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7235055 No.7235055[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

tonight the fittest girl in the club

she approachced me and said "you're really fit"

she kissed me on the forehead

i dance with her then i said to her

"ill see you later"

i never saw her again

man i am so pissed right now

>> No.7235082

I know these feels all too well.

I was at a party and I was dancing with a chick, but then her friend left and so she had to go with her.

Later I found her again but I wasn't sure if she wanted to dance or not, since she wasn't but she was kind of staring at me, and a couple other dudes walked over to her asking her to dance, and she said no to both of them, all while staring at me. I decided to try my luck and walk over and ask, but before I got to ask she grabbed my hands and we started dancing.

She turned and around, fronted and we made out for ~30 minutes, but when we were leaving I fucking autismed and I didn't get her number.

The only thing I can remember is her first name, and I can't fucking find her anywhere.

>> No.7235080


>> No.7235088

Kissed you on the forehead lol what was she taller than you

>> No.7235085

r u british

or just /fit/


>> No.7235091

I have a feeling she thought he was gay

>> No.7235092


omg man

she was so hot, taller than me and she said im fit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i cannt believe it, man i am retarded or something

she fucking KIISED me on my forehead and i never kissed her

wtf is wrong wth me seriously

i tried to find her but no luck


>> No.7235099

whos the girl in the pic
she's pretty
i want moar

>> No.7235101

Hey man, we all make mistakes.

The only thing we can do is hope to move on and learn for next time.

Go back to the club on the same day and maybe she'll be there again.

>> No.7235102


she was taller than me LOL i am 5'8 maybe she had a fat ass and she was slender, she KISSED Mme!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.7235108


>> No.7235117

Why the fuck would someone lie about this shit?

>> No.7235113
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>> No.7235132
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>> No.7235148


i am not lying i swear to god i am so rdrunk right now but i am defo NOT lying trust me my friend

bascially i went on the dance floor and she eye fuck me to oblivion

she then put her hand round my neck and she ur relaly fit

i was lIKE WOW, no girl has ever claled me fit before especially not the fittest girl in the the clubb

i dance with her and put my hand on her arse and she was saying something and i didnt KNOW what the fuck she was saying beacause she was from up north

my friend wasw ith me and her friend was there

i pointed to my friend so her friend oculd dance with her but she said she was married

i then had my arms around both chicks man i felt alpha

then i went al gay and said to her ill see her later because my mate went

most e=female contact i had in like ages

shit mnan

i am really pissed off i shoul od kiss her tbh


>> No.7235150

>said by every person who's ever lied on the internet about anything ever
/r/ing that short dude getting busted on /fit/ with some computer wizardry with a screencap of him saying exactly that

>> No.7235163
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>not fingerblasting her on the floor
>not snorting coke off her teardrop tits
>not fucking her till she passes out
op are you ghey? it's okay you can tell me.

>> No.7235159

This is the gayest thing I have ever read and I wrote my dissertation on homosexuality behavior in the penguins of the South Pole.

>> No.7235160

Well I'm not OP but I don't really think he would make up this whole story.

>> No.7235189

I feel like we've all spaghetti'd at one point in our lives

>> No.7235190



>> No.7235197

yeah i was just giving op a hard time. liquor up next time and go for it. if you're confident she'll be into it. she kissed you outright.

>> No.7235211




>> No.7235213

Dude yours isn't even as bad as me. She started fucking making out with me and I was too autistic to go any further or even get her number.

>> No.7235235



lets not repeaet thisese mistakes ok my frien

lets take an oath to not repeat these mistakes ok

fukcing next time listen we are going to fucking grind on them fucking snog them fucking get their number and FUCK them

nest time ok

no more beta

i learn from these mistakes even though i feel like shit because i was such a RETARDED FFUCK stain omg i feel sick fuck

>> No.7235248

Hell yeah dude. Just gotta keep trying, learning from our mistakes each time.

This happened to me a couple days ago, and the regret subsides dude, take it easy on yourself.

Next time WILL be different.

>> No.7235257
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>she kissed me on the forehead

>> No.7235278


itWILL be different i am going out on friday mate so seriously not going to repeat it

i believe in you brother

its just the thing man, she was legit the sexiest bitch in the club and she came to me i just dont get it

i am sexy this gives my cponfirmatin that i am a sexy motherfucker

u are too

=i make this thread again friday 3.30 am british time i swear i sweartogod i will fuckk a bird just for you my friend

>> No.7235280
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lol you're having a meltdown over a girl who wasn't that into you bruh. chicks don't kiss guys on the forehead who they want to fuck, that's something you do to a little brother. most likely she just wanted to tease you (especially if she is really hot, the hot ones love that shit). also, if she was really into you she would have given you her number or tracked you down.

calm down son, you're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.7235287

I'm in the same boat mate.

I had serious self confidence issues before this, but even though I autismed, one of the hottest girls on the floor wanted me over 2 other douchebags, and you know what, that feels really fucking good.

This is the one time I'm happy to say I hope to you never see your thread again.

It's gonna happen bro, just gotta believe.

>> No.7235310
File: 167 KB, 423x750, 1384103825057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The image came to me like a dream

>> No.7235317

Well she may have had some interest, just not ENOUGH to give her number.

that doesn't mean she wouldn't be interested in fucking or dating, but you needed to make a move to her.

And don't expect a girl like that to seek you out.
she knows she has access to tons of guys at any one time, so she's not gonna trip by "losing" you on the dance floor.

You typed this thread, but she could care less.

>> No.7235318


listen you abdolute fuck head ur fucking retarded

s he fucking called me fit your a fucking diipt and u font know nothing u probably haveautism or something isttting in ur basement sucking on ur fat fucking titties for milk u little basatard smug fucker bitch cock stain motherfucker listen u fucking bitch i will fuck u over u little retard ur so fucing retardede its unreal


yeah thanksgood luck to u mate

i mean so many girls eye fuck me in the club for extended period of time

i just dont approach even tough i FUCKING drunk so badly i just dont approach

i wait for them to approach

friday nguth bro

>> No.7235337

Hey mate, I'm gonna go to the gym.

Get some rest, take it easy save your energy to get your fuck on this Friday.

>> No.7235346


ok it 4.25 am i need sleep but prob woht sneelp till alterr

r u at uni or something

i am first hytaer uniiii