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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 500 KB, 720x960, tumblr_mj7c215rA31ry35g6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7220871 No.7220871[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what trips would you hang with?

>> No.7220879

knoch, mamma död, maybe sulli

>> No.7220889

What is knochs tumblr

>> No.7220899


>> No.7220909

tinfoil seems like the only one who wouldn't be a self-absorbed cunt

>> No.7220921


Fuck you that's not him

>> No.7220926
File: 10 KB, 450x540, diet-butcher-slim-skin-destroyed-goat-leather-sneakers-1-450x540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u trying 2 get me accused of samefaggin or r u just rly cute i cant tell


tbh i like basically every trip on here

>> No.7220938

you just seem like a nice dude :~)

>> No.7220931

ahaha tricked!


>> No.7220932
File: 86 KB, 570x886, lang_parajacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought u sed mamma dod srry

knochs tumblr is herrurst

>> No.7220934

all the ones who live in toronto. i am not brave enough to ever go to meetups though. blah banana tripskank canadafag
>tfw see girls who look like tripskank every day on campus

>> No.7220936

tripsk :3

>> No.7220955

nig w/ e30
momma dod

>> No.7220970
File: 64 KB, 201x400, tumblr_mkfmdyt4Qc1rvhwhbo3_250[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How tall is knoch

>> No.7220974


>> No.7220987
File: 94 KB, 1091x481, 1384001955431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the trips i would hang out with probs wouldn't hang out with me :^(

>> No.7221057

dr komme
twerk it

>> No.7221087

Ohoho trunks u funny guy Ty for posting

Btw what mental illnesses do you have, autism aside

>> No.7221090


>> No.7221099

Dr. Komme
who was that other guy I spoke to a lot last year... he was a namefag though, I'm sure he still posts,
original fascist faggot (Unless that's actually him and back)

>> No.7221133


>> No.7221151

>no Banana & Tomato

u guys r fucking losers

but srsly all u guys are p chill so yea

ps i wud tenderly love twerk mamma dod tripsk and timber B)

>> No.7221159

who wud u hang out with

>> No.7221202


>> No.7221233
File: 28 KB, 508x198, 1286467243465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

knoch of course

pepyn, mama dod, carebear, mike, drkomme

all the people with actual social lifes would probably be nice to be around

>> No.7221235

Probly trunks, dunno anyone else really

>> No.7221274

In no particular order

banana and tomato
I feel like trunks is a lot better in person
same with turnleft
junior I guess
tigerrug seems ok

honestly pretty much everyone, I mean why not
if they are a douchebag irl then you get the opportunity to fite

captcha : were rlyperf

>> No.7222611

what do u think twerk is like irl

>> No.7222632

>wearing open-back headphones in public

fucking asshole, nobody wants to hear your music.

>> No.7222629


>> No.7222637


>> No.7222658
File: 1.28 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2013-10-08-21-14-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't been on /fa/ long enough to know too much about the trips, but I do know that a few of the guys on snapchat are cool

>pic related

also prolly cosmicbutts

>> No.7222680

lower half of his face looks exactly like james francos

>> No.7222685

aboriginal thug

>> No.7222693
File: 232 KB, 400x533, yung lelders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yung lelders so i could fuck his sister

>> No.7222699


i want to punch the living shit out of his annoying gay face

>> No.7222700



~trillsmith mah nig

>> No.7222705

>all of these feels
I would love to sit with him and talk about space exploration while we mix some electronic music.

>> No.7222707
File: 49 KB, 500x500, math.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R u the new polo green? Would you happen to be in the states so I can end you?

>> No.7222718

>thinking grados labs sound leak
kill yourself

>> No.7222725

kawaii as fuck obviously..

>> No.7222731

someone doesn't own open-backed grados lol

>> No.7222739
File: 14 KB, 292x320, typical englishman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they do to some extent

idgaf though still listen to merz in public with them
>be listening to merz in quiet uni library
>no idea how loud music is b/c I'm getting rly into it
>take off headphones and find out they can hear everything clearly as if I had speakers attached to my head
>their faces the whole time

>> No.7222734

loll trill is dat nigga

>> No.7222751
File: 101 KB, 550x544, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


d00d i had the weirdest feeling that you used this image a lot

evidently i like the filename, it stuck with me since may lol

>> No.7222752

im john from hypebeast, your my fan, fall back into that lane

>> No.7222761

im not gay but knoch is a very attractive guy.

>> No.7222762


>> No.7222768

lel I like the second story :^)
twerking as a form of locomotion amuses me

>> No.7222769

what do those two statements have to do with each other

>> No.7222777

I would hang out with Hatchin

Hatchin is so cool

Did you know Hatchin and Slater are getting married and Cooltop is going to be the best man

>> No.7222784
File: 106 KB, 500x500, beat it KID.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ew, dirt.

>> No.7222787

le edgy autism basement dwelling neckbeard

>> No.7222793

Dude you are like the 3rd person to tell me I post a pic a lot then screenshot the archive; diff pic every time. Same reasoning too "oh I know its you posting this a lot because the filename" like wtf man

>> No.7222805


wow that fit is spectacularly awful

>> No.7222825

No it`s not it`s avent garden you bitch.

>> No.7222827


>> No.7222837

its okay to want to be me, but just dont be so blatant about it next time bruh, life will work out for u to if your patient

>> No.7222832

Only guy from /fa/ I would ever hang out with is Mike and he doesn't even come here anymore. Pretty much everyone else seems like a pretentious insecure fag

>> No.7222844

fuck off mike, nobody cares about you

>> No.7222851

ctrl+f 'Eurofag'
Zero results...
...I c-c-can be fun.

>> No.7222864

Flikker op man

>> No.7222859

the person i would want to hang out with is trunks, cause to me hes like a work of art

>> No.7222992

Fuck you, I miss Mike

>> No.7223007

fuck ya we would sniff gasoline and go around beating up fuccbois
i would hang but

ur in euro[pe

>> No.7223009

I love those but they're so expensive

>> No.7223017

not that bad compared to dunks or geos or something

most sell for less than 350

>> No.7223065

I got some for $300 including ship and proxy

Idk I think it's something about Japanese culture they need to have the newest shit, and they'll just sell all of these sick pieces for peanuts. I remember seeing a video of lots in the Japanese countryside where people just abandon their fairly new cars because they buy new ones every few years

>> No.7223067

what is your snapchat

>> No.7223087


† Church †

>> No.7223092

they abandon their cars because of the inspection

>> No.7224680


>> No.7224707

knock, user, franz, maybe fascist

literally the only good trips in the history of /fa/

>> No.7224738

How do you learn about words like steeze and generally talk so cool

>> No.7224751

I know that feel.

>> No.7224778

aboriginal and trunks.

I just feel like they are the only people who have the good type of autism that it would take to become a trip.

Like the type that I might actually be gravitated towards irl..

and i'm pretty sure everyone else here is a nerd.

the bad type. the one everyone steers clear of.

i base this mostly off dat nigga aboriginals based swag cooking skills. as well as trunks persian x celtic fit everyone here loves

>> No.7224790

tripskank because I want to fuck her from the back and then beat the fuck out of her

>> No.7224792

how tall is mamma död?

>> No.7224810

france flag is gay fgt