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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 63 KB, 361x500, americanspirit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7253261 No.7253261 [Reply] [Original]

Whicht brand of tobacco is the most /fa/ and what do you smoke?
How much do you usually smoke in a month?
Do you smoke alone or are you a social smoker?

>pic related, what i smoke and also how much i smoke in a month

>i do it alone for relaxing purpouses.

>> No.7253295

this thread again
smoking isn't /fa/ u smelly bum

>> No.7253305

The most idiotic thing you can do i pick up smoking cigarettes, it's RETARDED level stupidity, it's my worst life mistake and i cannot quit

Dont fucking do it, cigs are cancer that do nothing but harm
At least drugs make you feel good

>> No.7253310

People will hate you for smoking around them

>> No.7253334

I've been trying to quit for years.

>> No.7253335

>this thread
>every day

>> No.7253347
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>> No.7253363

Do you even know how much cigarettes fuck up your health and appearance?
Do you even fucking know how retarded is to be 188cm/60kg skeleton because fucking cigarettes block all of you appetite for food.
I cant even breathe properly now. I feel sick and tired all the time.
I'll start going to gym in few weeks so I hope I'll gain some fucking weight finally.

>> No.7253377

well you are retarded, 99% people who smoke don't look like shit

>> No.7253422

I do.

>> No.7253426

>Do you even fucking know how retarded is to be 188cm/60kg skeleton because fucking cigarettes block all of you appetite for food.
gonna start smoking tomorrow

>> No.7253434
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>> No.7253558

>not rolling your own

Wow are you guys retarded?

>> No.7253562

I don't want to look like a fucking hobo.

>> No.7253676

what is your point?

>> No.7253722

You bring shame to the croats, fuccboi

>> No.7254600

Nat Sherman's or Camels, both have good flavor and have amazing menthol variations.
And unbeknownst to the rest of anon smoking is very /fa/.Don't let these fedora-core kids tell you otherwise, but don't make spontaneous life decisions either.

>> No.7254621

I smoke an e-cig but I'm a uni student so I bought a pack of marlboro reds. (when I smoked 4 years ago, these were my brand) I haven't opened them yet and am planning on only using them in social situations

>> No.7254669

I smoke newport and I live in the hood. It feels right
I've been cutting back and I probably have another pack until I'm done. Kind of replacing it with weed and you cant really do both unless you like your mouth to feel like shit

I'll probably be on dat ryo when I start again

>> No.7254772
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I smoke Lucky's when I have them, but unfortunately most places don't carry them. When I can't find Lucky's I'll smoke Camel Wides. I'm kind of weird though because I really only smoke at night, when I'm drinking/have been drinking, and when it's cold. I don't really know, but for some reason I don't like smoking when it's hot out. But it definitely has helped with dropping weight and suppressing appetite (along with coffee) so I like it.

>> No.7255206

I wish they wouldn't put that fucking sticker on the cigarettes.
Put a huge piece of paper on the Ben & Jerry's saying "this garbage will make you a fat piece of shit" with a picture of a 75lbs diabetic baby on it.

>> No.7255298

I smoke Pall Mall menthols.
Old lady core is indisputably the most /fa/.

>> No.7255382

Dutch fag naar huis

>> No.7255391

If you don't smoke Marlboro Reds, you're a huge faggot.

>> No.7255505

I think its mostly for children, to scare them off. everyone that smokes knows that they are killing you and you would be better off not smoking them. People who deny that p. much deserve to die really.

>> No.7255512

I know, I just don't want a little strip of text bitching at me every time I take a smoke.

>> No.7255523

If you can't handle that facts, then maybe you shouldn't be smoking your health detriments.

>> No.7255533

I would say that it's the needless bitching and not the facts that annoy me, but this argument is going nowhere.

>> No.7256030
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nigga have you even seen Australian plain packaging!

I'm quitting for the sake of my fitness at the moment, because I'm joining the defence force in a couple of months. Been cold turkey for 2 days, had 1 cig on Thursday and 1 on Friday.
Used to smoke Peter Stuyvesant, either New Yorks or reds, sometimes Camels if I could afford them, or Bond Street if I was broke

>smoked a pack every 2 days
>socially, and to relax and improve concentration
>past few days I've been like a 3 year old with ADHD who got off his ritalin
>can't sit still or concentrate, trying to study for an exam on Monday

I still remember when this while board thought smoking was /fa/, especially RYO. Does that make me an oldfag?

>> No.7256054
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>that tfw when someone reposts your picture

>> No.7256113

I smoke champion ruby and benson smooth. Camel unfiltered and NAS rollups were the best smokes i've had, but can't get them in Australia.

Ok, so smoking is alright, I appreciate a cigarette at work and in the morning, waiting for the bus etc. However it is not cool, I regret starting and I haven't been able to will myself to stop. Smoking is expensive, obviously damaging and makes you look like a try-hard. Anyone with an iota of intelligence knows the huge money government and the tobacco industry is making - conforming to big corporations and marketing is the opposite of cool. Smoking shows an inability to think, lack of integrity, complacency, insecurity and conformity. To everyone who wants to quit, try reading Allen Carr's - The Easy Way to quit. Psychologists have found that smoking addiction is mostly psychological, the difficulty lies largely in the contextual associations we draw with stimulus and smoking. When I first read the book I stopped with ease for 7 months. Not smoking in the first place is cool, but showing determination and integrity by quitting is /fa/ as fuck.

>> No.7256171

>I wish they wouldn't put that fucking sticker on the cigarettes.
Would you rather it be printed on the actual packaging itself?

>> No.7256180

>conforming to big corporations and marketing is the opposite of cool
>conforming to the very beating heart of capitialism which allows us the notion of cool to exist and makes the fashion industry accessible to all but the poorest is uncool
>He wrote on his MacBook Air whilst sipping his Starbucks

>> No.7256194


'Cool' is a construct, a subjective one - imo rationally applied action is cool. Young people aren't uneducated balls of angst anymore, self destruction doesn't equal rebellion. Smokers are trying to cling onto such a lame and uninspired vision of 'cool' that they've seen.

>> No.7256200

>but showing determination and integrity by quitting is /fa/ as fuck
If you can't see it, not /fa/
>Allen Carr's - The Easy Way to quit
I'll give all of you a gem from his book, and I hope you'll hold onto your fuckin' seats for this logic bomb I'm about to drop on you courtesy of Allen Carr;
>As I keep saying, enjoyment doesn't come into it. It never did! If we smoked because we enjoyed it, nobody would ever smoke more than one cigarette.

Bear in mind, he isn't talking about chain smoking. He's saying that if smoking was enjoyable, no one would ever smoke more than once cigarette in their lifetimes.

>> No.7256206

Lol, he's unskilled - not a good writer; his book is essentially hypnotism. Just be aware that his book has caused more people to stop smoking than any other method.

>> No.7256216

>If you can't see it, not /fa/

You can see it though, the confidence that comes from maintaining integrity separates someone who appears to be 'naturally cool' from someone who trend hops and stands around smoking cigs so they can feel accepted.

>> No.7256219

And what if they just enjoy smoking?
It's not like smoking is really entirely socially acceptable in this day and age.

>> No.7256246

It's not rational to tell anyone else how to act, if they truly enjoy smoking and they dgaf then so be it. Though I think most smokers wish they'd never started, and generally the reason for starting is some sort of social pressure. Also, assuming they hold other beliefs such as humanistic or environmental cares, how can you justify such a damaging and wasteful pleasure without being hypocritical or lacking integrity?

Again, if you don't care about those things then go for it. btw I smoke, I enjoy it but I want to quit due to the disparity it causes between my belief and actions.

>> No.7256254

i'm a pipe smoker, and have been for a few years now, i appreciate that it's a disgusting habit, and i do get ill more than i used to.
but, i enjoy it, i enjoy the ritual of it, taking the time out to just relax and think things over, or not think as it were.
and hey, it leads to some pretty good social interaction for me. never really enjoyed cigs though.
i get how i must have looked tryhard a couple of years ago, but now i dunno, it's kind of just a part of me, no big deal.

>> No.7256291

>environmental cares
There is a biodegradable butt coming into production next year. Also, current butts don't last forever. BAT estimates it takes up to 3 months for their filters to degrade fully, though some anti smoking websites place butts at 10-15 years.
If you're talking emissions, then how can you drive a car that consumes fuel without being a hypocrite and/or lacking integrity, especially now that electric cars are a thing.
As for the humanistic, not many people will smoke in front of kids and most smokers distance themselves from non-smokers when they do their thing, or are otherwise forced by the rules to go into a designated smoking spot.
Also, air diffusion makes secondhand smoking a non-existent problem now that smoking isn't allowed inside anymore. Sure, if you're literally breathing your smoke into people's lungs then it's a problem, but then you've got more to contend with at that point than just "Aww, I gave him some second hand smoke"

>> No.7256336

>deforestation, littering, fire starting, sea pollution, unnecessary strains on health system, money that could be better spent elsewhere

Again, i'm not telling anyone how to act, these are some of my reasons for wanting to quit.

>> No.7256370

Non-smoker with a smoking gf. This is fucking disgusting. She has smoked tons of brands around me and not a single one of them ever bothered me. She bummed a rolled cigarette off of someone and I just wanted to vomit after kissing her. Seriously, they look like shit, smell like shit, and taste like shit. I just don't get the appeal.

>> No.7257865
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If you're good-looking and effay enough, anything you smoke will be /fa/. Just smoke what you like.

>> No.7257870

idk I find they smoke nicer and are cheaper, also prefer the look of them over normal grettes.

>> No.7257897

as a generally pretty left-wing person I should quit for the same reasons, but I don't eat meat so I guess it balances it out.

>> No.7257899

it doesnt matter about the brand, all that matters is people see u smoking

>> No.7257909

pretty much yeah

also the plain packaging is pretty rad imo

>> No.7257929
File: 43 KB, 614x397, Don-Draper-Smoking3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that smoking was the norm until Liberals started spreading their propaganda.

>> No.7257978


Now back to >>>/pol/

>> No.7258025

there's nothing like chainsmoking GPC cigarettes.
cause any smoke will kill you, but these will make you feel like it.

>> No.7258030

this. pretty rad in my opinion and wholeheartedly surprised the /fa/ smokers don't circlejerk over this already.

American spirits or roll your own.

>> No.7258330

you are going to encourage people lol