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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 43 KB, 500x500, tumblr_m8yd3r455A1r0ya3zo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7311625 No.7311625 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that the women on /fa/ dress so badly?

All hate aside most of the girls I see on the street are not that poorly dressed. They at least have some sense of color and what they should be trying to do for their body type, even if they're head-to-toe in Zara or Topshop or whatever. But every single girl I have ever seen post in the waywt here looks like she is picking out her own outfit for the first time after years of being dressed by her mom or something. Seriously what the fuck gives? I know /fa/ dresses terribly as a whole but even the guys don't seem as far below the average as the women do.

If you're a girl who has posted in waywt recently this post IS about you. Don't think it isn't, you're fucking garbage.

>> No.7311630
File: 112 KB, 668x956, tumblr_mwixjuCjES1syjuy5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post some good female inspo in this thread too

>> No.7311634

Depends where you live and who you see.
I bet you live in a shithole where everyone dresses like shit and you just have no taste.

>> No.7311641
File: 647 KB, 683x1024, celineresort2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go celine or go home tbh

>> No.7311645

did u even read the post lol hes not talking about the girls he sees irl

>> No.7311661

>>the girls I see on the street
Fuck yourself you target clad synthofuck

>> No.7311694

wow u are really fucking stupid
>the girls I see on the street are not that poorly dressed.
>every single girl I have ever seen post in the waywt here
im laughing my fucking ass off how can u be this self-assured and idiotic at the same time lmfao

>> No.7311701

I live in NYC.

>> No.7311722

Let me spell it out for you Spengbab.
>>hes not talking about the girls he sees irl
>>the girls I see on the street
Basic contradiction. Anything else is irrelevant. That means you.

>> No.7311736

>All hate aside most of the girls I see on the street are not that poorly dressed.

Can you read full sentences.

>> No.7311744

Can you into argument? It doesn't matter. because he did speak about IRL girls you fuck. They are part of the conversation. You can spin your ass spoon as much as you like but the assertions all stand.

>> No.7311811

/fa/ in general dresses pretty fucking terrible. Have you seen the shit you guys like/wear?

Fucking Yohji? Really
>inb4 bait

not you faggots, that shit just doesn't look good

>> No.7311840

Every girl I see on the street my age is wearing boots, skinny jeans, and a northface jacket.

Every single one.

>> No.7311848

you just don't get it fuccboi
but I have to agree with you, most guys on /fa/ dress mediocre/entry-pleb (wearing parkas in 2013 etc.)

>> No.7311854

Most of /fa/ dresses like retarded hipsters.

Skinny jeans, parkas, flannel, beards, tennis shoes.

>> No.7311857

remember what website you're on

>> No.7311863

where are the menswear/dadcore anons, they're our only hope

>> No.7311899
File: 42 KB, 320x480, 00160m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate promotng misogyny but I agree. I agree so so much.

And they're usually pretty fit too (maybe they just want the attention? idk). Sheer tights and thigh length a-line skirts with a thin belt and a bland blazer is way overdone. And skintight errythang isn't /fa/ unless it's got an interesting drape or something.

Most of these girls on /fa/ give off the impression that they don't really care enough to put together something unique. As long as they've got a nice body and over 9000 neckbeards willing to suck up to them who needs respect.

>> No.7311913

All /fa/ female trips I can think off of the top of my head:

>Sicklysweet, rumpel, Pyrenees
All kind of blend together. Don't really seem to care about fashion whatsoever, all dress pretty blandly, just want attention or a place to talk about themselves.

You can't really fault her because it seems like she actually has Aspergers or some other semi-serious mental/social affliction. Either way she's one of those girls who will never move beyond the "fast fashion" tier, no matter how many nicer pieces she manages to pick up. The taste just isn't there. As a result her well-intentioned advice posts are also mostly garbage just because she ends up recommending cheap, poor quality brands to people who don't know any better without (I think) really realizing what she's doing.

Tasteful, but I wish she wouldn't wear so much fast fashion. I don't understand why she just doesn't move up to Celine, Lanvin, et al because she must have the money if she really is Mifune's sister. I'd really even just like to see her in cheaper Ann D stuff or something. Just not Zara.

I've only seen maybe two of her fits total, but it looks like she has a better wardrobe than most male posters here. That doesn't mean that she can put together consistently good fits or make those pieces work (but I've only seen the one she posted on sufu.) Also gets props for being the only female trip who seems to know anything about the fashion industry whatsoever.

Maybe has stopped posting...? I liked her all-Rick fits, especially the one with the turbo wedges and the tank. I wish she'd stick to Rick basics and leave the weird tumblr-goth stuff out of it, because I think she can pull off (the former) better than most.

I feel like I could almost excuse her taobao/asos wardrobe by saying she genuinely wanted to improve, but it really seemed like that was not true at all. She posted the same fits with the same pieces over and over again and never took criticism.

>> No.7311917

>momma dodd
God-tier now and forever

>> No.7311923


>> No.7311935


>> No.7311942

>do you even anti-fashion?

It's MEANT to look bad. That being said, anyone who takes dressing like that without a grain of salt and a little bit of aesthetic weariness is retarded.

>> No.7311954
File: 103 KB, 367x451, 1361233283146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you even anti-fashion?

>It's MEANT to look bad.

>> No.7311964
File: 46 KB, 570x588, o-PLEB-570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7311993
File: 130 KB, 682x1023, tumblr_ltlqqhmN3K1qclrjao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just an aesthetic, just like any other aesthetic. An aesthetic appealing to the Japanese market, probably.

>> No.7312002
File: 300 KB, 2364x1296, 1 (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7312013
File: 87 KB, 500x657, RAF SIMONS AW08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

such edge

Is that ruff zimmerman?

>> No.7312028
File: 195 KB, 1080x1440, 1330455720855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some of those fits aren't to bad on an everyday-wear level
you don't see many sophisticated/ high fashion fits by women here though

>> No.7312032

h&m h&m usually what im dressed in

>> No.7312036

Probably because most women here are young, just like 90% of /fa/'s male userbase consists of college age males, with shoe-string budgets that can't fit modern dandy or legitimate anti-fashion kits.

>> No.7312039

I think shoes like that are among the most retarded things on earth, but that outfit looks good.

>> No.7312061
File: 418 KB, 929x1400, tumblr_moa0ieEb4R1ryt87lo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like the jacket

dat raschel lace and pleather miniskirt though

>> No.7312071

She looks like a sophisticated prostitute.

>> No.7312076

what the fuck
that's fast fashion 101 and it's not even GOOD fast fashion
i wouldn't even vomit on that outfit

>> No.7312095

I dont think thats pleather
its a pretty basic fit

>> No.7312106

prob cuz men dont know shit about fem fashion and follow their dicks


>> No.7312121
File: 53 KB, 320x480, tumblr_ly4ncdC4Ar1r3iauco1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this entire board is way too obsessed with brands. as long as it fits well and the craftmanship is acceptable, don't stress over not being able to afford rick. Brands do not dictate style, how you carry yourself in your clothes does.

YSL was a very strong advocate of this.

>> No.7312138

that skirt is too short

>> No.7312144

Too bad fem fashion are dictated by dicks.

>> No.7312171

Holy fuck you just went full autism. You seriously got the smallest amount of reading comprehension I've ever witnessed

>> No.7312172

no he wasn't

most women here don't wear labels, most guys here start to wear higher end brands after about 6-9 months

I have been wondering this as well

all the men here inherently dress 2-3 notches above the typical male

even at a starting point,

but women who have been here for years dress fucked up.

I think it's because the women here are cheap, they probably go to the forever 21 sale rack and pick shit up off of there while the guys are copping $5000 retail jackets and at least $300 pants on everyone here so the differences in quality, materials worksmanship and fit (women don't visit seamstresses here) but all the men visit tailors regularly

different class of people

>> No.7312194

first fit is good doe

>> No.7312189
File: 94 KB, 798x660, i do not know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no wai
i don't think anyone except /fa/ggots would consider a woman decked out in rick sexay

It's all relative

>> No.7312215

Average people rarely browse 4chan. That average Zara woman does not post on /fa/ to get the attention of strangers on the internet. And if you look at the average dude and compare him to those posting here the men are clearly also not average.

>> No.7312223

>>Why is it that the women on /fa/ ..

are you fucking with me? do you even read this place? its like bro autism central with a light dusting of socially awkward faggots

>> No.7312231
File: 41 KB, 686x457, tumblr_m1ytd2p2Ev1qzx74yo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how long have you been in the closet

it's time to leave

Protip: ragging on the very people you hit on is not a good idea. You respond to almost any attractive girl on waywt and they all ignore you. bitter, much?


>> No.7312251

Skirt's way too short for the business look, shoes too trash. It's like the top wants to work on the desk, the bottom wants to work under it.

>> No.7312265
File: 484 KB, 1366x2048, 1384317084963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's an inflammatory question meant to provoke a response, 'twas a good troll,etc etc

>> No.7312258
File: 105 KB, 952x1428, 32039F113002_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't think anyone except /fa/ggots would consider a woman decked out in rick sexay
What? What the actual fuck are you fucking talking about? Most Rick womenswear is VERY, VERY conventionally attractive. Form-fitting garments, tight skirts, high heels, slim-cut jackets and pants that elongate the limbs, draped cardigans and dark colors that conceal unattractive features. You have NO idea what you're talking about whatsoever.

>> No.7312273

im a girl and i dress better than you

>> No.7312283
File: 965 KB, 500x294, tumblr_mvphc9eFA91se3l3bo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was referring to that latest colelction of his but yeah his general "vision"'s just an extention of american sportwear, right? Boring and conventional in every sense.

Why did Lee have to die.

>> No.7312292

It's funny you say that because most of us think you all dress like over confident gays

>> No.7312314

No one said boring. What the fuck is wrong with you? I don't think you really understand anything about Rick Owens whatsoever.
>referencing mcqueen in a discussion of contemporary ready-to-wear

>> No.7312335

U seem upset, shhh.

Respect his memory. He was a visioanry and a genius.

Keep fapping to your lazy, boring sportswear.

>> No.7312337

dressing well =/= goth ninja like some of you are stating.

it can be (fashion-flux blog) but generally is not
women can dress well in fast fashion, a lot of women in southern California do

the women here just chose not to

>> No.7312354

There's not much here for girls. I don't think girls who actually care about clothes would post their outfits here.

I come to /fa/ sometimes to look at threads like those about different kinds of fabrics and materials, but that's it. I get a little bit of inspiration from men's clothing but there are better forums and sites for girls.

When I see girls posting their outfits I also see guys complimenting them, even though their fits are pretty bad. Guys here know nothing about girl clothes. No constructive criticism.

>> No.7312374

>how long have you been in the closet
> very people you hit on

am I gay, or not? make up your mind

>You respond to almost any attractive girl on waywt

you're not attractive, I thought /cgl/ told you that. those are women, calling another woman unattractive....what makes you think you're attractive to men after that?

curl is the only attractive woman who posts here regularly, and I filtered her

>> No.7312410
File: 888 KB, 400x561, fucking crying.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is Lee dead

I can't why

I didn't like his work that much when he was alive but I can't get enough of it now fr sm rsn.


>> No.7312462

if a girl is on 4chan then its not out the question that she doesnt know how to dress

if youre a guy you can come here and pick up a few tips but if you're a girl you're pretty much fucked since the board is made up mostly of males (as it honestly should be given the site demographics) and female posters/female inspo threads are rare

plus a lot of them are fucked in the head and those that want to actually get into clothing usually head over to /cgl/

its a wonder there are any women here at all

>> No.7312486

because girls who dress well are outside and not on 4chan.

>> No.7312492

>are fucked in the head

no intelligent girl would put up with the a mount of stupid that's ever-present here

I'm a self loathing imbecile which is why this place is perfect for me

>> No.7312501


I wear garbage bags ona day to day basis

>> No.7312515

the premises of ur argument aren't true op

>> No.7312635

can someone post some fits that women posted here that you would consider as bad? maybe even some good?

>> No.7312674

Isn't it the nature of female fashion to be fast?
I'm not sure what female basics there really are. But I do think guys are less inclined to change compared to women.
Which is bad in its own way. Seeing people settle into a rut and staying there.

>> No.7312682

why do all the dudes in WAYWT dress badly?

>> No.7312870

Lee who?
sorry for my ignorance

>> No.7313163

anything with knee or thigh high socks

>> No.7313464

Lee A. Mcqueen, friend.

>> No.7313479

its not like he even makes clothes in sz xxxl anyways why do u care

>> No.7313798

>all the men here inherently dress 2-3 notches above the typical male
lel oh sieg

>> No.7313823

>Why is it that the women on /fa/ dress so badly?
Because effay is a shithole. Most men on here dress so badly too. Notice how user, mamma, etc hardly even bother with this place any more.

>But every single girl I have ever seen post in the waywt here looks like she is picking out her own outfit for the first time after years of being dressed by her mom or something.
Give examples. Don't talk out of your ass.

Now post a fit.

>> No.7313892

This may or may not be sincere, but either way it's fucking bait and anyone who takes it seriously is being damned foolish. We're to listen to an anonymous fuccboi of unknown taste saying bad shit about women on 4chan, when he can't even muster an actual example?

"If you're a girl who has posted in waywt recently this post IS about you. Don't think it isn't, you're fucking garbage."

Translation: I can't even bring a single actual example; I just want to stoke negative emotions in people for the lulz.

This shit always makes me think of Martin Amis's foreward to his essay collection, "The War Against Cliche:"

>> No.7313899


>You proceed by quotation. Quotation is the reviewer's only hard evidence. Or semi-hard evidence. Without it, in any case, criticism is a shop-queue monologue.

And, earlier

>You hope to get more relaxed and confident over time; and you should certainly get (or seem to get) kinder, simply by avoiding the stuff you are unlikely to warm to. Enjoying being insulting is a youthful corruption of power. You lose your taste for it when you realize how hard people try, how much they mind, and how long they remember (Angus Wilson and William Burroughs nursed my animadversions - and no doubt the animadversions of others - to the grave).


Hopefully, no one will nurse the OP's dreck for an instant, but the point is: you don't only have to mean what you say. You have to determine whether there's a good reason to mean it at all. You have power - sure, not as much as Amis, he of the compulsorily vivid prose, but power. And if an Amis can worry about what he's doing to a Wilson or a Burroughs, you should be able to worry about what you're doing to innocuous strangers.

I don't agree with everything this guy said, and he lays into Tripskank too hard, but he's at least making actual arguments about definable things (the styles of the posters he's talking about).

In before white knight, etc. I'm anonymous, you're anonymous, neither of us gets anything out of looking one way or another. I'm just tired as fuck of seeing all this shitheaded, unintelligent, meaningless negativity on here. This was a better place even a month ago.