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7212007 No.7212007 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a talk on what we can do to improve the quality of everyone's pics without buying expensive lights and cameras.

For one, I think it's common knowledge that sunlight is probably the best light for showing details and color. But what is the best height to take a picture? Waist height? Head height angled down slightly?

Also, does anyone know any good camera timer apps for the iphone?

>> No.7212032

>go outside but not in direct light
>don't use a phone
>don't use a mirror

>> No.7212069

What if it's a phone with a good camera?

>> No.7213865

w2c the jacket please ?

>> No.7214013

it's a plain zip up, idiot

>> No.7214161

This thread is a good idea.
Please don't post sloppy selfies in your alomost dark and messy room in the WAYWT, we can't see shit and it looks shit

>> No.7214179
File: 59 KB, 720x540, 1383456795556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

natural lighting

use a timer

fierce pose

take a few and choose the best

crop image to reasonable size (can be done in ms paint, gimp etc)

pic unrelated

>> No.7214183

i wish i could take fit pics, but i do not have any camera at all other than my cell phone, and i wouldn't go buy a camera just so i could take pictures of my outfit for people on the internet to judge

>> No.7214203


>> No.7214216


you dont have to

just use a timer (try prop up your phone somewhere) and make sure the lighting is good (pref outside)

>> No.7214236

aight i have a nice looking back yard so maybe someday i'll give it a shot

>> No.7215561

lmao is that trunks?

>> No.7215592

>go outside
>use a reflector (can be anything, even just a plain white big piece of whatever) to even out you and the background so it doesn't look blown out
>if possible shoot RAW (some phones have it)