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File: 174 KB, 1920x1056, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7255208 No.7255208 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7255215

13, feels weird man.

>> No.7255220

I'm a 20 year old virgin

>> No.7255219

Age 5 to ur mum m8

>> No.7255222

Tell stories to meee

>> No.7255224

Awks, hope you didn't mind how overweight she is and that she lost a leg to diabeetus

>> No.7255226

What's that like?

>> No.7255233

12, i got you beat.

was kinda fucked up though since she was my cousin. i think i got a bunch of issues now because of that. if you don't count that i lost it at 18.

>> No.7255234
File: 95 KB, 500x281, 1382292179627.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me at 16
>overweight virgin
>used to browse /b/ and /r9k/
>discover /fit/, /fa/, and /mu
>"can't be fat and /fa/"
>lose weight
>become regular /fa/ fuccboi (not nxtlvl gothnigger)
>qt's start noticing by the time I'm 18
>banged 3 sloots
thank god no more virgin.png

Thanks /fa/, that's all.

>> No.7255232

Age 15 to my gf. Shame we broke up. She was really cool.

>> No.7255237


>> No.7255243

details optional

>> No.7255248

When is it embarrassingly old to get a first kiss?
15? 16? 17? 18? 25?

>> No.7255252

I'd say 17, dare kisses do not count as first kiss.

>> No.7255255

Holy shit do people actually do this? My first legitimate one was back in middle school, so like 14 I think.

>> No.7255261

> implying

>> No.7255262

18 happens
25 is p bad

>> No.7255257
File: 497 KB, 500x229, tumblr_mmmqo0xaAO1s5ta3so1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15 to sister's best friend
she was 17 or 18
also my first kiss
she was drunk coming home from a party where im pretty sure she hooked up some dudes, decided to invite herself into my room
a few weeks later when my sister found out she accused me of rape

this is why i hate women

>> No.7255258

i kinda awkwardly lost it at 15 but i for sure lost it at 18

>> No.7255259

>didnt get first kiss until 16

felt bad man

>> No.7255268

How do I not get nervous when I talk to girls?

Also what do I talk about?

also for a high school setting. (i am 18, a senior)

>> No.7255274

Yes details pls

>> No.7255271

I pissed on her chest about 6 months later

>> No.7255281

I had my first kiss at four...

>> No.7255288

All women are for is sex

Once you truly understand that it's easy

>> No.7255283

Talk about your fedora collection. They'll get wet at the thought of getting with a classy gentleman such as yourself.

>> No.7255290

Right on man, I had some shitty "kisses" in grade school and stuff bu not a legitimate one I'd say

>> No.7255292

Ask the girl about herself. Find something you can relate to. Say something interesting about it.

>> No.7255293

My friend is nineteen, I kinda consider taking his virginity just so he can get on with things and actually get into relationships and shit

>> No.7255294

First (only) kiss a little after I turned 23.
Trying to lose my virginity before I hit 24 in a couple months.

Girls find me attractive, but I never make a move. Girl I kissed cornered me.

>> No.7255295

Make sure he doesn't fall in love with you.

>> No.7255300

>How do I not get nervous when I talk to girls?
you should realize that girls are humans too

do you get nervous when talking to your mom???

>> No.7255302


btw virginity is a social construct and completely unimportant

>> No.7255304

y-you can take my v-virginity

pls be in london

pls respond


>> No.7255313

>do you get nervous when talking to your mom???

>> No.7255314

>do you get nervous when talking to your mom???
no because i came out of her vagina and dont have any desire to bone her

but seriously this is the worst fucking analogy ever

>> No.7255315

>kind of lost it
how is that even possible

>> No.7255310

I would consider myself pretty autismal and even I have made out with like at least 4 girls

>> No.7255317

Femanon here, I liked his hair(pretty sure he probably came out a couple years ago) and he posted me a valentines day card and we always both put our bags under the desk we sat across from and at leaving time we always had a tongue kiss, next time after that I was eight so whichever you want~

>> No.7255318

Considering the fact that, especially at your age, girls are just as/more self conscious than you, it shouldn't be too hard. Once you realize how self conscious they are it's pretty damn easy.

>> No.7255320
File: 716 KB, 245x150, tumblr_mfkk3yfvqU1rous6uo1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was 16.75 in my junior year of high school. it was with a long-term boyfriend

>> No.7255323

I think I'd make it clear that we'd be fuck buddies but I don't know he has morals and shit

>> No.7255333

I'm actually in London...

>> No.7255335
File: 432 KB, 652x648, lolwut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did u queef?

>> No.7255346


are you my ex girlfriend

>> No.7255344

Forget your friend, you should take lelders virginity.

>> No.7255345

23 y.o. kissless here
I don't know how to feel anymore
Being what I am now at this age stops being funny and starts being creepy

>> No.7255352


i didn't know whether i penetrated or not

but i think i did

>> No.7255353
File: 318 KB, 801x670, doge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be freshman at uni
>have a few drinks Friday night
>on top floor of my dorm
>see 8/10 qt walk into the stairwell
>"wow, [friend], she sure was cute"
>find out she's her for a friend's eighteenth
>go back to my floor
>start shaving because that's what I do when I'm drunk
>she sees me
>get to talking
>stays until 3 AM, but won't stay
>go to the eighteenth-birthday party the next night
>strong buzz
>go back to friend's dorm room, everyone's sitting on a bed
>sit next to her
>floormate: "wow, you guys should sleep together"
>back in my room
>pour us both a glass of wine
>ask why she didn't stay the last night
>"you should've made me"
>three hours go by, I don't finish
>it's 4 AM, she's exhausted
>sleep the whole next day and don't see her again for a while

We met up once at her place, and she came back to my university a few months later. We started hooking up, but she cried and said that she wanted to stay with her friends. When I texted her to see whether she wanted me to visit her at her university, she said that it wouldn't be a good idea. Never talked to me again. I'm pretty sure that she had a boyfriend the second time we hooked up and felt guilty.

>> No.7255349

Honestly you just have to fug an ugly girl

>> No.7255357

Being a 13 y/o to my then boyfriend, who was 22 but told me he was 17.

>> No.7255362
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I thought he lost it to some 15 year old slag? At least he was going to.

>> No.7255364

>tfw constantly lonely and hungering
>tfw can't find any girl I can see myself with
>tfw 4s and 5s checking me out daily
curse my elitism

>> No.7255374

I'm a homo and living in the deep South. It isn't really easy for me to find other gays except for those who are obnoxiously flamboyant and I'd rather not.

I've kissed a girl when I was in the 4th grade but that doesn't count since it was so long ago and it clearly didn't mean anything to me. Being gay and whatnot.

18 year old "kissless" virgin going strong.

>> No.7255376

What exactly is deep south?

>> No.7255381

I'm studying in France and I lost my virginity at 18 with a french grill and had sex with two others.

>> No.7255385

there's a French foreign national who I think is doing a post-doc in my building
she's gorgeous
I have no chance as an intern

>> No.7255397

Moultrie GA.

Granted, not Alabama or Mississippi but still, a complete shithole. At least it's slightly better than where I was born, Greensboro Florida.

>> No.7255406

That was for you.

>> No.7255401

I don't people who are french are that attractive, they're usually so thin

>> No.7255413


>> No.7255415

Skype pls bb me2

>> No.7255408
File: 200 KB, 1280x851, 1383769882491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20 year-old kiss-less virgin here

I have bad eyesight, and can never tell if a girl is checking me out, and I'm too fearful to look at any grill looking at me even when, out of my peripheral, they clearly are.

I don't really think about it that much, though

>> No.7255409

A few months ago.

>> No.7255424

you really want to fuck someone off 4chins?

>> No.7255426
File: 46 KB, 704x400, _Oyasumi__Welcome_to_the_NHK__03v2__A296ECE2_00004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 19 year old kissless virgin
>tfw having serious issues with being relaxed, even when on drugs
>tfw no interactions with females in like 6 months
>tfw I will never feel comfortable around women enough to engage in anything, even talking
such is life

>> No.7255427

at 22 to a really horrible girl in my mates parent's bed. I went out with afterwards for 5 months. Fucked a couple other girls while we were going out to validate my attractiveness. No biggie. Life is suffering.

>> No.7255421

>tfw ppl post ur oc
feels good mang

>> No.7255434

post pic of your eyes

>> No.7255428
File: 103 KB, 384x313, 1382247739941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn you are pretty far South, Tennessee here.
>why did I even ask you?
>mfw I'm not even gay

>> No.7255430

Hook up with me bb ;)

>> No.7255440


What does it matter

get her number and if she says yes you got it bruv dont even sweat on it son


>> No.7255449 [DELETED] 

I'm only in London for another eight days
I'm 17
still think this is a good idea?

>> No.7255446

Depends. R u qt?

>> No.7255451

Same on my part.

Feels fine. Good to know I'm two-thirds the way to becoming a wizard.

>> No.7255456


yeah whatever

>> No.7255461

To a guy at 14.
To a grill at 15.

>> No.7255464

Idk I'm not horrifyingly ugly

>> No.7255465

Well thats legal. Im 19, not a virgin tho.
Mail me: effaylondun@live.co.uk

>> No.7255470

What the fuck do you mean 'yeah whatever'. Ambiguous dickhole.

>> No.7255467

not really
assuming you're a dude, you weren't beginning sexual maturation until you were eleven, speaking generously
you're not even half-way there

>> No.7255468

>having bad eyeslight means your eyes are physically impaired
Plus, I don't have a camera

I'm terrified of approaching anyone out of the blue, even if I look trustworthy by virtue of being fashionable (alone).

>> No.7255473

Meant 4 u i think (if ur the grl)

>> No.7255475

I wasn't implying your eyes are physically impaired.
I wanted to see if they're pretty.

>> No.7255479


no you arent

>> No.7255480

tfw 9/10 aesthetics and virgin b/c women aren't worthy. feels transcendent man.

>> No.7255487

I'm a spic that gets confused for Asian (but not Filipino), draw your conclusions there

>> No.7255489

top kek

>> No.7255499
File: 1.02 MB, 500x1324, untitled554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, people here aren't too fond of us gayboys.

I'd like to leave as soon as possible but I'm kind of stuck here due to money/family issues.

Oh well, one day I'll move out and find someone. Hopefully.

>pic unrelated. I just thought it was funny.

>> No.7255492

i'm a 18 years old virgin and i'm unusually cool about it, i just don't care anymore.
it's dumb because i would like to lose my virginity to someone special but that is usually considered a grill thing and if it wasnt for that i may have fucked 2 girls by now

>> No.7255508

15. It was shit.

>> No.7255511
File: 254 KB, 1920x1200, feelsbad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


At least you aren't a gay guy in a muslim country. I have the thought of killing myself every day.

>> No.7255524


>I'm terrified of approaching anyone out of the blue

its not like she's gonna stab you m8

step out of your comfort zone more often and you'll see how much easier it gets

>> No.7255519

14 in a tent next to a swamp with my friend sitting outside laughing

>> No.7255520

Mail me ur skype bb

>> No.7255521

Don't give up on god, m9. Homosexuality is a perversion of the mind. Find yourself a woman who you love and who loves you. If you keep going down the path that you're currently on, you'll end up with a ruined soul, or maybe worse (suicide, mental problems, AIDS, loss of dignity from being penetrated anally). It's not too late :)

God loves you.

>> No.7255535

>tfw autistic romantic
>tfw beliving in love
>tfw being this stupid
>tfw super lonely
god damnnit why cant i just be ulta autistic and not a romantic dreaming about finding a pretty qt to spend the rest of my life with
>fuc this idealistic image of love

>> No.7255536

>I have the thought of killing myself every day.

Maybe because your inner self is ashamed and is trying desperately to change your perversion. When you're bombarded with weird images and perverse messages in the media, it was just the obvious course for your mind to take. Please, your soul is trying desperately to find a female spirit to connect with - just listen to it!

>> No.7255542

>I have no personality.

what to do?

>> No.7255543

Shit. I couldn't imagine living in an Islamic country. I thought it was hard here, at least it isn't legal to kill gays here.

That being said, what country do you live in? It seems to me that the Middle East isn't as bad as some Sub-Saharan and South African countries for gays.

>> No.7255548

Thanks mayne. I know I can always turn to the church to get a good ass-fucking.

>> No.7255550

Become nihilist

>> No.7255554

But I like men.


>> No.7255560


Fuck outta here. Thump your holy book somewhere else.

>> No.7255573

That makes no sense. The bible teaches that no man must lay with another the same way as with a woman. There's hope for you dude! God created the vagina for sexual intercourse, hence why it self-lubricates. You cannot have homosexual intercourse without inducing pain and bleeding. The truth is plain to see.

Please, don't abandon your god. He loves you more than any lost soul of a sodomite will :)

>> No.7255570


Come to Australia. We have lots of Lebs here already and no-one gives a fuck if you're gay here.

>> No.7255585


12, although the sex was terrible (both of us were virgins) and I didn't even climax. First time I climaxed from sex was 14.

>> No.7255579

>God created the vagina for sexual intercourse
feels good man
Gods my nig

>> No.7255583

19 kissless reporting in
i think i may be asexual
dont really care, but i want a relationship sorta

>> No.7255597

You don't truly like men in the way you would a woman. You're confusing sexual desire for love. It's not your fault and God knows that. He doesn't hate you; god wants you to escape the clutches of degeneracy and become one with his eternal light.

I believe you can change, because your soul is tortured and I know you want to be happy! :)

>> No.7255609


Will God still love me if I have sex with men?


>> No.7255600

Become a misanthrope. Then be unable to help your best friend who is depressed over some girl because unlike everyone else you hang around with he doesn't not give a shit about people so you can't just tell him that Bitches ain't shit but Tricks and Hoes.

>> No.7255621

I know, right? He looks after us all in his ineffably awesome way. Ever seen a fine ass that just dropped you in your tracks? That's his handiwork :)

Ever wondered why your anus and dignity hurts during intercourse or your penis is covered with the fecal matter of another sad, lost soul? That's Lucifer's influence for you lol.

I know who's looking after me. I love you god :) Ty 4 creating dat ass.

>> No.7255627
File: 137 KB, 453x668, 1374798536823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hopefully soon

>> No.7255642

Yes, he loves you as an individual but he can't save you if you don't remove satanic influence from your life. Trust me: once you realize that hedonistic desires like homosexuality are satanic in their nature and actively free yourself from it, God will look after you in ways you never knew. If you carry on to spite God (I know it must be hard for you to change), you will eventually be punished.

>> No.7255644
File: 476 KB, 200x154, 1379886311905.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more please

>> No.7255653
File: 115 KB, 640x359, 1318054393588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

22 yr old kissless virgin reporting in

>> No.7255667

>not capitalising all instances of 'he', 'him' etc.

Confirmed b8.

>> No.7255665

Tell me your story

>> No.7255678

dat pic..

>I know that chav feel too

>> No.7255679

1st girl i ever loved
havent seen her for ages
such is life

>> No.7255680


>> No.7255681

i'll lose it eventually. i don't look or act like a virgin and sex isn't a big deal to me since i watch porn all day

>> No.7255687

we can be best of friends...

>> No.7255692

>tfw gothninja made it even harder for u 2 get gf
a-at least i look cool as fug

>> No.7255696

Why should I adhere to dumb dogma of organised religion when it takes up valuable typing time.

>implying I wouldn't have the vatican burned to the ground.
>implying the vatican aren't satan's little helpers
>implying God's spirit resides within me and would make me feel guilt at not capitalizing words, when words are just a vehicle for expressing man's soul.

>> No.7255707

20 next week

>> No.7255709

don't for the girl you mong, take the initiative your self fuccboi

also if your 20+ and havent kissed / fucked our had any fookin interaction wiht a girl beside talking to her you need to go to fit and stop beeing /fa/t

>> No.7255713


>> No.7255727

> they're usually so thin

are you forgetting what board you are on.

>> No.7255728

Dude I don't think the average /fit/ poster gets pussy unless things have drastically changed since last time I went on that board

>> No.7255744

I don't wait for the girls, I just keep trying to wait for the "right" moment to make a move, talking myself out of it when I'm clearly capable. I didn't actually like the girl who I kissed, I just knew she wanted it.

Also /fit/ is even worse than /fa/.

>> No.7255752

You are not 9/10 you fucktard

>> No.7255767

stop being a neet and watching anime's 24/7 i know were on a chinese cartoon board but still time you would have spend on dat would be spend on talking to people.

>> No.7255764

25 year old virgin reporting in ( 24 but i turn 25) December 8th

currently talking to a girl and its going great

how do i not fuck this up....

>> No.7255776

16, with my first gf
i need to figure out how to meet girls now that i'm out of college

>> No.7255774


Oh, so you're a casual Christian.

>> No.7255782

>i watch porn all day

So sex is a big deal to you.

>> No.7255784

losing your virginity isn't gonna be special. sex isn't all DAT its something but not alllll DAT.

i heard somewhere 70 procent of virginity looses didnt cum, including moi.

>> No.7255778

23 in about a month and still at it.


>> No.7255802

sounds like you've never been pleased... Sad to be you

>> No.7255796

Don't get too clingy. Be unpredictable and have fun.

>> No.7255797

i'm not thirsty for sex because i get enough satisfaction.

>> No.7255810


Well OK but you still think a lot about it if you watch it every day, right? I'm not criticising you or trying to belittle you or anything. Just struck me as an odd thing to say.

>> No.7255812

>how do i not fuck this up....
do something different than what you have been doing the past 24 years of your life

>> No.7255805

if u wanna get bitches, just go to a party and act like a dick to everyone there, be unrealisticly cocky for the night and i guarantee u will get bitches

>> No.7255816

>talking to people
Where do I start if I have no social circle?

>> No.7255817

Guess so...

>> No.7255820


No, you'll be the guy they talk about the next day when they ask each other "Who was that cockhead at the party last night?"

>> No.7255828
File: 228 KB, 601x292, 1365676807387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was 21 yo kissless virgin
>girl at bar says im hot gives me her number
>we meet up twice and goes really well
>both times end up in her bed
>kissing/ rubbing her vag
>first time couldnt get it up and she was just laying on top of me
>second time didnt pursue it when she was clearly hinting whilst in her bed
>tfw she doesnt reply to me anymore

I miss you jo

>> No.7255832

yeah or you know everyone at the party will just think you're an arrogant prick that got too drunk and annoying

>> No.7255842

ye theyll say who was that cockhead that fornicated with my wife last night

>> No.7255839


Say what you want about Catholics, they at least have the courage of their convictions.

>> No.7255841


true they think getting shaped = automaticly getting girls

same with people who think dressing nice = automaticly getting girls

it's more a state of mind i mean if you feel confident you will achieve more.

still you yust need dat 'Thirst' like go months on a hunger drive for Punani, especialy now winter is coming bitches be thirsty for something to warm them up.

also they got nothing to do cause its to cold to go outside so no excuses guys i want to see you back in a few months with the words I FINNALY DID IT.

>> No.7255846

sure sexuality is important for everyone but sex as in physical intercorse with a woman is probably great but i'm fine with fapping to a new thing every day. i'm a disgusting fat fuck so i would have to settle for a fat chick which i'm not going to do if i can get off on 10s.

>> No.7255847

because nice guys always finish last amirite????????? lol

*tips fedora*

>> No.7255862

stories plox

>> No.7255863

school / uni ? this is why not being a neet is important if you are occupied with something you will automaticly interact with people.

i found some cool people who i enjoy talking to in my college that i also hang out with outside school, also get a hobby a interest something that connects the ' circle '

>> No.7255872

>Don't get too clingy
i don't really hang around people alot so that should be easy
>Be unpredictable and have fun
ok so while we are having dinner maybe ask her random questions?

>do something different than what you have been doing the past 24 years of your life
that's kinda hard, i don't know what i'm doing wrong

>> No.7255878

i was fucking 5-6/10's rachet ass hoes when i was younger and no they weren't all that pleasing. maby cause it was to easy to get them laid, like it didnt take a lot of effort.

i like it more when i realy worked hard to get this girl in my bed and it works then i can get 100% satisfaction.

>> No.7255880

Two days before my 18th birthday.
Then had sex the morning after my birthday.

I thought it was going to be like that all the time. But no.

>> No.7255942

>Be 15 year old
>Lying to me brother's that i already did it.
>They caught my lying bullshit and they ougtha clap me were i stand

> few week later brother keeps asking me if i already did it like everyday our 2 for 3 months.
> Shit got me the encouragement to get rid of that shit.

> lost it month before i became 16

well atleast i made it

Part 2
> Lost virginity to 5/10 girl
> get a relationship with a 8/10 girl for like a halfyear
> she thinks she was my first and she was a virgin.

i still am ashamed of that 5/10 girl and tell most of the people that 8/10 was my first girl.

>> No.7255969

>first kiss at 18 at a toga party in my first year of university with some random sloot
>lost my virginity 6 months later to an incredible girl I met through mutual friends on a night out
>3 night stand
>tfw she moved to America the next week
>tfw I still harbour feelings towards her
>never been with a girl as amazing since
>tfw despite all this she's a promiscuous sloot

>> No.7255978

>8 more years until you become a wizard
I'm jealous.

>> No.7255982


lost it at age fourteen
one chump pop
wanted to die

>> No.7256000

this is exactly how i feel. i've read on /fa/ once that "asexuality" can sometimes just be a symptom of low testosterone. i'm thinking i might go and get myself checked out

>> No.7256009

When you work it out please post here. I'm finding it pretty much impossible.

>> No.7256020
File: 85 KB, 500x500, life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i barely watch any anime
i just spend like 10h+ everyday posting on forums
uni didnt work for me, I dont know anyone in my class, i fucking hate it there.

>> No.7256013
File: 85 KB, 612x612, tumblr_meheufvzFH1qlkii8o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally like 2 weeks ago at 20 years old man

felt good

>> No.7256045

Shit, that image is perfect.

>> No.7256049

21, abstinent. Have refused sex before. Is there something wrong with me?

>> No.7256056

Tomorrow after my dorm communitie's early Thanksgiving dinner.

I'll keep you all posted.

>> No.7256086

And I don't?

>> No.7256116

I'm a good looking guy (no really) who occasionally gets hit on, except I'm 5'10, super skinny (thyroid), look really young and a quiet recluse with rock bottom self esteem.

At age 28 I got my degree and moved out of my parent's house into a duplex. I spent thousands of my student loan money on fashion and a kick ass motorcycle. I started going to bars and busting my ass with OKC. After meeting some pretty sluts at bars who wanted one night stands that I was too inexperienced to provide, I finally got a date when I asked a gorgeous girl (no really) online to the book of mormon play.

Afterwards she went to Italy for two weeks and when she returned I finally made a move and we made out. I kept hitting my teeth against hers and bit the fuck out of her lips. She was confused about how experienced I was despite being older, but I told her I slept with a girl before (which I did a week prior, I just was too nervous to make a move)

A few weeks later we were drinking with her friends at her place and we tried to hook up in her bedroom. Tried to, because I was too anxious to get it up. I blamed it on the alcohol.

Finally we tried again a few days later, and when I got my boner I did everything down to doggy style. Now she was really confused about my sexual experience. I eventually told her, big mistake because she holds it against me to this day.

She's my first girlfriend and we've been together for half a year. We're running into bad problems now that hopefully we can work out, a short skinny recluse is pretty doomed from the get go, but at least I accomplished something that tortured me for a long time.

>> No.7256133

17 years master race

>> No.7256142

18. I always think of myself as undesirable, not part of the community and "that guy" because of bad experiences in high school. I still can't let go of the thoughts.

>> No.7256153
File: 262 KB, 650x842, 1360774855201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw had a lot of gfs and weird relationships with girls for 3 years, but unable to sex any of them since I'm too nervous about being shit at it or not getting it up at all.

Fuck this shit, none of my friends understand why I'm still a virgin and I can't talk about this shit with them.

>> No.7256160

18 with a girl who was a little chubby but looked really good otherwise. I felt nothing somehow.

>> No.7256184

13, I've always been a handsome fuck.

Had sex with a new girl last night. Top 10 best sex partner.

>> No.7256193

17, to a gf I loved who turned out to be a grimy slut. 21 now, avoidant since 18.

>> No.7256204

Stop watching porn bruv. Dopamine desensitization is the main reason a young guy would issues there. Go to a doc if it doesn't fix in a few months. I'm speaking from experience.

>> No.7256217

14, the first of my big group of friends in school

>> No.7256214

no, because nice guys at parties tend to harbor dark secrets and have passive-aggressive tendencies.

*tips fedora*

>> No.7256233
File: 128 KB, 1366x768, wizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Kamen Rider taught me anything, it's that wizards are /fa/ as fuck.

>> No.7256249

19 yo
kissless virgin

>> No.7256454
File: 992 KB, 500x281, drakesnow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a 19 year old virgin
i know i am going to sound like an asshole saying this, but i had girls lined up to hop on this dick but i'm maturing late and i just didn't feel like sexxing up girls without emotional attachment
so i could have probably lost my v card around 14 or 15 at earliest

i'm with a cute girl now
taking it relatively slow because i'm still an asspie with little to no sex drive
haven't fucked her but i've fingered her a few times and she's grabbed my cock
we'll probably get drunk again tonight and we'll see where alcohol takes us

wish me luck, friends

>> No.7256472

14. I proceeded to be in a relationship with this person for 5 years.

>> No.7256542
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All de bes bro

>> No.7256554

I'm 18, still haven't lost my virginity. Haven't dated a girl since I was 15, haven't kissed a girl since I was 16. Went on a date with some shy qt last week who turned out to be a bit of a clubslut. w2c introverted gf?

>> No.7256582

24 yo virgin. ask me anything

>> No.7256603
File: 177 KB, 612x612, 1377497761537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does it mean that virginity is a social construct and doesnt mean anything?

should i just fuck a slut then?

or is that said by people who fuck sluts and fell bad about it and try to tell them its okay?

>> No.7256609

17 years old. It was a 5:30am in my college dorm room to an 7.5/10 qt. I had a chance about a month earlier but I couldn't get it up because I was so nervous.

>> No.7256612

>be 16
>extremely un-/fa/
>lose virginity in car

>start dressing better
>girls hit on me
>still have highschool mindset and think every girl is out of my league
>too awkward to reply

>> No.7256624

men can't be virgins, but rather have sexual confidence (or lack thereof)

>> No.7256633

I know that feel, man. I the same as you, but I turn 23 tomorrow.

Sometimes I think some people were meant to be alone.

>> No.7256652

Fuck I'd give my right testicle for a pair of qasa highs ;_;

>> No.7256675

>24 year old kissless virgin, 25 in a few months

Dated a girl for awhile earlier this year but fucked it up

>> No.7256685


18. To my ex gf. Pretty boring but at the time I was starting to get worried I'd never lose it.

>> No.7256688



>> No.7256699

I had chicks who liked me all throughout high school.

I always to afraid to commit, and never acted on their advances.

Fast forward to college literally all my good friends went to school 3+ hours away, and since I'm an introvert and commute to school I never made any new friends.

I set up a pretty shitty situation for myself, I need to get a job or something to force myself to meet new people. I can be slightly awkard since I don't talk people a lot but I don't dress or act like an aspie, I just need to put myself out there more.

but yeah basically I'm a virgin because I was to scared to date in high school and then in college I never socialized with anyone :/

>> No.7256697


Post timestamp pic or admit to us all you're a 4/10 tops.

>> No.7256721

all these guys saying they're 25 are liars
nobody on 4chan save for losers like myself are here this long

15, not proud of it,
i have never had sex with a girl i was attracted to.
i always feel that attractive girls are out of my league, so i never really go after them irl, particularly because i am VERY unattractive

>> No.7256724

18 y/o virgin
if I lower my standards, maybe i'll lose it by 20

i also would be suspect of any girl that would actually fuck me.

>> No.7256730

honestly your not even that ugly, considering how actually fat you are your pretty good, if u lost weight u would be killing it IMO

>> No.7256739

>Ugly all through high school.
>Never talk to grills.
>Good looking now.
>Don't know how to talk to grills.


>> No.7256749
File: 12 KB, 266x374, 524486_10151725429665441_644927416_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although I was given the chance to lose it several times before hand, I waited until my 20's, when I gave it to my current 1st significant girlfriend, she was australian (dat accent). It was in a nearby hotel because we both went to college in different cities, and our parents were conservative. I couldn't finish and we went for close to four hours. When we got done, the fire alarm started going off. Boy, was I shit at eating out back then.

>> No.7256754

Shit, just like me, except I was younger. That has only wrecked my self-esteem even more and made me even more self conscious.

At least she was hot, tho. And I kinda liked her.

>> No.7256761

virgin, 21

reasons: closetfag + severe nearly deadly oneitis for straight best friend. It's been 5 years and hasn't got any better

>> No.7256775

I don't understand why people are worried about talking to girls, they're just like stupider versions of guys.

>> No.7256774

Sixteen, to a twenty year old who turned out to be batshit insane. Ended up in a relationship with said psycho for the next three years or so. Pretty weird time in my life.

>> No.7256781

It's not the talking to them.
It's talking to them in a way that makes them want to fuck you/be in a relationship with you.

We don't worry about those things when talking with guys

>> No.7256793

18. To Loveless.

>> No.7256804

Lebanon isn't that bad. Just go to the Christian/non-muslim areas

>> No.7256801

18. I'm a good Catholic.

>> No.7256818

Is there a /fa/ sex position or /fa/ way to please your woman?

>> No.7256819

Not if you're abstinent. Legit abstinent. Or you might be gay. Still nothing wrong, just try to explore that angle.

>> No.7256828

this has to be one of the funniest comments i've read all night

>> No.7256830

But the POINT is that I've wanted to be a wizard for a long time... The age is gonna be the hard part because no one's gonna fuck me till I'm 40 and they can't find anything better anyways.

>> No.7256854

>dat accent

you're an idiot. the Australian accent is the worst thing ever

>> No.7256863

How bad does anal hurt the first time? Like out of 10 on the pain scale? Does it feel good by the end of the first session?

>> No.7256885

It doesn't really "hurt" if the person does it right. If they rush in, then YEAH IT HURTS!!! If they take it easy and smoothly and slowly enter, then it just feels like your pooping. I find the first time very weird because I'm worried about relaxing my anus too much since, like anyone, I don't want to shit everywhere. The more you do it, the more pleasurable it becomes. Your body and mind starts recognizing the dilated sphincter as a sexual expression rather than meaning that you have to defecate.

>> No.7256921

im a 22 yr old virgin male muddle

>> No.7256940

Thanks brer

>> No.7256944

First girl I penetrated was when I was 17, but didn't actually nut inside until a different girl at 19 - felt like lightening bolts of pleasure through my entire body

>tfw it has never been, and never will be that same feeling again
>tfw jaded

>> No.7256952

*bro fist*

>> No.7257026

imo most /fa/ way to have sex is display godly stamina and show her the time of her life every night or just be so out of everyone's league that you finish whenever you want without caring how you're partner feels

>> No.7257034

i lost my virginity at 21.

i am now 23 and have a kid on the way


>> No.7257036

Yeah, this basically. Fuck her with no real regard to how it is for her - per se, and for fucks sake don't hurt her

Add in lasting 20 minutes absolute minimum, which does not include foreplay

>> No.7257049
File: 40 KB, 197x282, dr_mario2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whered this nigga go?

>> No.7257087

I had just turned 16, and only even thought about seriously having sex a few months before.

Basically I was like, "damn what the hell am i doing at school? i want to fuck someone"
it was like just acknowledging that fact was enough to make it happen.

took less than a month.

>> No.7257516

I mean I meet girls at meetups
and through mutual friends
did speed dating once and that was a'ight, will probably do it again

just haven't really met a girl that i've been interested in. some have shown interest in me but i typically find them unattractive so i don't do anything about it

>> No.7257538

top kek

>> No.7257554

to somebody I didn't love ;_;

>> No.7257650

So you're not a virgin, so I can't take your virginity?

>> No.7257664

16. With some random at a party. She was a bit thick, but still decent.
She started at my work a couple of weeks ago. We both recognise each other, but neither of us have/will say anything.

>> No.7257670

You're probably 8/10, 17, and are complete beta.

>> No.7257675



>> No.7257681

You're first instinct is always the best. Do not be too clingy

>> No.7257684



I'm sort of new to this board but I saw a trip called Dr. Mario on /adv/ a couple of weeks back. Is he a regualr here or something?

>> No.7257690


I'm almost 20 and I've never had any kind of romantic anything with anyone.

I expect my parents will arrange my marriage for me in another ten years or so

>> No.7257704


whenever I "step out of my comfort zone" I end up doing something moronic that I either immediately regret or look back on in six months and regret immensely

>> No.7257728

16. I find it very strange that I'm the only one of my 6 friends who isn't a virgin at 20 now. They are all cool dudes, no one is ugly or fat, most are quite fit, but it just didn't happen for them, somehow.

>> No.7257749


8/10 is p good since 9/10 is generally supermodel tier and 10/10 is based on subjective taste only

>> No.7257763
File: 20 KB, 550x457, 5893-natalie-portman-not-amused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me 16
>go with friends to open air festival
>be drunk as fuck with no tent
>some girl 15 yo is flirting with me
>we go to a tent, where i left my stuff
>3 girls sleeping there
>quietly start making out in the dark
>it's happening
>some assholes friends comes with flashlight
>this girls is on top of me
>all sweating
>those assholes looking at us and giggling
>3 girls in a tent wakes up
>completely shocked
>we finish in the woods

>> No.7257773

Whoa that is a funny pic b.

>> No.7257774

I can pretend if ur qt enuff ;)

>> No.7257801

>20 year old virgin.

If I don't loose my virginity by my birthday next year I'll probably just buy an escort and get it over and done with that way. Not very romantic but at least my anxiety will be gone and I can get on with my life.

>> No.7257831

But you've fucked before, you don't need me

>> No.7257856

I think I could have but I chose not to

>Be month and a half ago
>Be 18 year old kissless handholdless virgin
>At fashion related event
>Go for round 2 at a pub, get in because I was with a bunch of people in early - mid 20s
>Drink more
>23 year old asian girl takes me back to her apartment
>She starts making out with me
>Makes out with my multiple times
>Oh wow porn raised my expectations too high, making out isnt that special and I'm not really feeling this girl
>Put hand down her shirt, stop halfway and ask if she's ok
>She says ok so I feel her nipple
>She doesn't respond, I take it as a sign of not wanting to take it further so I stop
>Take a walk in downtown together at 4am and make out a few more times
>Wake up and do the walk of shame
>Go to 711 and have ice cream and churros for breakfast

>Mfw she tried to talk to me after that and wanted to come over to my place while my parents were home but I shut her down

>> No.7257863

14 with my ex-girlfriend

>> No.7257873

Pretty sure I was 20, first gf.

>> No.7257871

do you talk in memes in real life too

>> No.7257872


use the money of nice garms instead

smh putting pussy on a pedestal

>> No.7257874

was she cute

>> No.7257880

yeah. also posted as Starfucks 64. recently he's been posting as anonymous

>> No.7257887

15 to the first girl who actually fancied me, i was kind of an awkward shit, ended up dating her for a year and a bit despite hating her as a person.
lot of sex, ended up being boring though.

>> No.7257885

Mmmmmh, Ice cream and churros for breakfast...

>> No.7257886

fuck man, being in high school makes it fucking easy. What to talk about? your in school together; you have everything in the world to talk about. Share any classes? Have a teacher you mutually hate? the list could go on.
Just wait till your 22 and you see a qt cashier somewhere and realize you have nothing to say to her because now all you do is work and browse chinese cartoon forums.

>> No.7257889

>recently he's been posting as anonymous

>> No.7257898

buy something cheap, tell her that you only bought it because you wanted to talk to her

shit man get it together

>> No.7257896

Know this feel. Was 15, both of us very drunk, remember trying to get it hard enough to penetrate (lol whiskeydick) and then everything is a black hole until I woke up next morning, condom still on my dick.

I'm now 22 and lost it for real just a few weeks ago.

>> No.7257902

Age 20, a few weeks ago.

Still kissless though (weird prostitute rule)

>> No.7257904

how was it?

>> No.7257912

>despite hating her as a person
how comes?

>> No.7257914

>at least my anxiety will be gone
probably not, tbh

the content and style of his posts is pretty recognizable. >>7257847 is a very blatant example

>> No.7257921


Nothing special.
She was nice and looked like a younger Lisa Ann but I wasn't 100% hard and it took me a while to finish.
At least I'm not premature or impotent

>> No.7257922

she was just very boring as a person, we had virtually nothing in common that we could get into discussions about, she was clingy, too high maintenance, and would bitch about both her friends and then try to judge my friends for doing stuff like doing drugs or getting off with girls. She also talked about marriage and shit despite me being like 16 and her being 17, it was fucking disgusting.

>> No.7257926


that isnt even close to how starfucks posted smfh

>> No.7257935

don't really understand the appeal of prostitutes tbh

foreplay is v important imo. like when a girl is rubn ur turgid peen on the outside of ur pants

its almost as satisfyin making a girl moan as it is to get ur nut off nahmsayn

but i guess that depends on what kinda prostitute you get

>> No.7257950

he fucking signed it at the bottom.

>> No.7257981


It was just to lose my virginity, I don't get the regulars either

>> No.7257991

still virgin @ 21
(and im a girl if that matters)

>> No.7258002

by choice?

>> No.7257997


post a fit

>> No.7258012

I think this is good advice. I stopped watching 3 weeks ago. Lost my virginity 2 weeks ago. My plan is to from now on fap once a week when the weekend is over and completely avoid porn to just make me more genuinely physically attracted to regular girls and regular sex (not the crazy fetish porn stuff).

>> No.7258014

sort of. waiting for a ltr

of what my body?
i'm 5'4" 108lbs..not fat or that ugly or anything

>> No.7258035

Lol. Liked this one.

>> No.7258044

>waiting for a ltr
and how do you expect that to happen without sex?

ps anything you say is gonna

>> No.7258047

what's an ltr?

>> No.7258055

im going to wait 6 months so i know he's serious about me and doens tjust want me for sex

long term relationship

>> No.7258063

that's cool
I hope you meet a nice guy

>> No.7258066

long-term relationship

>> No.7258065
File: 25 KB, 800x575, w0ggtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw stupid romatic idealist

ur pretty though, you should have a easy time dating?

>> No.7258067

pls be in london

>> No.7258069

thanks :3

>> No.7258080

aw thanks love

i have an easy time getting dates but no one seems to stick around. it's probably my personality and jaded-ness. i prob wouldn't date myself either (as emo/neurotic as that sounds)

>> No.7258107
File: 185 KB, 750x1000, 75891-fishing-for-attention-meme-zpY4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(and im a girl if that matters)

>> No.7258266

That does make a difference, fucking fag

>> No.7258288

It means that you are no different of a person, or does your value as a person change, just because you put your dick in/got dick put in you.

>> No.7258295

or you just jack off too much

>> No.7258320

Prom night. It was pretty bad. Only lasted 7 minutes. I blame the porn industry for setting up unrealistic standards of 30 minute to hour long sessions.

>> No.7258325

Gay male 22 and virgin. Yay.

>> No.7258326

14, i was such an awkward kid at 14. Still amazes me.

>> No.7258327

14 to 15 year old neighbor
It was weird to say the least because midway through her cat jumped onto the bed

>> No.7258349

I was 16, lost it to another 16 year old virgin.

Can't complain really.

>> No.7258351

u are generalizing but im not surprised

>> No.7258353

I lost mine in a drunken 3 way at a party when i was 16, it was p cool.

>> No.7258356

I lost my virginity to a cute guy

>> No.7258381

Can't remember if 18 or 19.

>> No.7258394

21 kissless virgin. I actually had the chance for my first kiss back in August to a drunk girl, but then I found out she lives a block away. I had no intention to ever talk to her again, so you know... don't shit where you eat.

>> No.7258414


Losing your virginity to a whore is worse than not losing it at all. Besides, the possible STDs aren't worth it at all. And you'll regret not losing to someone better.

>> No.7258413
File: 10 KB, 493x402, 1357211149654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 17 year old skinny depressed dude
>had nothing going for me
>had an epiphany
>became dedicated to lifting, thus becoming confident
>be 18
>join POF to try find a slut to fuck
>manage to find a 16 year old qt 3.14 virgin
>so happy that i managed to trade virginities & experience experimentation etc
>fucked with her 4x that first day
>fuck 3 more girls (aged between 17 - 23 the following 2 months)

>> No.7258429

>implying losing virginity to some POF "slut" is a good thing

sorry anon but oh boy have i got news for you

>> No.7258432
File: 32 KB, 267x280, 1354794100951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that reading comprehension

>> No.7258558

never seen your posts but I already know youre a shitty trip

>> No.7258600

For some reason I think a lot of people think of me as very serious

Like when they see me smoking weed or something they are always like "you? didnt know you would do something like that"

It might be because I am good at school and don't talk that much to people I don't know

Is this a good thing to have or not?

>> No.7258620

You're probably just coming off as a bit inapproachable. I think I have a similar problem

>> No.7258627


how do i come off as more approachable?

i have been talking to more people lately and they all like me but yeah

>> No.7258683

Hell if I know. I've thought about it myself but I couldn't really come up with anything worthwhile. Might be better to not worry about it since you're never in full control of the image others have of you

>> No.7258700


i guess we could use it to some sort of advantage but idk

>> No.7258701

I think starting conversations and being friendly is most of it.

>> No.7258706

How old are you euro ?

>> No.7258710

I have a question. How likely would it have been to lose your virginity sans alcohol?

>> No.7258738

I guess yeah. I think of myself as pretty friendly but I'm also shy and weirdly egocentrical sometimes

>> No.7258918

same thing with me bro

>> No.7259307
File: 88 KB, 900x675, 900x900px-LL-56782760_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 18, freshman in college. Still a virgin, but I stopped caring a few years back.

I don't need to have sex to prove my masculinity or anything like that.

I've never really felt like having sex was all that important. I mean, I've been horny, but I'm not worried at all about getting it in.

I've only ever had one girlfriend and that was a shitty relationship. It was my fault really. There was just no communication, and I was afraid to take things to the next level.

When I tell people now that I'm a virgin or that I've only had one girlfriend they're usually really surprised. Apparently I get a lot of stares/flirting from girls without noticing. Which is nice to hear, but also makes me feel kinda sad. I don't know why. I always thought I was ugly, so maybe I'm just not used to the attention.

I guess being depressed for a decade starting from when I was in first grade could have something to do with how I feel now. :/

well that's my story. I didn't read the thread, but anyone who feels inadequate about being a virgin should try to keep in mind that sex isn't everything in life. Far from it. just try to keep a positive attitude about the future, allow yourself to have fun when you can, and be kind to other people without sacrificing yourself. If you can trust yourself then there's no reason to be ashamed about not having sex. Sex doesn't make you a good person. Being a good person makes you a good person.

>> No.7259873
File: 191 KB, 688x500, The music of Erich Feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have to listen to friends stories of fucking a girl you find extremely qt
>also a virgin

>> No.7260468


When are you planing on leaving?

>> No.7260489

>I'll lose it eventually
Jeez, way to make yourself sound like a sociopath.