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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 150 KB, 700x300, 1381263471129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7281955 No.7281955[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7281962
File: 2.86 MB, 2448x3264, Photo 2013-11-21 10 19 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7281965


The neck opening on the sweater and undershirt is way too big. Throws everything off

>> No.7282012

whats ur tumblr lol

>> No.7282072
File: 710 KB, 2000x1430, newfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The flannel needs to be shrunk down

Shitty black bomber
Walmart Tee (not vis)
Cheap Mondays (cut with scissors lmao)
Vans (getting pretty decrepit)

>> No.7282088
File: 494 KB, 1122x3056, 112113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7282100
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>> No.7282103


m8 those shite trainas are holding you back

>> No.7282107

fuck I wish you could have taken this pic standing like 3ft further from the camera so I can see the entirety of those sick kicks

>> No.7282108

max cash?

>> No.7282117


slav ish B)

>> No.7282126
File: 20 KB, 500x268, 1384096625293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tying your VANS like that

those aint geobaskets son


>> No.7282127

yeah i mean i bought them knowing it was gonna be iffy but I use them for walking 15minutes+++ to class and they are holy fuck comfortable. the entire inside is padded and warm. I even use them for running/basketball like str8 beaters.

>> No.7282233

You clearly have a camera that allows you to take a regular picture, so please do that. Nobody wants to see your lol so randum shit collage and we can't even see your fit properly

The sweatpants don't go with the rest of the outfit. Throw on a pair of black jeans and it'll look better.

Also, did you pull up the outer t-shirt to reveal the layering? If that's the case it seems poorly executed

>> No.7282247

not him but geos aren't the only shoes that you tie like that

>> No.7282260

you need some food

>> No.7282258
File: 939 KB, 640x1136, Photo Nov 21, 12 42 33 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7282278

>all streetwear

man, all I wanted to do was get some inspo for shit I can wear to work

>> No.7282282

theres no street wear in this thread
just shitwear

>> No.7282285

Talk shit, post fit

>> No.7282287
File: 408 KB, 960x1280, Photo Oct 04, 9 31 28 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls feed me oats and protein

>> No.7282294


thx ya sweats look shit
And nah idk what happened to top shirt

>> No.7282295
File: 1.37 MB, 3840x1280, fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it my posture or the shirt that makes this fit so bad?

>> No.7282296

lel which one was your fit itt? feels got hurt huh?

>> No.7282306

Shirt is baggy. Posture doesn't help. Weird as fuck proportion. Long arms. Freak.

>> No.7282313
File: 29 KB, 560x560, Atlas_Sound_-_Logos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmm it's a uniqlo medium, I tried the small but I could barely get my arms through the sleeves. I guess I'll eat and work out, cheers

>> No.7282350

You can see my fit fine you troller

>> No.7282455
File: 2.23 MB, 3264x2448, 20131121_132252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basic space bitch today

>> No.7282457
File: 967 KB, 856x850, Screen Shot 2013-11-21 at 10.29.50 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7282459

goddami that jacket on the left is ugly but i really like the fit on the right

>> No.7282470

w2c jacket

>> No.7282475

I need to step my jacket game up. All I have are generic/ugly hoodies. I've got one nice peacoat, but its not cold enough for that yet

>> No.7282479

i fuck with this but i'd prefer it with only one tee

>> No.7282490
File: 178 KB, 1548x2064, 20131120_091030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7282492

Thought the same.

>> No.7282494

heritage 1981, dunno where you'd find it i got it as a gift like 5 6 years ago

>> No.7282501

fucking disrespectful wearing that shitty fit on a funeral

>> No.7282538

oh god
>all black
>grey jacket

>> No.7282543
File: 71 KB, 640x426, Foto am 21.11.13 um 10.51 Kopie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't dig that jacket
but the boots on the left look really good

>> No.7282568

LOL the whole suit is gray. Only shirt & tie are black because FASHION!!!!

>> No.7282582

are you Sulli's long lost brother?

>> No.7282598
File: 411 KB, 960x1280, graegg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wearing Pot of Greed

>> No.7282617


pick 1

>> No.7282623


>> No.7282643

>Pot of Greed

>> No.7282651

top heavy
kinda shitty look
if you want to wear that coat maybe get some slim jeans instead

>> No.7282697
File: 46 KB, 563x1000, me 11-21-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres what i wore to the office today. Penny loafers and all.

>> No.7282706
File: 133 KB, 763x639, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get some advice/critique?

>> No.7282715

w2c peacoat?

>> No.7282718

I think the shoes look really chunky. And not in a good way..
Otherwise its pretty basic. Idk what to say.

>> No.7282725

as far as i know
i know it is heavy. don't want to blame my webcam, but it's shitty. looks far better "in motion"

>> No.7282754


nothing looks particularly bad but its boring overall

>> No.7282800


>> No.7282831

From yesterday. Maximum comfy mode for babysitting.

>> No.7282845
File: 24 KB, 241x640, rxmf0QSl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7282864

"mom why are you leaving me with a cultist"

jk looking good man

>> No.7282873


>> No.7282885

shoes ruin the whole thing

they look like size 20 chucks

>> No.7282890


i've never been a fan of cropped trousers with high-tops but i guess ramones are slim enough for it


>> No.7282896
File: 103 KB, 861x1600, macron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Throw those clown shoes into the garbage, they ruin all your fits

>> No.7282906
File: 42 KB, 337x450, goofy-disney-s-california.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>converse are clown shoes
>but rick owens sneakers aren't!!!!

these look goofy

>> No.7282901

I know the fit you're basing this off(the asian guy with the sunglasses) but its just not working for you mang

>> No.7282912

w2c hoodie and what's your height bb?

>> No.7282919
File: 1.38 MB, 300x170, x4ait.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7282922
File: 380 KB, 426x640, photo (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for fault

>> No.7282935


I have no idea what this means.


Just the standard (long) Rick cardigan. I'm about 5' 10"-ish.

>> No.7282936


Not digging it. Maybe I need to see a better picture at a different angle, but it just doesn't look good. What shoes are they?

>> No.7282949
File: 81 KB, 284x824, wiwt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd suggest a better fitting shirt w/o undershirt and maybe better pants if srs
I think it looks good, pretty basic
I'm no goobyninjer but I feel like there is too much going on here. I don't like those pants with ramones
Don't think I've seen you post a fit yet, sieg 10/10 w2c hat?
Not bad just can't put my finger on something bothering me about that fit

>> No.7282944
File: 1.17 MB, 768x1024, ayyy-lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

raf, tailor, acne, acne

>> No.7282954
File: 82 KB, 640x480, 4m7PK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

official uniform of /fa/
that said, everything fits nice except that neck opening

not /fa/, more /mu/, but I can dig it

a joke? looks good except for slav jacket

lookin comfy yo - normally I hate those shoes, but they look decent here
w2c slippers?

not exactly /fa/, but you pull it off ok. only ok though - not great

both nigga

not bad for lunarcore - jewfro and glasses aren't doing you any favors tho

right is quite good
not feeling left - individual pieces dont work well together


Maybe that jacket thing works as muh high fashun, but looks really ugly all the same

why post this?

ugly shoes
jeans fit weird - maybe more taper would be better + not snugged up to your nuts so hard

intersting, but I hope the parents fired you

>> No.7282962

Cuffed my pants up with this so they aren't that bunched up as in pic but I was really just trying on my boots for the day

>> No.7282963

Nice dress faggot

>> No.7282960

solarsofts, it's my take on lelders funny fit like this from the summer that someone wanted to see yesterday. I didn't wear this today, it was waaay too cold. I would've though if it wasn't so fucking freezing. i actually stayed home all day and played dress up for todays waywt

saw this on mf i think, i like it dude

>> No.7282965

mirin those dirty sneaks

>> No.7282966

>i actually stayed home all day and played dress up for todays waywt

This is actually what I do every monday and saturday as pathetic as it sounds

>> No.7282967

quit makin me so jealous of ur crib m8

uve improved a lot for the time youve been posting here 2 dude

>> No.7282968

ditch the black undershirt
cop some lighting that doesn't make you look so doughy

>> No.7282975

yo I like it

>> No.7282974

i had too much hw so i skipped my one class and just finished all my stuff now. gonna go to the thrift now to see if i can do some hunting for slav pieces

>> No.7282984


Well, I took off my coat and shoes. But my niece is pretty easy and she's a newborn; doesn't spit up or anything and we always have a burpee cloth lying around.

>> No.7282985

dude this is dope i save ur last one and im saving this

>> No.7282982
File: 580 KB, 1944x2592, ultra feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur nt alone bb

>> No.7282987


uggs slippers lel

>> No.7282990

Not into the awkward hanging piece of white fabric
Need chunkier shoes to play with proportions a bit

Maybe pants with a larger opening too

Right now you look like a retarded muslim cleric who found raf and acne

>> No.7282996


thanks m8. and dont worry it's only the living room /dining room that's cool. the rest is boring

>> No.7283008



looking really topheavy dude
not tall enough to balance those proportions imo

it's the shirt


swap the shoes between left and right pls
then untuck the shirt on the left and you have two really nice fits


I can see why someone would hate on the proportions but I really like this


stop posting the same fit every day

man everything's so elegant...
then Ramones

can't see much more than the silhouette
pretty unflattering though
would assume you got your duffle at Walmart tbh

bottom half is nice
can't handle the sized up shirt though
I would just ditch it altogether and keep the jumper

disgusting palette

v nice masculine silhouette
perfect facial hair

>> No.7283011

You look like my fuckbuddy

>> No.7283013

you have the worst taste :s

>> No.7283019

>stop posting the same fit every day

I've only posted this one other time

>> No.7283023
File: 54 KB, 500x682, 525724_10151925706844966_1446780499_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why post this

unsucessful liberal arts major detected.

>> No.7283038

nice bruh

>> No.7283039

the point is all your fits look the same
and two times is already two much when your wardrobe is so homogenous

protip: first thing we see is your jacket
most black jeans just look like black jeans
second thing we see is your shoes
btw your NBs look awful
victim of the hype train

Get some darker clothes, specifically outer layers
almost everything you've worn is mid value, as in it turns gray when you take the color out of it
this is bad news when you wear them together because there's almost no contrast. Mid gray and dull indigo just meld into each other. it looks like shit

get some lighter colored clothes as bottom layers - shirts basically
these will contrast with your darker outerwear and give your fits some actual definition

also just ditch the blue jeans for black entirely until you learn2colors
people claim blue jeans are versatile and timeless, but they are a color. this means they have to be worked around with other colors.

black jeans do not. black literally goes with everything as well as any color could
stick to black while you're learning

>> No.7283066
File: 60 KB, 634x476, article-2210198-153F0172000005DC-337_634x476[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty bby

>> No.7283090

just because you wore it today don't mean you have to post it
I don't need to come on /fa/ to see someone in khakis and a blue shirt lol

also, you might want to check your sensor array for damage

>> No.7283094
File: 1.82 MB, 1080x1920, 2013-11-21 12.52.50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UrbanOutfitters beanie
Apc x carhartt denim jacket
J crew chinos
Apc sneaker

>> No.7283110


>> No.7283117

shit palette
awkwardly arranged as well
pants don't fit
nothing good to say about this

>> No.7283131

The jacket isnt black and neither are the shoes. Fyi

>> No.7283134


Might be good. What are the brands?

>> No.7283166

cut the sides of your hair down and you'd look buff

>> No.7283220

how not to wear ramones.

>> No.7283233
File: 1.32 MB, 2304x3072, picture taken with iphone 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7283237


As always, I'm really interested to see other people's take. What outfits with Ramones have you liked? Perhaps post it in one of the inspo threads so this thread stays on track, if you don't mind.

>> No.7283253

fine, basic but fine

>> No.7283288

would look better with either only the coat or knit. otherwise very good.

>> No.7283295

>not duality

>> No.7283302

cropped out the shoes and saved lol

>> No.7283314
File: 1.28 MB, 4128x2322, 20131121_122656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H-here I go!

>> No.7283320


le classy
I see le fedodo gentlemen are switching for a warmer hat in winter huh

>> No.7283323
File: 375 KB, 426x640, photo (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's what i actualy wore today
that's my hentai windbreaker from front over a hoodie if that dude who wanted to see it is here

i rly need something that takes better pics all of mine come out like shit

>> No.7283380

Nice penny board faggot

>> No.7283395

real men ride penny boards
i want to into real skating again but i have no crew anymore, none of my friends sk8

>> No.7283406

might be good, what are the brands?

>> No.7283414

p. cool

>> No.7283413

Don't need a crew to skate nigga. Get out there and quit riding around on a plastic piece of hot pink shit.

>> No.7283421

It looks like you took it out of the packaging and threw it on, which would explain why it looks like tissue paper. Dont do that, wash it and iron it you dirty boy.

>> No.7283431

is this a new meme

>> No.7283426
File: 282 KB, 968x1296, IMG_1712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7283435

you look like the geeky guy on the spaceship who somehow makes it through the whole movie. Good job. Only thing id say is the white isnt too great with the pants.

>> No.7283438

this board means a lot to me, i bought a completely new one earlier in the year and spent a lot of money making it a beast to ride, but then I realized I had a lot more fun riding my pink one just because it was my first cruiser and I have a ton of memories on it
plus grils mire it, I get "omg I love ur skateboard! how do u ride something like that! its so tiny!" all the time. I'll rep my pink board until I get a technical setup for the spring
skating's just so much more fun with a crew, I remember in 7-9th grade me and my bros would skate nearly every day after school until it got dark. i could never imagine skating a lot without a crew


it's a dude samefagging trying to make it into a bigger meme than it already is

>> No.7283448

lol'd indeed

>> No.7283451


>> No.7283468

>who somehow makes it through the whole movie
I fuckin laffed

>> No.7283469

The graphic tee absolutely ruins it

>> No.7283475

really nice palette imo
shame about your shit body
unbutton the top button and learn 2 pants that aren't skinny jeans

>> No.7283489


>> No.7283521

bad proportions
dull palette

>> No.7283717
File: 37 KB, 434x768, IMG_1737 - Kopie (Medium).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7283721

le gothninja faec

>> No.7283722

daaaaaamn gurl

>> No.7283725


pls b in Düsseldorf

>> No.7283731



>> No.7283742

why all black?
turning into berry?

/e-crush over

>> No.7283743



>> No.7283736

can't see shit
looks p boring anyway

>> No.7283744



>> No.7283749



>> No.7283765

Was just trying something new
you know I dont usually dress like this

>> No.7283805

your legs are as skinny as girl arms

>> No.7283813



>> No.7283840

would wear if it was a lil bit cleaner (cropped trousers/shorter sleeves + shorter short)
still dope tho

>> No.7283842

not succumbing to peer pressure and maintaining class in dress and having guts to stay in male dominated board is what made you attractive

goff ninja/ swaggergurl embodies the death of your individualism

but have fun gurl teens will fap to a rick owens lilies draped beautiful blonde

>> No.7283848

what kind of girls have you been hanging out with

>> No.7283876
File: 1.05 MB, 2026x3590, CIMG1212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the picture is shit and the fit is basic max bitch, but I'd like to get a fit check on the jeans and jacket, mostly the jacket.

>> No.7283880

combining black pants with a black top is not a particularly new concept, let alone goff ninja

>> No.7283889

Jacket just looks really short to me, I'm used to winter coats going past crotch level

>> No.7283908


Really? I think it looks like a regural bomber length.

>> No.7283920

its a start
berry did that until she got a huge ego and tumblr

>> No.7283913

I see what you mean but to me it looks like a pea jacket with the bottom few inches cut off

>> No.7283964


Would work better with a white t-shirt than a button down. It's a common beginner mistake that I made too.

It also bothers me that the jacket and shirt end at the same line. The jacket should be longer with the shirt.

It's also important to include shoes with your fit: They're the cornerstone of your outfits.

>> No.7283971
File: 640 KB, 1080x1080, PhotoGrid_1385075044427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marc Jacobs parka
Jamse perse sweater
jamse perse long tee
Oak asymmetric tank
Denim supply Co. drop crotch corduroy
Allsaints trainers

>> No.7283988


Thanks mate.

>> No.7283998
File: 112 KB, 640x846, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7284010
File: 1.18 MB, 2250x4000, outfit3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty basic

>> No.7284054

but Im not a chubby goth chick who works a menial job without real perspective
don't worry Sieg

>> No.7284069



>> No.7284087


but you are a dumb dull cunt

>> No.7284099


you are a bitch

>> No.7284132



Sent from my iPhone

>> No.7284162

lol lena, you're an amazing person

>> No.7284176


not really

nothing she has said has made her seem like an amazing person

he speaks like a robot and has the personality of a brick

most dull poster ever, i honestly think she is more dull than fucking sicklysweet

could you imagine going on a date with her? what the fuck would you even talk about? i would have to alk and she sit there like a fucking mongrol

>> No.7284194

>but Im not a chubby goth chick who works a menial job without real perspective

>> No.7284210


No but you are a chubby blonde with an ugly boyfriend and a flat ass.

>> No.7284207

v nice until you took off the parka
sounds counterintuitive but imo only skinny people pull off baggy clothes
parka looks good b/c it contours to your shoulders

you lose that clean silhouette when you take it off b/c the sweater's so shapeless

>> No.7284220
File: 392 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My midterm project is to do dip dying. This explains me being outside.

>> No.7284223

comic sans/10

>> No.7284230

nice looking jacket but you've styled it poorly
solid advice here

your jeans fit pretty poorly btw
not that they don't 'fit' but they just don't flatter your body type
either lose weight or cop some trousers that are designed to be a looser cut that will hide your disproportionate thighs
or get a fucking swole upper body

>> No.7284232



Sent from my iphone

>> No.7284246



Sent from my iPhone

>> No.7284248

> !!sC59yL3kYFV
not even berry

>could you imagine going on a date with her
out of my league, so no i can't

>what the fuck would you even talk about?
not going to happen so don't know
on the dates ive been on i just let the woman talk about herself and i just sat there thinking about what i had to do the next day

>> No.7284253

everything fits but this is like the most boring shit ever
ugly graphic, idc how /fa/-approved the brand is

>pretty basic
are you aware that every single first time poster says this as if they're even capable of contributing something beyond basic?
don't draw so much attention to your inexperience

not a bad job of monochrome distribution though
I like that you employed a gradient over a black/gray/black block.
would prefer gray tee and black jeans though

>> No.7284261

>what the fuck would you even talk about?
boring bitch detected :^)

>> No.7284257
File: 486 KB, 992x2422, IMG_20131121_053525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goin to the card shop
no neckbeard 4 me m8s

>> No.7284266

I like this
suits the environment

>> No.7284273

looking fukn good m8
where u from?

>> No.7284268
File: 2.44 MB, 3264x2448, 20131121_082611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7284275

Wearing black tie fashion for a concert I'm playing in. Kinda excited.

>> No.7284277

>lose weight
already a twig
> looser cut
so I cant wear skinny or even slim jeans :( fml

>> No.7284282

>v neck

this is pretty lame in general
like this is an outfit I would imagine seeing drawn in a first year Spanish book next to "la ropa"

>> No.7284299

horrendous palette
love the fit of the trousers though
top half is way too sleek and sporty for the bottom half
v neck looks bad
man I really love those trousers though, please get better at dressing yourself so I can complement your future dope fit

>> No.7284306

>already a twig
no you're not...
work out if you're opposed to losing weight

>> No.7284311

im >>7284010

i donnt think thats is inexperience of my part, i just dont have money and interest in going to more "complex" fits

>> No.7284324

I-I'll t-try

>> No.7284343


So are you suggesting I shouldn't wear skinny/slim jeans because this is new to me.

>> No.7284363
File: 100 KB, 270x913, fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bad photo of: steven alan/ervell/club monaco/ervell/nb

i keep only wearing washed denim. i know raws are kinda played or whatever but my legs got weird and i miss fitting in apcs and i wish i could find something that fits like ervell jeans do

>> No.7284378



>> No.7284379

coming from a dude that is knock kneed with proportionally large thighs/calves that still gets consistently good feedback on his fits, skinny jeans are't for us

find Johnbos on HB/Sufu
the way he styles his pants is GOAT

>> No.7284392

Id on the shoes pls

>> No.7284393

shit proportions exacerbated by a low camera angle and ugly NBs

palette's inoffensive but dull

>> No.7284415

ehh idk man
I'm cheap af and I still manage to assemble some interesting shit
most of my clothes are thrifted at like $8 a pop
you don't look ~bad
but you could do better even at a very low price point

I'm inclined to believe you though because I've definitely felt severely limited by my financial status and you seem to have some sort of grasp on employing contrast

>> No.7284426



>> No.7284439

thx bruv

>> No.7284454

to lazy to post the 'back to MFA" picture, but you get the idea

>> No.7284468



>> No.7284480

yeah i was either way on the sneakers. i like em though. can you elaborate on the proportions thing?

>> No.7284482

>dang, why doesn't this anonymous internet group cater their discussions to my interests

wear streetwear to work you conformist sheep

>> No.7284500

honestly, this is good. Probably one of the few space core fits that doesn't look costume-y

>> No.7284536

>can you elaborate on the proportions thing?
yeah sure
your hips are almost as wide as your shoulders
in general a V taper is going to be the most flattering shape you could aim for
the way your jacket falls it kind of flares at the hips, and then your large legs/hips are already kind of wide so you look fairly pear shaped

to make things worse, NBs are pretty chunky. kind of dramatizes the awkward rollercoaster of curves that is your silhouette
with legs that size you want your fits to be top heavier and you want your shoes to be fairly sleek to maintain that masculine V

>but style is so personal and you don't know that he wants a masculine look!
not skinny enough to pull of anything androgynous
the femininity doesn't look deliberate, which is very important
it just looks accidental and like you don't really care for your body

>> No.7284544

try cuffing the jeans so there's no more stacking and post pic.

>> No.7284576

yipes i didn't know it was that bad. i'm actually quite a skinny person but i can see the proportions making it look like i'm not. i'll keep trying i guess

>> No.7284594

>bla bla bla

STFU and GTFO you annoying cunt

>> No.7284605

heh dw dude
amount of shit I wrote isn't proportional to the badness of your fit
I was just trying to explain my earlier criticisms fully
chin up nigga keep tryin

>> No.7284619
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>> No.7284625

soften that orange/black contrast with a gray hoodie instead

nothing else worth commenting on
would assume you don't give a shit about fashion if I saw you

>> No.7284641

Thanks! that's what I'm going for

>> No.7284739


what kind of hoodie is that? pretty slick pattern

>> No.7284740
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>> No.7284748

Why is your head so huge? The v-neck doesn't help either.

>> No.7284751
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>> No.7284758

nice palette
everything fits well
neckline is super feminine though
you look p homosexual idk if you care

damn I just saw that orange bit under the sweater
really nice color work imo

>> No.7284783

dat posture, although I suppose if you straightened out it'd look gay as fuck

>> No.7284803


Are you some kind of circusfreak, the big headed man or something? Look at the size of that thing.

>> No.7284826
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>> No.7284884
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>> No.7284894

rly bad dude
shoes are way too bulky to be worn with sweats that taper so severely at the ankles

>> No.7284899

a lot of money spent
to look common denominator

>> No.7284931

what sweater and what brand jeans? really nice btw

>> No.7284934

Supreme paisley campus jacket. It's just a denim bomber with a black hoodie underneath

>> No.7284966


I don't think this works well.

>> No.7284976

I like it dude

>> No.7284978

I don't think you work well.

>> No.7284984

your taste is so weird
do you exclusively post out of pity?

>> No.7284998

No I guess I just like different stuff, I also like a lot of the traditional /fa/ uniform stuff as well
I don't rly like menswear either

>> No.7285013

blvck scvle cinq crewneck in a size too big, and my krew skate jeans that i just overdyed in black. thx brutha

>> No.7285068

How'd you dye them? I have a pair of black jeans that I love but they're starting to fade

>> No.7285077

your body is an awful shape. nothing u ever wear in your fit pics looks good because of your weird torso and neck. sorry bruh

>> No.7285108

why blur out your face if you post it here all the time?

also post a pic of that juicy hair cut

and sell me your RO dunks

>> No.7285117

i went to a local craft store and bought this powdered dye, that you mix with a gallon of steaming hot water and 4 tblspns of salt, and you basically just drop em in there, mix around for about 15 min, then periodically for 45 min. then wash in warm water and dry without heat or sunlight. i been using it for my dip dying midterm in textiles class, so i decided to expriment.

>> No.7285125

Cool will try thanks m8

>> No.7285127



>> No.7285141
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copped ervell granite tee

>> No.7285142

>why blur out your face if you post it here all the time?
regardless of whose face it is, good or bad, it detracts from the outfit

ty based Mike for teaching me this
he's a handsome nigga and he blurred his face b/c he valued comments on his style over comments on his genetics

>> No.7285151



>> No.7285155

this is a really nice fit
you usually do a good job but your proportions here look really clean despite the angle

>> No.7285528
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great piece.

>> No.7285537

the gloves are pretty juvenile but this is nice otherwise

>> No.7285539

fingerless gloves are pretty distracting

like i knew this one kid in high school, he was legit diagnosed with schizophrenia and he was weird as fuck

he was in my gym class, he never dressed out and always wore fingerless gloves and acted like he thought he was badass even though he was weird as fuck and laughed like a witch

so that's what i think of when i think fingerless gloves, and i think most people have some similar negative bias about them

but w/e your fit is great
w3c shoes

>> No.7285536

a jansport, leggings and fingerless gloves?

really nigga?


>> No.7285551

should probably debrand that shoulder :(

heh yeah, skipping gloves if i can nexttime
shoes are vans

>> No.7285557

>nxtlvl Raf Velcros

>> No.7285570

fix ur shooz pls

>> No.7285578

Its lunar but not, "Look at me I'm pretending to be an astronaut."
you killed it man I like a lot.

>> No.7285875
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>> No.7285895

looks like somebody knows where their towel is

>> No.7285904

It's actually hanging on the other side of that door.
you are a seeing through doors wizard.

>> No.7285918
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>> No.7285924
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>> No.7285927

pls b in albuquerque

>> No.7285936

Clean your room

>> No.7285931

pls be in estonia

you're very qt for a horse

>> No.7285941

looks terrible

>> No.7285944
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>> No.7285950

You look like the poor girls from where I live lol

>> No.7285956
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>> No.7285970

needs those sweet sandals to complete the fit

it's acceptable but not really special or interesting

>> No.7286005
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>> No.7286041

awful fit, seriously trash. nice bod tho. id rail u but be emberassed to be seen in public w/ u despite 8/10 physique

>> No.7286033

are those pockets?

don't like it. sorry.

>> No.7286034

>you're very qt for a horse
I fuckin laffed

>> No.7286057

yeah, theyre pocket

>> No.7286064

if you have a sweater to toss on over it though, white or beige, I think it'd look gr8

>> No.7286059

Jacket looks a bit odd. Rest is good.

>> No.7286068

its a denim jacket dude lol

>> No.7286075

>not wearing sweaters over ur jacket
fucking pleb get with the times

>> No.7286078

>I'm very aware that the person pictured didn't actually post in this thread but I'm going to shit on the fit anyway to tell everyone how high my standards are!

>> No.7286071

it's a rick coated denim jacket.

>> No.7286082

you bulking bro?

>> No.7286083

What does it look like unbuttoned?

>> No.7286081

leather sleeved?

>> No.7286086


jesus christ this is the worst thing I have ever seen

is it from ffa?

>> No.7286089

>not attempting unconventional fits for the fun of it

how prudish

>> No.7286098
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old picture


cutting, and hard

>> No.7286100

denim in this weather nigga?

>> No.7286103

I'd say if you wear a v-neck, get sleeves that taper, or at least hug your arms more closely. It kind of looks like the fabric was just dropped on you - You don't have to wear it super tight, but it shouldn't look like a rectangle on you either.

>> No.7286112

>old picture

Yeah, it's defs coated

>> No.7286108

you changed shoes :p
rick denim
is it waxed?

>> No.7286110

not that cold yet. Plus the sleeves are leather

>> No.7286113

looks way better unbuttoned. p sick actually. buttoned it loses its charm, dunno

>> No.7286119

i didn't, this is an old picture. I sold those black geos already. Yes, it's waxed

>> No.7286120

true but its been raining off and on my nigga.
gonna ruin the jacket.

>> No.7286126

poor thing needs to be dry cleaned already

wanted to see it buttoned, i actually like it a lot.

>> No.7286127

should I size down on geos?

>> No.7286136

if your feet are skinny, i would size down 2 sizes. It's a pretty clunky shoe. Just try it out in a high end store like barneys, then buy it online.

>> No.7286140

jw do you dress up like this at work too or do you dadcore it up just for work?

>> No.7286147

what shoes are those?

>> No.7286157

Ann dees lows

>> No.7286159

i usually just go casual, I don't even wear this shit there. I have a closet at work with dress clothes and shoes if i need to go on meetings.

>> No.7286171
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>> No.7286183

once chall hit 300


>> No.7286188

ah I see
TFW my entire wardrobe is goofninja and too out of place for work.
where should I cop some work appropriate shit?

>> No.7286193

it's just work my dude, i would just buy shit at jcrew

>> No.7286222


w2c pants?

>> No.7286231
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>> No.7286260


generic brand sport leggings

a word of explanation--i'm very short, and most pants are designed for longer legs. this results in my ankle coming out of a less slim part of the pants and so most jeans/regular pants fit me really badly/not slim at all. i've fucked around with some generic brand sports tights and yoga pant ish things and found a couple that dont look like a fucking joke when worn as pants

>> No.7286269

Nice hat! I have a similar outfit

>> No.7286279


>> No.7286284

Crap, your fucking tosser, you look like a try hard. Next.

>> No.7286289

the top and shoes need to change

>> No.7286291

The fit looks good. I personally dont like the shoes and jeans, but I can see why someone would.

w2c jacket?

>> No.7286302

w2c jackey

>> No.7286325


where and how did u flip ur geobaskets so fast teddy

>> No.7286329


london fog

>> No.7286348

>boat shoes at this time of the year


>> No.7287453


It's a Hardy Amies jackey

heres a link brother
