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/fa/ - Fashion

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7225404 No.7225404[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>mfw I realize people here actually starve themselves and have eating disorders

>> No.7225419
File: 747 KB, 792x594, dick oven.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw i realize that exact same thing

>> No.7225422

not starving yourself to achieve a 10/10 body is an eating disorder.


>> No.7225429

That's why this is the cool kids board.

>> No.7225431


This is the only place on the planet where I would be considered fat

>> No.7225508

>Implying starving is the best way to look good long term and that it wont change the second you stop
>implying the right amount of food with exercise would not get better more sustainable results

Enjoy starving yourself while normal people, who look actually healthy lead a normal lifestyle

>> No.7225514
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But i want to cop cigarette legs :(

>> No.7225519

why would anyone ever stop?

>> No.7225520

>tfw i am that skinny
feels good nigga

>> No.7225526

wait... so you are ok being like that?
damn, personally I would rather have useable and healthy fitness rather than just not eating,
but each to their own

>> No.7225531

no it does't, I'm that skinny and it feels awful, I'd give anything to have a normal body

>> No.7225533
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>> No.7225540

eat and work out, you'll feel better

>> No.7225546

i'm 6'1 and 128 lbs and i love my body!~ (apart from maybe my thighs, could perhaps do with a bit less fat on there) gonna cop a bunch of gyakusou and start running to supplement my starvation

>> No.7225557

Eat healthy, bro. By that, I mean eat more greens.

>> No.7225572

I'm trying to, just strated GOMAD recently and I'll start going to the gym when this semester ends.

>> No.7225582

>tfw i just ran 5k and right now i am eating the meanest ham sandwich
i dont have a eating disorder but i think i have a light case of bdd

>> No.7225924


>> No.7225951
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>mfw I realise people actually think starving themselves will give them a better body than eating right and exercising

And eating prevents you from feeling like shit and not being able to do anything

>> No.7225949

Unless you're lucky with genetics starving yourself will just make you skinnyfat. There is a good way to be skinny and it involves cardio and a lower carb diet.

>> No.7225955

tfw emephobia makes u scared to eat

>> No.7225964

it's a bummer, OP

The prettiest girls I've known have had them

Was hard because even when I assured them of their beauty, it didn't impact their distorted beliefs enough

>> No.7225992

Try having an anorexic gf. It's torture.

>> No.7226052

>starving yourself rather than simply taking the route of a moderate deficit with clean foods
nothing wrong with going for low bf% though

>> No.7226092

i eat ~600 kcals a day and feel great and do whatever i want. why do u all assume it feels bad?

>> No.7226099

Tell them they are pretty they think it's because of how skinny they are. Tell them they are ugly they think it's because of how fat they are. Just don't mention looks.

>> No.7226109

Because what you want is probably nothing.

>> No.7226454

All these wasted basketball players with scrawny bodies...

>tfw visiting /fa/ for about a week
>mfw everyone looks cool but is boring

Everyone's still stuck on high school mode, sadly.

>> No.7226540

>mfw everyone is over 6'2
>mfw no face

>> No.7226618

ahahahahahahahaha enjoy being a fat fuck

>> No.7226667
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>doing GOMAD without lifting

>> No.7226696

yes, obviously. apart from going to work and attending parties in the evenings and on weekends what else is there to do?

>> No.7226852

Why does everyone like this picture so fucking much

>> No.7226895

they have enviable legs

>> No.7226905

good joke
oh wait i forgot i was on /fa/ so you want the body of a girl when trying to look fashionable

>> No.7227049

>oh wait i forgot i was on /fa/ so you want the body of a girl when trying to look fashionable
yeah, obviously

>> No.7227106

next time try not to fucking forget
it won't just be your topman that gets eaten by moths

>> No.7227139

They look miserable and embarrassed

>> No.7227612
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>starve themselves and have eating disorders

Nah, you faggots just need to eat more.

Seriously, count your calories, you are just eating damned near nothing.

>not starving yourself to achieve a 10/10 body

lel. Only a woman can just 'not eat' and look good.

Men need muscle. Even if you like skinny-fags, the models still have at least a little muscle.

How would anyone find that attractive?

>just strated GOMAD recently and I'll start going to the gym when this semester ends.

GOMAD plus no lifting.

I was lifting HARD with morning cardio and still put on 4 pounds of pure fat. (Along with 7 of pure muscle, and cutting was easy enough.)

>> No.7227620

Women find that shit ugly as fuck. I could kill those mothefucker with 1 limp wristed backhand

>> No.7227635

This, women hate skeletons. They like muscle. Hell, they'd even take a bearmode guy over that.

>> No.7227877

Im 20-30 kg underweight.
Being fat is not a problem for me right now.

>> No.7227927

why the fuck would you want to gain pure fat though? eat protein and work out and you'll gain lots of muscle along with the fat.

>> No.7227947

I don't want to gain pure fat, it's just that right now I don't have time to go to the gym, and I'd feel like absolut shit being as skinny and weak as I am.

>> No.7227999

I work in a mental health hospital that has a specialist eating disorder unit. It is full of people like you. Starving yourself doesn't work

>> No.7228151

gomad is not the solution
just eat more and get what exercise you can, if you are as skelly as you say you can notice difference even before you start lifting

>> No.7228177

>doing gomad at all

>> No.7228197


Who the fuck cares.

>> No.7228214

>implying I dress for girls

>> No.7228215

Androgyny is fashionable idk why fit never understands that. That's like me walking into fit and being like, "why would you even want to be bigger and stronger"

inb4 functional strength lol

>> No.7228596
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>doing GOMAD and not lifting

>> No.7230240

I know that feel brother. I am the same.. I hate it.. we can't get any girls because of it.

>> No.7230264
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>tfw not committed enough to starve myself

>> No.7230283

they're inhuman

>> No.7230293
File: 109 KB, 466x398, fuck-this-gay-earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw fat but still want to dress well

I hate you skinny fucks

>> No.7230297

I know I'm chubby and out of shape but honestly who the fuck wants to live hungry and constantly thinking of things you shouldn't be doing? Id rather occupy my brain with things other than negativity.
I need to do more cardio for my job, but other than that, I would never exercise for fun...
My body image is just not that important to me, plus I have things about my body that losing weight will not change.

>> No.7230311
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fuck off you fat piece of shit

>> No.7230321

Funny, I tell myself that every time I look in the mirror.

>> No.7230326
File: 69 KB, 466x398, 1369944455351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7230331



i'm 6"3 and 59kg rn and i have girls my own age and older woman constantly craving the d

if ur modelthin u actually need to, u know, -dress- like a model


>> No.7230330

Im a spooky skellington but I don't starve myself intentionally

>> No.7230344

>feels good

Good luck not being a man, living a life just to exist and not be physically capable of anything. Being bested by weak women on a daily basis.

>> No.7230356

Because it does. To normal people skinnyfags look like they move and talk in slow motion... even their thought appears slower.

>> No.7230368


stop replying to this thread fatty

dab some burger grease on ur asspain maybe that will help

>> No.7230454

all women are the same

>> No.7230717

They also smoke cigarettes to look cool. They're living cliches.

>> No.7230809

well, my personal opinion of them is a positive one. eventually i hope to have legs like them