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7219377 No.7219377[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Diets/restrictive eating advice

>eat very little each day (female, 5'8", 117lbs, goal is currently 113 but I'll probably lower it)
>things going well for me, but recently when fasting for entire days, I get bad stomach pains and growls
>like a sharp pain in my upper abdomen accompanied by a loud growl
Does anybody else know how to prevent this? I can just endure the stomach pains if need be, but people notice and question the growls.

>> No.7219386

Tell them you have explosive diarrhea.

>> No.7219391

dont fast for entire days, just eat whatever you want at the start of every day and then nothing else

>> No.7219399

I actually did eat something this morning, as well as yesterday, and I still have had this issue both days.

>> No.7219409

maybe you could like give a 1/10th of an effort and work out and you would be able to eat too? just a though.

>> No.7219410

Water, coffee and chewing gum. Ideally all at once.

>> No.7219411

Fill your tummy with fluids

>> No.7219421

I used to, but now that I'm working 40 hours a week plus classes I truly do not have time anymore.
I drink a ton of coffee (I'm a barista) but it doesn't help. Water and gum used to help, but they stopped after restricting for a while ):

>> No.7219432

>monitor your calorie intake; eat at a 500kcal deficit
>exercise regularly

This what you should be doing. Not starving yourself. smh

>> No.7219876

do meth or speed it will help curb your appetite and not sleeping burns more calories

>> No.7220277

That's what happens to people who actually starve, if you keep this up you'll die.

I'm not going to give you advice on how to workout or how to eat better because I couldn't tell you anything that a knowledgeable person wouldn't be able to tell you, but you're going about your "diet" like a huge retard and you will hurt yourself and regain the weight you have lost. I really think you will.

>> No.7220289

that's not how you lose weight you autistic cunt

>> No.7220291

This is the only way to do it if you want the change to be permanent and don't want to look like a methhead. desert island survivor.

>> No.7220302

Coffee upsets your stomach.

Have you tried eating at a minimal deficit and doing like 30 mins of workout every day before bed and shower?
I'm sure you think all of your dreams will come true if you just keep it up a little longer but the truth is you will never be happy and you're just getting uglier every day and on top of that your eating behavior destroys what was left of your social life.

>> No.7220327

cut out sugar. drink green tea every morning. go for an hour walk before breakfast 3-5 times a week. eat more protein and less carbs and/or cut out the useless carbs you probably eat. just learn some facts about nutrition and use your metabolic rate to cut pounds instead. learn to count calories or whatever.

>> No.7220356

you all know that by not eating enough proteins etc, your body will start eating at your muscles so you're not losing fat you're losing muscle mass. I also recomend eating less calories than you burn. don't die now.

>> No.7221799

I'm not white knighting, but please stop.
I am 5.10 and weigh like 115 and look like a twig.
Seriously, you must be stick thin too. I mean you can go as far as you want with this, but just know that no normal guy will touch a girl who's in full Auschwitz mode.

>> No.7221874
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>uncontrolled fasting
>being this autistic

>> No.7221942

Jesus christ. You don't need to fucking fast you retard. Eat meat and vegetables while reducing your carbs to a minimum. It's not that fucking difficult to diet down without going on a hunger strike.

>> No.7221974
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i have posted this thousands of times and i will post it again
the hungry skeleton diet is a meme
eat 500 cals under your maintenance while limiting your carbs and you will lose weight/fat faster than you can believe.
Mix this in with weight training/cardio and you will be in excellent shape in no time, while still being very thin

>> No.7221978

Sounds like IBS, make sure that when you do eat you get enough fibre. After a week or two (maybe more based how little you eat) the pains should start to go away. I had a similar thing back when I used to eat like once a day

>> No.7221981

Heroin helps stomach pain and makes you less hungry.

>> No.7222008

i swear to god this is the dumbest post i have ever seen

your digestive system is resilient and protective to a certain degree but the human body is not made under any circumstances to fast for entire days while eating rabbit food in between. if you go for long periods of time without eating, your body can't adjust itself to a stable point and your digestive system has to deal with imbalanced intestinal flora and malabsorption and a whole mess of other issues. when you /do/ eat, especially if it's really greasy or some shit which it will undoubtedly be because you apparently lack all self-control, you're just making that situation worse.

the solution is to stop starving yourself. don't fucking call it fasting like you're doing it for a reason other than your own jejune self-consciousness. 5'8" and 117 pounds? you already look like a fucking joke. you want people to find you attractive? the only people you're going to attract at 113 pounds are the fucking wastes that occupy japanese cartoon image boards. you want clothes to fit you better? stop being a fucking pleb and accept that you're going to have to try and think for yourself a little bit instead of following the cookie-cutter shit you see marketed to you.

this post was absurd and you should be ashamed. i'm not going to tell you how to eat but jesus christ, if this isn't a cry for help i don't know what is.

>> No.7222101

dood. 5'8 117 is not that skinny. she doesn't want to look average. she wants a thin figure to be her calling card.

look. my ex of three years was bulimic. anorexic girls attract themselves to me. one girl is snapchatting me her stupid collarbone and thighgap. i call her a loser, because behind the self-degradation, she has no personality. that's the problem. they think people are rejecting them because they carry weight in some awkward place. they are being rejected for their empty lives. they consume mass media, yet want to be perceived like high culture femme fatales. it's really delusional.

i've been vegan for 6 years. eat only beans and soy protein for protein. eat low fat nuts. drink 2-3 strong cups of coffee in the morning with light breakfast of steel cut oats in almond milk. no animal products. don't eat any: no fish or chicken. and do light exercise. stretch and maintain a good posture. strengthen your stomach muscles, pull back your shoulders, just stretch. it gets blood flowing, hormones balanced. don't get stressed about things. don't express anger or bitterness. fake happiness, and learn to rationalize those actions. soon it will become normal. read books. the waif isn't a new archetype. she's been around for a long time. so has the fatty. get cultured. and fuck off, cunt.

>> No.7222110

please someone listen to this guy

>> No.7222118

>5'8 117 is not that skinny
yeah just fuck off already

>> No.7222138

she wants to lose FOUR pounds. chill out, chubby chaser.

>> No.7222155

Go to /fit/ and read the sticky you are doing it wrong.

>> No.7222179

i am a girl, i am 5'8", i've been everything from 110 to 125 (which is what i am now).

>she wants a thin figure to be her calling card.

and how fucking pathetic is that. don't humor yourself. a calling card is a fragrance or a lipstick color. it isn't starving yourself to the point where you feel like a prisoner in your own body. you get hunger pangs, you /fucking eat/. you don't skip another meal because, hey, what do i have other than being skinny, right? starving yourself to look waifish is more akin to keeping a cancerous mole because it looks cute than it is braiding your hair in a certain style.

women with mental health issues are attracted to you because you feed their self-hatred, and if you can't see that then i honestly just pity the girls.

you are like a caricature of everything i hate in a human being.

starving yourself is the most pathetic thing a human being can do. being uncomfortable in a healthy human form and striving to become less healthy completely reeks of self-delusion and esteem issues.

people naturally have different body types. skinny women have always been around, in and out of vogue. the fact that you yourself think of it as a dichotomy of "waif vs. fatty" just proves how little you actually know about the "culture" you're talking about.

think about who you're going to attract, OP. it's people like this one. the kind of guy who openly talks about how mentally ill women are drawn to him and then goes on to justify and romanticize the effects of their mental illness.

>> No.7222184
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Imagine Obama doing a shit

>> No.7222183

I am a male, 6 foot, 120 lb, I am a lot more skinnier than she is.

>> No.7222222
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I would suggest a topkek diet ;D.

>> No.7222230

nice, nice :^)

>> No.7222233

height, weight don't count for shit if you don't know your bf% you autist

>> No.7222229


>> No.7222238

4%. :^)

>> No.7222235
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nice sexts

>> No.7222250

>mental issues

look what we have here. an idiot. starving is entirely a subjective term. 4 days without food is starving. 2 days ? no. do you know how much more food americans/westerners eat than the rest of the world? talk about being a caricature of everything the world hates in a human being. instead of responding, line by line to my post, write something original of your own. or is that your life in a nutshell? a response to what someone else does? also it's a known fact women are more mentally ill than men. take you, for example, typical anger disorder. this is a thread about losing one's fat, not losing one's temper. also, the young ladies i've been in contact with who have body issues are quite competent, competitive and productive individuals in society. i'm really startled by the tone of your post and wish to be relieved from your level of shitposting.

>> No.7222268
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>> No.7222273
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ooo killem

also dubs

>> No.7222274


>> No.7222284

lmao fat fuck come back when you're 0%

>> No.7222293

3/10 for the effort

>> No.7222346

Being friendless, jobless and always reading shit online, I'm forever in cocoon-mode.

>> No.7222381
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getting sexts with a shitty post

>> No.7222412

5'9 120 pounds,
I eat 1940 calories a day, sometimes I go for 8 hours walks and then eat more those days.
Don't starve yourself, eat healthy, get nutrients, learn nutritional information.
Fill up on Fibre and Protein, use portion control, Fasting is going to fuck up your metabolism and make you feel like shit.

>> No.7222422

Also my bf% is pretty low, I kinda wish I had the babyfat back in my face though.

>> No.7222455

So, for exercise, what's the best thing to do?

I actually have both a treadmill and an elliptical at home, are those any good? I've heard weight lifting burns a lot of fat too, but I don't want to look muscled.

And what's the best amount of time to do it for? Is the 30minutes of vigorous physical activity a day thing the best for fat loss?

>> No.7222501

>TFW 6'3 183 lb

>TFW want to be 140ish but can't be bothered to give a damn

>> No.7222508

I'm a guy BTW ;)

>> No.7222574

pretty sure its caused by the acid in your stomach and your body digesting itsself a little OP. I used to get this when I didnt have time to eat during university. Not much you can do about it besides eat a big meal in the morning and then eat constantly throughout the day