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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 224 KB, 900x650, bootyful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7246140 No.7246140[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So /fa/, how do you take care of your boots? I hear mink oil is bad. Do you use shoe trees? Or do you just beat them up like you won't wear them tomorrow, even though you know you will.

>> No.7246155

My routine for all leather shoes:
>wipe down with a damp cloth whenever shoes are dirty
>or clean with saddle soap when they're really dirty
>apply Obenauf's LP every few months or when leather looks dry
>occasionally buff with a horsehair brush

>> No.7246270

Planning on getting new boots as a Christmas present.
Yes they ask me.

Anyways, they keep saying I should get steel towed boots.
Isn't it best to just get a regular, nice, work boot?

>> No.7246279


Get steel toe if they're work boots. Dress boots should not have a steel toe

>> No.7246282

mink oil is fine

>> No.7246290

Nice clown shoes OP. You having buyer's remorse since you didn't get Wolverine 1000 Miles?

>> No.7246322

Actually, I just bought 1k. Just used IR for pic related.

>> No.7246537
File: 1.39 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just bought 1ks
>feels good man
They really are god tier boots

>> No.7246573

>god tier

>> No.7246591


Be nice to new users.

>> No.7246594

But they don't have a good sole for Winter anon...

>> No.7246604
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>> No.7246687

Not that annon, but OP. I live in Murica'. In a state that never snows.

>> No.7246702

Lucky bitch. I live in Colorado.
Are the 1k miles a bit less obnoxiously huge? Could I just have them resoled with a vibram sole like the beckman somewhere?

>> No.7246834

I'm just hunting for options if I decide I hate my beckmans, since I think the 1ks have a smaller toe. Is the rest of the boot pretty solid for water?

>> No.7246864

>be me 10/10 cool young thug
>having sweet dreams while sleeping
>be in thrift store
>see the exact Iron Rangers in OP pic
>tfw that's amazing, i've been wanting them forever
>tfw check price
>tfw $5
>realize i have no cash and forgot my wallet
>tfw NEED to get boots, no question
>tfw walk right out the door wearing them, leaving my old Vans behind
>notice no security
>tfw nobody even noticed or cared
>tfw walk around miring my own shoes and great cop
>tfw thinking about all the positive responses i'll get from /fa/
>tfw feeling like true pro thrifter
>tfw get woken up by 3 fucking text messages

>> No.7246906

babies 1st green text

>> No.7246917

im pro at green texts and i can explain why that was actually a pro level green text.

but i don't want to.
the point is, right as i was feeling happy and at peace in the world, i lost it all.

>> No.7246966

i used to have dreams like that about videogames and handhelds when i was a kid
now i just have dreams that dont make sense or I dont remember then at all

>> No.7247116

Uh quick bump. Just curious if the 1k are better and less clunkier. (I'm skinny as fuck) I can most certainly afford them, and it is between those and the LL bean katahdin boots.

>> No.7248390
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It's been about a month since I copped a pair of beeswax Bushacres and they're already on the road to wrinkle city. Should I just give them a light application of saddle soap to soften them up and bring back a little luster or should I use something else?

>> No.7248394
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>> No.7248438

They are less of a clown shoes.
Saddle soap, conditioner, or a bit of polish probably.

>> No.7248442

Whats with the poorfaggot jeans?

>> No.7248450

You can resole Wolverine 1ks right?

>> No.7248453

Why can't you afford a gym membership?

>> No.7248463
File: 132 KB, 640x480, E-postvedlegg-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought a pair of Alfred Sargent's. Pic related. Best boots ever.

For care I use Saphir outdoor stuff.

Clean with a wet rag first and dry. The most important thing is to work it in where the leather meets the sole with an old toothbrush or something. This is where water and snow and crap will do the most damage. Then I brush the excess up onto the rest of the boot with a horsehair brush. Maybe rub in a bit extra for wet weather / winter.

Don't use colored polishes and stuff. They cover up the natural cover of the leather. Go for a clear coat but stuff like mink oil is too greasy. It can stain the leather.

>> No.7248464

Yeah, idk. It ruines the look.

>> No.7248468

They look unusable

Too formal for daily
Too boot for a suit

>> No.7248491


I wear them all the time.

It's almost impossible to wear boots with a suit. Maybe really slender chelsea boots or something a la The Beatles.

>> No.7248541
File: 21 KB, 494x400, 1294440496644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of copping the LL bean Katahdin boots.
Should I get the regular version, or the new Cordovan color? It will really just be a casual everyday boot for me.
(I'm slightly a skeleton, but I think theses should still be fine.)

>> No.7248547

Actually they're usable with prepwear.

>> No.7249051

Would a half sole ruin wolverine 1k, or would it winter proof them? Or should I just go ahead and get a full resole on something like the Beckman? (Don't need a commando)
Are half soles easily removed later?

>> No.7249058

what conditioner do I use?

I they're slightly scuffed and I just want them to look nice and maybe a bit darker ;-;

>> No.7249092
File: 6 KB, 260x194, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've owned two pairs of these, that comfort, those compliments. Even though I know they're not /fa/ at all

>> No.7249205

>they keep saying I should get steel towed boots.

If you drop shit on your toes, then yes.

>had trusty pair of shit-tier work boots
>walmart core
>steel toe
>they start falling apart
>get Timberlands for dirt-ass-cheap
>now trailerpark core
>be loading firewood
>drop log
>actually have time to think before it hits toe
"phew, thank God for steel toes
>log hits
>Was wearing new boots -- no steel toe
>Cursed so loud that my 80some year old neighbor asks if I'm ok


>Nice clown shoes OP

Thinking those are clown shoes -- lol, nigger do you even have toes?

I use Nikwax on my shit as well.
Holds up to salt-water very well.

>> No.7249300

I brush after every wearing, polish once a month, mink oil every 3 months, use show trees and never wear the same shows twice in a row.

>> No.7249323

>I brush after every wearing
... seriously?

>> No.7249572


>> No.7249613


>> No.7249628

red wing uses inferior toe caps


>> No.7249647
File: 78 KB, 500x693, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was sitting cross legged in my 1Ks on pavement now the sides are slightly scratched

What do I put on the scratchy areas to soften them back up??

>> No.7249659

Why not? He's obviously not wearing them daily.

>> No.7249809

bump. Looking for an answer, I don't know anything about cobblers.

>> No.7250081

a little bit. VERY little bit of mink oil

then buff with horsehair brush

>> No.7250949

Another bump.

>> No.7251017

>I hear mink oil is bad
No it isn't. It's still the best option alongside of neatsfoot oil for oil preservative. Notice that preservative and protector are two different things. I personally would never but heady duty protector like Obefaufs on fashion boots such as RW's.

>> No.7251019

That doesn't make sense. 1000 Miles have larger and taller toe box than IR's, making the more "clown shoe". Neither are clown shoes in my opinion but just saying.

>> No.7251047

The "LP" in Obenauf's LP stands for Leather Preservative.

>> No.7251607

i live in california. It rained once it was fucking crazy

>> No.7251622

they're worth it. They're amazing