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File: 20 KB, 400x300, dandruff-flakes1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7199342 No.7199342[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

every fucking time i use shampoo my scalp becomes a winter wonderland. I haven't fucking shampooed, only conditioned, for like a week and today i decide it's time to use shampoo. wouldn't you know it, there's fucking dandruff every where. what am i doing wrong?

like, fuck

>> No.7199353

before i realized it was dandruff it looked like a minimal photograph intended for art

>> No.7199397

sounds like you need

Head & Shoulders®

to fix your problems!

>> No.7199408

that makes it so much worse

>> No.7199433
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gross af.

Listen here, fuccboi, here's what you do:
Go 2-3 days without washing your hair at all. Then shampoo it. Whenever there are "long" periods of time where you don't have to go out or see people or whatever, don't wash at all (essentially go as long as possible without washing hair). You hair should become better through this. The shampoo you should use should be one of those against dandruff. The one I used was Head & Shoulders -something vs dandruff- and it worked great. See how this works out for you after you've gone through a H&S bottle.

>> No.7199441

um, get some fucking dandruff shampoo you gross fuck.

I use Pert 2 in one dandruff plus conditioner. Smells fucking great and makes my oily hair nice and clean.

>> No.7199459

I've used head and shoulders and a bunch of other shampoos and they seem to be the cause of flakes. Like if I never wash my hair it'll be greasy and disgusting but i won't have flakes, it's only when i wash my shampoo

>> No.7199470

Of course it'll be greasy when you wash it too often, you imbecile. Do like I said in >>7199433 and stop being a retard.

>> No.7199464

>head and shoulders
>causing dandruff

anon please

>> No.7199476

There's a difference between dry scalp and dandruff. If you have a really dry scalp, dandruff shampoo will dry it out more.
I suggest seeing a dermatologist. They'll give you this magic liquid that fixes your scalp.

>> No.7199487

jesus fuck learn how to reading comprehension. I said it gets greasy if i DON'T wash it but i'll have no problems with flakes. alternatively, if i DO wash it, i'll have no problems with grease, but i'll have flakes

>> No.7199493

just no-poo
wash with hot water

>> No.7199506
File: 19 KB, 320x215, 1378852467395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAIR GETS GREASY IF YOU WASH IT TOO OFTEN WITH SHAMPOO YOU MORON. If you pamper your hair like this, it will be shitty whenever you go a SINGLE day without shampooing. Go through "no-poo" and not only will dandruff go away but your hair won't be a disgusting cesspool of grease. You're unlucky since you have both, I had the same, and >>7199433 worked like a charm for me. So stop being a fuccboi and get your shit together.

>> No.7199512

use pine tar shampee

>> No.7199524

You just use conditioner for months, after about the second month you'll get much less dandruff.

Using shampoo occasionally just negates the point of not using it.

Also, when you shower, make sure you rinse your hair thoroughly to clean it as you would if you had shampoo.

>> No.7199539

>Shampoo your hair once every 2-3 days
>If you can, go as long as possible without washing your hair

I know that different hair types require different care, but that's objectively retarded. Take your shit advice and shove it up your ass, you fuck boy

>> No.7199561
File: 104 KB, 320x287, 1377280646594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep up with having your disgusting as fuck hair, filled with dandruff and grease then, fuccboi. It's not my problem that you are literally too stupid to even take advice or understand simple things.

>> No.7199567

i switched to no poo a couple weeks ago and i have seen exactly three flecks of dandruff since

>> No.7199576

>Tries to go as long as possible without washing his hair
>calls other people's hair disgusting
People with severe dandruff have much healthier and cleaner than the shit on your head

>Protip, not OP, I don't even have a problem with dandruff

>> No.7199585

So you've never had shit hair with grease and dandruff, great, keep giving "advice", fuckface.

>> No.7199608

What you need my man is some shampoo with australian macadamia nut oil! I've had the same problem, and all the stuff the doctors advised made it either worse or same... (UltimateXkillerPoolofAgonizingeternalpain shampoo 3000)
So my mum bought some shampoo with australian macadamia nut oil, and like the sneaky bitch I am I tried it, and noticed that it reduced my flakes to almost none and my hair was so great (had dry, coarse and very thick hair)

My routine:
Don't wash for 4 days, then wash it twice with the shampoo and once with the macadamia nut oil conditioner.

>> No.7199618

I have the same prob as you OP, and none of the advice here helped. I didn't shampoo for a few months when I had my head shaved and my scalp never stopped getting really oily. I've tried all the anti-dandruff shampoos and the flakes would still be there even right out of the shower.

>> No.7199624

Everyone's hair gets greasy and gets dandruff if they don't take proper care or use shitty products, dipshit, I just know that proper grooming isn't defined as just letting your hair accumulate as much shit as possible without being cared for

>> No.7199636

OP I used to have this problem bad and here's what I was doing wrong

1. Using cheap, shitty quality shampoo/conditioner
2. Using water that is too hot
3. Not scrubbing my scalp enough when washing and when brushing regularly
4. Washing less frequently than every day/every other day

my boyfriend also had this problem until recently. His case was way worse so he tried some all natural anti dandruff shampoo from whole foods and voila

>> No.7199645

>hot water
you almost got me

>> No.7199673

Three weeks ago I noticed flakes for the first time and flipped out. Here's what I did to fix it
>only wash your hair when there is something to wash, ie in the morning after you've slept and sweated and after sports n shit. One time a day only
>get shampoo for dry hair, it'll preserve the oils in your hair and scalp so they don't dry out, think chap lips but your head
>USE LESS SHAMPOO: use very little, add more only if you need it. You don't need a lather, just a clean
>don't scratch your scalp if its itchy
Bout all I can say. Problem was not nearly as bad as yours, but that's what I did to manage a nice sheen to my hair, keep it tame, and eliminate dandruff.

>> No.7199729

I have a dry sclap OP not dandruff.
There is a difference.
I use just a random anti dandruff shampoo and I wash my hair daily only once. After I wash my hair I use burdock oil on my scalp and hair.
I can go 3-4 days without washing my hair and there aren't any flakes anymore.
I usually have a buzzcut so that makes the applying much easier.

>> No.7199804

If head and shoulders doesn't work, use a tar based poo like T-Gel.

If that doesn't work go to the doctor.