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/fa/ - Fashion

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7280347 No.7280347[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>140$ duty cost on my cps
>mf while the gobernement inserts its dick in my ass without any lube

>> No.7280365

just got a bill for my gats. sux.

>> No.7280372

>tfw in straya
>only taxed on things with the value of $1000+
feels good man

>> No.7280379

you're lucky man

>> No.7280388

Isn't the price of everything down under really inflated though?

>> No.7280419

When you compare it to how much someone from another country pays due to stamp duty and import tax etc., it usually turns out roughly the same cost or slightly cheaper depending on how strict the other country is on imports.

>> No.7280440
File: 50 KB, 500x291, sobbingmath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw vietunamu
> can't order shit, no one wants to deliver here, they'll either tax it to hell or just steal it, they dgaf

>> No.7280450

how do you cop shit?
whats viet fashion like?

>> No.7280453
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>parents pay for college
>let me claim it on my tax return
>tax return is around $1500 every year

>> No.7280465


do you live in canada

how much did the order cost

>> No.7280471

>how do you cop shit?
Go to the malls and pay x3 times more for something from a western brand. Fuck even shit like H&M, Zara and the likes are considered "high budget" brands, FML
>mfw they make those fucking brands here
>whats viet fashion like?
no one cares about fashion here. tbh HCMC is so hot and humid you cant even dress /fa/. Goodbye to all my beautiful black clothes I used to wear in winter

>> No.7280488

what was the bill amount? where did you have it shipped to?

>> No.7281196

Đụ má việt cộng

>> No.7281255

> tfw I find 2 Vietfags other than myself on 4chan in 1 day
> tfw they think HM & Zara is high fashion in Vietnam

I used to live in Hanoi and among my circle of friends, Gucci, Burberry, Louise are usually the norms. Granted they are not nxt lvl fashion, but that's due to taste, not lack of money. I myself dress in Acne, Diesel, Trickers and Viberg. How can we cop them? Save up money and buy them through 3rd party shipping services, usually at a 125% markup. May as well spend all my money on clothings as everything else is dirt cheap here.

>> No.7281289
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>mfw theres more vietfags on /fa/ than /int/
Also I have no idea what the other guy is talking about since I never had any problems with ordering my stuff online, and the only way I can get decent stuff is online since everything is bootlegged over there

>> No.7281308

california from gb

>> No.7281345
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>tfw Brazilian
>taxed on things higher than $50 (shipping included) and pay almost 3 times the price
>tfw ordering eletronics the Customs "lost" the stuff half the time
>have to always tell the seller to write stuff like used clothes or broken eletronics to counterfeit the custom taxes

shit is tuff

>> No.7281363

I'm going to get something shipped from the US to Denmark, should I ask them to label it as a gift to avoid import fees? Also, he is going to provide tracking. (Dumb question incoming) Will tracking still be available if it is labeled as gift?

>> No.7281416


brazilianfag here, do you ask sellers to mark down? Aren't you afraid of getting caught?
When you tell them to mark as used clothes do you still get taxed?
Also, do you have any experience with shipments to brazil marked as "gifts"?

>> No.7281448


yes and yes

>> No.7281470

thanks for the response bb. when its sent as a gift but happens to get lost im fucked tho right?

>> No.7281491

quando é pelo ebay eu sempre peço pra ver se ele arredonda pra 50-40 dólares, amazon não tem jeito, é na sorte... alguns sites de videogame dão pra pedir como usado e nesse valor (estarland), só me dei mal uma vez na shopto q foi taxado e foi uma facada.

se pegarem a única coisa q vai acontecer é pagar o imposto, mas só fui taxado essa vez na shopto.

e gift não muda muito, como tem q ser menor q 50 dolares e sem ser eletronico tb... só na dealextreme mesmo pra achar algo por esse preço.

espero ter ajudado.

>> No.7281493

Pretty much, but chances are it's not going to get lost. I've brought stuff online for ages now - all this stuff was from all over the world and it was all shipped to lil' 'ole Denmark. It's only gotten lost in the mail once and that was some cheap-ass stuff from China.

>> No.7283261


Não acha mais seguro abaixar pra acima de 50 dólares, porém muito abaixo do preço real?
Eu fico num dilema, acho errado declarar valor abaixo, porém o imposto de 60% é ridículo se levarmos em conta a precariedade da industria nacional. Além disso, tenho medo de ser pego. Assim, se for taxado, será taxado em um valor ínfimo, de 50 a 100 reais. Certos produtos (roupas muito caras, consoles e certos eletrônicos) ficam muito na cara que o valor é maior que o declarado abaixo de $50. Fora que não configura crime de descaminho? Além de ser punível administrativamente com o perdimento do produto pode ser punido penalmente.... ai é foda.
Demorei pra responder pq estava com pouca bateria no celular o dia inteiro.

>> No.7283266


Mais uma coisa, já usou empresa de package forwarding? Eu usava o MyUS, muitas coisas chegavam pra eles sem invoice e eles colocavam um valor baixíssimo sem que eu nem pedisse, mas agora eles começaram a pesquisar o valor real do produto, ai eu parei de usar o servico. Já usou MyUS, ShipItTo, etc? Ou algum serviço de proxy?

>> No.7283280


lol the only viets who actually give a shit about fashion are korean wannabes

>> No.7283313

Vietnamese student currently in US here

fashun in HCMC:
>skinny stretch jeans for their stick legs, chinese made
>shitty versace, gucci, hermes knockoff everywhere
>flip flops, doc marten sandals chinese crap
>if they middle class, vans vans everywhere
>shitty graphic tees (so kewl lol, street style right?)
>snapbacks for some fags into hip hop wear
>dyed korean idol wannabe hair

That's male fashun. Girls are okay i guess.

>> No.7284490

>they'll either tax it to hell or just steal it
I know that feel.

I live sometimes in Thailand, and though most sellers do deliver here, I have to find the ones that will declare a lesser price on the customs form.

Either that or I have to bribe the postmaster to get my shit.

>> No.7284524


iktf op

>> No.7285444

>girls fasun are okay
>implying short jeanshorts with grafix tee and 9 inch dr martens sandals is okay
>implying hello kitty converse are okay

>> No.7285553

tem umas lojas que dão uma abaixada no valor se vc pedir. outras q dão desconto se tu pedir e tal. a tres bien por exemplo o tenis custa 600 reais ela coloca pra 150 reais na caixa la (como a entrega é por fedex 100% de chance de ser taxado), ai alivia bastante. a j crew é uma q da desconto, me deu 20% pq eu mandei um email perguntando se eles podiam diminuir o valor e tal.

nunca fui pego em nada n, acho q os caras se preocupam mais com coisa vindo da china em massa. eles n vao ficar checando os preços

>> No.7285704

only ratchet ass hoes from rural wear doc martens sandals
girls wearing sneakers like converse are qt
and denim short shorts are sexy as fuck
where you posting from?

>> No.7285725

If you ask an eBay seller to violate the law by marking a package as a gift or lying about the contents and the seller reports you you can say goodbye to your account.

A lot of sellers won't do it since they're put at risk if customs seizes the shipment.

>> No.7285992

>only ratchet ass hoes from rural wear doc martens sandals
Lmao no, I see upperclass spoiled bitches rock them all the time and I've lived in Saigon for 12 years nigga
>where you posting from

>> No.7286573

I'm the guy who sometimes lives in thailand.
I also used to collect fountain pens ranging in price from <50 to >500USD, well over the 25USD customs limit.

I noticed on ebay that pretty much every single UK seller would lie on the forms for me so that I didn't get raped/robbed/forced to bribe to get my pen, which, being "just a pen" would slip on by under their noses. Little did they know that each pen has a nib made of 14-21k gold.

USA ebay sellers will never do it. They're real scared of the consequences, whatever they are. UK guys were pretty chill.

Italian sellers were okay too (not surprising considering the clusterfuck of a postal system they have).

Greek sellers then same as above.

Japanese sellers: possibly.

German sellers: not on your fucking life.

If you want something lied on, ask nicely of a seller from the UK to put a realistic price to an item (ie. don't ask them to label a diamond ring as 5 pounds).

Never ask a US seller; they won't do it.

>> No.7286580

>German sellers: not on your fucking life.
Might I add, they will also probably report you.

God damn sticks so far up their arses.