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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 80 KB, 499x505, fagz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7257275 No.7257275 [Reply] [Original]

Fashion brotip of the day: graphic tees are nice if you can spot the 1% of cool ones from the 99% of lame ones.

Always wearing plain colored v-necks is pretty boring.

>> No.7257282

is this your first day here?

are you 15?

>> No.7257293

You have to understand why you shouldn't wear graphic t's before you can wear graphic t's.

Wear solid colored t's for a few months with no branding, and observe everything around you to gain perspective.

>> No.7257305

No I'm a fucking oldfag.

I used to follow the no graphic tees rule then I kept seeing how many cool and fashionable people wore them. You have to have an eye to spot a good one from a shitty one.

When was the last time someone complimented you on your plain white v-neck?

>> No.7257308

i doubt you're an oldfag you've probably been here for a month
cool and fashionable people can wear anything, you cant because you're probably ugly and lame and have no fashion sense whatsoever but you press on and try to give people on the internet advice to try and get some reputation on your anonymous figure in one thread because truly deep down inside you believe you're better than us
go away

>> No.7257310

never, I'm not looking for compliments either

>> No.7257324

Ouch, obviously I've hit a nerve.

/fa/ mostly advises people to dress safe, boring, and a bit too formal for someone in their early 20s (average age on here).

Yeah it's better to dress like this than to wear a fedora and a sonic tee, but once you're more experienced you should be able to wear some more interesting shit.

This guy knows what's up >>7257293

>> No.7257338
File: 35 KB, 438x600, Pointlessness2_big1-438x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7257346


>> No.7257349

Looks a bit pretentious but if you're cool enough you might pull it off.

>> No.7257370

I wish I could find graphic tees that were the same quality as my solid color v-necks, however.

>> No.7257373

>i doubt you're an oldfag you've probably been here for a month
A month is an eternity in this shithole.

>> No.7257389

thats mfa you're talking about
/fa/ is stupid, and so are you

>> No.7257420
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>> No.7257562

>/fa/ mostly advises people to dress safe, boring, and a bit too formal for someone in their early 20s (average age on here).
lol what
I rarely see formal stuff on here, that's total bullshit. We don't into dadcore formal menswear here.
People complain about the goofninja which is the opposite of safe and boring. People get criticised for posting boring basic bitch fits in the WAYWT and having basic as fuck shoes like vans

>> No.7258370

Pro tips for buying graphic T's:

Centered designs will always look better, want a print? Buy something else.

Find something with defined lines. Shirts with blasts of colour over them look neat on a website but once you put them on, you'll kind of look like a clown blew a load on your chest

Choose colors that compliment your complexion and clothes. If you're having trouble, play it safe, you're probably noticing something that's wrong with the shirt.

Finally, buy graphic T's you actually like. I Joy Division shirts because I actually like Joy Division. I have Sunn O))) shirts because I actually like Sun. But hey, if the shirt's cool? Wear it. Just stick to the rules:

Defined lines
Thoughtful use of color
Centered images
Compliments your complexion

Pic related, it's the graphic on the shirt I'm wearing today. :3

>> No.7258376
File: 89 KB, 636x460, 636x460design_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic. God, I'm such a jerk.

But hey totally cool, right? One thing I forgot to mention, read about the color wheel (google it) if you're lost on how colors work. The biggest problem with americans and, this website especially, is that americans tend to fail at using color to their advantage. And color is important, because it's going to show people you kind of know what you're doing, and you'll appear confident and sexy.

>> No.7258377


gr8 b8 m8 i r8 it 8/8 B)

>> No.7258491
File: 34 KB, 645x429, no its not me just some gaylord off google.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw exgf bought me this

It fits nicely and the fabric's good but the design, oh the design. They didn't even bother to try and make the fake tie go at neck level.

>> No.7258521

guaranteed she brought that because you're some faggot cunt who's favourite film is the dark knight

>> No.7258541

Is-is this from Ben 10....?

>> No.7258555

Actually Ratatouille and Groundhog Day, I'm more of a cookfag ouiaboo.

>hey anon, I remember you told me about that interest in fashion so I got you this! :D
>O-oh that's sweet. Thank you!. [cringes internally]

>> No.7258590

>/fa/ mostly advises people to dress safe, boring, and a bit too formal for someone in their early 20s (average age on here).
confirmed for oldfag

>> No.7258614


Edgy, but nice, simple design.

>> No.7258626

No, I don't think so.

>> No.7258712


isnt that skream?

>> No.7259101

they are also for 14 year olds

>> No.7259125


>> No.7260201
File: 22 KB, 600x450, 100_6409600x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think? Tumblr-core? Would look better on white?

Also, w2c cheap subtle design tees? I need them for the club