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File: 292 KB, 900x1337, 1382565520194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7298691 No.7298691[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i really like such tramp-garments. any shops, brands worth mentioning?

>> No.7298695
File: 357 KB, 900x1259, 1382565670849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7298700

Dumpster & Co

>> No.7298704


>> No.7298727
File: 560 KB, 1280x1712, tumblr_mukeb9Qcyy1rvhwhbo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make yourself

>> No.7298731

you are wearing2 watches?

>> No.7298762

one for future and one for past time m8

>> No.7298774

holy shit thats deep

>> No.7298781

looks like that huge ass jesus coat kanye wears on his tour

his coat is dope tho

>> No.7299030

Why exactly did people start hating on spacecore all of a sudden?

>> No.7299056

give me $200 and I can get you like 50 pieces of this trash
Ill ask the homeless at peoples park this is EXACTLY what they wear.`

>> No.7299054

nobody started hating, poet just stopped posting so nobody cares anymore

>> No.7299226

Nah man, up to the point that Poet left the hate started growing and THEN nobody cared anymore.

>> No.7300435
File: 407 KB, 818x1132, Explor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The caves run a lot deeper than they’ve told you – it’s a vast network and even after years we don’t know how far it reaches. Tommy and Marcus spent the better part of two weeks down there, they said there was architecture. Roman arches, fragmented aqueducts and bioluminescent moss somewhere past the sub-basements.
Marcus told me the strangest part of it was how seamlessly the truly deep stuff connected right back to the surface. You can get there from underneath Grand Central; you can get there from a thousand subway tributaries. You can get there from the basements of massive old buildings or by paying attention when you stumble through storm drains. You see, when they build underground they don’t bother knocking things down. They just interconnect, they just keep weaving.
It’s all vaulted ceilings, up to a point. Arched tunnel systems, keystones holding the roof up. Like I said, the stonework is Romanesque, up to a point.
After that? Tom said it got rough-hewn. His words. They were just tubes in the rock – They’d hit basalt or something firmer by then, I suppose it wasn’t a question of supporting all that dirt anymore.
No, there weren’t any lights. There was a bit of glow here and there – that glowing moss, fungus, whatever it was. But it wasn’t enough to travel by. Tommy had brought a whole bunch of those little LED flashlights, the ones they have at home depot by the check-out.
Yeah, he probably did steal them; that kid’s always been a little off. You remember what he did to those two kids at Missy’s party last year, right?

>> No.7300447
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So anyway, they hit these ancient rock tubes, they’re not even tunnels anymore. This is way beyond the subways, the foundations, the sewage lines, all of it, and still they’re seeing graf. Beautiful stuff, too. Ten color masterworks, curving along the walls of this place and the two of them are cracking those wild 5-minute glowsticks and trying to take pictures (half of which come out blurry, of course). Tommy said seeing a “QuestOne” piece this far down made him feel really insignificant, and I don’t blame him. He always wanted to write, never had the balls for the beatings, the fear, the rancid bologna sandwiches they feed you in central booking.
So they head about half a mile on, and the graffiti stops. Tommy said they wanted to just go a bit farther. Marcus said they’d started hearing whispers a day earlier, whispers that kept getting louder as they went farther in. It was the final straw - they were smart to turn back when they did.

Sometimes knowing isn’t worth the price.

>> No.7300453


This is commonly referred to as "povera" (in reference to "arte povera"), but you also see a lot of phrases like "artisanal" and "avant garde" thrown around. Designers like Paul Harnden, Elena Dawson, Aleksandr Minamis, The Soloist, Label Under Construction, etc. do a lot of stuff like this.

>> No.7300855


>> No.7301791

Anon confirmed for poet

>> No.7301889

>There are people who pay premium for incredibly constructed homeless man clothing

>> No.7301967

next time we'll climb down

>> No.7302151
File: 1.21 MB, 1064x1600, We_Create_Wondrous_Things.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not sure if it was a shadow of another place or the five benzos I found kicking about in the bottom of an old toiletry kit. Little orange footballs, all the promise of gold coins in a bank. As the sun set, I washed them down with vodka, drew the shades closed and settled into the first real peace I’ve known in months, save for those scant few hours holding you in a half sleep as the sun first began to rise over the gardens in back.
The benzos bring me a blank check, I sign away a few hours and when I come out of that dark, warm sleep (no dreams this time, they promise) I have the lights off.
There is a blissful minute where I am sure this is another room, where I am sure this is another time and I can feel you asleep next to me. I whisper your name and touch what could be you (there’s no telling in this darkness, in my fog), I say your name, gently, I tell you I missed you. You’re right there, I can feel your warmth.
I can conjure these near-perfect memories, faded swatches of tape that play back spotty like old analogue recordings. There are smells, there are hopes, there is the true and unmistakable feeling of a time and place, that is all that matters. I am imagining you holding my hand as I drift to those places.
It is a gentle fade, but when REM is achieved the image falls apart like errant polygons in a dying simulation. Thousands of little pieces are dancing before my eyes but it doesn’t matter anymore, sleep has me now.

>> No.7302225

what are these from?

>> No.7302244

what is writing

>> No.7304156

Spacechan was the best incarnation of Poet, can we all agree on that?

>> No.7304170

fuck nat for suggesting poet

space chan best.

>> No.7304179
File: 115 KB, 1262x676, space-chan on the alleged mutual exclusivity of fashion and intellectualism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this gem

>> No.7304193

poet called the guy out for being a retard - rightfully so
it's not a complex thought in the slightest

>> No.7304204

Doesn't make it less of a gem.

>> No.7304219
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there are way better posts.

>> No.7304231

Oh the ironings. He was such a faggot

>> No.7304233
File: 24 KB, 1839x164, eheheh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are way better posts by anons too

>> No.7304239
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>> No.7304273
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>> No.7304317
File: 1.56 MB, 1066x1172, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You still got this hair btw? It's beautiful,

>> No.7304994


>> No.7305013

Not coming back, said so himself.
People don't lie on the internet, certainly not poet.

>> No.7305017

Look above your post in this thread you fool

>> No.7305107

Not believing it.

>> No.7307996
File: 395 KB, 824x1065, Landed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A porcelain spoon clatters in an empty bowl, drawing stares. Somewhere east of a dark place, the Fear coils around my heart like a snake. Legs, fingers and arms turn weak. Head gets heavy, can’t hold it up to save my life and it lolls about as if it were on a spring. I’m spitting up Tom Yum in a small Thai restaurant lodged between greasy grey apartment blocks.

When it first hits, the wait staff all freeze & look over at me - their faces are some place between genuine concern and genuine disgust. I try to stop and consider the mechanics of it all but the capsaicin renders that approach ineffective. Can’t get enough air, can’t get enough light. I can feel myself perspire, one drop at a time. I can feel better days in the distance, around the corner. I can touch them with my fingertips. They’re right there, slipping out of my grasp, every time.

When I was 6 months old, my mother paid some well-heeled charlatan to map the path of a life not yet lived. He spoke into a tape recorder one Sunday morning, laying out pitfalls, strengths and weaknesses. Places not yet discovered. She stops the tape and tells me that she saw my end in a dream, pancreatic cancer and eyes gone milky with cataracts. Later, when I think she’s asleep, I drink her liquor from the bottle.

In our hearts we knew there was something better. Tears fell, the skies opened up and the sun shone down. We all struggled forward: Ten million years of striving for the unnamable and we eventually left the curve of this planet. There will be others after us. We come from a long line of sacrificial lambs, a longstanding tradition of breaking through.

>> No.7308004
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Still, there is dust here - an ocean of it. As the sun pours past in the early hours, you can count beams. Beams, falling upon the lesser set pieces of a life well lived. Our search is exhaustive - it includes dead rooms, empty places and faded print materials – In one chamber there is a series of pointilised diagrams detailing our greatest engines. She finds it lashed to the oversides of warped wooden ceiling. The search includes many things.
It includes a small room beneath the turret where a single beam of sunlight shines through a tiny window and bleaches everything it touches while the decades peel away like scabs. I could wait here forever, drink here forever. I could count the days by watching the beams. I could write, hallucinate and prepare for the beyond. And here you said I could never become what I am.

>> No.7308089

Just couldn't stay away, eh? Everyone who makes those grand "I'm leaving the internet forever! Goodbye, cruel board, it's been fun but you're all fucked up," type statements is always back eventually. You returned in record time.

I like a lot of elements of your writing. You should cut out some of the self indulgent flowery description bits though, and the parts that spiral off into pseudo-philosophical bullshit. The bit about puking in the Thai restaurant is great. Run with that. Also the story about the tunnels and the graffiti is pretty good, you could flesh it out and edit it down to be a really decent short story if you put some more effort in, I think.

Not that I'm some high and mighty literary critic. I ought to do more writing myself but I don't, so what do I know? I'm just an anonymous faggot on the fashion board of a shithole internet forum for fans of asian cartoons.

Anyway welcome back, Poet. Might as well just put your name back on...

>> No.7310761

These could easily be reposts or people copying his style. Remember he started tripping because people were faking posts by him?

Bump anyway. Shit's interesting.