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/fa/ - Fashion

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7307557 No.7307557 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /fa/gs

In this thread we post your height, weight and workout routine and then comment / criticise each others workouts.

I'll go first:

6'4 / 162lbs

• 20 minutes running / jogging
• 40 pull-ups
• 40 push-ups
• 40 ab crunches
• 5x5 chest press
• 5x5 rope machine

Basically just a mix of calisthenics and cardio, I want to add in some more weight work, I really need to buy some dumbells. I do this 3 times a week with a bit of cardio in-between.

Post your workouts!

>> No.7307580

pushups before bed

usually something like
rest is 45 seconds
30 rest
30 rest
40 rest
40 rest
35 rest
35 rest
25 rest
25 rest
max out, which is usually 120

height / weight is like

>> No.7307591

Haven't weighed myself in months
Starting Strength

>> No.7307595

6'2' / 173 lbs

(a) Squat 5x5, Bench 5x5, Row 5x5, Weighted Dip 3xF

(b) Squat 5x5, Deadlift 3x5, OHP 5x5, Weighted Pull-up 3xF

Cardio: 60 minutes cycling, core work, stretching, foam rolling, recovery

Yoga: 30 minutes, once per week.

>> No.7307602

Open cigarette pack.
Take cigarette.
Pull up to mouth.
Remember to inhale and exhale.

Repeat at least 10 times a day.

>> No.7307628

sure buddy

>> No.7307659
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6'1, 150

5km run tues, thurs, sat

600m swim mon, wed, fri

30 x situps twice a day

gotta get hedi for stereo

>> No.7307664

1.82m, 90 kilo
monday (chest&tri)
flat barbell bench 5x5-9
incline barbell bench 5x5-9
tricep pull-down 5x7-9
cable flies, upper-lower-mid 5x5-9
dips 5xfailure

abs everyday (russian twist+situps+obliques

back and bi (tuesday)
seated close grip row 5x5-9
bent over row (wide grip) 5x5-9
lat pull down 5x5-9
rear delt fly 5x7-10
preacher curls and concentration curls both 5x6-8
shrugs 5x7-8

Shoulders (wednesday)
military press 5x6-8
arnold press 5x7-8
delt raises (mid, front, back) 5x9-11
upright row 5x7-8

thursday (legs)
leg press
quad extension
ham curls
all 5x7-9

the remaining 3 days are either rest, or I pepper plyometrics, or I go for a hike or rock climbing or some shit.

>> No.7307675

seriously feelings of claustrophobia looking at this picture

>> No.7307681
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Should I lift?

All I do is calisthenics and cardio, is it possible to get a /fa/ body from just doing these?

>> No.7307691


oops pushups as well but my wrist is fucked atm

>> No.7307690

6'3 / 159
Dancing tango once a week for 1.5 hoursand bycling regularly

>> No.7307695

looking good m8

>> No.7307701

Yeah you can have a /fa/ body from calisthenics.

You have pretty close to optimal upper body.

>> No.7307706

imagining being in that situation is disturbing

>> No.7307708

Calisthenics is really all you need, lifting can help target specific areas though.

>> No.7307739


that's not him retards

>> No.7307775

6'2" 175 lbs

been working on gslp for a few weeks, seen so much more progressiong than the stupid 8 reps 4 sets of whatever exercise I felt like ever single day.

it's a fuckton easier too. I guess I might have been overworking myself before. I actually wish I could do something in my off days. might take up swimming.

>> No.7308211

6' 150 lbs

my workout routine is carrying a 60 pound backpack around with me 6 hours of the day

also doing yoga on thursdays and being flexible as fuck

>> No.7308307

6'1 or '2/ 152lbs

>> No.7308318

forgot workout.
Swim team everyday except sunday; i do back, chest, and abs on sundays/off days.

>> No.7308382
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5'11" 187lb

BB Bench-225lbsx5

>> No.7309529

Anyone here run xc or track?

>> No.7309885

5'11", 121lbs.

DDP Yoga every day.
Running 2-3 times a week, roughly following the Couch to 5k.

>> No.7310275

That's not me I just want to know whether this body is possible without lifting?

How much calisthenics and cardio would I need to do a day? Also how much body fat do you think he has? 10-12%?

>> No.7310366

I have wide shoulders and lats from being /fit/ but my waist is absolutely wasp-like.

Which brands best accommodate this fit?

>> No.7310367

9 minutes speed rope
9 minutes shadow boxing
12 minutes long bags
3 minutes speed bag
3 minutes teardrop bags
100 squats
100 sit ups
end it with a 3 mile run
tfw you're all faggots who can't keep up
5'11 / 160lb

>> No.7310380
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>yfw at the end of the day you're still an ugly manlet

>> No.7310384
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As many as you can.

>> No.7310412

5'8" 140

Bench, inverted benches
sit-ups till failure

Shoulders, lats, weighted dips usually
sit-ups till failure

sit-ups till failure

my routine is shit tho pls critique

>> No.7310599

circuit training is great for cardio

>> No.7310690


morning yoga
30 minute jog half an hour after breakfest

weightlifting 3 days a week AxBxAa

>> No.7310693

>mon, wed, fri
5 x 10 pullups
5 x 20 pushups
5 x 15 leg raises

>tue, thur, sat/sun
30min - 60min of running

i try to eat between 800 and 1,400 kcals a day

6'1 and ~128 lbs

>> No.7310711


>> No.7310714

nah, i'm james

>> No.7310721

hi james, this is jeremy
and you are?

>> No.7310724

hello jeremy
hello james

this is jimmy

>> No.7310729

hey guys can i join? my names joe

>> No.7310732

hi joe

>> No.7310734

3 minute glute bridge
2 minute plank
200 foot farmer's walk
20 pushups

It's bitchcore but I lose and gain weight very oddly. Somehow went from 120 to 108 in a month and a half :(

>> No.7310735

hey joe

>> No.7310740


seeing that, i guess i'm jim

>> No.7310741

legs chair + squats + fencing, x4
pullups + push-ups + dips, x4
legs raise + bridges + L-sits, x4

5'8, 132 lbs

>> No.7310739

is this jeremy jimmy or james?
same with >>7310732 which one are you?

>> No.7310742

this >>7310735 is me, and I'm jeremy.

>> No.7310745

hey jeremy

>> No.7310748

im the other guy and im jimmy, james didn't respond

>> No.7310749

hey jimmy

>> No.7310754

hey jim

>> No.7310758

will a 100 sit ups and push ups a day get me anywhere?

>> No.7310765


hey jimmy

>> No.7310766

jeremy masterrace reporting in

>> No.7310769

lol so as long as it starts with a j I can join?
jamie here

>> No.7310773

Any Jacobs here? We need to complete the chain.

>> No.7310772


nice dubs, maybe you're right jez

>> No.7310776

who /jackson/ here?

>> No.7310777

check these ones. thanks, and you are? Jimmy?

>> No.7310778

john? anyone a john?

>> No.7310779
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>> No.7310780


holy shit, i'm jim and i'm awestruck

>> No.7310782

holy shit nice ones Jeremy number 2

>> No.7310785


>> No.7310789
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>mfw all these jimmys

>> No.7310795

there's going to be a lot of Georges soon

>> No.7310798



>> No.7310800




- J

>> No.7310801



>> No.7310804
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>All of these J names

>> No.7310803




>> No.7310806
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you have a /fa body, keep doing whatever you doing to remain in shape
as for me
5'9 312 lbs
>chechen workout

>> No.7310807

you just cant handle the j

>> No.7310808
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>> No.7310805

hi, this is james. sorry, i closed the thread. what's up, lads?

>> No.7310809

shit I meant
>132 lbs

>> No.7310815 [DELETED] 
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>mfw u are all pussies

Day 1
Benchpress 110kg x 5 x 3
Squat 80kg x 10 x 3
Dips 10kg x 3
Low seated row 140kg x 10 x 3
Bent over row 60kg x 10 x 3
Overhead press w/db 55kg x 10 x 3

Day 2
Benchpress 110kg x 5 x 3
Squats 80kg x 10 x 3
Seated dumbell po 50kg x 10 x 3
Bicep Curls 55kg x 10 x 3
sit ups max x 2
Hanging leg raises max x 2
Lat pulldowns 80 x 10 x 3

Day 3
Deadlift ??? x 10 x 3
Bent over row 60kg x 10 x 3
Dips 10 x 3
Low seated row 140kg x 10 x 3
Seated dumbell po 50kg x 10 x 3

>> No.7310821




>> No.7310823

hey james, not much. this is jimmy btw. About to head to classes. Hbu?

>> No.7310824
File: 17 KB, 227x200, I+m+laughing+so+hard+I+m+++crying+_14e50987e7293ade0a5f59557d4e0939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw u are all pussies

+- 120kg
16% bodyfat
Day 1
Benchpress 110kg x 5 x 3
Squat 80kg x 10 x 3
Dips 10kg x 3
Low seated row 140kg x 10 x 3
Bent over row 60kg x 10 x 3
Overhead press w/db 55kg x 10 x 3

Day 2
Benchpress 110kg x 5 x 3
Squats 80kg x 10 x 3
Seated dumbell po 50kg x 10 x 3
Bicep Curls 55kg x 10 x 3
sit ups max x 2
Hanging leg raises max x 2
Lat pulldowns 80 x 10 x 3

Day 3
Deadlift ??? x 10 x 3
Bent over row 60kg x 10 x 3
Dips 10 x 3
Low seated row 140kg x 10 x 3
Seated dumbell po 50kg x 10 x 3

>> No.7310827


the j is silent

>> No.7310829
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>> No.7310836

just sitting on my computer browsing 4chan, y'know. have fun at class

>> No.7310841

thanks james.

>> No.7310838


Fuck off fatty

>> No.7310849

6 days a week

Various progressions of pull-ups, when I can do 12 of a certain progression x3 I go to the next one.
Various progressions of push-ups, ibidem.
Various progressions of leg-pulls, ibidem.

Various progressions of squats, ibidem.
Various progressions of handstand/handstand-push-ups, ibidem.
Various progressions of bridges, ibidem.

>> No.7310852

6'0" 148 lbs or 183cm/67Kg btw.

>> No.7310858

190 cm

>> No.7310861



30 pushups and situps every day
go for a walk

i dont gib fug

>> No.7310864


>> No.7310871

Wait I thought that was Lbs and you where the hungriest skeleton ever, nevermind then.

>> No.7310869

Damn what?

>> No.7310873

Would you rather be 110 lbs than 110 kg btw?

>> No.7310874


>> No.7310875

long distance sk8in on hardwheels, and sk8in in general. No muscle gains except for on my legs, and hungry skeleton asf

>> No.7310880

I don't think that would be very healthy.

>> No.7310915

What exercise can I do with just dumbells, /fit/ will tell me to do starting strength and go to a gym.

>> No.7310961

>all these short distance runners

enjoy your disgusting fat muscles why dont you just ride a bike and go full trex

>> No.7310962

every morning i do a quick ab workout.. 60 seconds straight plank, 30 seconds each of side planks, 200 crunches

then i also go bouldering (indoor) 3 days a week

>> No.7310972

B-But I was thinking of doing sprints and short relays with friends in a race

>> No.7310973

yeah ok son

>> No.7310975


run for about 45 mins, 5 times a week (run roughly 8km), and walk to and from college which is about 3 hours there and back.

>> No.7310976
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6' 0
140-145 (haven't weighed myself in a while)
Pic related is my routine, great one and I'm feeling like I'll see results

>> No.7310997
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Benchpress 4x3
Chest Press 8x2
Butterfly Variation 10x2
Barbell rows 10x3
Lat pulldowns 10x3
Pull-ups 6x2
Weird ass rowing excercise 20x3
Trap-squeeze-fly-thing 10x2

Dumbell curls 5x2 remove weight 10x2
Bicep pulldowns 10x2
Hammer curls FAILURE
Tricep extensions 10x4
Dips 20x1
Wrist curl FAILUREx3

Dumbbell flies 10x2
Cable flies 10x2
OHP 10x3
Squatz 10x3
Leg extensions 10x2
A bunch of calisthenic ab exercises that I don't know the name of.


>> No.7311001
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forgot to add
155 lbs

>> No.7311649
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Am I too skinny???

>> No.7311685

>over 60 kilos
dude I'm 186cm , I weigh 55kg and I don't consider myself skinny

>> No.7311692

Are you a grill?

55kg is considered incredibly underweight if ur male, all the negative health effects

>> No.7311688

height: 5'8
weight: 110

25 mile bike, 5 mile jog. Twice daily.
Once in the morning, once in the afternoon.

>> No.7311697


You look good as is, but I think you'd look way better if you started lifting. Nothing extreme, just thicken out your muscles a bit and you'll be pimp.

He's only 140, it's believable. Especially when you see what some people count as a pushup. That volume of pushups won't do anything for you though. Try the sally challenge, and check youtube to see the proper form.

>> No.7311709

47 bitch what are u gonna do huh punk

>> No.7311713

i meant 55 is bad for a 186cm

ur obviously just a manlet/midget otherwise you wouldnt be able to move a muscle/type that post

>> No.7311714

are you me, I'm 5-10 pounds lighter than u tho

>> No.7311738

>nobody posting their BF%
skinny fat general

>> No.7311756

6,2" 180lbs ~14% bf

5 day split

Monday - Chest & Triceps
Wednesday - Biceps & Back
Thursday - Shoulders
Friday - Chest(I'm really flat chested)
Sunday - Legs(all bodyweight so I don't get too meaty for slim fit pants)

>> No.7311759

>He's only 140, it's believable. Especially when you see what some people count as a pushup. That volume of pushups won't do anything for you though. Try the sally challenge, and check youtube to see the proper form.

no it's not that's utterly ridiculous

>> No.7311767

hey guys, its jimmy.

whats up

>> No.7311771

>"mfw you are all pussies"

you're squatting 80 kilos for reps and you're fat as FUCK.

squat 120kg 3x5
Bench 85kg 3x5
DL 135 kg 3x5
and if you're interested:
Rows 60kg 3x10
OHP 60kg 3x5
Weighted dips 25kg 3x10

180 cm
74 kilos

get out fatty

>> No.7311786

are you the same jimmy that went to class? i'm jamie

>> No.7311807

where the fuck are the squats

>> No.7311812

3x5 squat
3x5 bench
3x8 weighted chinups

3x5 front squat
3x5 overhead press
1x5 deadlift

3x5 squat
3x5 bench
3xF pullups


>> No.7311835 [DELETED] 


>> No.7311882

103 lbs

run anywhere from 3 to 10 miles in the mornings most days, trx exercises 3 to 4 times a week.

>> No.7311888

yeah i just got back. shit was so cool, i finished a course unofficially woooo.
Hi jamie how are you today?

>> No.7311896

I work out to be fitt & fa, you with your monster leggs can go back to looking like a fucking monster that cant wear slim jeans.

>> No.7311901

still a pussy

>> No.7311908

and you're "fit"? you're a manlet who weighs 120 kilos. I doubt that you can wear slimfit pants. Fucking fattie, I still wear slim pants

>> No.7311971
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5'11 151 lbs, 18yo & somewhere in between skinnyfat and pic related

play squash once a week, cycle somewhat regularly

what can i do to reach pic related? willing to do weights ofc

>> No.7312041


that guy doesn't have much muscle at all . . . if you're skinnyfat you'd probably look like him after a cut

>> No.7312054

i have the wrong body shape though, wide hips narrow shoulders. definitely need to work on that
and he's got some muscle, he has reasonable pecs abs and lats

he even has an adonis belt, kinda

>> No.7312057
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another pic

>> No.7312067

>not doing all six every day

>> No.7312080


i dont think you can "work on" your sketeal structure, sorry

>> No.7312097

Alternate every second day between

Day 1:

Incline bench
Dips (need to start weighing myself down)
military press
upright rows

day 2:
Deads (thought im lazy and often dont do them)
Chin ups (2 sets hands close together 2 sets wide grip)
lat pulldowns

Works for me, I know its not technically perfect but I think I did a good job making a routine with no research.

im 5'11'' 155 pounds by the way. Pretty cut, very low bf% but not great chest genetics makes my appearance not ideal, still fine though.

>> No.7312102
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Anybody know Richard's workout routine?

>> No.7312319

holy fuck OP. You are beyond skinny skeleton mode

mfw i'm 6'3 165 and I look like I shouldnt be alive. You are slightly worse.

>> No.7312352

>And look like shit

>> No.7312361

he said in an interview he doesn't have one
he just does whatever he feels like for a few hours until it feels "good"

free usage of steroid and bragged about smoking

>> No.7312376

his name is Ricardo Saturnino Owens.

>> No.7312424

Jacob here

>> No.7312461

He's not skinny skeleton mode at all, his BMI is around 19-20 which is normal. Anything below 18.5 is underweight.

>> No.7312466

I was ottermode at 6'3" 170, 15.5" arms which isn't too bad compared to average 13"
you are probably skinnyfat kek

>> No.7312662

OP here, I am skinnyfat. Well, I've got some decent chest definition but no 6 pack. I'm confused because people are saying you need to cut not each as much, work out in a fasted state so you can get better muscle definition etc. etc.

But then other people are saying I need to eat like 3,000kcal a day and lift loads of weights to get ripped. I'd love a body like this >>7307681

>> No.7313510

If you want muscle definition like that you need to eat less carbs, burn more fat and eat more protein. I'd say he's around 12% BF.

>> No.7313585


eat 3000 if you're a hungry skeleton, you need something to actually become muscle right

it's all about your diet. you can lift for a year straight and make no gains if there isn't enough protein in your diet. just look around /fit/

>> No.7313733

you must be a trap
>solely ab crunches
get on dem leg raises bruh

>> No.7313884

oh yea dont wanna post routine too lazy,
not sure what 'mode' i am but im 6'5 190 pounds with clearly visible abs etc.
so peace bitches

>> No.7315665

I'm not a hungry skeleton my BMI is 19.7 and I eat around 2700kcal a day. Maybe I just need to cut the carbs and eat tonnes more protein?

I probably get about 100g a day. I know you're meant to eat the same amount as you weigh in pounds right? So I need to eat about 160g of protein.

>> No.7315690

why he says male jewelry is noisy and de trop in his interview and still wears bracelets all the time himself?

>> No.7315705
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I rock climb 3/4 times a week and run 4/5 times a week.

5'8 / 140 lbs

>> No.7315728

2x GookClick:HoS or WoL
1x LoL
5x Cheeto max
rest days
3x Nandos
1xFIFA14 w/ the lads

I could give u an orgasm just from fingering you

>> No.7315759


what do you climb nigga

v7 reporting in

>> No.7316005

Chest / Triceps
Spine / Bicepsw
Delts / Legs
No cardio at all. Bulkarian master race.

10km run eod
80/150km ride on road bike oed between runnings

>> No.7316012

5'8, 164 pounds

>> No.7316037

whats the best workouts to get fa gurl body?

>> No.7316046

>6'4 and 40 pull-ups
have fun with that.

>> No.7316140

5' 9" 154lb 12%BFI

Random work outs at the gym at random times during the week with a zero carb, sugar and dairy diet.
Also lots of probiotics if your nasty. First time I've had abs in my whole life.

>> No.7316174

He said that if you have to wear them with an extravagant fit or to avoid them completely.

>> No.7316181

5'8" 130lb 9.8%bf

Video gayman

>> No.7316187

183 lbs

Very solid program.

>> No.7316188

Recent studies suggest that listening to Death Grips while lifting improves gains by 20%

>> No.7316193


I can confirm this

>> No.7316199

5'11 / 188 lbs

2 day split (push/pull), 4-6 days per week
road cycling and swimming for cardio
rock climbing for fun

>> No.7316220

6'4" /195cm
194 lbs / 88kg

5/3/1 Big But Boring
Hour of cardio on rest days
Every day yoga/stretching
Once a week yoga class

>> No.7316267

yeah right
with 1/10 ROM I presume

>> No.7317280

fork putdowns x failure

>> No.7317288

yeah p much :/

>> No.7317291

thats a terrible routine. isolations/10

>> No.7317328

Current pole vaulter and former XC runner here. Whatcha need, bud?

>> No.7317352

I've got 4 years lifting experience.
shut up
I.I....look good.