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File: 50 KB, 800x533, rikku oensu geobastards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7201272 No.7201272[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So I went through the phase of, "oh man I need/want to cop geobaskets."

Now that I learned a bit more, I was hoping we could have a thread where we talk about the shoe.

What do you like/dislike about Rick Owen's Geobasket?

>> No.7201286

Dunks > Ramones = Geobaskets >> x Adidas

>> No.7201293

i thought dunks were goebaskets? can someone post a picture of dunks then if theyre 2 different shoes O_0 intresting

>> No.7201302

they really add structure to a fit
But by themselves they're goofy as fuck.
Like, fucking awkward-looking.

Considering that your shoes are what people notice the most about you, it's a bad thing.

>> No.7201298
File: 56 KB, 640x480, R0019381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeh I like dunks too, and ramones are nice for that price. But I keep thinking about geobastards

>> No.7201300
File: 397 KB, 1280x1920, 1361771727879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all time favourite Rick sneakers <3

>> No.7201308

what u mean by themselves m8

How do you guys use geobaskets ot their full potential?

>> No.7201310

Why "geo"baskets?
What's so earthly about them?

>> No.7201313

u walk on the earth w/ em m8

>> No.7201321

Does that mean that my old busted-ass nikes from my high school days are geobaskets?


>> No.7201323

that makes no sense

>> No.7201328

no because they are Nike

>> No.7201326

well they're baskets
i walk on the earth with em
so they're geobaskets

>> No.7201332

Those are fucking sweet
I like those way more than geos now

>> No.7201334


any reasons why not? it looks dope, even if its fake

>> No.7201339

the leather quality is ultra-shitty

>> No.7201348

>poor sole
>leather smells like shit and looks like plastic
>cross is from an extremely rare limited edition, anyone who has heard about rick will know they are fake

>> No.7201350
File: 26 KB, 828x267, 1373750173521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're too late, better cop ramones or baskets before its too late for htat.

yeah pic related, dont be a poser, if that doesnt bother you go ahead though.

>> No.7201342

what if reeboks?

>> No.7201354

Ramones look cooler imho

>> No.7201356


I have no idea why you would spent $160 on those when you can buy them off of taobao for a 4th of the cost

>> No.7201373

Isn't Taobao like mad complex, and you gotta go thru agents and shit?

>> No.7201370

Dunks are older geos nimrod

>> No.7201378

i love my geos but those look so nice beat up
would cop if i had the money and luck

>> No.7201388

How the fuck do you use taobao?

>> No.7201399
File: 106 KB, 751x499, 1381001896906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like the bulk

i like how some panels of the leather are smooth while others look almost pebbled

i like a thousand little details that aren't even worth talking about

i don't like the classic colorway

i don't like rick's laces
they're a bit thin for my taste to begin with, and they stretch out like a bitch once you start lacing and unlacing, so they're even thinner at the end of the day

i don't like the jingling the zippers make
i'm basing a lot of this on my cargos, and they have 2x the zippers which means 2x the jingling, but i imagine the geos still jingle a fair bit

i've always assumed the geo- had something to do with geometry rather than just the earth

>> No.7201408
File: 143 KB, 1050x570, balymain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im probs the only person here who likes Balmain sneakers more
not saying "i'm unique" just think it's an unpopular opinion
ofc geo's more influential and important, but I prefer look of balmain

>> No.7201412


>like mad complex

1. Go to Pruany.com
2. Sign Up
3. Start a new order
4. Copy and Paste this URL in http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w1004-2259008449.1.TPV26X&id=18708453240
5. Specify colors
6. Pay them money
7. Wait for them to buy it
8. Pay shipping
9. Wait
10. Enjoy your new shoes

Really it's not that hard

>> No.7201430

>implying balmain isnt for niggers
those look like fucking vlados
kill yourself

>> No.7201443

are those the best versions to get? are they better than dreambox?

>> No.7201446

>¥ 230.00

If Google's anything to go by, that's roughly 2 euro.
Even with shipping, agents and whatnot, that can't possibly be right.

>> No.7201438


Wait that taobao listing had 230yen for the price, no way Ricks only cost $37.50

>> No.7201439

I like YSL high tops despite them being for niggers but I will always lowe rick owens

>> No.7201440

didn't imply anything other then I like them lol
why so intolerent

>> No.7201454
File: 22 KB, 553x248, yuan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sure m8

>> No.7201452


taobao is Chinese, therefore it is CNY which is 1/6th of the US Dollar

$37.75 is the price in USD

>> No.7201457
File: 12 KB, 801x310, tabao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Googlefu is weak.

>> No.7201462


>> No.7201468

theyre replica

>> No.7201466

Japanese Yen ¥ is not Chinese Yuan ¥ but they look the same. Still, $37 is not bad at all

>> No.7201473

Definitely not, no.
I'm gonna buy me some all blacks, don't care how shitty they are for that money.

>> No.7201479

i'm gonna fucking beat the shit out of you and make you eat the shitty pleather while you cry

>> No.7201487


>> No.7201494


they're real leather, that's why they're more expensive than dreamboxes which are on taobao for less than $10


>> No.7201502

If you don't care that much about quality is there any reason fakes are bad? Like say you approach it as a cheap shoe that you like the looks of. Like if I'd never seen rick shoes but someone showed me the shoes in the OP and I bought them what is wrong with that?

It isn't hurting designers because the people buying 37 dollar fakes are never going to buy the real thing anyway. Besides if they can make a rip off that looks good enough for people to buy it then they are basically doing his job better anyway. Obvious this wouldn't apply to enthusiasts because the quality of a fake would never be enough to satisfy them but for people who don't care its seems alright.

That said I dont have the style to wear either the fakes or rick, I'm just always confused why there is so much hate on fakes (as long as the buyer isn't trying to display status by passing them off as real).

>> No.7201512

Because to every hobby their is a SOCIAL aspect. And wearing fakes comes off as completely wrong in this aspect, see poser. And refer to: >>7201350

>> No.7201514

>buying fake shoes
>implying you have the wardrobe to even make real ones work

>> No.7201516

wait does it say somewhere that theyre real leather? if they are im so buying

>> No.7201525

i do
post a fit fag

>> No.7201527


I own them, that's why I just gave you the link.

>> No.7201532

to prove myself to a poorfag?

>> No.7201537
File: 31 KB, 831x306, how to taobao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait just to clarify... theyr ethe 230 yuan ones right? the ones in this post? i wanna make sure i get the real leather ones

>> No.7201540


yep, those are the ones, it's cheaper in mainland china to have real fur/real leather than it is to have the fakes, so you don't pay as much

>> No.7201542

i drive a 5 series and im 22...
im not gonna start naming my wardrobe rn..

>> No.7201549

thats fucking great

>> No.7201550

post keys

>> No.7201561


>> No.7201577

phone dead and charger broken

>> No.7201575

do they fit tts or should i size up?
also how long does the whole delivery process take?

>> No.7201593


size one down

ie if you wear 42 order a 41

it takes a week and a half at most if you ship EMS

>> No.7201605
File: 66 KB, 720x960, geos420blazeitfagt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a pair, quite pleased with em so far

>> No.7201607

thanks man, i guess i'm gonna try them

>> No.7201603

is that european sizes?

>> No.7201616


Chinese size


>> No.7201643

cool thanks
if its not asking too much can you post some pics and some on feet

>> No.7201664

I just copped the black ivory geobaskets. quality is fuckin amazing but id really rather have dunks

>> No.7201680
File: 17 KB, 230x300, 1382601799959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure who's trolling and who's stupid

>> No.7201697

it is just one guy samefagging and responding to himself about buying fake geos.

>> No.7201693
File: 777 KB, 989x742, 06_Jonathan Prince.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the difference between "real leather" and leather that isn't shitty is monumental by european and american standards, so what do you think the chinese standards for "real leather" will be like?

>> No.7201778

Post fits pls

>> No.7201781

yeah sounds like it, i wouldnt trust chinks with my credit card details for shit.

>> No.7201792

you are a wise man

>> No.7201798


it's paypal but okay

>> No.7201800

>i wouldnt trust chinks with my credit card details for shit.
are you retarded? you pay the proxy through something like paypal or western union

>> No.7201806

>what is paypal

>> No.7201870

>western union
Stop right there, buddy.

>> No.7201874

I'm b& from paypal cus ID fraud so nah

>> No.7201890

nihou nihou

i am berry berry wealthy american businass man

i accidentally send u a cashier check for $2500 for fake rick owens

u send me item and change back pleas?

>> No.7201895

I like the black and white color way (dont like the all white or all black ones) and the sort panel like design. I also like the fact that its incredibly cheap

>> No.7204551

I like the fact that ur a faggot

>> No.7204584



>> No.7205194

What do real geobaskets smell like? Yes, this is a serious question. I don't know what real leather smells like.

>> No.7205225


those are one of the ugliest i have ever seen. i feel that this is a meme. i seriously have no idea how people could want that. it is objectively, aesthetically, hideous

>> No.7205231

leather smells like leather and the soles like vanilla

>> No.7205270
File: 97 KB, 612x612, 47e10ed8964811e2b6fe22000a9f12db_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>objectively, aesthetically, hideous

>> No.7205277

lmao it is a meme

>> No.7205360

It looks like corcs were raped by Nike hi top

>> No.7205380

people don't really have feelings this strong over a pair of sneakers they do not own right?

you're all just fucking with me right?

>> No.7205424

>letting a man who's drunk piss hug your kid

>> No.7205433

You're not the only one.

>> No.7205466

ur just mad because someone buys the same shoes for like 40$ and probably more compliments on it cause he is not a bitter nerd

>> No.7205496
File: 107 KB, 657x370, g-dragon-crooked-24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should I make my littlebro cop 'em fakes
he dresses really unfashionable; xxl shirts when he's S or M and too big loose-fitting pants etc, really dadcore
he thinks my /fa/ shit is gay but likes RO for some reason

>> No.7205521

I have geos and they're p cool but I've always mired dbss trainers. would prefer them over another pair of geos in the future. my friend has had his pair for 3 years and they look better with wear compared to geos(yellow sole) :(

>> No.7205533

I have the black leather dbss high tops I love them, they look so cool even with the yellowed sole

shoe guy in my area says he can even resole them when the soles start to get too fucked

>> No.7205541
File: 197 KB, 640x426, 1370647895942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dw geos look gorgeous w/ wear too

>> No.7205560

ur trying to hard

>> No.7205620

No u

>> No.7205621

have u tried this anon?

im about to cop something

>> No.7205623


it's all massively overpriced and goofy as fuck looking tho

>> No.7205714

I am jeals. you should post a pic

>> No.7205738
File: 212 KB, 1024x682, qq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7205936

still lookin answer for this
would rather not support sweatshops but it would be hilarious so :s

>> No.7205995

do it and post some fits

>> No.7206028

it smells like the sweetest vagina you have eve smelled with tom ford grey vetiver mixed in

>> No.7206067

yeah probably gonna do a fit with selected homme black hoody, zara dropcrotch sweatpants and a white tee
would rather cop some other than zara pants, any recommendations?

>> No.7206088

within Zara price range?
I got some decent sweats from lelsaints sale and altered them a bit.

>> No.7206113

see: >>7201527

>> No.7206353

damn they look bad

>> No.7206743

>Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

Are you speaking on behalf of the world?
Get educated, son.
>I think they look bad
More accurate

>> No.7206773

The way the break in is the most appealing thing about them.
Thats true of all of his shoes though.

I would wear them but ive got higher priorities on my wants-list than his sneakers.

>> No.7207012

If anyone else owns the taobao geos, could you post a fit pic/close up pics of the shoes? Thinking of copping some as I am a poorboi and want to test out if I like the look of the shoe before saving up to cop some in the future.

>> No.7209278


全黑面黑底长舌237元 ->all black?
黑白拼色短舌230元 -> short tongue
其他特殊订做看情况订价 -> custom

anyone know what the difference between 3rd and 5th option is?

>> No.7209893
File: 113 KB, 952x1428, 22232M050003_3_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what to cop for pic related replica

>> No.7210066


Cop these instead, better sole/prise/everything.Remove all the chrome hearts trinkets though.


>> No.7210071

Is it possible to get size 10 Geo's for around £300-400?

>> No.7210098

Is that yuan or yen?

>> No.7210141

those are just dreamboxes with ugly crosses faggot

>> No.7210155

I wonder why they're way cheaper than the regular fake dreamboxes.

>> No.7210161

they're on taobao, of course it's cheaper than iOffer
also might be that no one cops them since they're ugly

>> No.7210162

>全黑面黑底长舌237元 -> All back.
>黑白拼色短舌230元 -> Black and white mix with short tongue.
>全黑面白底长舌237元 -> Black surface with white bottom, long tongue.
>其他特殊订做看情况订价 -> Custom.
>黑白拼色长舌237元 -> Black with white mixed, long tongue.

>> No.7210207

Think I'm going to cop them fakes. My country is so un/fa/ I doubt anyone here actually heard about Rick Owens.

>> No.7210348


>> No.7210374

Are you Dutch?

>> No.7210500


>> No.7210528


>All black, short tongue
>Black/white, short tongue
>All black, long tongue
>Black/white, long tongue

Odd difference in wording between 1 and 3, but whatever.

Thanks, Anon. Time to go maximum fuccboi.