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File: 160 KB, 500x750, 1380488801042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7205070 No.7205070[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the English equivalent of prep?

>> No.7205078



>> No.7205081


>> No.7205090

How's the dole queue these days?

>> No.7205089


Countryside style to an extent. White checkered shirts/chinos/blue jeans/puffer gilets/jumpers.

Of course a direct comparison really cant be made but toffs typically wear that sort of stuff.

>> No.7205093

literally every private school kid I've experienced was a huge cunt

>> No.7205123

Really? That's rum luck. I really feel for you. Sincerely.
Also what were they wearing?

>> No.7205137

Where can I cop a good quality jacket like this?

>> No.7205163

>rum luck
fuk off m8

>> No.7205174

I shall flush your peasant noggin in the lav.

>> No.7205191
File: 271 KB, 799x922, dandy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7205199

m8o ill bash ur dfookin head in ya cheeky priveledged coont

>> No.7205211


Wish these guys were my crew.

>> No.7205222

i've been to both private & comprehensive schools

about 1/4 of private school kids were really nice and well rounded, whereas the rest were mostly bratty and insufferable

at the comprehensive school almost everyone was alright to get along with, but there was a lot more drama

>> No.7205230

Why are the guys in these old illustrations all seven feet tall?

>> No.7205248

because artist's impression, faggot

>> No.7205250

because they are MEN

>> No.7205251

country bumpkin

>> No.7205260
File: 106 KB, 780x450, barbour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed, most direct comparison in terms of the class of people that wear it etc

>> No.7205267

I read pirate school first, and now I'm sad this doesn't exist. :(

>> No.7205265

harris tweed, brooks brothers, j crew

>> No.7205275

There's no direct equivalent.

American prep comes from the comfortable/casual leisure and sporting clothes of rich east coast WASPs.

But what would the leisure clothes of rich brits look like?

People are inevitably going to bring up english country looks (stuff with brogue boots and tweed and barbour coats) but is that stuff at all different from what working class country people wore?

>> No.7205281

> but is that stuff at all different from what working class country people wore?

>> No.7205284

LOL. Brits don't have fun. We only have time for Queen, Country and Crumpets.

>> No.7205290

nobody fucking likes the queen, our country or crumpets where do you live

>> No.7205295

crumpets are fucking tasty
ive got a big plate of warburtons ones rn
im not eating them but i'm imagining it before i go purge again

>> No.7205297

>not going t'pub
i cant find a good pub with a beer garden near my college and its annoying me

>> No.7205307

What style is ops pic?

Doesn't look prep to me, prep to me means pink sweaters and french blue pants.

>> No.7205315

Someone post the image that differentiates prep from "prep"

>> No.7205321

All that pastel stuff seems very american to me. That's why I thought it was a good example to start with.

>> No.7205328


All of which are FUN!

>> No.7205334

i'm from landan so i may be wrong

but i assumed that most british farmers were fairly well off/ middle class at least

>> No.7205553

They are... lol. They whine and complain but at the end of the day they drive BMWs, own large houses, well-furnished. Dress well etc etc.

>> No.7205599

Definitely not historically.
Independent American Farmers are considered Upper-Middle Class today if you look at their net worth, but that's certainly not the impression you get from media.

>> No.7205616

Isn't it just a similar style? I'm not a britfag by any means, but it seems like much of the style is a lot more British influenced than American.

>> No.7205634

>Definitely not historically.
i'm talking about currently. obviously if you go back far enough you'll be talking about peasant farmers/ subsistence farmers

you could argue that general city wear could be similar to prep. the distinctive style of suits, burberry and other high end coats. bond street style

>> No.7206185

Thing is, prep is a historically-inspired aesthetic. It's inherently 20th century.

>> No.7206204

private school is cool as fuck

>not going to a school that looks like a castle in rural scotland
>not having semi abusive headmasters
>not having weekly visits to the quaint village nearby and causing a "ruckus" with timothy and simon
>not smoking pot under the nose of your in-the-closet lesbian house maid

>> No.7206222
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>not getting fiddled on the reg

>> No.7206279

private schools are the least cool thing

im glad i didnt go to one although if i did id probably be going to cambridge

most private schools dont look like rural castles, unless you're talking to private boarding schools... in which case they REALLY arent cool, theyre are bad for you, my dad went to leighton park and caterham and it didnt do him any good

even if im rich as fuck im gonna send my kids to a comprehensive

>> No.7206289

damn is he posh

whered your mum go to school

>> No.7206301


I am >>7206204

My dad went to glenalmond and I went to gordonstoun, private boarding school is fine if you can hack it

>> No.7206319

sort of posh, probably less posh now than he was when he was younger, he got a scholarship though im not sure my grandparents could have afforded to pay for him to go (theyre really posh lol but i dont know how much money they had)

my mum comes from a really shitty yorkshire council estate (mum was dinner lady dad worked down the pitts) so she isnt posh lol, cant remember the name of her school but it looks like a prison (local comp)

yeah maybe it can be a fun time.. but still not as good for you as being able to display your emotions at school and having a home and school life separate

also i hate what an unfair advantage kids from private schools have, since top unis look at gcses a lot these days and thats really unfair

>> No.7206327

now by private school, do you mean school provided by the town, or school that you have to pay/apply for. In the US you have to be accepted to a private school, but the governement gives you free school though public schools.

>> No.7206349
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Btw your trip is obnoxiously long

>> No.7206356

school you have to pay to go to to filter out the povs

>> No.7206452

>leighton park
>didn't do him any good

that's because he went to shitty private schools that nobody's ever heard of. to get the benefit you either need to go to one that gives you nepotism and connections such as eton, marlborough, harrow, fettes, etc. or you need to go to one that's consistently near the top of academic league tables such as kcs, st pauls, westminster, etc. going to a private school that doesn't fit in to the above categories is such a waste of time and just makes you like any other pleb, only you might have a less grating accent. hence your dad.

>> No.7206467


that's only cambridge, durham medicine courses and to a lesser extent oxford

literally nobody else cares unless you got loads of c grades or worse

>> No.7206498

not just medicine, im doing law, and i can tell you that some other do, oxford and cambridge both do, so do LSE and durham

im mainly talking about oxbridghe though, really im bitching because its annoying that i did bad in my gcses because i didnt give a fuck and didnt have any motivation to work at all, because i didnt feel i was working for myself and my parents werent pushy. if you go to a private school youre forced to work hard even if you dont really understand why you have to do well

>> No.7206506

meant durham in general sorry

that's maybe 5 of the uk's universities, there are plenty others to choose from that will teach you well, have a great reputation and will leave you set for life

i visited edinburgh and asked a professor how much they cared about gcse's and he said they don't even look at them

for example

what uni are you at?

>> No.7206530


you are not a top 5 student

oxbridge students have that natural intelligence, you remember those kids in class? you can try to sound intelligent on /fa/ but we all know you would never be cambridge material

>> No.7206542

If you ever went to a private school you'd know it to be Burberry, Ralph Lauren, lacoste, jack wills, Hollister, and superdry

>> No.7206552

york m8 not there on a gap year, but ive got a place at yrok

you dont know me

>> No.7206558


jack wills, hollister and superdry are not fucking private school brands, everyone even the basics know that they have fallen of the cliff of coolness

everyone is all about the uk breakbeat scene "deep house m8" "heard the new bondax m8" are playground chatter, you've got kids from fucking st andrews repping preme and claiming their dad used to sell coke in the bronx for "lolz"

>> No.7206563

nice, my dad went there back in the 80s

got friends there also, they love it

>> No.7206573
File: 27 KB, 320x240, 1383742884706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How many people do you know that go to Oxbridge or that tier?

Not all of them have this "natural intelligence" in fact quite a few of them I've met have been real dull individuals, but very hard working and good at jumping through hoops (I don't mean this in a nasty way, just my observation).

However you are right there are many who are incredibly gifted and bright, my cousin is one for these people.

This kind of competitive high level of education at these universities is not for everyone though

>> No.7206578

so did my dad lol

>> No.7206590

My private school was like Hogwarts. Which is why I can't tolerate the Harry Potter books.

>> No.7206595

Oxford is shit, my prof got his fucking doctorate there and all it got him was a non-tenure track position in fucking Metro Detroit.

>> No.7206596


did u get molested

>> No.7206602


Should a foreign student attend bristol, Sussex, or Exeter for law? Only been to London once in my life so know nothing about it really, and am thinking of just picking numbers from a hat.

>> No.7206603

its over rated if you go by the stats

>> No.7206607

eton fam ww@? angelo's house 4 lyf

>> No.7206612

right you cunts i went to one of the uk's most expensive, prestigious and academically successful schools, i'm going to clarify this for you

from age 5 - 12 basically nobody cares, some might be dressed 'nice' by their mums but that's it

from 13 - 15 it's just general highstreet stuff - topman, river island, asos, superdry, vans and nike - alongside slightly more expensive stuff like hollister (not abercrombie any more, idk why) and jack wills. lots of chinos and hoodies. those who don't care dress out of the boden catalogue

at about late 15 - early 16 things start to change. some kids hear about supreme / other streetwear brands like huf, diamond supply, etc. they try it for a little bit but decide that they can do better (with the exception of supreme, supreme is everlasting)

from 16 - 18 you get diversified groups:

those who don't care at all, just wear whatever m&s tier stuff their mums buy them

those who care a bit but not too much. some topman, maybe a bit of uniqlo, still a bit of jack wills and hollister. think slim jeans / chinos and a jumper / hoodie. standard stuff

those who care slightly more, these are the people who might wear a bit of ralph lauren, maybe barbour, try and make sure things fit well and don't look too plebeian

and finally there are those with loads of money who really try. there were a couple of sneakerheads, some who dressed in a lot of supreme (but never the obnoxiously branded stuff), and then a few who wore rick, givenchy, visvim, etc.

some things to note: nobody ever wore any form of hat unironically, same with tank tops. instead of backpacks a lot of people liked to carry those big gym bags in one hand. also there was a gentle undertone of bragging about it all, you might make a little comment to someone else about your 'ralphy' shirt. never anything serious though.

>> No.7206623


i dont get this post

what relevance does it have to private school

>> No.7206626

exeter and bristol have solid reputations. i've never even heard of sussex

for me personally i'd pick bristol as it's a nicer town. further from london though. def. go with either exeter or bristol.

>> No.7206627


Cambridge seems to be consistently rated above Oxford too, which is weird

>> No.7206628

id pick bristol for sure

thats where i'd go if it wasnt york, and bristol law school is more established because yorks is brand new, which means more law fairs, but i already had a place at york and didnt have to reapply through UCAS to switch to law, just had to do an interview

whered you go uni

>> No.7206635

yeah it is virtually always higher (from what ive seen)

maybe its good for sciences or something? from most of the overall and subject lists ive seen cambridge and LSE are the best

>> No.7206637

this sounds just like the poor school I went to minus the rick and visvim. still had everything else though, even the supreme and givenchy

>> No.7206638

its what kids from private schools wear, I'm not the poster but this was the case in edinburgh

>> No.7206647

private school kids dont want to look like private school kids, they want to look like the brothers in disclosure, tyler the creator and alexa chung

>> No.7206643

at oxford now, not going to get caught up in the hate here though

and for what its worth i'm absolutely sure i'd never have got in had i not gone to my school. i don't mean in terms of nepotism, just in terms of how well run and taught it all was. i got 44 in my ib and i'm not a genius by any means, nor did i have to work exceptionally hard

>> No.7206644

nial what did you actually get in you gcses?

>> No.7206648

it's pretty similar actually. Chino's and shirts. Lots of them.

>> No.7206649
File: 23 KB, 387x450, 1348778463826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw everyone from england on /fa/ are rich private school boys
lmao I've probably mugged at least one of you.
Where my Lewisham niggas at?

>> No.7206655

wow m8 ur so ard

>> No.7206660

>those big gym bags in one hand

>> No.7206663

live in Blackheath
enjoy your poverty

>> No.7206673

pov pov pov pov

>> No.7206674

really cant remember... couple of A's, lots of Bs and some Cs, i think

didnt go to the awards ceremony and never got my certificates posted to me i dont think

nice well done

and i dont dislike oxford or anything, id love to go, at the end of the day its the reputation that matters not the statistical shit

honestly though i cant moan, ive done well out of the UK school system

I never tried until literally the two last sets of exams i ever did, and even then only the ones in may i only put in like 30 mins of work a day for, and ive got into a pretty good uni just because of the way it works over here

if we had some overall tally type system (like the GPA?) id have done shit because i had zero motivation until i finally realised I need to actually do well

>> No.7206675


You mean "public school", Yank. Those words mean the opposite thing here.

>> No.7206678

stop making brits look bad

>> No.7206676


I know a few people who went to Oxford/Cambridge and from them I'd have to say you have to be in the top 10 or 20% for 'natural intelligence', but what they all had was a strong fucking work ethic. They all had successful parents who probably drilled the work ethic into them, but it's still their work.

What I really hate is how eager the school system is to categorize people into 'high-level' students against lower levels. In my school at least, if you were seen as 'gifted' you got put on a whole host of programmes that the regular kids didn't get a chance to get on to.

The ones who were already doing well were constantly pushed to achieve more, whereas the others were told to strive for 'good enough' and never really given encouragement to try for more, or even given the chance to opt in to the things the gifted kids were doing - and I know from experience that it wasn't a question of 'natural intelligence' so much as motivation and work ethic that separated them.

>> No.7206682

don't you live in ldn? there are pubs with gardens everywhere

>> No.7206683


"Private school" and "public school" mean the same thing you daft twat. The government-funded schools are called state schools

>> No.7206691

Phones and wallets out boys

>> No.7206697

thank you

to be honest i think the whole reputation thing is losing its importance slightly. you look at all the heads of industry eg in the city and they're all oxbridge, sure, but they're all at least 50 and retiring relatively soon. i think in our lifetimes they'll be respected for sure, but not the be-all and end-all for most people.

i remember when i was applying ~2 years ago i got some offers early on, edinburgh was one, also my second choice. i told my grandparents and they couldn't have cared less, and they didn't even go to university, while all my teachers were really excited because it's actually really selective

when i got my oxford offer they offered to buy me a car

so imo it's a generational thing, russell group / 1994 group unis will become more important in the next 20 years

>> No.7206699

I didn't know universities looked at gcses
I'm kind of upset about it
But you managed to get into york even though you were coasting so maybe it isnt that bad
what did you do for a-levels

>> No.7206706


This is (thankfully) the closest I've come to being mugged in England

>a few chavs ride up to me on bikes
>"oi m8 u got a phone?"
>"uh... no"
>"oh right fook off then"
>they ride off

I still wonder if they legitimately just wanted to use my phone

>> No.7206708


>> No.7206714

>i still wonder if they legitimately just wanted to use my phone
shake my fucking head, fucking hell

>> No.7206715

literally sounds like the phones 4 u employees here

>> No.7206719

prime examples of this are warwick and imperial - both are as hard/harder than oxbridge for many of the courses they teach and are now starting to be recognised

indeed warwick's maths course is second only to cambridge's (which most people agree is the hardest undergrad course in the world; princeton's and harvard's maths course pales in comparison) in terms of difficulty to both get in (only other uni that asks for STEP) and difficulty of the actual course

I'm at oxford now for maths and I've got a couple of m8s doing warwick maths, that shit is tough

the only difference is that warwick is about 60 years old and lacks the prestige

>> No.7206727

yeah, i used to be really agitated and listened to thestudentroom on this

york?? ahaha, barely top ten law school, enjoy your McDegree

i did work exp at a big law firm in manchester (dads best m8s with main partner) and talked to all the solicitors in the department i was with, and they all basically said experience is more important and so long as you go to a good (russel group) uni you're fine

gonna try and get two more week long work placements before ive startted uni (dad doesnt have a lot of friends but luckily enough most of his friends are lawyers and his best friends are very successful lawyers) so i will have a leg up before everyone else has even started

nice man you fooled them

yeah dont worry, it only really matters for a couple of courses and only like top 6 unis, but still, it is annoying

>> No.7206753



bang bang

>> No.7206747

i think a big and very under-reported issue is that oxford and cambridge have a lot of really out of date courses, and without trying to sound too cruel, professors. my cousin is in her last year of english (lit? idk the exact name) at cambridge, and her course is taught by 3 professors past retirement age and a few enthusiastic postgrads

she reads 1 book a week, doesn't matter how long, and then writes 2500 words on it. every week of term except for exam weeks and whatever dissertation thing she's doing now. no books she's had to read were written after 1950, and there's not one 'edgy' (sorry) choice like the outsider or whatever, all fairly traditionally written, forgettable books

tbf she loves it but you have to question what you're getting out of a course like that. are they even vaguely applicable to real-world / professional situations? is working in one manner for 3 years really beneficial?

>> No.7206759


valid comment, but the key to getting your foot in the door so that you can get that experience is a good university degree. oxbridge will always be helpful in that regard. but yeah with york you'll be fine

>> No.7206760

damn thats some shit

the reputation made it too easy for them, they dont have to try its all just self fulfilling prophecies

>> No.7206783

I can confirm this from the other side - oxford maths guy here, i'm in my 4th (final) year of an MMath

private equity shops, hedge funds and bulge bracket banks regularly recruit at oxford for quantitative undergrads in their penultimate years, looking for internships etc

I managed to luck my way into an internship at Blackstone (big, prestigious private equity firm): things I noticed - whilst all the interns were oxbridge and LSE, the people that actually had jobs at Blackstone were, by and large, not oxbridge (with the exception of the much older people in managerial positions)

they still have degrees from top unis (the likes of UCL, bristol, imperial, warwick, bath etc) but I'd say only 10% of the upcoming employees were oxbridge - and the finance sector is notorious for their nitpicking and favouring prestige

I think it's starting to matter less now. Also the fact remains that oxbridge may get you a foot in the door, but 4 or 5 years down the line in the real world and experience is all that matters

>> No.7206789

>self fulfilling prophecies
wish I went to a school like eton for this reason
you cant not do well

>> No.7206799


lol i get asked for cigarettes all the time

>> No.7206801

ugh i hate when people say this, you absolutely can

i went to a school that does better academically than eton, we're always top 5 for gcses and a levels. and sure, there are a lot of successful people, there's a kid there now who sold an app to yahoo for $30 mil at 17, mumford and sons went there, etc

and there are also a few guys working in retail and call centres at 27 because they never tried, went to shitty universities and wasted hundreds of thousands of their parents cash.

it helps but it's no guarantee

>> No.7206805

i meant how the reptation is a self fulfilling prophecy because people think its good and so clever people go there and the circle continues

the value is like a currency, if all the a*a*a* students decided hull was the hottest shit then that wold become the best (in theory)

>> No.7206809

>who sold an app to yahoo for $30 mil at 17
what app

>> No.7206815

>a*a*a* students decided hull was the hottest shit
I like the way you think nial

>> No.7206816


this kid. never really spoke to him, he's slightly before my time. from what i heard though he really is an absolute genius

>> No.7206821

nice, ive heard seen this kid before on tv and shit

>> No.7206832
File: 50 KB, 610x458, ba3mcp-l-610x610-t-shirt-tumblr-love-swag-yolo-hipster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOOOOOOL you lot are fucking wankers seriously m8's i can sense your autism from here

"how do people dress" rofl


>primary school

dont give a fuck , niggers and chavs wear nike and all they care about it football and nike trainers

> high school

school uniform lol, with a short tie of course , cause thats just what you do. And the only way to distinguish anyone is scene kid hairstyles , or if their niggers, or use of makeup + long hair

> college

the autism starts here. people try to "be" somebody. Most people still dont care. now we can see vans being worn and shitty skate brands

> uni / 19years +

here the faggotry is in full flow. people spend lots of money on shitty "streetwear" tumblr shit, based on whats trending. no one really has their own style, just what tumblr told them to do. walking advertisements for brands that they think will give them "points" with their peers.

The faggots walk around with a stick shoved up their ass, and browse ebay 24/7 because they feel the need to be accepted. The faggotry is at its worst here.

> 26+

the faggotry starts slowing down, you realise you are not a special snowflake, or a hip urban negroe. you start to not give a fuck again.

>> No.7206840


you post like an absolute cock end

id deffo smash your head to pieces

>> No.7206858

For all Americans, these are this is the British equivalent of a tryhard

>> No.7206857


lol no you wouldnt cunt , you gay boys on /fa/ dont have the slightest clue .

>> No.7206862


really? how about you post your number here and ill give you a ring

>> No.7206870

>college nut sixth form

confirmed for fucking stupid
sucks to be you

>> No.7206880

where u from m8

>> No.7206874

why do you say this?

>> No.7206875


> these are this is

speak english fuck head



>> No.7206878

>short tie

pleb detected

>> No.7206881


cause hes a fucking nigger ?

>> No.7206891

pls go

>> No.7206897


ur mums house

>> No.7206901


yeah cunt im fucking waiting for you to ring me , man up you wigger, and dont block your number either

>> No.7206909

i meant to say not tbh, im almost as autistic as the guy i was quoting (who is also confirmed for mad)

sixth form is for those with two brain cells to rub together, college is for total retards.

like our friend >>7206881

he probably only went college to claim ema

captcha: tretord served

>> No.7206913

I'm also under the impression that the more intlliegent folk go to 6th form, and the BTEC kids piss off to college to become expert waiters/hairdressers.

>> No.7206917


is ur name harry cunt

>> No.7206928

I didn't know people thought this
As far as I know in my part of London its seen as basically the same thing

>> No.7206932
File: 49 KB, 469x463, 1378831529360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i did btec

>> No.7206940
File: 90 KB, 235x265, 1379929314347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


me too

im in durham

>> No.7206942

your part of London is FUCKING GAY

probably west

>> No.7206952

why the fuck

>> No.7206947

oi harry you fucking pussy cunt

pick up the phone you complete pussy

>> No.7206956
File: 109 KB, 600x527, LOADSAMONEY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im at canterbury m8
we made it

>> No.7206972

west london is easily the gayest part

>> No.7206985

south is easily the best

>> No.7206989

sw19 here
>tfw wealth

where you at?

>> No.7206992
File: 21 KB, 676x466, bender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol mate, urliterally a fucking bender


>> No.7206996


>> No.7206997


>> No.7207002

from top to bottom


>> No.7207016



>> No.7207023


unblock your number pussyhole

>> No.7207034


"this is the vodafone voice mail service for""

pussy hole!!!!

>> No.7207044

looooooooooool exposed

>> No.7207048


pahaha check your phone bill next month mate that guy charges £10 per call HAHAAHAHA

>> No.7207050


phahhahahahaah dick head i get free calls it isn't 2005 anymore you bellend

>> No.7207059

pahahaha its outside of normal allowance , its sex line you dumb cunt ! BAHHAHHAHAHAH ! owned

>> No.7207063


hahahahahaahhah nob jockey the person didnt even answer you bell bell bellend!

>> No.7207066
File: 176 KB, 1200x1600, raggedy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's Doctorcore called commonly?

>> No.7207071

ite at first it was funny but tbh this is cringe now
being a faggot

>> No.7207073

>rum luck
u wot m8. u kum gabbin dat posh tork my enz ud get ur ed kiked in sharpish

>> No.7207074


tbh you are cringe faggot stop posting 0.10 you made me reply u mad cunt lol owned fedora

>> No.7207091


lmao what a nob

>> No.7207114
File: 1.79 MB, 352x199, 1367828606472.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread amused the shit out of me as a half-british american.

So glad my family evolved out of that mess.

>> No.7207206

why is /fa/ so gay.

>> No.7207656
File: 42 KB, 200x200, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7208091
File: 37 KB, 482x524, skinhead02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7208098

someone please post the fat guy trying to impersonate this outfit

>> No.7208673
File: 13 KB, 326x183, tokyo laundry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since this is a thread about brit bongs and their fashion; I was wondering if any of you here could tell me a thing or 2 about tokyo laundry. Do they produce decent cloths? is the material solid? will it fall apart? is it just like super dry? should i cop or not?

>> No.7208754
File: 43 KB, 500x478, waistcoats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for a thread about clothes
there is very little about clothes going on here
OP wondered bout the style, not the actual fucking schoolkids

try hacket OP

>> No.7210003

how disgusting are people who didn't go to private school though