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File: 50 KB, 612x612, 1379614043553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7323029 No.7323029[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is there something you can do about balding that actually works? I realized my weak hairline is getting... weaker. pic is not me.

inb4 shaving everything. as soon at it gets really noticeable I ll do that anyways.

>> No.7323035

Comb over

>> No.7323062

lol i see so many balding men i feel sorry being female is realyl easy hahahahha sry i should probably check my privilege now

>> No.7323099

There are some reasons for balding that are treatable.

Most are not.

You might check with your doctor if they'll do the tests or treatments for you.

>> No.7323103

can you give some examples? is it a bad sign that its similar to my fathers balding. (genetic?)

>> No.7323131

women bald too retard and it's a lot more embarrassing.

OP do you have another picture of the guy in first post? preferably from other side?

>> No.7323169

Shave it, get buff, grow a beard.

>> No.7323549
File: 77 KB, 500x500, 1380489605445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sry mate, have no more

well, looks like my only alternative. I m not sure yet though if I m just noticing for the first time how weak the hairline actually is. I think It ll take a few month, until I can be sure. Then I ll go to the doc I think. I love my hair.

>> No.7323946

got a similar problem. are there some products that worked for some1?

>> No.7323958

google the big 3

>> No.7324103

what hoodie is this seriously
my AA hoodie is shit

>> No.7324120

I dont know about that one. but look at American Giant for a hoodie. good shit considering its practically all they make

>> No.7324291

will look into these

>> No.7324605

yes, eat a diet for a healthy prostate

reduce dht and igf-1 and start properly metabolizing vitamin d

i'd post something specific but it causes MAJOR BUTTHURT every time i do

>> No.7324623

Just buy some clippers and wear it short, sheesh. I started shaving my head when I turned 19, never looked back.

>> No.7324662


Not OP here but please do it

>> No.7324664

look at the norwood chart (google). if you're still over NW 3, try to maintain what you have w/ minoxidil + dht shampoos like regenepure. lots of old french poets had high foreheads, receding hairlines and were still effay.

after a certain point, shaving may be an option but not everybody looks better with a shaved head.

>> No.7324733

i use toppik hair fibers.. cant tell that my hair's thinning..

>> No.7324775

inb4 butthurt

Basically follow this outline

Prostate cancer and hair loss are both caused by DHT. And there's also a very strong correlation between people who go bald and who will later get prostate cancer.

In short, stop drinking milk, don't eat sugar, don't eat a lot of red meat, if at all. Eat a ton of green vegetables, (broccoli is god-tier), some fruits like grapefruit, drink a lot of green tea (5+ cups a day). Your best forms of meat protein are salmon, turkey/chicken. There might be some value in taking cold showers, but there's not enough science to confirm it, but some balding guys swear by it. A study has shown that people who swim reguarly during winter (ie, they swim in ice water) increase their body's production of Gluthatione, which is an anti-oxidant that keeps hair in its anagen (ie the growing) stages.

Essentially it's a combination of high IGF-1, 5alpha-reductaste which converts your testosterone to DHT (testosterone on its own, even high levels isn't necessarily bad) and an inability to metabolize vitamin D that causes hair loss. All of this can be treated fairly adequately with a diet for a healthy prostate. For example, broccoli has a chemical in it called DIM which basically fights against DHT. It's also got a lot of vitamin A and K which helps to metabolize vitamin D properly.

As for vitamins, take some omega 3, some zinc (it has been shown to inhibit 5 alpha reductase) and some vitamin D supplements.

You might not have any problems with Finasteride or Propecia, but there's really no reason to not follow this diet. Either for your hair or for your prostate.

Basically you're going to eat like a Japanese dude, who coincidentally rarely go bald and rarely get prostate cancer, or any cancer.

>> No.7324801

Also, the one thing I'm not convinced about is soy. It's all monsanto made and, I dunno, I think it gives you tits.

>> No.7324834


Cheers, thanks anon

>> No.7324876

Fin should be a last resort.
It's ruined my life if not only temporarily

>> No.7324886

how do I convince my balding indian friend to shave it off? he seems really attached to what little of it he has left, but i want him to shave it and see him get some love from the girls

>> No.7324890
File: 20 KB, 300x246, Jude-Law-Hair-Transplant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know how this hasn't been said yet, but get a hair transplant if you're that worried about it. Everyone in Hollywood does it.

>> No.7324956

hair transplants aren't perfect and won't restore your hairline to something like a NW1

marc jacobs got them and said it hurt a lot

plus if you don't spend a bizillion dollars on them they'll probably be shit and fall out

>> No.7324987
File: 153 KB, 325x445, Matthew-Mcconaughey-Hair-Transplant-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nothing is perfect.
Matters how bald you are. If you are only thinning/receding it will get you where you need to be but if you are John McCain bald don't expect to grow dreads.
Don't be so poor.
Don't be a pussy.

It's like a tattoo. You are going to be living with the results forever and you get what you pay for so don't sign up for some hack job on groupon, find a real pro.

>> No.7324992


>tfw saving up for transplants

I probably wont need them for 5-6 years, but I have a big head and I want the transplants to be more densely packed than my natural hair was.

Probably gonna put me back $ 20 000, but thats peanuts compared to lifetime of happiness.

Hair is your most important commodity to looking good.

>hopefully in 5 years we'll have stem-cell grown hair or some shit though

>> No.7326464


Seriously, this.

~1mg finasteride daily is your best bet to stave off hair loss.

Has the lowest incidence of side effects, and chances are most of the cases of reported side effects aren't drug related.

Two main side effects:

sexual dysfunction

Old fucks take this shit too late after their hairlines have receded beyond hope and expect their shit to grow back.

People get depressed that their hair won't come back, and old fucks would have gotten ED regardless.

Finasteride is mostly a preventative measure, so if you lose it chances are it won't help you. Get on that shit quick. Go to a dermatologist, and they'll probably proscribe you like 90 tablets of 5mg propecia which you will cut into fourths. Shouldn't cost more than $50 a year

>> No.7326468


you can get a buzzcut and stop trying to fight the inevitable

>> No.7326483


This is a pretty good thing to do even if you aren't losing hair.

This with finasteride would probably be even better if you're really worried.

>> No.7326501

I take an insanely high daily dose of dutasteride (1.5-2 mg). As well as rogaine (also dermaroll once a day) and that special shampoo 3x a week. This is the only thing that's worked for me so far. I'm really lucky though in that dutasteride gives me 0 sides whatsoever

>> No.7327186
File: 120 KB, 500x333, celebrity-hair-transplant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck's the point of having hair if your gonna turn into an emo fag with a non-functional dick?

Fuck pills, fuck Rogaine, fuck eating tomatoes or whatever. Just get a hair transplant. They take the hairs out of the back of your head where there's a shitload and stick them on the front where you want them. It's like cheating.

>> No.7327322

>Just get a hair transplant.
Meh, just fuck it. You can be fa bald, just get awesome body and acne free face. Why people are so frustrating about hair loss? 90% mens on the planet loss their hairs and nobody dies. I'm ready to that shit & ain't even mad.

>> No.7327577

Google something called the big three for hairloss. There's some pill called proscar or propecia, I think the first one is a cheaper generic drug. It works by blocking some receptors or something in your scalp that produces DHT that kills off your follicles.

Aside from that you can use rogaine or something to regrow bald spots, and nizoral/nioxin shampoo to inhibit thinning.

>> No.7329304

you think that looks good?

>> No.7329330


Fin and dut block test conversion to dht, which raises testosterone in the body. As a result, however, the body automatically raises estrogen to keep test and estrogen in balance which is why people get sides. The trick is to combine the dht blockers with an anti estrogen like formestane. The effect is no dht and raised test without the increase in estrogen that comes with it