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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 61 KB, 606x605, awdawdawd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7224312 No.7224312[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

hey /fa/, you may remember me as that guy that posted his face a few times and later on posted something about potentially getting signed with a modeling agency. welp, i did (w/ a subsidiary of one of the best agencies out there). Anyways, I just wanted to share a few of the pictures from my first photoshoot to firstly get an idea of which ones are better for placement in my portfolio and which aren't and secondly to show that things like this do happen. with that, i want to thank you guys, - you made my career what (i hope) it will be once i've established myself in the industry by encouraging me to go out and do it in the first place.

>> No.7224319

w2c jaw

>> No.7224325
File: 36 KB, 355x560, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7224330

I remember your thread, you're living the dream dude good job.

>> No.7224329
File: 105 KB, 640x960, opop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7224334
File: 24 KB, 365x550, mo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7224340
File: 24 KB, 356x546, sergws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks man. as i said, your guys encouragement made it happen.

>> No.7224343


Jaw-chan is back again

>> No.7224347
File: 57 KB, 566x842, serfgsefgsegse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still got some work to do on my body, but since i'm gonna be doing mostly runway, it's okay.

>> No.7224352

i just think those lips are so narrow and those eyes are squinty as fuck

>> No.7224357
File: 49 KB, 559x826, khbgf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure about this one

>> No.7224362

cool! amateur modeling, that's great! hey maybe ou can make it into a career someday! but keep at it, ammy!

>> No.7224361
File: 44 KB, 562x836, nftyntny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this one

>> No.7224387

your cheekbones
i feel happy for you that you have such a beautiful face, no homo

>> No.7224388

w2c hips

>> No.7224394

best ITT imo

just don't use this one
you look good but the lighting is myspace fat girl tier

>> No.7224395

Wow, I remember your thread as well.

Move to a big city, OP. Your time has come

>> No.7224401


what camera/lens/effects are you using for these pictures?

genuinely curious, I'm starting to lurk on /p/ a bit but I'm still a fuccboi

>> No.7224523

timestamp or gtfo

>> No.7224632

Nice man. I just recently signed to Next as well.

Tell me (honestly) do you ever suck your cheeks in for photos?

>> No.7224658

I think this is my favorite.

>> No.7224692

(on my phone) yeah, from time to time. Only had two or three photoshoots so far so still working out what exactly to do w my face

>> No.7224975
File: 140 KB, 511x583, jaw-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great shots, bro
I'm certain you will become a model sooner or later. Good luck!

>> No.7224994

gl bud

>> No.7224998

also use these

>> No.7225008

Dayum you are now my wallpaper.

>> No.7225011

you can be a A&F model if you wanted to all you got to do is get a /fit/ body, and voila! you've made it!

>> No.7225013

youre insanely beautiful

>> No.7225033

I wana kiss you.

Completely homo

>> No.7225060
File: 18 KB, 427x342, 1235416_10151563055962101_472236218_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7225066

these are nice, but they look like graduation photos

>> No.7225074

w2c face

>> No.7225076

your head is way too small for your body

>> No.7225105

his head is fine i think the problem is that his neck is too long for his body

>> No.7225115

needs more abs and less armpit hair

>> No.7225171

Damn dude you do look pretty good.

>> No.7225195

why is this guy so sexy and what the hell is he doing on 4chan

>> No.7225200

didn't we call you a faggot and say you could never model or something?
That's like the standard protocol

Anyway, good job man, livin' the dream!

>> No.7225206

Enjoy sucking dick to move up in your modelling career whilst earning a pittance.

Doing it for the love of it.

>> No.7225209

I remember u. Grats m80!
U in the UK rite

>> No.7225222

please cum on my face so that some of your genetics may rub off on me

(maybe homo; idk anymore)

>> No.7225228
File: 9 KB, 148x149, 1304894795183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck signs someone to an agency when they wear fucking Hanes? Jesus christ. I hope they look at the pics and fire you for not having fucking taste in underwear.

Your modeling career is going to crash and burn and you'll never get laid with Hanes on. GOOD LUCK TO YOU.

>> No.7225235

how does one get involved in modelling?

>> No.7225248


>being this autistic

>> No.7225264

I like these:
Last one is best one. Congrats OP you're super cute, good luck.

>> No.7225272
File: 3 KB, 165x115, cc0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7225287

ever heard of michale jordan from space jam fame you stupid misognstic PUA fuck?

>> No.7225917
File: 25 KB, 326x308, e5tye5y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

copied from the actual full res photos. it was a test photoshoot so not too well versed on any tricks they might have used.

>> No.7225931

who are u jesus

>> No.7225946

Hanes are GOAT tier

>> No.7225962

OP you from Finland/Estonia?

where you from?

whats your background?

>> No.7225987

i'm in the southwestern us, my background being that both of my parents modeled, but nothing ever came of either career. with mine (seeing as i'm signed with a ford subsidiary) i hope to make it big at some point.
just go to open calls/send pictures in

>> No.7226002

yeah, i couldn't find any mid-tier underwear for that shoot and didn't know i was going shirtless

>> No.7226010

you're getting annoying now
we get it, okay?
you don't like misogynistic PUA and neither do we
you can shut the fuck up and stop shitting the board up now

>> No.7226011

thanks! actually it was like half super positive and half super negative, so i figured i was at least unique looking.

>> No.7226016


no i mean background as in where does your family come from? dont say america cos you immigrated from somewhere, and blue eyes/very dirty blonde hair/mongol eyes/thin face/etc says Finland/Estonia cos they have part mongol genes and shit nom sayin?

but could be anywhere in them nordic countries, possibly germany too i guess, not as likely though, they didnt get as mongol until WW2 when the asiatic russians they recruited came over and raped all the germans, cultural genocide n such

>> No.7226032

i've been told i'm like 50% scottish and 50% finnish if i remember correctly.

>> No.7226048

kinda wish your eyes were slightly bigger

>> No.7226056


yeah that sounds about right

you look somewhere between north-atlantid and keltic-nordic

>> No.7226061

What's your bf%?

>> No.7226063


but leaning more towards keltic-nordid, atlantid is more like Mediterranean than anything

>> No.7226239


>> No.7226509
File: 530 KB, 700x465, 1378701187764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, congrats, I got signed a while back too. Going to new york / milan / paris. Maybe we can have a male muddle meet up and post our dreamboxes on effay someday.

>> No.7226576

congrats op

you have a cool face man

>> No.7228595

i remember you

>> No.7228903
File: 15 KB, 213x97, Screen Shot 2013-11-11 at 9.09.10 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry op
gl with the modeling thing

>> No.7228905


lol what is this post even suppose to mean

how jealous/bitter do u have to be to post this, not even posting a pic of the person who said it too


>> No.7228910

dont get upset kiddo
ur gonna face lots of rejection out there

>> No.7228934

not all models are attractive. this guys just has an interesting face, which is what counts.

of course, some people like that

>> No.7228943

Mirin amazing bone structure, I feel like you'd look better with less product in your hair. You look good keep it up dood

>> No.7228952

lol at this entire thread

>> No.7228948


lol the fact u even told ur REAL LIFE (friends??) about a kid who posted his pictures of 4CHAN aswell


>> No.7228995

yeah dude you better provide a timestamp otherwise i wont believe you

anyone can go on a modelling agency website and steal pictures

>> No.7229039
File: 36 KB, 313x264, avatar-sam09-8-251_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you look like avatar guy

>> No.7229078

this is obviously faked

you are not a smart enough or good enough writer to make your words sound any different

capitalizing words doesnt make you sound different

>> No.7229099

you look like bert from sesame street

cut your hair and stop using so much product

>> No.7229321

ITT: cocksuckers