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File: 31 KB, 563x548, jaden-smith-tweets-15 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7219326 No.7219326[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7219327

that kid smoking some dank ass weed

>> No.7219330

Jaden Smith, Greatest Philosopher of the 21st century

>> No.7219353


>> No.7219358

Damn That's Fucking Crazy Dude

>> No.7219389
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>> No.7219396


weed or LSD

hope it's not LSD, that shit can fuck your head up when you're as young as he is.

>> No.7219401

Let's follow, retweet and blog about whoever the hell this is. That'll teach 'im. Maybe we should also donate money to him just to be sure.

>> No.7219400


citation plz.

inb4 stoner faggot gtfo

>> No.7219403
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>> No.7219414

Do you really not know who this is? Like really nigga?

>> No.7219420

Nigga don't know body care about no kids. And stop talking like a faggot. You show you're one by knowing who that faggot is.

>> No.7219425

Nah, he's on a drug called "Scientology"
Join now

>> No.7219430


well, it won't make you crazy or harm you outright, but it can sort of "dement your world view" if that makes any sense.

There are a lot of acid analogues out there these days too, some of which can kill you with as little as 4 hits. If you don't test you don't know what you're taking. Shit can fuck your head up when your mind is still developing.

>> No.7219433

>know body
>don't care about no
>And stop talking like a faggot.
God damn, you have got to be the most ignorant fuccboi on this whole board. I'd rather talk like a faggot than be an inbred retard that can't into entry-level grammar.

>> No.7219443

If you don't know who Jaden Smith is you must be a complete retard. So out of touch with pop culture and fashion that you should probably just kill yourself now.

>> No.7220588


>> No.7220634


lmao I saw his twitter a few days ago, no idea what what that nigger is smoking.

>If Newborn Babies Could Speak They Would Be The Most Intelligent Beings On Planet Earth.

>> No.7220644

Why the fuck does he use a capital letter on every word?

>> No.7220648

if you are not 100% mentally stable, then it can fuck you up easily. especially when you are young

>> No.7220655

post that on /sci/ op

>> No.7220659

Holy fuck this kid is a genius, this just blew my mind...I mean, how can mirrors be real? How can they be real if our eyes aren't? This is blowing my mind right now...holy shit.

>> No.7220662


The kid is just an idiot, a smart kid on acid wouldn't spout this crap.

>> No.7220683

is it the same with shrooms?

>> No.7220696

Exactly this, people sell shit like 25-i as LSD and it's so different, you get visuals but the headspace is so much different it can go bad quick.

If you've heard that your brain is like a sponge at young ages, and it soaks up all new information. It'll be hard to see the difference between real/headspace when tripping at a young age as you're not experienced at 'life' so it's likely to fuck up how you view certain things from then after. Should wait till you're older and with a steady setting/headspace otherwise it'll go bad.

>> No.7220703

apples and oranges

>> No.7220710


>> No.7220711

lol that shit is so weird
the headspace is more like a weed type thing
like u can function but ur still kinda out of it
the visuals r fucking sick as well
only thing i dont like about it is that it lasts for way too long and it tastes like shit
not bad for like 20p a tab tho

>> No.7220730

well, can't generalize that but if you are not mentally stable, the chance is higher that you'll get a psychosis.

>> No.7220734
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>know body
you don't know how much time i spent trying to figure this out

>> No.7220982

mm visuals are sick but I've had friends who have lost their tits because of one simple joke, or go from okay walking home to mental fuck nut job. it's nasty stuff when it goes wrong.

>> No.7221037

A smart kid wouldn't take acid in the first place.

>> No.7221063


A minority of smart kids will take it but they will do it responsibly.

>> No.7221071


Taking acid in college was a pretty interesting experience and though it's obviously not for regular use, I think it's an experience I appreciate having tried.

>> No.7221076
File: 145 KB, 625x392, 116ec__enhanced-buzz-20782-1379360277-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ this guy i don't even

>> No.7221130

>this is what nigger actually believe

>> No.7221145


What's so weird about that statement?

>> No.7221150

drugs are le bad for u xDxDD sXe4lyfe

>> No.7221161

Why Do People Capitalize The First Letter Of Every Word?

>> No.7221163
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Lmao this fuckers avi

>> No.7221158
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jaden so based <3

>> No.7221181
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I can't handle this shit

>> No.7221187
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>people who capitalize the first letter of every word

>> No.7221188

Unfortunately I found this out first hand, started doing TONS of acid, 25-i, etc when I was 15. I can't even put my finger on what it is, I just don't feel "right". Prolly gonna kill myself

>> No.7221191


Not weird; more like a stupid one.

>> No.7221197

>tfw no nutrients IN OUR WATER ;_;

>> No.7221203

hahahaha jonah hill is a genius lmao

>> No.7221199


Sure, but why?

>> No.7221207
File: 9 KB, 514x90, wwwat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys think he wears a fedora when hes not on camera?

>> No.7221229

famous kids are the worst

>> No.7221232
File: 47 KB, 497x750, tumblr_msy7ehCepk1si5uebo3_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7221237

>people actually believe the propaganda
top kek

>> No.7221238

just right off the bat
>implying the people up above are the same as him
>implying that he can be doing what high-tier whitecollars can do just as well
>by extension, implying he knows how to run a country
>implying nignogs will amount to anything good

>> No.7221247


it implies he knows how intelligent the people that made the rules were, how intelligent every one of us is, it's a huge generalization, a non sequitur, and promotes a retarded notion of moral relativism

>> No.7221269
File: 128 KB, 762x1048, Jonah Hill I Think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pictured: A True Genius

>> No.7221301


You guys are way too young to understand what it means, it seems.

You should always question everything. Yes, that means even that tweet.
To me he's just saying that you need to be your own man, not adhere to the rules because some motherfucker in a suit and tie says so.

>> No.7221305

the fuck are you guys talking about?
25i literally has almost no mindfuck att all, is giggly as fuck and for me it's like the first time rolling except a bit more visuals and lasted longer.
Was so happy it was like I got my mdma magic back.
25i is and will always be my favorite.

>> No.7221323

I'm surprised a guy like will smith is raising such a narcissistic piece of shit

>> No.7221356

Well shithead, I set it up like that. And you just spent time actually trying to figure it out? Get off 4chan, go outside and get some fresh air.

>> No.7221364

He's right about Jonah Hill you know

>> No.7221372

He must have been watching Baby Geniuses and took that shit serious.

>> No.7221373

>dat capitalization

>> No.7221387

jesus, joseph and doggy style mary that was fucking awful

>> No.7221386


then he should say what he means, we're reacting to what he said, not what he "wanted to say"

>> No.7221431

hmm that makes sense

like i started smoking weed when i was like 15 and sometimes now when i am doing something i say to myself "it feels like i am high"


>> No.7221454

you're not gonna get a fucking psychosis from shrooms

>> No.7221456

>implying fedoras aren't awesome
lel stay pleb

>> No.7221500


Exactly, now you sound like a little child, which you probably are.

>> No.7221507


>> No.7221519

Dude should read The Apology


>> No.7221569

I know a dude at my unis honors college who has straight As in chemical engineering courses and does dmt, lsd, mescaline, shrooms, and weed all the time. Like every saturday is spent tripping for him.

>> No.7221574



>> No.7221650


weed doesnt do anything fuccboi