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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 52 KB, 283x500, ribs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7304241 No.7304241[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anybody here have experience dealing with terrible stick-out ribs? I'm currently trying to train mine to stay in with corsets, that's what the weird red lines are from in the picture. These stupid bones are the reason I'm happy I gained 10 pounds, they looked even weirder before.

>> No.7304246

>dem ribs
are you fucking alien or mutant?

>> No.7304249

Eat better and work out a little to balance out your muscles and fats.

>> No.7304254

They've always been like this. The ribs on my left kinda hook out.
Even when I was working out and muscle-y, they looked freaky, they hooked out more. :(

>> No.7304258

Front view?

>> No.7304272
File: 72 KB, 500x417, ribs2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ew. Just realized how fat I look sitting indian style. Not retaking picture. Top of pic is just below nipples.

>> No.7304279

stop taking shitty pictues in a seated position.
stand up, find a mirror and then take a picture with a straight back.

>> No.7304296
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>> No.7304299
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>> No.7304306
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>> No.7304308

pls b in helsingor

>> No.7304309

It's a bit unusual but doesn't really look bad.
Don't worry about it.

>> No.7304313

It means you are too skinny
You will look good if you gain a little fat and excercise rather than starving yourself

>> No.7304320

Nope, she should just excercise

>> No.7304321
File: 60 KB, 492x492, Kim-Kardashian-First-Bikini-Photo-Since-Giving-Birth-492x492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you a grill? if so stop starving yourself its 2013 no one finds skellingtons attractive anymore, get an ass

>> No.7304323

that's better. ribs look odd but it's not that bad. I get that it would look worse when you weighed less though. I wouldn't worry about it too much if you don't wear tight clothing.
have you checked with your doctor to see if corsets don't pose any health risks?

>> No.7304325
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I'm guessing you don't hang around skinny girls.

>> No.7304328

actually, myself and most of this board find skinny girls attractive. Go back to /fit/ and stop shitting up other boards btw. You're the new /pol/

>> No.7304332

>being this pleb
is actually not healthy it just looks gross, why would you want someone to do this to themselves?

>> No.7304337
File: 60 KB, 500x363, IMG_20131125_034922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like this when I bend over, it does look bad and it makes it really hard to find clothing.
>inb4 someone thinks that dark spot is nipple, it's sternum
I don't starve myself, I eat all the goddamn time and it's very unhealthy food. Boy is trying to get me to eat better, to no avail.

>> No.7304347

Then I do not know try eating more but running everyday
It will increase your metabolism if you run before breakfast and excercise always sorts shit put. But you will look more bony if you just lose weight, so you have to eat more if you plan on excercisig out of it

>> No.7304348

> I eat all the goddamn time and it's very unhealthy food.
yeah we can tell
start eating healthy, that means lots of natural fats, vegetables and fruit

start exercising
you will become thin and toned and you will no longer look gross, skinny and fat simultaneously

>> No.7304350

>implying this grill is even skinny

>> No.7304342

Post collarbones.

>> No.7304352

yeah your right but she just has a really unhealthy aesthetic going on and using corsets and shit and starving herself isnt going to make her look better

>> No.7304353

Hahaha, stop sucking it in fatty.

>> No.7304357

My wife has pokey ribs and a deeper than normal chest plate and I love her as herself, not her ribs. Wear a tight dress and show of your curves.. I bet no-one will even notice.

>> No.7304360

stop eating unhealthy food trying to get fatter. exercise and eat healthy. check out /fit/

>> No.7304368

In a tight top I look like I have two rows of tits. Before I gained weight (130lbs now yay!) my ribs were bigger than my boobs.

>> No.7304378

How tall are you?

>> No.7304381

I was <100lbs until I graduated high school.

>> No.7304389

**Sorry, 110

>> No.7304410

Deal with it, some people are born ugly. Stop posting half naked pictures of yourself on /fa/ and go to /soc/ if you want attention.

>> No.7304415

I'm attempting to deal with it, by fixing it or finding clothes that work with it.
If I posted clothed pictures of this there'd just be bitching about how the clothes make the pictures worthless. Why would /soc/ know anything about fixing the appearance of ribs?

>> No.7304423

Isn't this called barrel chest or something? Pretty sure there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.7304427

You have been dressing yourself your whole life, a bunch of kids on 4chan at night aren't going to teach you anything you don't know. Google how to fix it medically. Wear loose tops or a fucking tee shirt. It's not that bad and so it's obvious that you're an attention seeking cumdumpster. Go find your attention on /soc/.

>> No.7304433

Barrel chest is more the upper ribs sticking out.
Sorry for asking for fashion advice on a fashion board. Obviously no one should ask for help here unless they've spent their whole lives naked.

>> No.7304451

You went through the trouble of acquiring a corset and actually wearing it, and you're telling me that /fa/ is actually going to tell you something you don't know? Wear a goddamn tee shirt. There is nothing that you can do about it, and google could tell you that.

Do you expect us to find clothes with extra bloom in the regions of your chest that stick out? Do you want us to shop for you? Find you a dress that not only matches your personal sense of style, but works with a rib disease that a bunch of other people in the world cope quite well with? Poor baby...Yeah okay..

Go get your self-confidence somewhere else.

>> No.7304450

sorry about the salty anon but nobody here is really going to be able to help this is a predominantly male board there are only two or three regular female posters you'd be better off finding a female fashion forum and asking there

>> No.7304454

i think i have the same thing as you. i'm a guy though, so you can see a dent in my chest where your boobs are. i wouldn't worry about it dude, your body looks fine and healthy. don't try to "fix" yourself with corsets, you're good the way you are.

>> No.7304457

My ribs stick out too, however they're only visible when I'm lying on my back. Considering it's part of your bone structure, there isn't too much you can do to alter them.

>> No.7304458

It's entirely possible that someone else has had these freaky ribs and has worn corsets to fix them, found clothes that flatter them that aren't potato sacks and could offer advice. Imagine that.
My brother's got the same thing, rather than act like it's weird, he revels in it, taking his shirt off whenever he can. Theater guys are weird.

>> No.7304460
File: 115 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit you have the exact same body as my gf. i actually thought for a second that you were her. same height/weight/skin/boob size/rib protrusion.

i have no idea if it hurts her, but this is what she'll look like in a dress that pushes her ribs in a bit. not too noticeable, even though without a top i would say her ribs protrude more than yours do.

but seriously, she doesn't much of a fuck about it, and neither do i.

>> No.7304465

>clothes that flatter them that aren't potato sacks
Good luck bitch.

>> No.7304468

Oh wow, we even have similar hair.
Is that dress spandex material? Most of the dresses I wear are cotton and have little to no stretch.

>> No.7304486
File: 43 KB, 640x960, image2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess you're probably Chinese too? are you sure you're not actually her? I thought you told me that 4chan was a silly place...

not exactly spandex, but stretchy material is usually what she'll go for (cotton blends can be stretchy too).

other ways she'll attempt to hide it are just wearing another layer (obviously can't do that every day), or a drapey dress that is only tight around the waist

>> No.7304489

alternatively, distract people away from it with cleavage. i guess that might not be for everyone, though (it works on me, at least)

>> No.7304493

Not Chinese, Scottish ancestry.
You can only barely see the ribs in that dress, nice job. They're even less likely to be seen with that cleavage.
I'll have to try the drapey stuff, I normally end up in tight tank tops with a jacket over it.

>> No.7304670

Ribs on a woman are sexy. That and dark circles + no hair for the cancer/heroin chic look

>> No.7304871

get some abs it will even things out

>> No.7304918
File: 4 KB, 30x35, tumblr_inline_mqeklyIyiu1qz4rgp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only advice in this thread thats on point.

>> No.7304929

As previously stated, that didn't work.

>> No.7304952

oh okay, so youre telling me youve already gotten a solid set of abs and it didnt work out for you brah?

>> No.7304958

I'm a dude and I have this same problem.

Fuck my life.

>> No.7304967
File: 14 KB, 334x338, 1384641883902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit

>> No.7304969

And no, you can't have pictures, I was 16 and don't have topless pics.

>> No.7304973

I assume you did a few sit ups and gave up because based on those pics you have zero abs, you need some proper all around abs, do some side crunches and do a plank fuck, do every kind of ab exercise you can find on the internet for like 15 minutes before you go to sleep at night. you are not going to get abs by doing sit ups for few days.

but since you asked on /fa/ I'm guessing you want the dressing it off with the least amount of effort on your part, so feel free to ignore what I said

get a chest and some abs, being skinny will only exaggerate your pointy ribs

>> No.7304978

Please read further posts, I was 16 at the time. I'm 22 now. Obviously abs wouldn't stick around for 6 years without trying to maintain them.

>> No.7307488

you have really low muscle mass and a higher fat density
so really like everyone said you need 2 eat healthier, eat a lot more and do ab workouts/morning jogs
ur bodys different than it was when you were 16 nd i bet u were also underweight then so thats y your ribs stuck out more

>> No.7307573
File: 360 KB, 2500x1650, 1378585225237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you have some stretch marks. Congrats on losing weight you look great. Were all making it. You're Cardio Bunny mode now.

>> No.7307618

it's just genetic, I have it too and it was prominent even when I was fat

just try to find clothing that doesn't accentuate it, you can't get rid of it

>> No.7307646


>> No.7307654

This is out of date. Ripped is the new ottermode.

>> No.7308529

how to go from built/fat to built?

>> No.7308613

>tfw my left ribs stick out like that and right ones are normal
fucking weird

>> No.7308629

best ways of getting from skinnyfat to skinny? just been doing pushups and situps atm

>> No.7308636

It's called flared ribs

>> No.7308646
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>pushups and situps atm


>> No.7308657
File: 84 KB, 252x310, 1379568069964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Oooooooohhhhhh gaaaaaawwwwwd

>> No.7308675


>> No.7308695

They're creases from the corset, silly. They go away after an hour or so, you can even see them fading in the further pictures.

>> No.7308726

Post ass

>> No.7308734

Going to go pick up Boy from work, and no, ass has nothing to do with ribs.

>> No.7308737

The bones in my back stick out like a fucking ton
What do

>> No.7308778

fucking fat piece of fat fucking shit

>> No.7310759

ITT: bony faggots