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/fa/ - Fashion

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7227586 No.7227586[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post clothes/accessories that you've modified/created yourself.

I just put this patch on a hoodie and it turned out a lot better than I expected it to. I've never made any major modifications to my clothes before, just making t shirts fit a little better and shit like that. It was pretty fun and I guess I'm looking for inspiration for another little project.

>have fun looking like a teenager
>looks like shit
>what age did you guys grow out of metal?
save it

>> No.7227842

I baseball/locking whipstitch around the edge of patches but thats both habit from other fibre art work + preference. Looks alright OP.
>tfw can't get into them even though I want to

>> No.7227909
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I remember your thread OP.
Sort of small for a back patch but it looks pretty good.
Here's my jacket. The GWAR patch is actually a t shirt. I need to put my cannabis corpse patch on the other lapel and I think this will be completed, maybe I'll add some more buttons.

>> No.7227926


>leftover crack
entry level buttpunk

>> No.7227946

GWAR released one punk album and it was a joke. Like literally, a joke.

>> No.7227981

>leftover crack


>> No.7228009

Dayglo Abortions is disgusting, not GWAR.

>> No.7228039

fuck off faggots, there might be a handful of cool posts in this thread if people aren't worried a bunch of neckbeards will spout their negative opinions at every opportunity they get

>> No.7228047
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>> No.7228059
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Don't fuck with Dayglo abortions dude

>> No.7228056
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I like your sweatshirt OP. diy threads never take off here for some reason

probs because people here don't really have much motivation

I've posted shit I've made a few times in the past. pic related. 1/?

>> No.7228063

Omg not you again. I'm pretty sure the whole of /fa/ has seen your shitty clothes at least a hundred times. Fuck off or at least do something new instead of posting the same shit over and over trying to get attention for it.

>> No.7228065
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sry that's sideways and a huge image. this will probably be sideways too. how2fix?


>> No.7228070

Does taking off labels count?

>> No.7228072

Noooo, please stop this shit.

>> No.7228073
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you must browse a lot. I think I've posted my stuff 3 times. this is the most recent thing I made. just trying to get a diy thread to get more posts. made this <1 month ago so stfu.

>> No.7228076


why are you hating tho? talk shit post a ... diy project?

>> No.7228086


yeah for real. what we really need here is more kids posting their tumblrs over and over! get outta here.

>> No.7228082
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diy thread now

>> No.7228089

I like DIY a lot and think /fa/ should do it more, I also think if something gets a lot of positive feedback it should be re-posted a lot. But this guy posts his stuff every chance he gets and it never gets the "Oh wow so great anon" that hes looking for so he keeps posting it over and over.

>> No.7228104
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>inb4 sick fit

>> No.7228145
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>I like DIY a lot and think /fa/ should do it more

post your stuff? please :(


I just post when I see DIY threads. I want to encourage other people to post and keep these threads alive, because they could be some of the best on /fa/. I mean take a look at the most recent 30 or so threads

>3 tumblr threads
>most /fa/ weapon
>/fa/ majors
>feel threads
>facial aesthetics/hair threads
>weight loss

most of the shit here isn't even related to fashion. and if it is, it's been discussed to death.

I don't think my stuff is amazing or deserves great praise. I've done like 10 sewing projects total. I am very much a beginner. it would just be nice to have a place to talk about sewing/diy because every other internet community concerned with this stuff is a bunch of work-at-home-moms who make quilts and clothes for their infants or whatever.

>> No.7228156
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Not bad dude, I was thinking about ordering the sunbather t-shirt and just cutting out the entire design and using it as a patch. That'd mean spending an extra $14 though and I didn't want to lose it by fucking up babby's first fashion diy. That pic is a little deceiving, here's what it looks like being worn.

I'm considering adding patches to the front. I was leaning towards getting 4 burzum patches and making a square on the left chest like in this pic (it's a zip up hoodie), but I'm still looking around.

>> No.7228154

I like it B^)

>> No.7228173

Thats true, it is inspiring other people creatively. Also you seam like less of a cunt than I thought so I take back what I said. I might post some stuff in a bit if the thread is still around.

>> No.7228178


imo you should just leave that one be. it looks good on its own. although the four patches is a good idea, so maybe get another sweatshirt for that. idk I guess I'm just a minimalist.

>> No.7228185

nah dude not your chest get the biggest and do it on your chest do it on the back like the other one

>> No.7228181

If you were to add more patches, I'd definitely go for the front.
That's just me though, I always find multiple back patches to be a bit tacky. The Burzum idea is actually pretty cool too.

>> No.7228189

I wish void/user was still in west coast US timezone. and wasn't so busy :(

I wanna see his new stuff. keep this thread alive til morning people

>> No.7228198

whats the sweatshirt? looking for a good sweatshirt as a base for a project

>> No.7228212
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>you seam like less of a cunt than I thought

that's good I guess


I've also had this girls patch forever but never put it on anything. think I'm just gonna put it on a gray crew neck sweater. but I don't want people to think I'm a fan of the hbo show or try to talk to me about that or something. maybe I'll put it on upside down.

>> No.7228283

that pouch thing is cool as fuck, I'm a sucker for space themes.

that's what my girlfriend says. I think I'm going to just keep it like this for a month and see how I feel.

yeah I'm definitely keeping the back the way it is

u wot m80

It's probably heresy to say on /fa/, but this thing is from old navy. The sleeves were pretty baggy so I trimmed them down a bit, but the rest fits alright. Shit's comfy, too. It was between this and ordering a uniqlo hoodie online, and this won since I wanted to spend as little as possible (I have an old navy near me, but not a uniqlo, so no shipping). It depends on your budget, though, of course.

>> No.7228345

looks great.
i really like the look of patches on hoodies, sweatpants and such.

>> No.7228363

What's the patch of? Only metal I've heard is Burzum cause my step brother is from Norway.

>> No.7228409

thanks m8, I was a little worried about the elasticity since the patch is obviously less stretchy than jacket, but yeah it works

it's a deafheaven patch

>> No.7228426
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Put on this patch and also a military pAtch

>> No.7228431
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>> No.7228547
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never heard of grave babies, but if they designed this shirt, they can't be all bad. I'll put them on the "to listen to" list. also i love posing as military. I have a ww2 veteran hat that always rustles somebody's jimmies.