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7254228 No.7254228[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I was gonna post this on /fit/ but I like you guys more

So Im looking to start lifting weights but I don't know what program to do to get the results I want. Im skinny looking to become like pic related. I heard Starting Strength is the go to but I've also read that it makes your legs huge which I don't want.

Is there another program that will let my legs be inbetween t rex and skeleton and let me fit in skinny jeans or just do SS?

tl;dr how 2 skinny ----> ottermode

>> No.7254236

Don't train legs if you don't want big legs

>> No.7254246


do ss but don't squat 3x5

do 2 rep front squats or something

still do heavy compounds just don't squat so much

also maybe alternate squats and deadlifts or something

>> No.7254253

SS will DEFINITELY put you into T Rex mode. That's just what squatting 3x/week does to your legs.

Source: I did SS.

>> No.7254330

>SS will DEFINITELY put you into T Rex mode. That's just what squatting 3x/week does to your legs.
This. My thighs are huge compared to even my abs which have had my biggest gains, but YOLO; I'm not /fa/ in the least so I don't care if I look ridiculous. The thing you have to remember is that you will have to "bulk" to gain muscle then "cut" to lose fat. Just follow SS for your first few months while upping your calorie intake. When it starts getting to ~March or so, cut your Calories to about 1500 a day while continuing to lift so you can get dat swimsuit body or whatever. You will gain fat when bulking and you will not make gains while cutting. That's just how it works and if it isn't going that way you aren't doing it right.

>> No.7254339

>squatting 3x/week

>> No.7254362

Front squats don't work your legs as much?

any other workout I could supplement for the squats?

and yeah I read the sticky
it says I should eat about 16x my bodyweight in calories to bulk and then cut

>> No.7254364

OP, this is a tough one. If you want to make the quickest gains, squats and deadlifts are key, so something like SS will be best, You can do something different after you've completed SS to balance your physique out and then you'll be alright. But, this will take a long time. If you do it though, you'll look amazing.
Or, pick a program like Zion 5x5 or the Texas Method or something and get overall development at the cost of quick gains and future awesomeness. But, you'll look better more quickly. It depends how patient you are.

>> No.7254380

because I was a noob back then and SS was the go to advice for skeletons

>> No.7254381

It's the difference between /fit/ and /fa/. Not squatting without replacing it with other lifts throws /fit/ out the window. Squats are the most important lift because it gets so many muscle groups. But this is /fa/ where stick-people reign supreme and fitness is futile.

>> No.7254409

>i did SS
crap source - you could have short legs, naturally muscular legs or didn't get the form right with the upper body lifts. Not saying that any of these are true, but from anyone's perspective but yours, this could be possible.

>> No.7254451

what lifts can you replace squats with

>> No.7254468

I don't know because I've never looked into replacing squats.


>> No.7254485

I lurk a lot on various fitness forums online for progress pics and found that 8 out of 10 people who started SS from skeleton mode went on to T Rex mode.

Broscience I know, but I believe SS is infamous for developing your lower body faster than your upper body simply due to the frequency of squats per week.

>> No.7254517

T-Rex might be a bit exaggerated but it certainly will kill any chance of you wearing really skinny pants.

>> No.7254520

I was a skeleton like you just 5 months ago. I am 18 y/o 165 cm (5'5) and weighed 49 kg (108 lbs) when I started at June 1st.
Today I am 57 kg (125 lbs), and am maybe about half way to becoming like ops pic. The key things are:

Eat correctly. Cut out all soda and candy(allow yourself a cheat day 2 times a month or so). Because you're a skeleton you can allow yourself junk food every once in a while, but don't base your diet on it. You want to eat more calories than you burn off, so eat a shitton and lift a lot and you will see gains.

The correct suppliments. The most important ones are Protein and Creatine(worked for me at least, people are bound to have mixed opinions), you want to do your internet research on it though.

Work out at least 3 times a week. You want to lift heavier weights less times rather than light weight often.

Always have a rest day at least 2 times a week.

My routine is Chest+Triceps+Abs, Back+Biceps+Shoulders, Legs+abs, rest. You will have to find a program that suits your "schedule".

Whatever you do, DON'T do these things:
Steroids, just fucking don't do it
Quit after 2 weeks because you aren't seeing instant results
Tell someone that obviously has more experience than you how to do things in the gym, don't embarrass yourself

You are starting a bulking phase my friend.
tl;dr: Eat a lot, lift a lot, use creatine and protein, don't do roids

>> No.7254527
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>> No.7254530

I'm a proud manlet, height is something I just have no control over

>> No.7254531

>My routine is Chest+Triceps+Abs, Back+Biceps+Shoulders, Legs+abs, rest. You will have to find a program that suits your "schedule".

could you expand on this like what do you mean, "my schedule"

and do you count calories? if so how much do you intake


>> No.7254533

maybe I'm just jealous as a lanklet that you can actually work out and get results pretty damn easy.

>> No.7254541

Schedule: I'm working late on Thursdays and Sundays, so I have those as my rest days. You just have to make your plan so it doesn't interfere with school/work/family stuff/whatever

I don't count calories, at least not at the moment. I eat as much as I can, usually before I get hungry.

>> No.7254545

you shouldn't try to if you have the choice but it's not impossible to have a good physique without squats and deadlifts. there are people with damaged backs that replace those exercises with leg press and more isolation exercises. don't be lazy though. if you can do them, do them.

>> No.7254547

>implying hungry skeletons can help you achieve ottermode

>> No.7254548

I heard the effects of creatine fuck you up later on in life. I know absolutely nothing about it but it's just something I've seen while browsing /fit/.

>> No.7254558

sounds like you fell to some troll. creatine is safe. you should stop taking it though while cutting because it can trap quite a bit of water in your muscles and make you look fatter than you are.

>> No.7254566

I heard that Creatine is the most studied supplement on the market, and if you don't exceed the recommended dose you're good. I take a teaspoon 1/2 hour before workout and another one straight after workout

>> No.7254572

your pics is ugly get lost attentionwhore

>> No.7254575

Are you me?
I am 5'7" (170cm).
I started at 48kg, currently at 56kg. My goal is 70kg.

We'll get there..

Also where do you buy dress shirts other than H&M?

>> No.7254577

join a water polo team.
>went from 115lbs to 140 of pure muscle
>get bitches

>> No.7254580

idk whats wrong with it
can you show me good pics

I just googled fit and thats what I got

>> No.7254597

do stronglifts 5x5
take my advice, and start with low weights. there are two reasons for this
1) if you start too heavy, you will reach your max too early and lose motivation, and possibly injure yourself
2) your form is the most important thing. start with literally just the bar and working your way up is the best way to perfect your form for all workouts

literally just start with the bar for all workouts in SL5x5. in 12 weeks you will be squatting 200lb

>> No.7254631

> 165cm
Where do all these midgets come from?

>> No.7254637

People bash SS because they only try it for a few months without any accessory workouts. Yeah, it makes your legs huge at first because that's just how your quads respond to training for the first time. After a while the rest of your body will become proportional WITH ACCESSORY WORKOUTS. People seem to forget about these.

I tried SS for a few months, I saw results but like another anon said you max out. To continue to make SS gains you have to deload and slowly work your way back up to your max, hopefully now you're able to go higher.

Also no routine will make any part of your body "too huge". It's such a slow process, if you ever feel your body is not proportioned then adjust accordingly.

Hope this helps, just don't over bulk past %15 bodyfat. I was really skinny, over bulked by about 10 lbs (not too bad, but I had to cut for 2 months).

>> No.7254674

Pics aren't ottermode anymore. This is way too bulky.

>> No.7254687

skinny fat raf simmon fagget detected
go goofninja elsewhere

>> No.7254788

All t-shirts are expensive as fuck where I live, no H&M, no GAP, nothing, 30-40$ is standard for a normal t-shirt. I have to buy them of aliexpress, they have asian sizes and are cheap.
My goal is 60 kg in the end of 2013

>> No.7254800

Don't get like the guys on the pic if u r not alpha and can't fight. Ripped disproportional nerds look pathetic cos it's still there on their faces

>> No.7254843

Train like a bodybuilder to look like a bodybuilder.
5 day split (one group of muscles per day) with rep ranges around 8-10 reps per set. Make sure you use the full range of movement for each exercise for hypertrophy to gain size.

>> No.7254850

It doesn't matter what supplements he takes if he doesn't produce enough testosterone. That is the only thing that can keep him from progress. I recommend Tribulus Terrestris for that. It's great for your balls and makes you a beast.
Creatine is great. About protein powder... I'd go all natural and eat stake and bacon 'till I drop.

Workout structures are available on bodybuilding.com, tribesports.com and many other sites.
Workout your legs. Never neglect your calves.

You want to lift for hypertrophy. That means 2 to 4 sets each containing 8 to 12 reps.
Once you start lifting you won't wanna stop till you become a tank.

>> No.7254851

theirs nothing more pathetic than seeing genetically inferior in the gym trying to fight with nature

>> No.7254881

get off your high horse mate, at least these people are fucking trying.

>> No.7254885

>5 day split
5 day split is too complicated for beginners. I would recommend 3 days per week: chest + triceps, back + biceps, legs + delts. Just some basic stuff, no isolated exercises.

>> No.7254889

I second that

>> No.7254890

>giving advice

>> No.7254894

Can't I do a few compound lifts MWF and pullups erryday?

>> No.7254912

You can do that, if you want (i do), but do only 50% of your max reps, because your muscles will not have time to rest = no gains.

>> No.7254929


u won't gain much size with low reps

you shouldn't completely abandon them

they're important (you should read the starting strength book, there's a torrent of it) but you can change the rep ranges and how often you do them.

>> No.7254943
File: 563 KB, 738x560, Screen shot 2013-11-17 at 7.52.33 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i built my body doing push ups pull ups hanging leg raises handstand pushups and pistol squats, no gym membership, except i dont do it anymore

>> No.7254957

>that pic

>> No.7254977

>oversized back with no definition
>no traps

>> No.7254994

Calisthenics are underrated as fuck. Easier and cheaper too.

>> No.7255031

Why the fuck would you abandon squats? Just don't eat so much and you won't gain that much in actual mass. Strength is important, don't be a weakling.

>> No.7255035

>SL 5x5

my nigger

>> No.7255048

Seconding this.

I started SS 3x5 two months ago and went from struggling with the bar and having unbearable pain in my legs afterwards to now squatting 115 (almost 1plate). World of a difference in strength.

>> No.7255056

mfw i want to work out but all of these fitness plans involve a bit of cardio and i enjoy smoking too much to completely give up


i guess cardio and lifting and smoking is better than smoking and doing nothing

any smokers here that work out?

>> No.7255260

I smoke, a pack a day.

It's fine start out easy and then progressive at a steady pace longer.

I'm on ICF 5x5, I do some cardio on off days. It's hard but it gets better and better.

>> No.7255278

Just don't smoke right before you work out like some idiot - I do cardio; feels good man

>> No.7255343

5 months to gain 17lbs

pls go

>> No.7255359
File: 138 KB, 466x550, Lucky's.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger I only do cardio and I smoke all day erry day. It's really not that big of a deal, but I guess I don't smoke a pack a day like some people. Just think about all those WWII soldiers that were ripped and smoked like chimney's. It's definitely attainable m8

>> No.7255389

This thread is full of mis-information OP. Why the fuck did you ask this on a fashion board?

Anyway, yes, your legs will grow larger on SS. NO, front squats do not "use the legs less", they simply have more of a focus on the duadriceps than back squats.

Just do a push/pull split with a little bit of leg work or a push/pull/legs split with a small legs day if you don't care about strength.

It's also not really true that you need to "bulk" to gain muscle. Especially if you're not very swole. Just eat at a consistent, minor calorific surplus.

>> No.7255390

What's the best way to go from Skinnyfat to Ottermode?

>> No.7255402

>it makes your legs huge at first because that's just how your quads respond to training for the first time

>To continue to make SS gains you have to deload and slowly work your way back up to your max

When I did SS i followed some dude on /fit/'s advice to fail a lift three times before deloading. Helped my squat a lot but I became the guy at my gym who was always failing squat reps.

>> No.7255405

lift weight, eat more

>> No.7255411
File: 71 KB, 750x951, 1383589707589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Jared Leto otter mode? I like that skinny but well defined muscles look.

How to achieve something like this? I'm currently 6'4 and 162lb.

>> No.7255417

Won't eating more just make me more skinny fat? Shouldn't I be doing loads of cardio to burn the fat and give better muscle definition?

>> No.7255418


>> No.7255439

How does eating more give you a ridiculously low body fat? Surely you would have to cut to look this defined

>> No.7255447
File: 433 KB, 983x502, Screen Shot 2013-11-16 at 6.28.25 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats your body going to build muscle with?

>> No.7255614

Protein. If you have a higher calorie intake you will just get fat.

>> No.7255631

You need to get more calories from protein and less calories from carbs. If you just eat carbs you will get fat, if you eat a balanced amount of the two you will build muscle

>> No.7255632

It's called ketosis. Eating no sugars/carbs makes your liver real ease an enzyme that turns body fat into ketone bodies which replace glucose as a cellular source for producing ATP/ADP

>> No.7255699

deadlifts and front squats

u can fast after leg day if u like but you'll have to wait a long time to recover

>> No.7255711

>liking /fa/ more than /fit/

>> No.7256032
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>yfw he's 42

>> No.7256034

i go out drinking/taking drugs wednesdays, thursdays, fridays, saturdays and sometimes sundays. usually starting at about 6pm straight after work. how do i find the time to work out? i'm anorexic at the moment. will i have to give up this lifestyle if i want to get an ottermode body

>> No.7256078
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thank you
very helpful

I posted on fit and they told me to man up and do SS

Is this routine any good?
if not ill just do what you said

>> No.7256081

>Steroids, just fucking don't do it

How come?

>> No.7256084


you'll just have to make the time dude

are your days full up? just go earlier or sacrifice a bit of the time you usually spend ruining your body

>> No.7256096

i work full time 10am - 6pm mon-fri. as u might imagine, i have issues waking up in the morning so i can't really do anything then. it's also hard trying to force myself to work out when i have hangovers on the weekend. i might try taking some days off but life is so boring otherwise

>> No.7256108


I have never heard more bullshit than this. It has been proved many times that a calorie is a calorie.

>> No.7256129
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>tfw chest gap

What do, /fa/?

>> No.7256136


>> No.7256308

nice bods.

>> No.7256363

Apart from abs you look like total shit from a /fit/ perspective. However, in the real world, to normal people, congrats.

>> No.7256367
File: 500 KB, 1488x3571, progress overview 17-11-13 small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just man up 4real.

Yes, you will probably not fit into skinny jeans anymore, and you will have kinda big legs for a while. BUT, you only run SS for a half a year max, after that you can do whatever (And have faster gains 'cus you're decently strong).

ALSO you'll come to realize you don't want superskinny legs, but a balanced, athletic, and strong body. How that ends up looking depends on your frame (For me, I'm pretty short 5"7 so my legs will naturally look pretty short and bulky, but that's just the way my body is so I rock it.
Tall people can have the opposite problem where they have a hard time adding leg mass.

I did SL (SS with more volume) with som extra pullups and shit for a few months, and made great gains. After that I looked kinda T-rex-y for a while, but it evened out when I switched programs to a "squat-1-2x-a-week-program". The lower body/ hip strength and mental fortitude you develop squatting 3x a week and constantly trying to add weight will help you later on. Also its okay to add some curls and stuff on the end of your sessions, WHEN you have the basic lifts down.

This motivated me to make a progress pic.

>> No.7256373

MMF that fucking ASS I would tear that up, bro.

>> No.7256395

You look better before.

>> No.7256406


your body is weird and ugly now

it was ok b4

>> No.7256414


thx bby its waitin 4u

It actually gets girls tho. Grabbing galore at parties.

I've actually gotten drunk a few times and ended up squatting girls and later fooling around w/them. Seems to work great to establish intimate contact and I guess it seems impressive to non-lifters


Yeah, as I said I'm getting chubby, so I don't really have any definition anymore. I tend to store fat on my hips to so it messes majorly with my proportions too. When I eventually cut down I'll have the same body shape, but with muscles. I just need that 3 plate deadlift first.

>> No.7256432

i look better than 90% of fit users including you

>> No.7256430

>I was going to post this to the board where it would be perfectly relevant, but I decided to be a fucking idiot

>> No.7256433

why dont you do SS but lower the leg workout frequency and weight... seems fuckin logical to me.

>> No.7256439

what do you do for cardio m8

>> No.7256442

live my life

>> No.7256444

so nothing

>> No.7256446

Holy fuck, are you serious? Do you honestly think that protein calories translate into fat? Jesus you are retarded.

In order to build muscle your body needs the correct amount of protein, enough healthy fats to allow the protein to rebuild your muscle, and enough carbs to provide energy to your body without your body needing to burn either proteins or fats to fuel itself and harm the muscle rebuilding process.

If you don't even know that basic shit you shouldn't even be fucking posting about this.

>> No.7256487

you think the same pathways in your body process carbs and fats? do you think anyone had fucking diabetes before we as a society had cheap, nutrient-free carbs?

>> No.7256531


disgusting. You had a pretty /fa/ body and ruined it.

>> No.7256574
File: 107 KB, 1080x720, 72913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will teach everyone how to reach /fa/ body mode once and for all listen up nigs

Its really simple
Depending on where you are currently
Losing weight? Eat 10-12x body weight in cals
Gaining weight? 13-15x
Maintain? 12-13x
Ok diet basics are down, drink only water if you want a beautiful face as well

This is going to surprise you all:

40 dips
40 pushups
40 sit ups
treadmill for 10 minutes
every morning

>> No.7256578

>40 dips
You're implying that anybody on this board could do 5 dips, let alone 40, bro.

>> No.7256583

i really do forget this sometimes

>> No.7256590

If you can't do 40 then you just work up to it, no one starts out strong.

>> No.7256589

I've been doing SS for about 2.5 months now and I can hit 10x9x7 dips, 40 would be quite a bit. I can hit around 25 consecutive push ups. I could probably hit the 40 situps, but situps are bad for you.

>> No.7256595

Substitute with leg raises.

>> No.7256593

>wide hips
>no lower ab definition
>chest protrudes in clothing
do not want

>> No.7256599

>tfw too poor to afford gym and supplements

I'd be pretty damn happy if I could just have a morning calisthenics routine for the rest of my days. Doing some pullups and pushups and whatever 3 days a week, 30 min of HI cardio the other 3, this + the decent diet and loadsa water I already drink should get me decent shape eventually, and for progress I'd just increase the reps every week or so.

>> No.7256600

Meh, as long as you're doing SS properly, your core will be worked out enough for you not to need to do ab exercises.

>> No.7256607

Increase reps and adjust routine. Either way, you don't need a gym to have heavy objects. Fuck, I've got a 45lbs bag of cat litter I could use as a weight.

>> No.7256635

You don't need a gym to get fit m80. Push ups, leg raises, and pull ups.

>> No.7256645

i skateboard etc etc, cardio is boring as hell

>> No.7256664

BEST PIECE OF ADVICE I CAN GIVE: if you have shit genetics dont even try with this shit, cause ur nothing and will never be.... theirs nothing more pathetic then seeing a genetically inferior human being in the gym trying to battle with nature, just cut the crap and accept that u aint shit , dont be stubborn, be yourself

>> No.7256676

>painted nails
What the. . .

>> No.7256710

u fuckin' chug why you even on /fa, god damn rez turd

>> No.7256720

i dont get it computer nerd

>> No.7256725

eh, i was initially only able to do 5-10 dips in a row. if you work on it 2-3x a week, in about a month or so you can do 40 no problem. if you are eating and resting correctly, that is.

>> No.7256767

you don't get it?, you listerine drinking bow bender,
since when the fuck have you gas huffing, seal clubbers ever been /fa

>> No.7256771

at least those people who "ain't shit" are trying, you piece of shit

>> No.7256824

feelings caught

>> No.7256869

Are you stupid? No-one on /fa/ knows shit about fitness. Just post to /fit/ asswipe

>> No.7256886

yea cause fitness is really hard top kek

>> No.7256956

the only good looking natives are half white, and even they are just ok looking, so your statement goes perfectly with chugs and fashion

>> No.7256969

Do your own research and avoid fit. I haven't dug too much through their stick, but the fit diet tl:dr infograph is a gift from the heavens

Otherwise, I've seen fit tell other people, as well as myself the absolute wrong thing to do, and that's a bit more damaging than giving someone bad fashion advice and snickering

As far as I'm concerned, OP posted in the right place because we're interested in a certain body type that seems beyond fit's tunnel-visioned scope

>> No.7256989

all that gave you that body?

>> No.7257003

wtf. even I can do 25 push ups and I'm so out of shape.

>> No.7257007


you look like a butch lesbian lol

>> No.7257013

i look better than you

>> No.7257023

prob pretty short

>> No.7257035

that's crazy simple
I just ended my gym membership after quitting my job so I'll definitely pick this up

>> No.7257050

lol. Oh dear.

You know how people post threads on /fa/ when /fit/ trys to talk about clothing.

>> No.7257276

leg press, lunges, deadlift, leg extension(but not really)

>> No.7257285

what about skateboard squats?

>> No.7257314

alert: this will make you look nithing like his pic related.
dan u said urself ur /fit/ why would you post such a shit routine and try to sell it with tiny?

>> No.7257319

no absolutely not those won't work any of the same muscles

>> No.7257323

eat 2300+ calories daily+ and read the /fit/ sticky,

>> No.7257331
File: 47 KB, 500x375, tumblr_migas8qbNj1rjks8vo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will teach u all how to get aesthetics listen up faglords

eat whatever you want just add creatine to your sick bulking shakes (don't overdose)

benchpress 1x500
2cep curl 5x100
pushups: 2x250

everyday. (overtraining is a mith)

>> No.7257777

>almost no fat at all
>may be be /fit/ and /fa/

You must be so weaak right now with such a ripped body you couldn't even fight a 130lbs midget. Lifting is the only thing you can do with such a routine. Basically you weaken yourself while creating muscles.

Being and looking /fit/ may be one important thing but i think there is a big difference with being /fa/ cause it also is a way of life. There is a difference imo between looking /fit/ and strong and actually being strong (wich is /fa/). I think lifting only isnt enough to be /fa/. Your body must breathe actual strength and this one looks so weak. It even looks overtrained.

If you people want to be /fit/ dont't only lift or i swear you will just become pussies thinkign you're /fa/ but actually aren't.
Nevar forget to practice real sports wich won't make you slower and weaker while beocming stronger.

The same lifting routine isn't good for your internal organs. Take one day or two per week running, bicycling, praticing kmartial arts or something.

Im stoned right now so may be my text won't meke sense at all and i'm too lzay to read myself again. Hope you'll getr the idea.

>> No.7257819

if you stop taking it you'll lose more muscle during a cut

>> No.7257821

disgusting I'm sorry

>> No.7257836

Half a year SL5x5
Half a year 5/3/1
I have a sizeable ass but still fit in skinny jeans. Just don't bulk as much as those fucko's in /fit/ do.

>> No.7257924

You mutilated your body, good luck getting back to your original form that looked ok.
That's why I don't lift.

>> No.7257960

nigga I'll do this and if it doesn't work I'll rob your house

>> No.7257990

I'm assuming squats give you big thighs. Is there an exercise to get bigger calves?

>> No.7258026
File: 304 KB, 1313x608, loolza2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I train only upper body only pretty much, I trained legs a little to get them bigger but since then I have stopped. Goal physique is like those guys on the right of my picture.

Took me about 1 year and a bit to get from where I was in the first pic to the current one. Will probably take me another year or more to get to my goal.

Don't do starting strength just start doing something like

chest/shoulders/triceps - 2 times a week
back/biceps/forearms/abs - 2 times a week
calf raises

>> No.7258037


>> No.7258042

went from 6'2 150lbs to 6'3 190lbs by the way

>> No.7258389

>don't do starting strength
>only do machine weights
Enjoy not being able to pick up a sandbag.

>> No.7258423

You're not going to get huge legs anytime soon OP, and by the time you start to, SS requires pulls up, deadlifts, and other upper body exercises, so that you grow in proportion.

The main reason for doing squats is that it actually pumps testosterone into your body because it's such an intense/compound exercise. Testosterone helps you build muscle, but also makes you less awkward and better around girls. Your choice.

>> No.7258458
File: 86 KB, 610x864, 1373645427897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/ here, these guys look like fucking faggots and so do you. You can start training your legs and be a man or stay a queer. There are not work outs for your ugly ass face though.

>> No.7258459

what kind of work outs did you do pal?

>> No.7258468

huge dysmorphia
You look like a stick faggot.

>> No.7258573

get out

>> No.7258585

idk if squat people are still in here but I want to get my legs bigger, I'm 19,145 pounds and 6"1

I know HOW to squat but how often should I and in what sets? Can I squat with hand weights?

>> No.7258593

Make me you fucking faggot.

>> No.7258594
File: 15 KB, 360x336, 1383451393234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beta twig faggot talking

>> No.7258595

Just go to a gym, get a membership and fucking squat. 3 times a week on a fullbody program like ICF 5x5, SL 5x5 or SS 3x5 (with rows instead of cleans).

>> No.7258611

>not a being huge fucking meatball means beta
damn fit must be insecure

>> No.7258619

Do you think it would be worth it to get a personal trainer for one hour just so I know I'm doing it right?

>> No.7258632

Yes, if you can find a good one. From my experience the vast majority will

1) Tell you not to squat
2) If they are showing you form, will tell you not to break parallel (muh knees)
3) Won't actually know good form

Best choice is to find a good PT with certifications online in your area and hire him. But beware that you probably have some flexibility limitations like almost every body else that will hinder your progress which will require additional stretching work.

>> No.7258642
File: 35 KB, 816x612, 1362824031243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can crush you like the fucking beta stick you are, therefor you're beta as shit

>> No.7258652
File: 114 KB, 500x500, 1375599842874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that looks good

>> No.7258665

you look horrendous
kill yourself shitball

>> No.7258668
File: 15 KB, 300x400, 1362548734656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying it's me
you fucking fag really don't know anything about fitness

>> No.7258674

>not being skellington masterrace
it's like you don't even want to look like an androgenous skinny fag
get out of /fa/ meatsack

>> No.7258679

Yeah that looks pretty disgusting. How do you even wear pants?(even though 99% chance that pic isnt you)

>> No.7258680

This is the funniest thing ever.

>> No.7258682

Typical /fa/ggot

>> No.7258687

U mad meatball?

>> No.7258688

We're on /fa/ after all
what'd you expect?
go back to /fit/ nigger

>> No.7258694

you're ugly as shit you no legs hobo looking fuck. Nothing you can do with a face like that

>> No.7258711
File: 1.54 MB, 320x180, KILLACAM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys need to leave the house

>> No.7258720

>stating the obvious

>> No.7258723

So you like an hourglass figure on men? Calling us faggots lmao

>> No.7258758

where do I do dips without a dip bar thing?
Is there any way of doing dips if I don't have proper equipment?

>> No.7258773

I bought a walker from the swapmeet for $5

>> No.7258788
File: 44 KB, 252x150, 1346138862784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting to look like OP pic

>> No.7258807

fatty/skeleton detected

>> No.7258815

will they ever learn?

>> No.7258839
File: 743 KB, 2048x1536, 1383599677628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly you could have gotten a better upper body with squats. I don't know if the whole "squats release growth hormone" shit is true, but when I started doing squats in my routine I gained muscle everywhere faster and my physique started looking much thicker and better.

I can understand not wanting huge quads, but neglecting your legs all together is just not healthy. Hamstring to core strength ratio determines a lot in the ways of posture, and hyper-lordosis/hypo-lordosis doesn't look good on anyone.

>> No.7258931
File: 233 KB, 960x720, august2013 (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw nothing fits

>> No.7258936

men that look like girls and obsess over clothing is funnier

>> No.7258948
File: 62 KB, 640x480, underconstruction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i did tiny's routine op. Although it doesnt really matter what routine you do as long as lift heavy and eat a lot.
>pic related

>> No.7258949
File: 76 KB, 352x499, tisforyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nothing wrong with being a T-Rex

>> No.7258953
File: 34 KB, 425x283, 1380436281940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7258960


u fucking jooccy

>> No.7258961
File: 204 KB, 404x416, 1382221280303.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not because youre huge it looks bad, but because the legs are broader than your arms which makes you look like an alien from a 40's sci fi movie

>> No.7258962


>5 months ago
>Dont tell someone that obviously has more experience than you how to do things in the gym, don't embarrass yourself

dat irony

>> No.7258972

whatever you guys decide to do, please include steroids
its much faster and not as bad as you think. about 500mg of Test E a week is no problem, u get better facial aesthetics and more confidence by using it aswell

>> No.7259000

I understand your position, but the legs naturally are bigger than arms. The quadriceps are some of the biggest muscles in our bodies.

>> No.7259005
File: 100 KB, 468x417, faggetorialis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anyways, quoted pic and related pic is both me at different stages. I've done the typical starting strength routine, went from skeleton to light otter pretty quickly. You don't need to keep squatting until you become a t rex, or bulk 5ever.

>> No.7259015

I think what he's saying is that the legs are broader than the armpits, or the shoulders, not larger than the arms themselves.

>> No.7259028

you look like complete shit. pls eat.

>> No.7259025


Nah he means that the width of the legs put together exceeds the width of the shoulders, which isn't true; it's the stance and the towel making the legs look bigger than they are (even when they're quite big).

>> No.7259056


For your information, btw; I still fit into skinny jeans. Suck my dick.

>> No.7259058

Good for you - you fit in skinny jeans and they look like shit, congrats.

>> No.7259098


>> No.7259104

There is no way you can wear skinny jeans with those quads and look decent. Sorry.

Talk shit, post fit.

>> No.7259112

You know they make them in fat sizes too right?

>> No.7259129


5mg of creatine a day is all you need, creatine is not a pre workout, you need to maintain a certain level of creatine in your body. If you take too much you just end up pissing it away.

>> No.7259139


Post the routine?

>> No.7259159

And that's why you're a tiny little weak boy

>> No.7259160


the secret is in the name
swim then have some protein
>repeat 5x a week

not fucking hard it worked for me.

>> No.7259161

This is the body girls want and the body that looks good in clothes. Not too much and not too little.

>> No.7259165

Could you post the routine please?

>> No.7259164


Stay hating

>> No.7259176
File: 2.32 MB, 2448x3264, back shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hi /fa/!

>> No.7259186
File: 244 KB, 371x477, selfshot dec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You look weaker than I do and Im not even close to happy with my body yet

>> No.7259184

don't listen to all these ignorant fucks, pretty decent gains imo.
your pose in the right bottom pic is a bit weird
your body will always look better after a few months of lifting.

>> No.7259185


Jared leto is Meth and benzos 3 times a day mode

>> No.7259195
File: 373 KB, 400x504, 1332659392957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

complete utter bullshit

>> No.7259206

If you cant do squats for medical reasons (fucked up back/ knees/ etc.) then do leg press with alot of accessory work.
If not, Squats should be the main focus of your leg workouts.

>> No.7259213
File: 1.23 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_8247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying i don't fit into skinny jeans

You can still squat 265lbs for reps and have legs that fit jeans, just saying /fa/

>> No.7259228
File: 21 KB, 350x467, quad knee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never ever do fucking squats, especially below parallel. I used to and now I cant work legs at all even if I wanted to. Never trust /fit/, they just want to maintain the status quo where no new strong people are created and they have it all to themselves. Ive never been mroe upset at a board before than /fit/. If you have real questions then talk to a PT or whatever.

>> No.7259242

[screams externally]

>> No.7259247



no amount of body will make you look good

>> No.7259240

mirin legs

>> No.7259249

this >>7259213
is me

I'm going ass to grass. Your form is just shit, going below parallel removes tensions from knees and transfers it to the hamstrings.

you should be mad at yourself instead of /fit/ you ignorant little shit.

Also, personal trainers don't assist your form if you want to go atg because they don't do that either, jesus christ /fa is fucking ridiculous

>> No.7259272


going below para makes your knees work much harder and fucks them up. dont do it! im serios!

>> No.7259288


>> No.7259291
File: 672 KB, 810x922, fit and fa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey /fa/, /fit/ linked me here.

>> No.7259292

hahahaha keep believing

>> No.7259304


Nah I dont have chestne.

... yet

>> No.7259311


Backne! Fucking backne! And traps.

>tfw trapless

>> No.7259321
File: 79 KB, 720x960, no legs mode nigger edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>dat oakshake
>10/10, would drink

>> No.7259325
File: 921 KB, 1600x1200, 2013-09-14 19.19.31..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lifting 1 year
duno what to do :(

>> No.7259333

clean your room, you fucking messy

>> No.7259340

i cna legpress about 400 pounds wich is like twice my bodyweight. how much could i squat if i tryed?

>> No.7259348

If your goal body doesn't look like you lift clothed, you might aswell stop lifting all together.
Also girls DO care about legs.
At least I do.

>> No.7259349

Probably not much. I'd say somewhere around 2 plate or something.

>> No.7259346


yeah. Posted right before going to bed, did not expect that amount of hate.

Can't please everyone I guess.

>> No.7259351

sorry its my clothes closet. its always messy there

>> No.7259355

That is untrue though. You can eat healthy at a surplus and gain muscle.

>> No.7259376

you're into guys that look like OP lena?

how do you prefer men to dress?

rick owens head to toe or thick knit sweaters and suede brogues (like Daniel Craig in girl with a dragon tattoo)?

guys in skinny jeans?

>> No.7259378

Do a split, 4x week
my most basic one was
Dumbell flyes
Seated rows
Dumbell Chest Press
Dumbell Chest Press Inclined
Cable Flyes
Lat Pull Down
Bent Over Rows
Chin ups
Tricep Pulldown
Preacher Curls
Skull Crushers
Tricep extensions
Cable curls
Tricep Dips
Front Db Raise
lateral db raise
Upright rows
Shoulder shrugs
Roman chair leg raise
Obliques db
Cable Ab crunch
Leg Press
Leg Curl
The pregnant woman machine for opening vagina
If you do this every weeks for six months and eat enough you should be fine

>> No.7259375

I think I had this problem can you explain deloading? When I google it stuff saying you should do it after years of training.

>> No.7259392

Daniel Craig all the way
Daniel Craig's physique in those la perla shorts too

too bad he's only 1,78 m

>> No.7259393



>> No.7259402

he dresses very well
too bad I am too ugly to look like that :(

are you joking about the height thing?
or is it really important to you?

>inb4 I like heelz

>> No.7259413
File: 1.03 MB, 1206x756, prog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i did ss

heres a shot of my upper body

protip: the way you look is 99.9% dictated by your diet

protip2: if you want to have muscles that actually do things, squat and deadlift heavy

>> No.7259414

holy fuck this is so cringey

>> No.7259409

that looks great. would look at body in the mirror while I fap

>> No.7259434

yeah, it's worse IRL
I have a hard time socializing/being nice to people without looking weird as fuck

>> No.7259444

You poor bastard

>> No.7259448

Wow. You have a big mouth on fa tho. You should stop that.

>> No.7259456
File: 760 KB, 2544x1850, 1383065372187.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/ here, ill help you guys out

>> No.7259463

only on here, since I picked up that attitude through browsing/4chan culture

im pretty chill on other boards probably don't even see my username

despite being one of the largest sellers

>> No.7259462
File: 57 KB, 516x436, 7bNbzgU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT skinny fags calling other skinny fags skinny.
Anything under 220lbs bw is pathetic

>> No.7259465

i am /fit/ but i havent trained in 8 months so ive been maintaining (im skinnier now)
And that is a photo of me lols

In no way will you guys see immediate results. But you will get in shape over time for sure.
If you guys have more questions feel free to email

>> No.7259466
File: 63 KB, 693x900, 1381850454659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since /fit/ is already in here, can you guys tell me how to achieve this body?

>> No.7259467

no really I like to wear heels and feel protected
height is not a dealbreaker but somewhat important.

>> No.7259478

eat as little as possible
run as often as you can
do some pushups every now and again

what i do

>> No.7259475
File: 41 KB, 640x480, 4 non blondes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be born three months too early
>never hit puberty
>smoke three packs a day
>no sunlight

"I can eat as much as I want, I never gain weight"-mode unlocked.

>> No.7259476


obviously not real sieg, real sieg knows how stupid curlgurl is, curlgurl is thicker than sicklysweet

>> No.7259490

You guys care too much about e-bitches

>> No.7259493

interesting, you feel that you're vulnerable without someone taller than you around? Can you not protect yourself? Do you feel vulnerable without friends/acquaintances around you constantly?

>> No.7259511

>All this auchwitz
lol clothes nerds

jew made cuz i steal yo girl

>> No.7259535
File: 55 KB, 258x166, tiny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7259542


Always love that jean gap on a dude.

>> No.7259588
File: 15 KB, 500x382, fuckingdisgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/ brahs, you have to realize that these /fa/ggots think girls like pic related are attractive. they have extreme body image issues. arguing with them is pointless.

>> No.7259607

Thanks honey.

>> No.7259627

routine ?

>> No.7259638

I mean people on fa are just looking to have a fundamentally different look than fit browsers. To most here skinniness looks better so when you get all chunky like that, even if it is muscle, we don't like it and its kinda annoying that fit always assumes that their opinions on what looks good are the final word on the matter.

>> No.7259639

that's super cool if it's you m8, how long have you been lifting? I've been lifting regularly for 2 months now and it's improving a lot.

ps: ur body is my goal body no homo

>> No.7259669
File: 327 KB, 1000x1275, 1384628243176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, do this.

>> No.7259702

>bunch of betas that talk about fashion all day think they understand anything about fitness or women

>> No.7259715

typical tripfag that tries to sound smart and justify his shit routine

>doing anything until failure
top lel

>> No.7259734
File: 866 KB, 1500x600, 610402195826406017821026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cause u stay tensing your hardest, all stern n shit like your trying to be a bodybuilder , i can do that to, i just dont cause im beautiful bodybuild or not

>> No.7259757

good luck lifting, wearing gay ass dolce and gabana or gucci shit everywhere and picking up chicks in juicy sweatpants if thats the lifestyle you want.

and im sure you realize fashion and sports are simply hobbies and anyone can learn them.

>> No.7259762

typical /fa/ggot assuming I wear swag fag clothes

>> No.7259792

your fat and u dont even have a hitler youth hair cut

>> No.7259886

pls post rear glute spread

pls be in london

>> No.7259980
File: 42 KB, 579x366, Tinytrip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better quality if anybody interested

>> No.7260000
File: 1.09 MB, 1390x3113, IMG_3746c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I /fit/ or /fa/ ?

>> No.7260003

Who the fuck wanted to troll /fit/ so hard they post a fitness thread on /fa/??

>> No.7260016

mrin dem quad
>no chest
>no leg
ur not /fit/
>no clothe
ur not /fa/
so niether

>> No.7260028

stand with more contrapposto and you could be a classical kouros

>> No.7260038

I'd probably suck your white rectangle

>> No.7260059

Actually since I had a skinny upperbody and a lower body that used to build up more fat, the squats were actually useful and the size of my legs were reduced.

>> No.7260079
File: 28 KB, 187x205, adie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/izen reporting in. Mirin hard.

>mfw all these faggots in this board that think their fashion sense is an extension of themselves.
>I think i found a board gayer than /fit/

>> No.7260100

That's only partially true.
>Yes, that's the body girls want
Thing is most of us don't lift for girls. Not primarily at least. Just like most of you don't dress for girls (or so i hope at least lol)
>No, this body doesn't look good in clothes, unless by good you mean average. That in a T-shirt that's not unnecessarily tight and you couldn't tell wether he lifts or not

>> No.7260123

>they just want to maintain the status quo where no new strong people are created and they have it all to themselves.

Uwot? Omg i'm actually laughing out loud right now. Ufukkinwotm8?

Squats are awesome and pretty much the most effective exercise for legs. Just because you were being an idiot or had some pre-existing condition doesn't make it /fit/s fault. If i wasn't a lazy fuck i'd post a pic of my quads to show you the full effect of squats

>> No.7260152

holy fucking shit rip my sides why would someone willingly do this to themself

does he actually look in the mirror and think "damn i look good, that year of squats was time will spent"

>> No.7260159

nice hourglass

>> No.7260176

You do realize that his legs are far spread and that you just can't see it because of the towels, right? Wouldn't look that extreme if the were closed and he was standing straight.

>> No.7260177
File: 491 KB, 480x250, lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7260184

aye gurl nice titie, when u gone show me how dat mouf do

>> No.7260187

shut up fuccboi

>> No.7260224


1 year and you look like that, you fucked up son.

>> No.7260310

>try to sell it with tiny

I know what tiny's body looks like and that's not him

>> No.7260697
File: 2.92 MB, 3216x4288, 748e6_ORIG-vids_quads_020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and so on
are you so fucking stupid that you can't see by the muscles of his legs that he's pointing his foot outwards?
he's doing something like in picture
also, you guys are fucking faggots. he don't do it to look good, he do it because he feel good going to the gym and giving his best. we don't give a fuck about what other people think about our legs or anything

>> No.7260708

lol nigga catching feelings over what the internet thinks about another mans legs, u know u lost right

>> No.7260711



>> No.7260721

I didn't know there was a board gayer than /fit/
I'm relieved, at least

>> No.7260734

>we don't give a fuck about what other people think about our legs or anything

thats why you came from /fit/ over to a fashion board so you could post pictures of and discuss your legs right


/fit/ is really the most pathetic board

>> No.7260745

Around 135 or something.
Leg press takes no strength whatsoever.

>> No.7260746

>that pic
10/10 mein sides are gone

>> No.7260817
File: 40 KB, 323x304, Routine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ... There's some major faggotry going on in here... IT's like the inside of a laser diode: two faggy mirrors bouncing a monochromatic beam back and forth and shooting forth a superfocused lazerbeam of gayness and homosexual-infused misinformation

OP and any of you other faggots that want to keep wearing your skinny clothing and still get a bit stronger...
Do pic related. IT's a low volume, low intensity program based upon 5/3/1 progression for the main compounds. Yes you will be pushed to lift a heavier weight. But it is low reps, so you will be inducing myofibrillar hypertrophy, primarily [your existing muscle tissue will increase in density and your CNS will increase in power output/connection so you move more weight next time]

Also: if you are not eating above maintenance caloric intake you will not vary much in weight. Your body will be forced to use its existing fat stores in order to provide energy for protein synthesis. So you won't be able to build much mass/size, or gain very much weight, but you will slowly lean out and become more defined.

>> No.7260858
File: 220 KB, 800x1200, 0Jwmr3K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ya wasn't trying to talk shit or anything, just trying to give OP help on getting bigger fast. Getting kinda fat (for a while) is part of that process.

Funny thing is I mostly post here and never get comments on my body when I post fits.

>> No.7260879

his legs look fucking disgusting.

>> No.7260932

>not making a thread on /fit/
>instead asking for advice in a forum filled with feggets and people with eating disorders
toppest of kek mein freund

>> No.7260965

wtf is this shit
being fat is not /fa/

>> No.7261026

You're mentally challenged, right?

>> No.7261709

You're fucking retarded.
Get your head out of your ass and learn that you need energy to build muscle.

>> No.7261761

lmao @ trunks and all the other faggots on this board who are weak as fuck skinnyfats.

>> No.7261827

Screencaped for future lulz when /fit/ discusses how dumb people on /fa/ are. Thanks nigger.

>> No.7262762

I'm pretty sure that's Tinytrip. He stopped focusing so much on bodybuilding a few years ago in order to allow more time for his competitive rowing.

He is aesthetic and still decently strong.
So go suck a fat one

You can get fairly lean and still maintain your muscle mass. Generally speaking you will lose muscle mass on a cut, but you can still do strength based programs and gain strength, if your diet is very carefully regulated.