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/fa/ - Fashion

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7220553 No.7220553[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

anyone got the /fa/ version of this?

>> No.7220564
File: 376 KB, 1280x960, effay life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7220567

1. Develop taste
2. Get money
3. Buy clothes

Also, isolating yourself from others to improve yourself is counterproductive.

>> No.7220569


Many of the "greatest" humans of all time sought solitude as a means to gain greater knowledge of themselves, and thus of the world. Spending a lot of time around everyone else can cause you to only know what others enjoy, believe, do, and are. Time with the self is invaluable.

>> No.7220572

isolating yourself from the world by shooting heroin while focusing on completely changing your height and percieved affluence?
Spend cocoon mode...
-doing drugs
-coording siq fits
after cocoon mode you will be..
-sexier, intimidating and more aesthetic ( to patricians)
-not a fuccboi

Don't enjoy anything!

>> No.7220576

I'm just saying a balance is required. And you can learn a lot by spending time with the right kind of people.

>> No.7220579

>isolating yourself from the world by shooting heroin while focusing on completely changing your height and percieved affluence?

No there is an actual infographic like in OP but based on /fa/. I'm requesting it

>> No.7220599

i think just getting a semi decent job
starving oneself and running and a little bit of weight lifting to get cole mohr style body
not going out ever or spending any money on anything other than living expenses
reading fashion books to get educated on fashion and stuff

after a year just spend all the money you've saved up on sick stuff for your new, super skinny body

>> No.7220622

pretty much what i'm doing at the moment and it does work

>> No.7220676

>Many of the "greatest" humans of all time sought solitude

You, nor anyone else posting in this thread right now is or ever will be inducted into the ranks of such people.

>> No.7220682


Okay? That doesn't mean that embracing solitude wont have the same advantages

>> No.7220706
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Attempting to live a /fa/ lifestyle do be /fa/ is not /fa/ fuccbois.
Do what you love. You should educate yourself and develop better taste, but if you enjoy something, you don't "stop" to be edgier and darker.

Unless you do enjoy being a bunch of clones. kek.

>> No.7220708


>> No.7220765

you fucked up

>> No.7220820

>end cocoon mode when you are satisfied with your body and mind
well then i know what im doing for the rest of my life

>> No.7221120

Solitude is only socially acceptable if you're wealthy. That's how western society works.

If your net worth isn't at least in the low 7 figures people will just think you're a freak. Cross that line and suddenly you are somebody people look up to and women view you as a potential mate.

Fuck logic.

>> No.7221143

almost done doing cocoon mode (a little more than 1 year so far), already /fa/, /fit/ and fixed my personality and social skills (the thing i spent the most working on), next year will be the best :)))

>> No.7221153

You still use smilies so your personality is far from being even decent

Smilies are for women and gay people (but if you're gay, then no issue, wont judge)

>> No.7221173


i was using them ironically

>> No.7221176

Always think in terms of ape logic. Most people in the world have the intellect of an ape.

Apes respect someone who has a shit ton of bananas, even if he got them by some strike of luck or by pure chance (inheritance, lottery etc.)

He could be the smartest ape in the world but until he obtained a large amount of bananas, other apes would continue to look down on him.

Human females mainly judge human males by the amount of resources they hold. You are insignificant to them as a human being with a real personality.

But the less of an ape society you live in the less this applies. For example in many European countries wealth doesn't matter at all, all sorts of men can get married or have short flings.

Then go to an asian country or africa, and suddenly it's the only thing that matters. In short, stay away from ape countries

>> No.7221195

Still interact with everyone around you, but wear normal clothing. In the meantime, start secretly building up your wardrobe, and diet/exercise excessively. Once you have perfected your wardrobe, burn all your pleb clothing and achieve patriciandom.

>> No.7221194

wow this is the most retarded thing i have ever read


>> No.7221212

With a few exceptions only people who live in western countries aren't primitive.
Even supposedly civilized people like chinese women in China are materialistic as hell, even more so than some african woman.

Regardless of ethnicity, just living in a western society generally civilizes a person after a long enough period has passed. This doesn't apply to all people, but most.
In western countries even hippies get together and stay married for the rest of their lives. Unemployed men can find partners, ex drug addicts can find partners, nothing is a problem.

Farther away you get from civilization the more you encounter nations where only a small minority of men is viewed as suitable (because they tyrannize the wealth through state monopolies enforced by violence and the military) and the rest are viewed as lower than dog shit.

No wonder those countries have a bunch of terrorists and other desperate guys. They don't seem to respect women much either.
What do they have to lose?
If someone calls western countries materialistic they should first look at these third world shitholes.

>> No.7221216

how did you improve social skills while in cocoon mode? Impossible

>> No.7221224

this post is why there should be anonymous messageboards without autists and 4chan culture

>> No.7221225

i thought it was oversimplified, but had a hint of truth.
judging people solely based on their resources is an animal trait not fit for human society, in our species there are far more variables at work,
otherwise women would be murdering each other for a chance to fuck carlos slim or warren buffett

>> No.7221240
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not this term again
its krautchan cancer, take it back with you

>> No.7221249

Only germans and finns use autism as an argument. Go invade some countryball contest or something, nobody likes your countries and your imageboard 'raids' anyway.

>> No.7221258


>> No.7221261

As a female I would say maybe 25% of women (maximum) are materialistic in the real sense of the word. There are far more people I know to whom money means absolutely nothing.

Anyway, those women are born golddiggers, nobody forces you to interact with them. They mostly target much older men anyways, like 40-50yr+

>> No.7221296
File: 49 KB, 604x402, 1372612285598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be taking cocoon mode srs for 4 months
>lifting, eating properly
>grades are up a bunch, GPA increased
>got a solid part time job at dunks (still shit but better then NEET)
>went out last night with my only 4 friends, got compliments from everyone


>> No.7221338


Don't talk sense to those people

>> No.7221385
File: 364 KB, 1760x1320, i feel like shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7221566

>end your life when you are satisfied with your body and mind


>> No.7221797
File: 241 KB, 1276x958, 1375548479479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7221972

What 4channers think they'll do:
> stop going to parties and social gatherings
> learn/master how to play an instrument
> learn a new language
> get their goal body
> buy all of their dream clothes
> groom self until they become attractive

What actually happens:
> lift weights for an hour a week
> start brushing their teeth every other day
> realize they never went out with friends anyway
> play videogames all day
> jack off to midget porn
> browse 4chan

>> No.7221987


>> No.7221999 [DELETED] 


>> No.7222021

>Went into cocoon mode
>Gonna change myself up this year
>Read a shit-ton about fitness
>Ok, now I know how to exercise
>Read a shit-ton about fashion
>Now I have some semblance of an idea on how to dress myself
>2 years later
>no gf
>no friends
>possibly even more autstic than before
>can only type out my sentence like a 4chan moron

Not sure what happened really. I went into cocoon mode but I didn't have friends to begin with so its like yeah, back to square 1 but with a better wardrobe and a body that went from fat to skinny-fat

>> No.7222034
File: 380 KB, 1280x1215, 1379976450654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I doing it right?

>> No.7222045

>but with a better wardrobe and a body that went from fat to skinny-fat

better then nothing, don't expect it to stop you being such an autistic cunt

>> No.7222060

At the very least I can pass off as being normal, even though deep down, my heart is racing a 1000 miles an hour, sweating in the strangest of places and my head starts doing this annoying twitch

>> No.7222069

no amount of time alone is going to save you then

>> No.7222066

lool this is the /fa/ cocoon mode
save £3000 by not eatting for months
be impervious to rain in your new cocoon fuck the h8rs

>> No.7222098

I'm going to spend my future money on actual psychiatric help instead of on cops