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File: 67 KB, 532x533, rai-mark-1-cl[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7308985 No.7308985[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Living anywhere but America
>Wearing clothing with American sports teams

Seriously, why to Britfags do this shit? Especially with this Raiders shit. Do you faggots even watch American sports? Do you play American football? Do you have a basketball league? Or do you just follow whatever faggot Tumblr trend is popping at the time and do that?

>> No.7308998

I feel the same way about Americans who wear soccer shit.
I usually call them fags, pound my beer down, and belch right in their face.

>> No.7308992

It's ironic. That's why they do it.

>> No.7309000

maybe its because they like the team
i like many overseas teams for the sport i play and i wear their merchandise sometimes
you sound like an elitist
why wear baseball caps if you dont play baseball?
why wear converse if you're not playing basketball?
why wear running shoes if you're not running?
the list goes on

>> No.7309009

Not even ironic. Tonnes of clothing around referencing places,clubs etc that most don'e know about. Clothing is about the visual impact.

>> No.7309010

raiders have a cool color palette esp with a rise in the street goth look

>> No.7309014
File: 27 KB, 948x711, jillettepenn1-81e334093ba9acddf11b01e1a23f44d5a05dd61b-s6-c30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7309030

I bet 1/4th pf your wardrobe wouldn't exist without sports clothing.

>> No.7309028

Shut the fuck up queer, you're not America. Watch that faggot soccer shit.

>> No.7309036
File: 56 KB, 640x364, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw not in a street gang

>> No.7309038

nobody is america
i dont even like soccer
what does being america have any relevance to the topic
stupid amerifats

>> No.7309044

Holy shit how insecure are you? If people wearing insignia that happens to be from a 9000 mile radius from you bothers you so much I don't think you'll make it to your 30s.

>> No.7309054

*sips budweiser*

>> No.7309061

nfl is fairly popular over here

>> No.7309059

>nobody is america

Did I ever say you was America, bitch?

>> No.7309065

So what. Watching sports as a hobby is for plebeians. Ask Vespacian why he made the colosseum.

>> No.7309067

I think you mean bud lite. He's still a few years away from being able to handle budweiser.

>> No.7309084

"Shut the fuck up queer, you're not America. Watch that faggot soccer shit."

>> No.7309095

Sports are the bridge between the proletariat and bourgeois in the current era. It's okay to not like them but stupid to dismiss them.

>> No.7309096

Is it okay if I wear Norwegian curling gear?

>> No.7309102

ITT: /b/

>> No.7309112

I wear a Chivas or Brazil jersey sometimes with fits that are totally incohesive

so many cheering beaners

it's fab

>> No.7309114
File: 102 KB, 500x319, Waylon+Jennings+16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real men live in America. I'm lonesome on'ry and mean and you can kiss my ramblin ass, pussy. You can keep your buggles fag.

>> No.7309115

No. Fuck you and all the faggots trying to appropriate Norwegian sports culture to make a fashion statement.

>> No.7309124

Can you go away please? Take your power trip elsewhere?

>> No.7309122

>wanting to be American

That shit is pathetic. Like who the hell would want to be American now? You have to be very retarded

>> No.7309133

Americans are literally the greatest people on earth. People from other countries spend all their time discussing America, listening to American music, watching American film and tv, playing American video games, wearing clothes from American brands, keeping American fast food companies running

America is simply the best

>> No.7309136

oakland is hella sketch though

raiders were decent back when they were LA but fuck oakland man

>do you watch american football

no, but whenever i get tickets to the chargers game i go for at least 1/4 of it

games are boring in person, can't really see shit captain, and waiting for commercials

>> No.7309140

Take your poseur attitude elsewhere faggot. I'm Murrican and agree with him. I hate europeans, you're a bunch of poseur tryhards.

>> No.7309145

True shit
When I was in college a girl from Africa came here and was only here for a year. She had to get up and do a speech for class. She told us that she thought America was going to be really beautiful and everyone was going to be rich and dress nicely or something.

It makes me wonder, what the hell do they tell people about America in other countries?

In other developed countries, we're war mongering fatasses. In struggle countries, we're supposedly all rich. And then they come here and see its not all milk and honey. Ugly architecture, shit education system, failing infrastructure, damn income gap. Yes America is so great.

>> No.7309146

I was being facetious to mock the OP. I'm American.

>> No.7309143

>implying i dont live in america
>implying im a man

>> No.7309154

That's even worse.

>> No.7309159

Apologies mate

>> No.7309170

im a guy and i dont live in europe or america
new zealand masterrace

>> No.7309174


top lel nz is a cultural wasteland bruh

>> No.7309176

np. tbh I'm Indian. Been in the US for the last 3 months though.

>> No.7309181

tis but at least we're not america

>> No.7309189

Lol, go fight some orcs nerd

>> No.7309200


I hate you people. You're cheap and you smell and you're ugly.

>> No.7309216

I think it's fucking hilarious when dumbass britfags where NFL shit

>maybe if you their our sport teams your pile of shit country will change into America

>> No.7309221

>maybe if you their our sport teams

i usually dont care about grammar but i have no idea what you just said

>> No.7309225

That's too bad. I'm cheap, I don't small and am a solid 7.

>> No.7309274

you say you're a solid 7 and "don't small" but you have nothing to back that up so i might as well be francisco lachowski

>> No.7309290

Post face, I'll bet its round greasy and brown.

>> No.7309299

for some, it can be seen as a subtle nod to the KLVN

>> No.7309311
File: 1.11 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yaredy know I got that 1 in the whole entire world custom made wood raider klan shield

>> No.7309451

When u wanna hang out, ive got a dvd player and a redbox down the street

>> No.7309476
File: 196 KB, 1280x720, photo_00007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not round or greasy but obviously brown.
Bad lighting cause it's late.