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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 90 KB, 489x841, 1370800423690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7269921 No.7269921[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

whats holding you back from being truly /fa/?
is it your hairline?
your fat calfs?
your big nose?
your short arms?

for me it's my fat deposits and nose. everything else like my proportions, hair, and height aren't too bad.

i retain fat on my hips and chest, which means I have to try harder to stay thin.
my nostrils are broad and ruin my smile.

>that fucking feel when realizing you look like a dehydrated columbian trap.

let's hear your struggle to becoming /fa/bulous.

>> No.7269927

My lack of money, my skin colour and my hair.

>> No.7269961
File: 101 KB, 608x524, 1330327503947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Face sloping to the right slightly.
Knots in back forcing one of my shoulders down and constantly needs readjusting.
Size 12.5 feet.
Rectangular, robust body with an unspectacular upper body
Perky ass
Fucked up, stiff left leg
Callouses on my feet
Wisdom teeth squishing lower row of teeth out of alignment
Uneven eyebrow pattern
Hairy asshole
Uneven toenail angle on one toe
Nose hair
Neck hair
Back hair
Toe hair
Hair grows too fast
Hair is too brown
Tan too fast
Bad eyesight
Tiny hairs grow on the tip of nose
Eyes look like green buttholes from 6" away when looking at a 30 degree angle

>> No.7269983

Being bald @ 20.
/fit/ told me nobody cares and that it's no big deal but I think it's just a bunch of bologna.
I care, and some girls prob also.

>> No.7269998

>Bad eyesight
>Tiny hairs grow on the tip of nose
>Nose hair
>Neck hair
>Back hair
>Toe hair
>Hairy asshole
>Callouses on my feet
>Wisdom teeth squishing lower row of teeth out of alignment
>Uneven eyebrow pattern
>Rectangular, robust body with an unspectacular upper body
>Face sloping to the right slightly.


>rece hairline at 18
>ugly from right side, pretty from left
>knock knees

>> No.7270000

more than half the siht you listed doesn't matter.
take it easy.

>> No.7270002

6'1 and 130 lbs. got a strong jaw and eyebrows, good hairline, very symmetrical (9.47 on ana face lel) and pretty nice eyes. so generally i am okay. done some runway work b4

all the fat i do have seems to store itself in my thighs so trying to get that down
kinda pale skin at the moment, but that's normal in the winter i guess
used to have acne but my derm helped me get rid of it but there's still a little redness and stuff. i will just have to wait for it to fade. maybe if i get a bit of a tan it will hide it
currently got a little bit of dandruff. i've got this special shampoo that always seems to get rid of it though. so that will be okay. but it's a shame, i was 3 months on nopoo

>> No.7270004

Basically just time. I need to sell all the fuccboi shit I've acquired for the last half a year and then cop all my grails and rock ideal fits + have better body/hollow cheeks + longer hair to style them the way I want. I'm ok right now but my fits are grim minimalistic chavstreet tier. I'll do my best to improve substantially in half a year. Also my job, uni and the country I live in are all holding me back too.

>> No.7270015

>5'7 grill
>broad shoulders and small hips
>carry weight in stomach area but skinny legs
>got the bad side of half-asian genetics
>basically a lollipop manlet with bad gyno

>> No.7270022

this is not accurate my nigga, should be
>5'6 with firm tits

>> No.7270031

I don't care about being avant garde and 'challenging people's notions of fashion' etc

>> No.7270033


>5'7 grill


>> No.7270035 [DELETED] 
File: 132 KB, 988x783, 1377224447901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wide nose
>slight gap on front top teeth
>chubby cheeks
>hairy eyebrows

I just wanna fit into saint Laurent properly

>> No.7270037

i think she means "the female equivalent of a..."

>> No.7270038

as in I basically have the body of a short guy, but with boobs

>> No.7270039

she means she looks like a short manlet with bewbs

>> No.7270045

>In progress of becoming /fit/
>Great hair
>Recovering from acne/accutane
>Trying to achieve whiter teeth
>Shit facial hair
>Lack of money right now

>> No.7270058

not having enough money
underweight and manlet so I can't find clothes that fit
still waiting for my hair to grow
my skin kinda sucks
teeth kinda yellow with one fucked up one on the bottom row
I really wish I was less socially retarded cuz I actually am fairly attractive regardless of how much I hate myself.

>> No.7270065
File: 408 KB, 482x632, face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weirdly shaped nose
>flabby face
>shitty facial hair
>large overly muscular legs with thunder thighs
pic related

>> No.7270069

nose is fine
face is fine
facial hair is shitty, yes
as long as you're proportionate your thunder thighs shouldnt matter

>> No.7270079

pls be in sydney

>> No.7270088

it might just be the angle of the photo that makes it look fine, but i look like a fucking shark if i smile from the side cause of it, but thanks m8
london no battymanery round my ends tho

>> No.7270102

you look like ryan if he would be a bit less manly. Hit the gym nig

>> No.7270110
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Hair for me.
How close am I to give up and shave mode?

>> No.7270114

nose is ok.
your face really does look flabby and a little too long.

>> No.7270120

bought some expensive cops that just don't work for me no matter how hard i've tried to make them work and are now giving me major emotional grief because i have to try and sell them on the bay and make something back

have some grails that i fucked up on sizing because i have broad shoulders but a small chest
just need to get them tailored sometime though so it's not a huge problem

spent way to much money but whatever ill probably kill myself in a few years anyway at least i looked good

i have a 35" chest and 32" hips i'm kind of worried about that almost rectangular body shape but i'm doing a little lifting to correct that

also baby fat under my bottom lip/chin that annoys me ikd how the fuck to drop the fat since im already near SLP thin

other than i'm pretty happy bodywise
tfw wellbred bourgeoisie stock

>> No.7270155
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>my skin colour
you'll never be truly /fa/ if you think like that you little bitch

>> No.7270161

Mainly lack of money.
For real though, I have $300 (a month) after paying for food and rent and I have other interests besides fashion.
I guess I should do some cardio so I go from skinnyfat to skinny too.

>> No.7270165

>tfw €100,- after rent and utilities, before food

>> No.7270168

shave it. a shaved head looks really good on most guys. unless you have a weird head form.

>> No.7270175

So my hairline is really bad?

>> No.7270179

cant see your face.
jude law has a 2/10 forehead but is /fa/ so depends.

>> No.7270177

Physique is fine, like halfway between builtfat and otter mode, got the v taper and golden ratio shoulder-hips
Problem is my face (wide with bad acne scarring. I like to think it looks fine if you ignore the shit skin but oh well) and height (<5'6")

>> No.7270189

me too. I'm a guy. I have to get pants that fit my hips, not my waist. When I gain weight, its all in my chest.

I also have a long torso with short arms.

>> No.7270188

Let's become masters of poorcore together anon.

>> No.7270192

post pic from front.

>> No.7270195

I realize it. I'm fine with my appearance as a whole, but when you pick apart all the details of a body, it can get pretty gross and gets worse every year. All those little gross habits we do on a daily basis highlight it.

>> No.7270196


Your hairline looks pretty normal. As long as you aren't trying to pull off some slicked-back style or a man-bun, you shouldn't have any problem.

>> No.7270200

Self control, I'm bad at stopping myself from eating shit all the time

>> No.7270206

>pretty normal.
yeah...it's not.
but it also isn't the end of the world.

>> No.7270209

I'd be up for some sort of poorcore thread-series.

>> No.7270221

I don't know if there are enough people interested in poorcore to be able to have a thread about it, and it's gonna be full of richfags hating on us.
But if you make one I'll pop in with some tips.

>> No.7270241

I'll think up a way to get a thread like that rolling.
Poorthreads usually fail because they're "I want designer quality and style for a ridiculously low price", and I don't really mind richfriends destroying them when they're like that.

>> No.7270242

u dnt have to be rich. just stop spending ur money on shit like trips to the cinema, and holidays and eating out and concert tickets. also stop buying cheap, fast crap. instead of buying 5 crappy shirts just save up and buy one really nice one

>> No.7270251

very slight remnants of acne from teenage years, and i look quite a lot younger than i am (can't into facial hair)

but mostly a lack of currency

>> No.7270257

What I do take offense of, is people like this. Assuming that the money goes anywhere else than being kept alive.
Read this post again: >>7270165
There's no way I'm going to go to the cinema, have a holiday (haven't been in 3 years) and am eating out (last time was four months ago). Also missed three concerts I really wanted to go to because even though I did have the money, I wouldn't be able to eat for a week or so.

Most of my shirts are pretty nice, thrift store helped with that too, getting some designer shit for less than a H&M price. Same with my parka that was in clearance for like €100,- off.
That's exactly the kind of thing a good poorcore thread should cater to in my opinion.

>> No.7270266

very light acne that my perfectionism won't allow me to look past, i'm working on it though

>> No.7270267
File: 43 KB, 400x400, 1356743269733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hyperpigmentation on forehead
>thinning hair

I'd be a genuine 6/10 average qtp2t boy if it hadn't been for these problems.

When I'm skyping with girls I meet on okcupid they call me cute/attractive/handsome, but in my own room I can control the lighting conditions...

I don't even look at myself in the mirror anymore.

I'd kill myself if I my parents wouldn't care and if I had the balls.

Hate my life.

>> No.7270270

Calm down anon, looks isn't something worth killing yourself for.
Go out there and make some friends.

>> No.7270276

callouses are cool

>> No.7270297

mm, yeah. thrift shopping is the way to go if you're poor. my younger brother buys everything from thrift shops and actually dresses pretty well. i rarely go but once i found a dries van noten jacket for £9. those things are like £800 retail. it's 2 sizes too big but that's okay in winter with some fat jumpers underneath. i'm going to start doing it more

>> No.7270313

How to thrift shop?
All I ever find in thrift shops are women's stuff, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXL or just plain terrible.

>> No.7270316

Try, fail.
Try again.

>> No.7270322

I live in the middle of england and thrifting is literally impossible, everything is either for senile women or stinks like piss

>> No.7270332
File: 27 KB, 500x406, 378052_140503992729212_100003088375721_182815_2109811581_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pro tip: you don't

this is real talk.
buy shit from places like GAP,TJ MAX, marshalls.

paying $30 for a beat to fuck windbreaker is getting jew'd

paying $30 for a sweater and a henley at the gaps' sale rack is smart buying.

but really, just save up your monies untill you have a good $600 to blow on two pairs of jeans and some shoes. yes, even if it takes 6 months.

>> No.7270333


>have sex with grill
>she's into touching and carressing
>made callouses on her feets
>scratches my leg with it

it was more yellow than my piss


>> No.7270340

>acne scars
>weak jawline
I can live with being a manlet but coupled with the rest it sucks

>> No.7270350

well i live in central london so it's not too bad. i didn't even find that dries jacket though. my mum did. she saw it, rang me up and said i ought to "come down here now!"

>> No.7270355

>anywhere in England
>thrifting impossible
Mate, please. Try living somewhere that doesn't have 10 thrift stores per square mile

>> No.7270361
File: 84 KB, 634x787, hairstyles-short-sides-long-top[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this >>7270110 I have the same hairline

>tfw you will never ever have this hairstyle in your lifetime

it's painful I would be a 8 or 9 if not for my shitty hair, well at least I have good facial features ottermode body and I'm 6'1''

>> No.7270368


you do realize becks doesn't have that hairline either and that he got a hair transplantation right

>> No.7270376

severe emetophobia for the last one or two months
it's a struggle to care about fashion tbh

>> No.7270380
File: 99 KB, 400x489, Bald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post face fuccboi

>> No.7270385

whats holding you back from being truly /fa/?.
I'm so new I don't even know what /fa/ is
>is it your hairline?
>your fat calfs?
They are skinny
>your big nose?
>your short arms?

I have a ridiculous amount of moles on my skin which really gets to me though. Apart from that, really nothing

>> No.7270388

that fact doesn't change my situation.
I don't have 5000 or more to drop in a hair transplant and, it will be only a temporary solution.

>> No.7270394

bad hairline, lack of money, bad skin, glasses, round face, no jawline, too lazy to not be slightly fat.

>> No.7270398

>tfw no money to buy anything

>> No.7270400

>implying I will post my face after confessing I'm balding and when I'm currently try to hide it.

>> No.7270504
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Kinda wanted to see what is possible with it, might be very manbunnable, or something with a forward sweep.

>> No.7270621

Well I use almost the same haircut for years, but I have wavy hair.
It looks good untl a high wind appears.

>> No.7270644

No money and too tall. At 5'10 I'm too insecure to even wear boots.

>> No.7270653

>too tall
not even trying to bust your balls with the whole 6'4 master race but you have a more than average height but FAR from being too tall.

>> No.7270657

might be a gurrrl

>> No.7270659

5'10 is optimal.
i'd wife up a bitch in a second if she were 5'10 and /fa/

>> No.7270690

people here take magazine cover looks way too literal
its just a fantasy bbs

>> No.7270706

>5'2" and female
>mom and grandmas on both side carry all their fat in their upper bodies so i know what's coming in like 15 years
>weak jawline, round face
>started getting acne in the 3rd grade, big pores, dry skin
>gross straight asian hair, natural middle part, lots of baby hairs
>fat arms, fat thighs, fat deposit above belly button
>neanderthal profile + roman nose

>> No.7270713
File: 32 KB, 750x750, DatFeel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw gyno
>tfw I can't wear ANY of my clothes
>hold me /fa/

>> No.7270721


>> No.7270737

Money and confidence.
Everything else is fine, 6'1", 135 pounds, strong jawline etc

>> No.7270738

how do you even get gyno

>> No.7270736
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>was overweight as a kid
>lost all that weight as a teenager
>fat deposits stay in my chest make it look like torepedos shooing out, extremly embarrising
>doc says only surgery can rid of it
>broke college student
>can't get surgery so unable to live life ;_;

>> No.7270742

post pic of ur boobs

u have nothing to lose

>> No.7270833

being 190cm 65kg and slightly skinnyfat

>> No.7270854

My income is stopping me, other than that I shouldn't complain. Not exactly model-tier but being /fa/ shouldn't be restricted to 10/10:s.

>> No.7270872

I live in a small city and there's about 8 charity shops (english thrift shops) but salvaging anything worthwhile from them is impossible as a male

>> No.7270963
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sick rhyme brah

>> No.7270968

>Quadroon hair
>Roman nose
>British teeth
>Child labor build
>Jet black eyes

all in all though I feel like an attractive guy; i'm told that i'm dressed nicely, my friends still come to me before they purchase a jacket.

far from /fa/, but in my neighborhood; i'm as /fa/ as it gets.

>> No.7270973

>too pale
>weak hair
>weird mouth and nose

>> No.7270980

what triggered it
how do you even live w/ urself?
when did u get diagnosed
i didn know that even exists

>> No.7271098

I wish I had a roman nose
so stately

>> No.7271121


It's a strong feature, but a hit/miss.

historically irish catholic town = little ol irish noses everywhere being the common standard.

i'd do well in an italian jewish middle east environment

>> No.7271140

I need to lose about 60 pounds and get some muscle tone.

also my hair grows fucking slowly so my beard looks shit and my hair is just too short to manbun.

ugh I just wish I could go into a cocoon for a few months and come out thin and hairy.

>> No.7271168

The fact that I still log on 4chan and talk to fuccbois who cry themselves to sleep b.c they're not a model

>> No.7271172

Nose and skin complexion

>> No.7271332

>widow's peak
>ok looking face from the front, shitty from the side
>acne scars
>somewhat lack of money
>somewhat fat from bulking atm
>hair everywhere, hard to shave
>huge muscular legs from cycling 13 years, stoped cycling, won't get smaller

>> No.7271351

tfw fat thighs

>> No.7271365


>> No.7271385
File: 97 KB, 640x668, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5in dick

>> No.7271391

still average

>> No.7271557

you look like ryan reynolds and ryan goslings gay buttsex child

don't sell yourself short

>> No.7271569

>having yellow piss
>minding that a girl has calloussed feet

>> No.7271575

>drink a lot of water
>stop hating on girls that play sports

>> No.7271578

5.5in dick here

>> No.7271583

60 pounds? fuck
do MMA training, I knew this guy that lost a shit ton of weight doing that

>> No.7271587

>6'2 and 6 inch dick

Fuck. It looks like a noodle hanging off my body. When you're tall, girls expect a huge dick. Good thing my dick game is on point

>> No.7271597

I know this feel sister. My body is just like that but I'm also short so it's more evident fml

>No cheekbones, chubby cheeks
>Nose too big and round
>Face too long
>Asymmetrical eyebrows and eyes
>Already getting wrinkles under eyes and pronounced laugh smile lines
>Socially retarded
>Overweight in /fa/ standards

>tfw I'll never be a /fa/ qt

>> No.7271602

that's what I said

>> No.7271612

Oh heh... I was just uh... Clarifying...
Fuck it, I thought you were saying those were your faults, didn't realize you were even responding to someone.

>> No.7271959

height 5(10-11)
Quiet mysterious too much.

everything else is dealable

>> No.7272055

WHY would you try to photshop RO when he is wearing sum Kenzo

>> No.7272157

embraxe it

>> No.7272163

>Fat thighs/T-rex mode

>> No.7272186

chub cheeks
if that was fixed i'd honestly be 9/10

>> No.7272200
File: 887 KB, 1369x1970, 7tiduryg42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my body dysmorphia has gotten so bad i have no idea if i'm skinnyfat, normal, or auschwitzmode. help me out here guys, do i lose more weight or what?

>also, tfw ugly manlet

>> No.7272211

gain muscle, stupid

>> No.7272233

My fucking acne, it won't go away no matter what. I got some excessive belly fat too, but its going away bit by bit.

>> No.7272234

annihilated hairline

>> No.7272263


hit /fit/ up...

Properly good board.

>> No.7272268

but that sounds like effort..

what's the easiest way to do that? buy dumbells?

>> No.7272326

>been an occasional smoker for few years
>seem to be smoking more and more
>although the studies are blown out of proportion i still worry
>halting my /fit/ progress
>not a very /fa/ hobby
>lung cancer isn't /fa/

>> No.7272343

My bank account

>> No.7272353

>no matter how well you dress, you'll still always be short and ugly
why do i even try

>> No.7272368

> flat, tiny nose coupled with overall flat face as an asian

Thats about it

>> No.7272369

I'm 5'7'' and male, what do I do?

>> No.7272374

egg shaped head/weak jaw/massive forehead. hairline, hair in general. otherwise im cool as fuck.

>> No.7272378

>not a very /fa/ hobby
>not a very /fa/ hobby

think again, friend

the trick is to stop before you get lung cancer

>> No.7272389

b-but when will i know when to stop?

>> No.7272404

before you get cancer

>> No.7272408

well how old are you now? quit a few years after college

>> No.7272418

I'm 22 next month, been smoking occasionally on and of since i was 18

>> No.7272421

quit before you hit 30 i guess, should be safe

and just avoid smoking more than a pack a day. 10 a day is ideal

>> No.7272451

I think i've been worrying a bit too much. Like literally when I finish a ten deck in a week I think to myself will i get cancer?? was that too far. thanks anon.

>> No.7272461

nah it's all good man

they try to scare you with all the warnings and stuff, your body is stronger than you think

>> No.7272572

>short legs
>brown hair and black eyebrows
>long neck

>> No.7272997


>> No.7273019

My nose. I'm a white boy with a black mans nose. It shits me something fierce.

>> No.7275503

If getting a gym membership isn't an option, then a calisthenics routine can be a great substitute.

>> No.7275678

use product, its not douchey if you do it right

>> No.7275703

jew nose weak chin.

suffering bros ww@?

>> No.7275748
File: 102 KB, 304x254, jesus christ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7275810


Are you a space marine?

>> No.7275853

I'm handsome but my nose is fucked up from being broken 3 times

>> No.7275880

>has "body dysmorphia"
>doesn't want to do anything about it

>> No.7275897

>pretty attractive face
>good body proportions in general
>most clothes fit me excellently

>teeth aren't as white or straight as they could be
>never got braces
>cavities out the ass, generally bad dental health
>feel like nose is a bit big
>have no butt at all
>disgustingly high hairline, probably going bald
I'm 18 ;_;