>> No.7330002

>skinny everywhere but i have a flabby arse

>> No.7330004
File: 6 KB, 530x404, 1379568420073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>barrel chest
>wide hips
>look fat in clothes no matter how much i starve myself

>> No.7330011

>not perfect teeth

that's all.

>> No.7330030
File: 91 KB, 854x859, 1351747269794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i still post here

>> No.7330037

Try working out you stupid faggot.

>> No.7330039

>hideous teeth
>asymmetrical face
kill me

>> No.7330042

>shit hair
>round face

>> No.7330041

>22 bmi
>fat cheeks
it feels i can forget about ever exiting coccoon mode until I fix this shit, much less trying to be effay

>> No.7330048
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>caved in chest (like McMillan but less severe)
>redness and 2 small scars, both from pimples
You wouldn't think the pimple-'scarring' would be that bad but it brings me down at least 1 point.

>> No.7330061

> wide hips

Can you get narrow hips through plastic surgery? It doesn't sound possible, but what do I know.

>> No.7330067

>non-perfect teeth because I used to box

Pretty much it.

>> No.7330074

>fat cheeks
>somewhat thick eyebrows, but I tweeze so it isn't as bad
>spot on one side of my face where facial hair doesn't grow well

>> No.7330103

Stop tripfagging then

>> No.7330122

start liftin bitch

>> No.7330132

One of my eyes does that droopy thing when i'm tired. Might buy an eyepatch because it'll look cool and fix it.

>> No.7330129

>jew face

>> No.7330144
File: 38 KB, 351x345, le.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wide fucking head.
Sometimes i want to kill myself because i can't make one of those fashionable short haircuts and have to live with long hair like a fucking emo

>> No.7330139

>most generic name possible
I was born with a Russian name but we changed it when we moved so that we could fit in

>> No.7330155


Dun goof'd.

>> No.7330156

I've moved out as well but kept my name
Why would you change it anyway

>> No.7330160

the autism
>inb4 some retard says it's /fa/

>> No.7330182

Nobody could fucking pronounce either my first name or last name properly.
I guess it isn't a complete loss because my old name was really girly-sounding in English, but that last name ;_;

>> No.7330209

>Mixed asian heritage
>Italian hair

>> No.7330205

I actually changed my last name for that reason (nobody could pronounce fucking Хмельницкий where I currently live). So I got a slav name and a scandi last name now. They sound kind of good together I guess.

>> No.7330233


>> No.7330248
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>10/10 face
>10/10 body
>10/10 fits
>except I have haemorrhoids and can't sit, my ass also bleeds on a daily

>tfw bloodbottom-core

>> No.7330367

post ass

>> No.7330384

I would break her fingers so she will never make this gesture again

>> No.7330454

how is that pronounced?

>> No.7330465

Run it through google translate

>> No.7330476

>really girly-sounding in English
You called Alexei or something?

>> No.7330508
File: 65 KB, 285x276, 1381807395857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pectus excavatum
>no collar bone at all
>boyish face
>mild acne but overall clear face
>patchy facial hair (kill me)
>cant rock short hair like crew cut or HY bc weird head shape
>slight introvert
surely I dont think anyone can have it worse than me in this thread
the only good things I have are probly perfect teeth and thick eye brows and long lashes

>> No.7330546

is the russian voice of google translate usually that nasal, or is that part of the pronunciation?

>> No.7330550

Yes, it is quite nasal as a matter of fact, but aside from that its pronounciation is correct

>> No.7330556

No it isn't, Google Translate says Х as "kh" (pronouncing the k).

>> No.7330561


>> No.7330567

Wait disregard that, I fucked up and had it translate to English first.

>> No.7330568

Hmm, I'm not hearing it
Did you type it in cyrillics?

>> No.7330589

>standard as fuck white american white-picket fence name
>no way to make my hair look not stupid

>> No.7330609

is the name rory /fa/?

>> No.7330623

>stupid name
>5'9 manlet
>wide hips
>shitty hairline

My wide hips aren't as bad as some i've seen on here but due to having no muscle it still looks bad. Time to start lifting i guess.

>> No.7330624

>can't lift because my arm is fucked up

>> No.7330634

>yellow teeth

>> No.7330640

>been lifting for 8 months
>slight improvement but still skinny

>> No.7330643

That's a really good name.

I wouldn't think it's girly at all. Though I'm not murrican.

>> No.7330661

I had a fissure once, my condolences bro that was a living hell for a while.

>people wonder why you're so irritable, tell them to fuck off, feel bad later but ass hurts so much you just curse the gods for this bullshit

>> No.7330679


Eat more

>> No.7330690

Why not just change your last name back? You can do that, you know. And since it was your original last name it's not faggoty to do it.

>> No.7330693

>too tall (6'1,5'', but female),
>sweet, sweet voice,
>hair I can't cut in layers,

>> No.7330741

>Too tall (6'5").
>Slightly overweight (working on it).
>Horrible nose.
>I walk funny.
>I quit smoking.

>> No.7330820

>teeth have gaps between them
>only 6 foot
>looks like i have wide hips because my stomach is narrower than my hips
>shit posture

>> No.7330837


>> No.7330877

pls be in ldn or cmbridge

>> No.7330897

>big ol misshapen ears (Although it think adds goofy charm h-heh)
>slight pignose
>slight rabbit teeth
>bad skin/v pale

>> No.7330906

Let's hear the voice.

>> No.7330908

Fuck off, Alex.

>> No.7330909

lmao are you a cartoon character

>> No.7330911

oh also my hair grows out rather than down

>> No.7330918


>> No.7330929

post face, i'm gonna pitch it to disney and make big bucks

>> No.7330936

I'm transgender.

wait that's not a small thing at all

>> No.7330940


>> No.7330948
File: 1.86 MB, 1401x1729, face shape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not posting full features (#cyberbullying) but here's the ears

>> No.7330975
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>> No.7330970

dont be shy bby

>> No.7330987


Your ears are normal.

>> No.7331001
File: 99 KB, 143x425, ear game fuct up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sure bout that?

one of my shits lookin like a pork rind

>> No.7331024

literally tiny problem
>shitty stretch marks all over body

>> No.7331032

>imperfect teeth
>high hairline
>meh facial aesthetics
>shitty name
Other than that I'm 6'2, lanky and have model proportions and most clothes look excellent on me

>> No.7331039


>> No.7331080

>Flat Feet
>Too skinnyfat
>bad eyesight
At least I'm tall and attractive

>> No.7331090

same but also
>flat feet
>knock knees caused by flat feets
>shorter legs caused by knock knees

>> No.7331092

10/10 would date

>> No.7331096

>bump on forehead from childhood accident
>just one of my ears sticks out
>eyes don't match
kill me

>> No.7331129

birthmark right next to my eye. fuckin a

>> No.7331163


>> No.7331169

>keratosis pilaris
>wide hairline

>> No.7331170

post full name

>> No.7331195

>eyes don't match

That sounds badass.

>> No.7331309

>hips wider than my shoulders
I can never be ottermode, I can either have a pear shaped body or be broad.
Shit sucks.

>> No.7331455

didn't see you this summer, best be a newtrip.
Then again I stopped this summer

>> No.7331523
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>shitty nose

>> No.7331556

I'm missing my left eye.
>exgf shot it out due to poor trigger discipline

Now I'm doomed to wearing an eyepatch for the rest of my life. I am 22. As a plus, though, this has given me motivation to work out. Give me another year, and my body will be godly and chiseled.

>> No.7331571

are you me, apart from the teeth thing that is, mine are flawless

>> No.7331573

i like it.

>> No.7331584

i like that name, i know this russian guy called ilya, hes like really hot, skates and is basically the most fa person ever

>> No.7331608


well fuck if thats true.

>> No.7331611

>huge frame, not fat, have massive shoulders
>scars on face from acne and doing stupid shit
>overbite and accompanying lisp
>scars from self harm bc was a depressed jackass

>> No.7331642

Yeah. . . that is the last time I trust a female with a firearm. You see, the girl I was with was doing some cutesy tumblr-style poses with the gun. I gave her some basic firearms 101, so I trusted that she had the safety on . . .

My mistake. How stupid of me.

In one pose, she discharged the weapon at my face. The bullet traveled at an angle, which went through my left eye diagonally and out of the side of my left eye. That was lucky.

Moral of the story:

DO NOT let any woman pose with a gun in front of you. You are going to get shot.

DO NOT hand over a firearm to a clueless female. Even after a weapon's primer. You are going to get shot.

It happened to me, and it can happen to you.

>> No.7331646
File: 26 KB, 64x202, Screen Shot 2013-11-30 at 02.01.12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

horrible jew nose and weak af jaw

>> No.7331692
File: 164 KB, 285x319, Foto von Mir 15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nose ;-;

>> No.7331693

is it just an empty socket now? what does it look like?


>> No.7331703
File: 53 KB, 563x532, Foto von mir 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7331715

i'm sure a plastic surgeon could take a bit off to lessen its up turned ness.

>> No.7331739
File: 36 KB, 640x480, hip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Does it look like pic related? If yes, lifting would help you get wider shoulders, lats, back etc. You could reach ottermode if you wanted to put the effort into it.

>> No.7331740

oh, fuck off

>> No.7331742


Deine Nase ist attraktiv

Du Penner

>> No.7331745

guise guise, is Sylas a /fa/ name?

>> No.7331750


if it's spelled silas

now fuck off

>> No.7331754


>> No.7331761
File: 351 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that klinefelters? Even I'm not THAT bad...

>> No.7331770

that's not a jew nose
still bad though

>> No.7331774

sorry anon

>> No.7331776

>no biblical/british royal name

So no one outside anglosphere can be /fa/? Damn that leaves out what 6 billion out of 7?

>> No.7331785
File: 603 KB, 280x223, awhellnaw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being white

>> No.7331791


Your hips are perfectly normal. Not sure about the guy i posted tho. That's a random pic i found on google, he could possible have klinefelters.

>> No.7331793

Its okay

>> No.7331807



>> No.7331865

Plenty of crackas outside USA/Canada/UK tho, most of Europe for one

>> No.7331894

You a pretty nigga

>> No.7331950
File: 35 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mh12l9isS61qe0cx9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plz crusty disgusting assholes are super /fa/

>> No.7332002

>some acne
>thin as fuck, can't eat much, so hard to get any gainz

>> No.7332016

>female, bulimic for 3+ years, fucked up digestive system means i can't get fit so i stay flabby and can't join gothninja nxtlvl masterrace
>also body dysmophia means i can't look in mirror without weird optical illusions happening, so silhouettes of fits are always wrong

>> No.7332044

Wide hips for a man, feminine everything and although I have the perfect butt because of it, I will never be a very manly man. not like I want to be burly or anything, just kinda more manly.

>> No.7332040

there's gotta be a way you can push your body to being healthy again

been to a doctor yet?

>> No.7332046

>biblical name
Schlomo, pls go

>> No.7332056
File: 53 KB, 600x600, 1381813764616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post ass pls ;)

>> No.7332132

>Wide stockyish frame
>wide hips
>big legs
>wide shoulders
at least its all muscular looking and not fatty

>chubby cheeks
how to get rid of these?

and how can i tell if my hips are just wide or like WIDE

>> No.7332149

Big muscular frame from years of combat sports, football, and rugby.
I'm trying to lose all this muscle with a caloric deficit and lots of cardio but it's no use ; _ ;

>> No.7332166

Yeah but if I've learned anything from this it's that 'pushing' my body to do anything is a bad idea. It's early days yet so I'm not really expecting too much, but I have a long-term plan to get truly healthy.
I haven't been to a doctor because literally nobody knows I was/am anything but stable.

>> No.7332164
File: 481 KB, 2560x1440, DSC_0372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aw u cute so sure. the only camera I had was on the front of my phone, and unflattering pants are unflattering. so I'm sorry it didnt get all of it. But my butt is something I'm proud of. A teacher I had once had a butt so big you could probably sell tickets to watch it explode. Needless to say he was very flamboyant, but in a good way. God, I half regret posting my butt on 4Chan.

>> No.7332170

Also, chubby cheeks are the worst. Usually you just need to give it time

>> No.7332183

i think if you just eat consistent, healthy foods eventually your body will be like, "oh hey, i'm supposed to digest that"

but there will be really bad stomach pains fyi

good luck

>> No.7332227

>Tiny things that make you not /fa/
>Tiny things
Why must you hurt me so OP?

>> No.7332253

i have awkward body language....

can't fix it :(

>> No.7332363

>shitty teeth
>crooked glasses
>noticeable lip muscle around my mouth
>no jaw
>floppy earlobes
>mouthbreather because deviated septum
>constant purple circles under my eyes, i'm not heroin-chic god damn it
>need to lose 40 lbs (170 lbs)
>live in a shitty rural community with no appreciation for anything they can't hit with a stone
>no self-confidence
I'm not gonna make it

>> No.7332386

My teeth are very straight but they're a little yellow

I'm really really pale so that makes them look worse

Whiting toothpaste and mouthwash don't really help all that much. I might get them whitened some time but I really don't want to give up tea and coffee

>> No.7332399

small balls.

very un/fa/ and very sad.

>> No.7332409

Weak chin and no beard growing powers to make up for it.

Also no fashion sense or confidence or fashionable clothes...

>> No.7332421

>fat (by effay standards) going on herion chic diet
>shit nose
>acne scars
>tfw youll never be effay

>> No.7332446
File: 36 KB, 435x332, 1384651527992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have faith! Finding little details that stand out to you obvious, egregious flaws is very /fa/ indeed!!

>> No.7332460

can't save money

>> No.7332484

>can't survive off of black coffee/cigarettes alone
>no framed pic of rick owens in my house

>> No.7332500

>lower jaw misaligned, moved by almost a whole tooth to the left
>shittiest potential for a beard i've ever seen
>german but fuckwits of parents gave me some jewshit/christian first name and second name has greek origins - thanks retards...

>> No.7332511

>asymmetrical face but I look fairly handsome at any angle besides straight forward

>> No.7332633


Only god nose.

Who nose?

Oh nose!

>> No.7332659

Schlomit Standanapoulos

>> No.7332676


>no framed pic of rick owens in my house

man i need to do this asap

>> No.7332699

>tfw no framed pic of rick owens with 'raf simons' etched onto the nameplate

>> No.7332715


>> No.7332748

Mixed Asians are usually 10/10.

As long as you didn't inherit those Asian eyes and bulbous nose, you're pretty good. Even more points if you are taller than 6 ft.

>> No.7332959

>Acne and acne scars
>Nigger lips
>Nose looks absolutely shitty from certain angles and lighting
>Shit hair genetics

>> No.7332990

>eat too much

>> No.7333023

>Bad posture
>Acne on my arms of all places

Other than that pretty /fa/

>> No.7333049
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>fairly exaggerated canines
does this add or subtract from my /fa/ness?

>> No.7333067

Same here.

If you're >18 you can easily pick up pussy by saying you're an actual vampire and showing them your teeth.