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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 451 KB, 690x691, 1383770553575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7201617 No.7201617[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>you will never reappropriate the symbol of your oppression.

>> No.7201648

so profound kanye


>> No.7201654

>implying the Confederacy had any impact on his life

>> No.7201666

hahahaha kanye how did you get so hilarious

>> No.7201669


>> No.7201662


>> No.7201677

Then he has to acknowledge that the Confederate flag does not necessarily represent slavery or racism.

Because the old south stood for more than just that.

>> No.7201689

What then?

>> No.7201685

nice dubs dan

>> No.7201715

Agrarian economics.

Yeah they were racists too, but a bunch of kids and dirt farmers didn't go to war just so some rich fucks could keep slaves.

>> No.7201829
File: 66 KB, 1047x643, REBEL FLAG (VER 2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course he'll acknowledge that, he wants the confederate flag to represent himself.

>> No.7201852

>Agrarian economics
lel this was rooted in slave labor for the confederacy i'm sorry but you know it's true

>> No.7201858

thanks dan

>> No.7201897

tee hee.

i like how he's implying that southerners would never do something so stupid. as if the south isn't how we define stupid in the US.

in other words the south did start a civil war so that rich people could keep their human property because people in the south are stupid.

>> No.7201914

that might of been what it was before but numerous generations of inbreeding have caused the meaning of the confederate flag to change

>> No.7201917
File: 391 KB, 1505x2054, kanye west confederate flag x17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any of you gays see how angry some stormfront members are getting

>> No.7201931

post some caps

>> No.7201934

>that nigger making a mockery of what his own people went through

>> No.7201935


yeah it was funny

>> No.7201938


salty cacs

>> No.7201941
File: 152 KB, 960x720, Gadsden-flag1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brb getting a patch of the gadsden flag


>> No.7201942

Yeah. That kinda sucks.

>> No.7201965


through and through

>> No.7201971

>m-muh relevancy whoring
>m-muh yeezus wasn't THAT good
>m-muh delusion

They don't want to get it, do they?

>> No.7201977

>we all on an nsa watchlist for domestic terrorism now

>> No.7202025

If he wasn't from the south I would protest.

>> No.7202035

nigga, that is stormfront, those people seriously believe in the concept of racism in >2013, dont expect them to understand Kanye West.
Ye is a master ruseman though, this is such a weird yet cool thing to do.

>> No.7202037
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these r sum rel solid points
i am impressed

>> No.7202051
File: 44 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mudt80ut291rnrrppo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw the confederate flag doesn't symbolize racism any more than the union flag or current american flag

>tfw the fact that this moron thinks it stands for racism only adds weight to the idea he believes the confederate flag stands for

>> No.7202057
File: 77 KB, 400x400, Titus_andronicus_the_airing_of_grivances.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Titus Andronicus already tried to reappropriate the flag on the cover of their debut and in their live shows.
>theyll never make a record this good again

>> No.7202058


Ima get a bunch of thai trannies to wear swasticas, namsayan?
get on my level fuccboi

>> No.7202079

Kanye is laminate horus and triangle be afraid and don't listen to Kanye. you opened my third eye turnleft thank you

>> No.7202131

Come on son, AoG had some of their best songs but The Monitor is a great 'concept' album.

>> No.7202155
File: 12 KB, 398x44, w2c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c klan robes

>> No.7202264


ive just been reading through stormfront for 20 minutes

jesus man how do these people use computers

>> No.7202431



>> No.7202441

he need to pick the cotton himself bruv

>> No.7202442

i like to read threads on there every now and then. it gives me a chuckle.

not really surprising tho. im sure there are /fa/ posters that go on stormfront

im currently going through the "Would you let a non white be your gyno?" thread in the ladies section. i top cake'd

im not trying to reappropriate the flag. I know what it stands for but could really give a fuck less. same goes for the swastika or iron cross

>> No.7202453

and when i said
>. im sure there are /fa/ posters that go on stormfront

i mean they have an account and actively post on there

>> No.7202454

why do i have the feeling racist women have horrible vaginas

>> No.7202460

they have some good points against niggers/jews

>> No.7202470

thanks dan

>> No.7202482

what are the good points you speak of

>> No.7202499

>kanye west

and the confederate flag is a symbol of southern culture and identity and in 2013 has no connotation of race

>> No.7202507

>implying he isnt using it because he is a rebel.
>implying black people hate him as well for using bc they think its racist

yeah youre way too much of a degenerate to understand

>> No.7202519
File: 382 KB, 120x107, 1324338963838.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kanye west
stopped reading there

don't even care if there's a joke found in the later lines or it was all a ruse

>> No.7202525

Kayne is about 8 years late to the irony-is-cool party.

>> No.7202526

the problem with Kanye is that hes trying sooo HARD to act gangsta but in reality hes a well educated middle class momma's boy.
hes trying to be rebellious right now but all the real rappers and shit are just laughing at him atm

>> No.7202521
File: 158 KB, 629x472, comeandtakeit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah cause a rich aristocracy (2% of the population) surrounded by a massive hillbilly population of poverty-striken people, since all the jobs were taken by slaves must have been REAL great to live in.
All peoples have art. It would exist regardless of the political climate.
See culture. Literally the must bumblefuck retarded system.
>Agrarian economics.
Enjoy no scientific advancements.
From what? The United States? The freest land on earth? The U.S. was not the fucking Soviet Union. This is the freest and most prosperous nation in man kind's history, and the fucking childish Confederates wanted to fucking ruin it for everyone. FUCK THEM.

Also this kind of discussion belongs in /pol/.

>> No.7202530
File: 37 KB, 500x550, iekkk-ash-tank-bink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who said on air George Bush hated black people?
who went up and took the mic from that frail white hoe and told it how it was


>> No.7202541

he's trying to be a corporate sponsored artist, not a g && he dropped out of college and his moms dead

>> No.7202542
File: 1.50 MB, 903x804, kanye horse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow he's the voice of our generation

>> No.7202558




>> No.7202577

he sounds and acts like a little vagina

What do you all think of those rumors going around that he has a boyfriend in Paris

>> No.7202575

couldn't watch past 1:30

he's literally masturbating with his own voice

>> No.7202584

i said start at 3:30 dumbass

>> No.7202588
File: 309 KB, 720x480, 1362359011901.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dragged the cursor to the start

>> No.7202632

He dropped out of college cause he chose for music. He didn't fail courses

>> No.7203814

i'm not even black but doesn't anyone's skin get boiled when they see racists?
i know this site is full of people who dont give a fuck but when i see shit on stormfront i get fucking mad

>> No.7203825

when does he act gangster
fucking ever.
being angry =/= being a gangster
also fuck "real rappers" fucking stuck in the past and trying to "keep it real"
people who talk about "real hip hop" are the fuccbois of the hip hop world

>> No.7203852

I have a feeling that Kanye is really so dumb he's actually racist. No comments on his music tho

>> No.7203869

that isn't reappropriation at all they just use it

>> No.7203899

>being white
>paying attention to anything having connection to race in 2013
it might be ok if you're under 18

>> No.7203908

why though?
i have friends who are black
i just dont like it. i dont fight for it or anything or voice my opinion i just hate racism
pls tell me racism in usa is very minor now and it's just the shitty internet where it's prevalent

>> No.7203916

> re-appropriation

why is everything in this thread saying this? it's just appropriation

>> No.7203927

If I ironically wear a swastika on my coat is it /fa/? If anyone challenges me I'll just pretend I'm Jewish and it's a fashion statement.

>> No.7203929

Would re appropriation be us whites taking back the flag or the word nigger and making them offensive again lol

>> No.7203956

i only get mad cuh i cant think of a way to beat them.. i know theyd just call me jidf

>> No.7203978

Cos racism shows that one has some sort of prejudices and is too dumb to think clearly and not make vague generalisations, why get mad with a retard? Do you get mad with a dog when it's barking at you? A person can fucking beleive anything he wants and have beliefes of any degree of mental retardation, I just value my time too much to pay attention. It's only funny to me if it's someone like kanye who's rich and famous and expresses his beleifs publicly. But than again kanye says all sorts of hilarious shit

>> No.7204155

fair enough. i know they are retarded but i still get mad.
this is what fucks me of as well. but as aydenn said they are retarded no point arguing with them.
hopefully i'll find comfort in that soon

>> No.7204164

The symbol of my oppression is niggers thanks to reverse discrimination.

>> No.7204665

nah, because i'm not a sheltered faggot like you

>> No.7204692

Just an educational note for those who are new to /fa/:
Calling nigger a nigger isn't racism.
Racism is calling nigger a slave.

>> No.7204716
File: 371 KB, 478x447, 3d8b52eb376c78f6c027a0a00f44dd72.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7204741

lookin good dan

>> No.7204742

christ, kanye's a bigger idiot than i thought he was

>> No.7204763

After the inevitable divorce I hope Kim's new babydaddy tweets at him "I took your Armenian ho and made her my ho. It's my ho. Now what are you going to do?"

>> No.7204775


>> No.7205105

It certainly had an indirect impact.

>> No.7205127
File: 56 KB, 625x624, Kanye-confederate-flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, some of that shit makes me feel sick. Paranoid fucks construing Kanye's jacket to be the harbinger of White genocide..

>> No.7205128
File: 345 KB, 661x642, 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A net positive.

>> No.7205138

only matter of time before someon starts wearing a nazi flag

>> No.7205149

thought that was a midget at first

>> No.7205203

he's short

>> No.7205254

>All peoples have art. It would exist regardless of the political climate.

Yeah but it wouldn't have been *their* art.

It's like erasing Navajo sand painting replacing it with Justin Beiber posters. It's still art; same thing right? Nothing to complain about?

The south fought for their culture and way of life... that way of life included slavery and that was awful, but it also included other shit too.

>> No.7205271


Glad to see the truth being spread.

>> No.7205289

spaceghospurrp should do that

>> No.7205296
File: 382 KB, 339x500, Sid+Vicious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7205310

The white south wasn't genocided, though.

>> No.7205319

What does that have to do with what he said? Or anything, for that matter?

It's cultural appropriation performed by an insincere northerner on a southern symbol.

>> No.7205320
File: 751 KB, 1096x642, EXCLUSIVE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7205347

Hipsters are already getting swastika tattoos and then claiming it's an ancient indian symbol. I know it is old and has many meanings, but the rest of the world will still see it as a nazi symbol, they're just whoring for attention.

>> No.7205383

It *is* an ancient religious symbol.

You can sidestep the nazi thing by pointing it backwards.

>> No.7205389
File: 86 KB, 787x452, neji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its the angle of the thing right

thank u naruto

>> No.7205398

As I said, I know what it is, but most of the western world doesn't and neither they care about the direction.

>> No.7205403

sun is not /fa in the first place. Stupid hispter cunts

>> No.7205409


Literally everyone in this thread is retarded but somehow this is the worst post.

You fucking think Titus Andronicus is a good band? We take fashion advice from these people

>> No.7205417

Tell me whats good then, if you can only spew ad hominems you can fuck off again.

>> No.7205434


Their composition is alright but MY GOD their lead singer is such a fucking moron. How the shit does he write lyrics so stupid. He's a steampunk baby and every song is a tribute to new jersey, the worst place on earth. He's not some "rebel" he's a white priveleged mouth breathing DORK

If you want good punk/indie rock listen to superchunk or violent femmes, not this garbage that really "gets you all riled up"

>> No.7205437

james blake

>> No.7205488

No one cares what nigger l thinks. The retard will change to something else in a week.

>> No.7205519

Stupid Kanye doesn't realize that by doing anything political at all real black folks are gonna consider him an Uncle Tom.

>> No.7205585

My nigga Gunplay has a swastika tattoo