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7236840 No.7236840[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does anybody here actually use heroin?
Will I be cool if I do it?

>> No.7236852

Yes and no

>> No.7236926

Yes, probably not.

You have to be a special type of drug user to make heroin cool and not just scummy.

>> No.7236932

No, and no. Heroine is kind of passé at this point.

>> No.7236946

usually rich, talented, good looking and famous are the requirments

>> No.7236966


True for absolute god tier heroin use, ive seen a few people take heroin.

95% of them end up fairly addicted, they talk about it constantly, they look like shit, they end up having to kick it. A minority manage to use it like any other drug and dont become its bitch.

Definitely dont take it if you know youve got other addictions, heroin will fuck you up if you dont control it.

You can be absolute pro drug user, but heroin does addiction in such a subtle way you wont know youre fucked till its too late.

>> No.7236972
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As long as you're good looking but I can imagine that it's kinda hard to maintain a sense of style when you're rotting from the inside.

>> No.7236996

>A minority manage to use it like any other drug and dont become its bitch.

completely and utterly wrong

you have clearly never had any experience around this drug

>> No.7237041

why is he wrong? explain yourself dont just slander opinions without contribution

>> No.7237127

no one can use heroin and not become its bitch

its physically and mentally impossible

>> No.7237139

sounds like ur just a bitch

>> No.7237143


>> No.7237149

Do meth and get the skinny face you always wanted

>> No.7237221

I've done heroin 4 times a couple of years ago, 2 of the times were only 1 day apart.

Never done it since, where do I fit into your definition of possible and impossible.

>> No.7237223

you dont fit in because you are an underage poster lying

>> No.7237225

I'm 26 mate, how many hairs you got on your chest?

>> No.7237322

What is it like?

>> No.7237450
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>> No.7237472

Honestly I found it to be overated. The rush is incredible but you cant socialize with anyone because you're so out of it. When it wears off you feel really empty and sick and people judge you when you tell them you've tried it. I never injected it though just snorted it because my friends are all very against needles.

Cocaine is way more /fa/

>> No.7237495

Where do you get your facts on heroin? There's plenty of people that use it a few times and never again.

>> No.7237515

i tried it once. it was pretty nice. i felt sick and weird afterwards though. wasnt as cool as i thought.

>> No.7237568

I just recently made the jump from oxy to heroin. The only difference is that heroin is hella cheaper. Done it about 10 times now, never injected, never addicted. My best friend was for a while, one of the saddest things you'll see. I've always said the key to life is moderation, and that's always stuck with me. Addiction is for the weak of mind. Also you're a retard if you do it to be /fa /.

>> No.7237578

i regularly take oxycodone but never actual heroin. sometimes i wonder what i'm missing out on but then i realise i would actually be doing heroin so i don't think about it

>> No.7239021

for 4th or 5th time
W2c skirt

>> No.7239028

wrong thread

>> No.7239094

I have about 20 oxycodone from when family members/myself got wisdom teeth taken out. Tried taking 3 by mouth once about two years ago and just felt dizzy. Wat do?

>> No.7239215


Blates wrong, blates a bitch

>> No.7239226

Dont need heroin to know this feel

>> No.7239240

>im not addicted
>im not addicted
>im not addicted

wether these people are being truthful or not, no addict will ever tell you straight up they're addicted so trying to "get it out of them" is a pointless endeavor.

on an unrelated note, you can snort heroin? i thought it was something you only inject.

>> No.7239265

What are /fa/ drugs?

Is opium /fa/?

>> No.7239279


>> No.7239325


dude heroin is cheap and super pure now, you don't have to be wealthy and connected to get it.

it's like THE thing russias poor do.

>> No.7239339
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You are now aware that recreational use of opiates causes less long-term damage to your body than smoking cigarettes. I can't speak for the route of administration, however people that use the correct filters and change needles every time don't run into too many problems.

>Will I be cool if I do it?
probably, heroin makes you into a social butterfly and gives you tons of motivation. This goes for all opiates though so you might want to start with something weaker liek vicodinz. Just don't get addicted

>> No.7239363

you can smoke it too
it's just less effective and more expensive and shittier

>> No.7239394

Psychedelics are best class of drug

-Sweet visuals
-can be deeply introspective or fine for a party atmosphere(depending on dose and substance)
-classic psys have little to no harm on the body, most RCs are fine as long as you do your research
-super high tolerance build up so you can't abuse them, unless you're incredibly wealthy
-range from stimulants to downers in terms of aux effects
-even bad trips are usually good in retrospect

>> No.7239419

>can trip the fuck out of your mind with a horrendous mind-escaping-your-body-on-a-ffucking-galaxy-speed, get a siezure, hurt yourself badly and not even know it lieing there bleeding badly
tru story. That was a bath salt tho

>> No.7239431

not be a pussy and take 10 since they are probably 7.5mg

>> No.7239442

also seen a guy dying from DOM overdose. Good it was relatively quick, hope he had a good fucking trip

>> No.7239443


don't encourage research chemical use, noone knows the long term effects or potential medical complications of them all yet. My friend has a bad heart and she nearly crashed taking a couple hits of something that wasn't LSD.

Get a test kit, stick to LSD and shrooms, stay away from research chemicals and synthetics.

>> No.7239441

>gives you motivation
>makes you social


>> No.7239454

w2c Heroin?

>> No.7239460

i really really want to
most ive done is a bunch of hydrocodone + dph for sick nodz

>> No.7239461


>> No.7239464

Yeah I stay away from the 25- series all together. The good RCs that are pretty fucking safe are chemicals closely related to the classics. Drugs like Al-Lad, LSZ, 4-aco-dmt, etc. I never take a drug without doing a ton of research on it first.

Must have been terrifying. Luckily my close friends and I are all good at handling our drugs. I hear DOM is fucking awesome though.

>> No.7239493

That was a serious question. I live in a big german city but nobody I know does or sells drugs. I don't even have a weed dealer although there must be plenty ;_;

>> No.7239495

>Is opium /fa/
Obviously. Being slightly out of it and all floaty and shit is essentially the epitome of /fa/.

>What are /fa/ drugs?
Anything snorted really, or shit that will fuck you up but allow you to just seem hazy and mysterious to others. i.e. coke, Vicodin, oxy (rails are better, but hey if you can't deal just waste more money and ingest them), opium, hydro's, and in rare cases heroin can be alright for your image - if you're the right kind of person.

Addiction is never /fa/.

>> No.7239499

a deep web marketplace silly

>> No.7239505


if you can't find weed, aka: the drug that grows everywhere in anything, you're fucking up.

>> No.7239509

I live in the red light district of my town. Ordering online seems redundant.

>> No.7239512

>Must be after 11pm
>Find big house party
>Walk through or around the house to the back yard
>Everyone will be smoking cigarettes and/or pot
>Buy it at the party or ask where they got theirs
>Spend your profit on weed

>> No.7239514

Easier and safer than asking random people (undercover cops) in the red light district homie.

>> No.7239515

I suffer from social anxiety and I have problems getting to know people

>> No.7239529

Use drugs to get over it ----- I mean...

>> No.7239532

There are only dune coons there. I'm too scared too ask them anyway

>> No.7239557


>> No.7239559
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If youre not like Dash Snow, then no.

But in general, no.

>> No.7239564

i live in dresden and you?

>> No.7239576


>> No.7239588

just stick with coke, mdma nd acid. those are the god tier drugs for me. i have absolute no interest in trying heroin

>> No.7239594

is there a good substitue for sil.k road?

>> No.7239599

Silk roads back but it im kinda worried about ordering off it.
Don't know any other unfortunately.

>> No.7239626

WHAT? it's back since when? why the fuck am i only hearing about this now

>> No.7239653

last week i think, and sheep market was up before that

just buy off vendors you've bought off before on the sold silk road that can verify themselves with their pgp key

>> No.7239655

at best there is a new very dodgy lookalike
there were misinforming clearweb news articles making it sound like everything was fine again just because they had a screenshot of a lookalike and wanted to make a story out of it

>> No.7239659

on the old* silk

>> No.7239768
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What colors could I wear these with?
>inb4 don't wear these fuccboi

>> No.7239870

p much any color of same darkness
most blues are fine
white top would work

go look at the color theory infographic

>> No.7239879
File: 75 KB, 500x332, 1382215681822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I can't fall asleep at night bc restless leg syndrome
>tfw legs hurt all the night
>tfw can't find anyone to buy painkillers from