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7242819 No.7242819[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how do you get toned and not big

>> No.7242825

stupid question
go to /fit/ and read the sticky
no such thing as "toned". all bodies are just different combinations of bodyfat and muscle mass

>> No.7242830

its a false human construct but I hate this "no such thing as toned". Yeah, theres not, but you know what they're meaning and instead of assisting you just get all buttmad.

>> No.7242851

Low body fat is what you mean. You disgusting misguided piece of shit.

>> No.7242854

>work out until desired size
>stop working out so much
Unless you are on something, you won't get big any time soon anyway. The most difficult part will be wanting to stop training hard.

>> No.7242861
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>tfw no Tom Daley bf

>> No.7242864


no i dont know what they mean, because they think that just doing a million reps at low weight is going to "tone" them

>> No.7242867

because it implies a complete misunderstanding of how things work. people will do "toning exercises" of a million reps and expect to get firmer arms. first step to getting "toned" is to realise that there is no such thing as toned.

also that not what the word means. muscle tone refers to how rigid/stiff the muscles are at rest.

>> No.7242896

It's not like you get accidentally big one day. Like you wake up after a month a be all like "oh shit, I've taken it too far". It takes a lot of time. When you get to your goal just don't eat so much, or workout at maintenance.

btw I realize this is troll bait, but I've seen this "too big" issue a few too many times.

>> No.7242942

don't take supplement

>> No.7242970

Faggot nigger

Toned is basically what uneducated people mean by low bf% and a substantial amount of muscle mass. Just like in OPs picture.

However it is annoying to read constantly.

>> No.7242993
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>It's not like you get accidentally big one day
so much this

>yeah I want to go to the gym with you anon but I just don't want to get too ripped

>> No.7243003

>implying "toned" is a thing
swim and climb and lift

>> No.7243149

I went to school with him, he's a massive cunt.

>> No.7243163


o-oh, how so?

not surprised to be honest.
and he is pretty flamey
still, occasionally qt

>> No.7243180


Doesn't change the fact that he's worth fucking.

>> No.7243186
File: 1.41 MB, 350x272, 1372784217715.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 6'0" 176lbs
>tfw don't look fat
>tfw small tummy because I like beer too much

>> No.7243356

calisthenics + weighted pull ups/leg raises+not starv+some cardio

>> No.7243360

bulk for like 3 months hard
and then ec stack until desired results
(you're welcome)

>> No.7243386

or you could get the same results faster and in a more controlled way by using free weights

>> No.7243399

Get out you disgusting piece of shit