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/fa/ - Fashion

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7193937 No.7193937[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

god dammit /fa/ i'm ugly

this is now an ugly thread

>> No.7193975

I can't tell if I'm ugly or not. Although losing 6kg has helped a bit

>> No.7193978

>tfw get comments about being good looking a lot by midle aged women
>no girls my age are even remotely interested
>tfw 21 yo virgin

>> No.7193997


im fucking hot

>> No.7194031

>same shit but 23

kill me please

>> No.7194052

post pix qt

>> No.7194063

dont worry friend
>same shit excepts no comments from any women
and im 24 :) will literally suicide on 25th birthday

>> No.7194065

I've got a big nose and curly hair and everyone always asks me if I'm jewish

literally all the fucking time

>> No.7194067

i'd rather be ugly than being a qt with bad skin, at least you have an excuse

>> No.7194071

im hot and been told im hot by qt's but i still dont do well with girls, im not even that awkward

fucked up with a girl last night fs

>> No.7194077

well, are you?

>> No.7194116

cool story ...

>> No.7194126


thanks for the feedback m9

>> No.7194130

God fucking dammit I know that feel.

Rhinoplasty bro

>> No.7194172

reporting in eh

>> No.7194208
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I'm third down third left

>> No.7194225

so wait...are they good looking or not

>> No.7194234

Is the top right old new old spice guy

>> No.7194238

mediocre at best

>> No.7194250

Is that a serious question?

>> No.7194258

weeeell to me like half of them are good looking and the rest is fine also...

>> No.7194264

to be fair, I saw /fa/ tell a pasty britbong with an asymmetrical mouth, a nonexistent jawline and an upturned nose that if he got the right haircut he could muddle.


>> No.7194269

That's because your tastes are shit and those of your acquaintances also are.

>> No.7194270

step it up m8
you can bang all the qt 3.14's if you just take care of your fundamentals

>> No.7194273

And I thought this board was good

How could I have been so dumb

>> No.7194282

But I don't wanna bang qts.
I want to look dope.

>> No.7194296

im pretty fucking hot. just short..

>> No.7194309

hot and short<<<<ugly and tall

>> No.7194315

but is it ok since im a grill?

actually how short is short if youre a girl?

>> No.7194323

5'3 and below

>> No.7194331

it's totally okay to be short if ur a grill
in fact, it's easier to be hot if ur a short grill

>> No.7194336

ok im not short im average i guess. thank you.

i guess it depends on your taste in girls. i know many people who hate short girls.

>> No.7194341

Most people don't know what is hot and what isn't.

>> No.7194348

Please don't, I love you...
Well I don't, I love my 2D Waifu whom I will never find an real life alternative to....
But you shouldn't suicide.

>> No.7194382
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>mfw I try to smile

>> No.7194395

>tfw girls avoid you when you dress in rick

Do they think I'm an ugly cunt who can't dress himsef?

>> No.7194397
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>ugly face
>even worse teeth
>can only ever give a stupid ass grin

>> No.7194470


Practice your smile in the mirror, it's what normalfags actually do. The best way to "strengthen" your smile is to begin your smile by mouthing the word "prune", those muscles are where your smile begins.

Trust me my sisters work on Broadway, it's what they do apparently!

>> No.7194477

>tfw ugly
>tfw nervous when people u just met stare at ur face


>> No.7194480

>tfw pretty good looking for a filipino guy
>tfw still a filipino guy
cant compete with the white guys ;_;

>> No.7194483

Yeah pretty much. And they're right.

>> No.7194488

Thanks, anon. Now I just need money for plastic surgery

>> No.7194489


>> No.7194496


Try smiling with your eyes as well

>> No.7194556
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>tfw shit skin
>tfw afraid of looking straight in people's eyes because I think they're digusted by my face
fuck life

>> No.7194576
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>tfw can't maintain eye contact longer than 2-3 seconds without glancing away because I feel ugly
>tfw people probably think you're a sketch or have autism and sometimes ask if you're okay
>tfw trying to learn proper eye contact during convos but focus too much on not looking like an aspie and forget what the person is even talking about

>> No.7194580

>tfw trying to learn proper eye contact during convos but focus too much on not looking like an aspie and forget what the person is even talking about
right in the feels

>> No.7194589

they are like twice my age and probably married

>> No.7194585

>not fucking them

whats wrong with you.

>> No.7194591

>tfw nice face
>tfw got a hitler youth cut by an accident because I asked for the sides short

I fucking hate the hair, girls say its looks good but I feel ugly.

>> No.7194596

>Implying either of those things matter


>> No.7194730
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>> No.7194761

>tfw qt
>thw gf so can't reassure myself through casual sex anymore

>tfw don't feel qt

>> No.7194868

>tfw kissless, friendless virgin
>introverted, shy and awkward
>permanent bitch face that doesn't help
>tfw if things keep going like this I'll die alone

I'm already giving up. Not sure if ugly but probably since I never get approached.

>> No.7194876

uggos please post a pic of your face so we can assess if you really are ugly or it's just insecurities/low self-esteem


>> No.7194886

I'm with you m8

>> No.7194887

i used 2 be like u when i was a younger lad

force yourself to b outgoing, that's the best thing to do. It will seem weird and uncomfortable and you will overthink everything you say but just do it and it will start to come naturally.

I'm really outgoing and confident now irl because of that

>> No.7194894


Seriously, this. Fake it til it comes naturally. Just realize that nearly every other person on earth has or had just as much awkwardness at some point.

>> No.7194906

literally the only reason grils like me is because i'm confident and outgoing
>tfw 6/10 face
>tfw 9/10 gf

>> No.7194913

half greek half german/irish/welsh/bunch of other stuff

>> No.7194929


depends on your definition of short

>> No.7194937

>tfw getting acne again
>tfw shit hairline
>tfw asymmetrical eyes, cheekbones and jaw
>tfw short
>tfw snaggletooth
i was asked to be the lead singer of a band but I just cant imagine anyone liking us when Im so fucking ugly

>> No.7194941

Short is anything below 5'8
Tall is 6'3 and above
Anything between is average

The sweet spot is 5'10-6'0

>> No.7194951

tfw 5'10

i think tall is 6'2 and above

anything above 6'3 is really tall

>> No.7194947

just wear facepaint or a mask

>> No.7195073

Th-thanks bros. I'm trying, my social anxiety used to be a whole lot worse but now it's kinda tamed. It's very hard for me still, I have been friendless since I'm 12 or something so I'm a complete retarded at social interactions.

>> No.7195098

>tfw asymmetrical eyes
iktf, my face look like it's melting on my left side :(

>> No.7195114

>i was asked to be the lead singer of a band but I just cant imagine anyone liking us when Im so fucking ugly
top lel

just be a badass

>> No.7195143
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>8.5/10 in high school
>start lose hair Junior year of HS
>by the end of college have to go into buzzcut mode
>26 now
>6/10 on a good day
>never be top of the line again no matter how fashionable

I'd rather be nothing.

>> No.7195182

when I smile my other eyebrow rises higher than the other, shits retarded

>> No.7195200

>mfw big brother was 8/10 in high school, qt gf's everywhere
>mfw now he looks like a fat junkie(still has qt gf)
>mfw I was 7/10 at best in hs before I went bald(legit 8's and 9's wanted the D)
>mfw i will never have a gf

>> No.7195231

holy shit fucking man up you are letting racism win

>> No.7195238

5'11" girl with manface and inexplicable thunderthighs

fuck everything

>> No.7195247

no one ever approaches you because you look like you want to be alone, and even they can see through that and tell that you secretly want friends, they know you're probably a whiny annoying bitch to be around

be a fucking man goddamn

you decide your own fucking worth. prove to yourself that you have worth and then everyone else will see it

>> No.7195245

Post fit pls

>> No.7195277

might be cool

post legs

>> No.7195275

just listen to people. you really dont have to say that much in most conversations, just get the other person going and facilitate their dumping a lot of info on you. most people have a shit ton of shit to talk about, so just let them. get interested in what they are saying. if its something that sounds fucking stupid, then taper off the convo politely and go on your way, there's nothing wrong with doing that.

but open yourself up to finding interest in other people and stop making it about you. people will like you if you seem interested in them. but most people can tell when its not genuine. not being able to tell when someone is completely disinterested in the convo is a symptom of autism/aspergers. so if you start rambling about your japanese animes, only continue doing so if they are reciprocating. and also let them respond, do not fucking talk over somebody ever

>> No.7195283

>and even they can see
even if they can see*

you guys are letting yourselves be held back. dont let your confidence depend on that bullshit, bald can look good too

>> No.7195328

>used to consider myself good looking and enjoyed looking in the mirror
>fast forward years
>hairline is going and top thinning
>literally feel nauseous when looking in the mirror

>> No.7195400

Thanks for the tips. Usually I can make small talk (a bit awkwardly though) but I can't seem to make it grow into a friendship or at least close acquaintance if you know what I mean, how the fuck does that works?

>because you look like you want to be alone
wow I think I may act like this unconsciously... thanks man I feel like I could make it

>> No.7195426


you have to develop similar interests so you can talk about shit all the time like music, film, sports etc

and also be close enough to the person that you can tell them just random shit about everyday life that you wouldnt bother telling other people

just so that conversation flows naturally without any effort

i also find im close with someone when i can sit in silence and feel comfortable and not have to feel like i need to talk

>> No.7195430
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>> No.7195460

>can't seem to make it grow
dont try to force it. it can be hard if youre not in school or dont have a job because you arent going to be around the same people all the time, but i dont know your circumstances so ill just assume youre in school?
after youve talked with somebody for a while, if they seem like a cool person; i.e. you'd WANT to hang out with them in the future, and they are reciprocating, laughing at your jokes, helping drive the convo, etc, then just ask them if theyd want to hang out some time. this can be the tricky part, think of something that you'd both want to do that can take the pressure off of you both to be comfortable. i.e. if you dont make plans and you just sit around some place with them, its probably going to get awkward. so ask them if they want to do some bullshit like play frisbee or if you both play an instrument or go take photos around town or something.

the most important thing is to relax and try to be someone's friend because you are actually interested by them or have fun talking to them, not because you feel like you need more friends. i know that sometimes it can be hard because you are so anxious about messing up or putting them off, but if you do that its going to become a self fulfilling prophecy usually. stay chill and if they like you for who you are then you are going to be friends. if you put up some facade you are going to be under constant pressure to maintain it when you are with that person and you are never going to have any fun or grow to like that person as a good friend because instead of trusting them, allowing them to see you for who you are, you are being distrusting and scared and not opening up. they become an enemy that you keep by your side to further more lies about yourself

just be real, man

>> No.7195571

Wow such advice thank you guys, this is actually helping me, in this thread I just realized a bunch of stuff.

Ok this may seem really basic, but in what situations/to who do you say hi or something when you see them? I am indeed in school (uni) and I don't want to seem like a rude bitch if I ignore someone but at the same time I feel like its not necessary and if I do say hi I'll look like I'm pushing it. And when you say hi, you just say hi and part ways or make small talk or what do? yeah I'm that socially retarded

op sorry for hijacking your thread

>> No.7195593


if you know the person then obviously say hi to them
dont say hi to random people you dont actually know unless you are at a party or trying to get to know them or whatever

if someone you know to see but not that well is walking towards you they are probably on their way somewhere so just a friendly hey hows it going will do and continue on

if you know the person well and have something to say then stop and have a chat

or if you see someone sitting around and they dont look busy then go over and say hey and have a conversation with them

dont fucking ignore people who you know/have met before

>> No.7195629
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>girls playing hard to get
>pretending to forget name three times in a row

>> No.7195648

do any of these have trips attached?

>> No.7195666

haha don't waste time with her.
if she's "forgetting" your name that many times, that's terrible.

damn i would have stopped talking to her pretty quick. it's fine for a girl to forget your name when you just met, but that's just her being a bitch intentionally.

girls like that are not worth any thing.

>> No.7195705


i think its time to move on

bitch like that aint worth it, even if she does like you and is playing hard to get (which is doubtful) then fuck her, she shouldnt be acting like a bitch

>> No.7195711

man i don't think she's playing hard to get i think she genuinely doesn't remember your name because she's just not that into u

>> No.7195725

She's not actually forgetting, I give her a fake name every time and then she tells me "No you're name's anon!". It's a shame because she's very good looking.

>> No.7195731

lol wtf
so y u give her fake names lol

and does she do this sober

>> No.7195729

it isn't worth analyzing, but there are much more effective ways of dealign with not knowing someone else's name.
I am bad with names IRL so i joke about it.
"im really bad with names, so i'm gonna forget."

and then "i told you i'd forget"
but at the same time, i know that if i want to hook up with her, i better get her name down pretty quick.

the girl isn't interested, clearly, because if she was she wouldn't play such a stupid game.

>> No.7195739

btw m8 dunno if i told u but i gf'd up the girl i wanted
ty for all the advice m8 really appreciate it

>> No.7195747

>It's a shame because she's very good looking.
if she is REALLY good looking, it is a lot more normal for her to be playing such stupid games.
very hot girls play very dumb games, to filter out lame guys.
unfortunately it's somewhat a lose/lose because if you play the game, you lose, and if you react to it, you lose.

the best thing to do is call her on it and surprise her with that. not overly serious, but funny and effective.
it let's her know you've seen this 1000 times and you are better than that.

>> No.7195763

Is giving a fake name reacting to it or playing it? And how do I call her out on it without seeming serious/annoyed?

>> No.7195764
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>> No.7195769

sorta sounds fedora tier to me dude just forget about her, there are plenty of hot girls out there m8 who don't play games, you just gotta look in the right places

>> No.7195773


you are a fucking retard

>> No.7195778
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>> No.7195779

"you know my name."
>insert stupid girl talk lol hahah blah blah
"most people wouldn't have hard time remembering me."

and then stop talking to her.
don't be too serious though, say it in a "soft" way that implies you are above her, and don't even hold her in high enough regards to react to her. basically, talk to her like a kid.
then back off and let her work for your attention.
if she doesn't ever do that, accept that she isn't quality, and isn't worth your time.

>> No.7195801

Maybe I should mention that she's always the one initiating this, I don't pester her or anything, but thanks for the advice.

>> No.7195836

it's hard to know for sure, but she could be using that name thing because it's like an "inside joke" between you.
like i said, it's impossible to call without knowing how it's going down, but i've noticed girls sometimes repeat dumb things because it's like "our" thing.

she may be using it as a way to initiate convo because she has nothing else to say.
what i do when girls start talking about annoying/uninteresting things is i don't respond and change the subject.

>whats your name lol XD
"did you watch the new {insert tv show you both like}"

as an example.

>> No.7195842

i'm ugly too

if you wear higher end clothes and are ugly you're invisible

if you dress in shitty clothing and are ugly you stand out

>> No.7195857
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>tfw when girls think you're cute in a "younger brother" way

kill me now

>> No.7195869


>> No.7195882

No man deserves this.

Maybe trunks deserves this.

>> No.7195892
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4/10 reporting in, requesting a list of surgery I should get in order of importance to make me look less hideous.

I'm thinking:
Jaw Implant

Please respond

>> No.7195894

you look fine mate

>> No.7195898
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side shot, sorry for the pics being at the wrong angle I'm on my phone

>> No.7195909

shit skin, hook nose, weird mouth, poor symmetry in nose, completely asymmetrical eyes, gross teeth (not in picture) don't fucking sugarcoat it I need concrete advice, please.

>> No.7195917

also forgot to mention weak chin and jaw line

>> No.7195920

i swear down you just look like a normal guy, would never think you were ugly if i passed you in the street

>> No.7195939

well thanks then friend, even if I was a 5/10 though I'm not really satisfied, desperately need cosmetic work dome

>> No.7195945

whats the point if you'll ignore everything that doesnt confirm to what you percieve?
do you think youre ugly by /fa/ standards or really ugly cuz youre ugly?

>> No.7195955

youre like every teen girl ever who cant take a compliment

>> No.7195959

I don't think I'm failed abortion ugly but I definitely would consider myself below average/slightly ugly in terms of looks

>> No.7195963

because I blatantly stated I don't want sugarcoating, I was wanting actual advice on cosmetic surgery so I can look better

>> No.7195965

>tfw ugly but not enough to warrant drastic action like surgery

>> No.7195973
File: 119 KB, 597x600, 1361955343692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then u can reconsider i mean /fa/ is merciless and look at the replies given to u
looks like youre set on considering surgery and yourself as ugly though
best of luck m8 may God b w/ u

>> No.7195985

ty bby and may god b w/ u 2

>> No.7196002

post pics or you're not ugly you dirty fibbers

>> No.7196005
File: 314 KB, 1600x1200, lamborghini-diablo-gt-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the TRUTH, which you won't listen to or even consider due to being too beta and mentally weak:
you do not need plastic surgery, all you need is to find confidence in yourself.
yea, that's a lot easier said than done, but it really isn't THAT hard.
i understand why people get plastic surgery, and a lot of times there are seriously good reasons to get it. "muh 4/10 by 4chan standards" comes from deep seeded insecurity that won't go away with surgery.
it won't make you a stronger man.

you can have your dream car (pic related as a good example), but it's in terrible condition. it's got bad body damage and the engine is fucked.

let's say money isn't an issue, but you can choose to only fix one thing right now: the engine or the body damage.

choosing plastic surgery is choosing to fix the body damage, which is the wrong call.
the bad engine is gonna cause the car to break down every 15 miles, but hey, at least it'll look nice when it's getting towed to another shop.

fixing the engine means you have a reliable car that will be good through all types of situations.

i think you get what i'm saying: work on fixing your self-esteem issues, because that will make you much stronger and function better.

like i said, you'll choose the "easy" route like a fool, but it's not right.

>> No.7196016

I don't understand peoples fascination with cars

>> No.7196042

that all seems well and good, but what am I to do if I feel like my self esteem issues stem from my perceived ugliness? For the record, I'm actually pretty confident and outgoing in person, I'm really good at hiding my insecurities, I only ever talk to strangers online about it

>> No.7196045
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but surely you get the metaphor.
'twas quite good m'lady :)

>> No.7196054

its not about hiding insecurities its about overcoming them
ye i got that
i only ever want a car for its price efficiency and reliability

>> No.7196071

But for example, if I see someone i know from a class, I know their name and maybe we worked together once or twice but no actual real conversation, do I say hi?

>> No.7196072

musicians get pussy no matter what dude

>> No.7196080

smile at them and maybe say hey if they get close

>> No.7196106

>my self esteem issues stem from my perceived ugliness?
>perceived ugliness?

see where i'm going with this?
i'm no psychologist, but i know a bit about body dysmorphia and shit like that.
i don't even think that fits you.
a lot of people like to blame something they can't control for problems they can but don't want to solve.

example: blame your looks for the fact you can't get laid.

not saying that's you, but it's a lot of other people who post here.

you say "damn if i was better looking, this would be so much easier" instead of putting in effort and learning to deal with what you have.

like one trip who always posted here blamed his looks on why girls didn't like him, but he wasn't even ugly in the slightest. i'd say "it has nothing to do with your looks. you turned her off because _____" and he'd just say "no it's because i'm ugly"

yea, sure.

he wanted some "easy" solution, instead of learning, practicing and working to improve HIMSELF.

/fa/ is NOT a good place to go if you are overly critical about yourself and can't think clearly.
you don't need to be 10/10 to be attractive, and even if you were 3/5 you can do a million things BESIDES surgery to make yourself more attractive.

not LOOK more attractive but actually BE more attractive.

take the "easy" way if you want, (not that getting all those surgeries is easy) but you won't gain anyones respect from it. tbh, most people will think it's kind of pathetic.
and you won't even be any better for it.

>> No.7196122

yeah not really, a good looking face is what matters most when attracting women, not even extroversion, you'll just be "mysterious"

>> No.7196158

You've given me a lot to think about. Thanks, friend.

>> No.7196204

I used to think this, but i've seen too many ugly dudes with beautiful women. It's definitely confidence.

>> No.7196206


Holy fuck they are so sad it's terrible.

>> No.7196247

you're fine. you shouldn't need a bunch of anonymous kids on the internet to tell you so. stop trolling for compliments.

>> No.7196244

>tfw ugly
>come late to class, see one free desk at the end of the class with a qt next to it
>about to walk over to sit down but then suddenly her friend shoves the desk away so me and her would be separated

>tfw so ugly
>confess girl about my feelings for her
>get rejected

>tfw so fugly
>approach girl
>"So what's your number?"
>"haha that's not necessary"
>"You sure?"
>"yes haha"

Someone willing to kill me already? I'll pay you $500 up front and you can have the remaining $250 in my wallet I didn't tell you about. (Check shoes too for dimes; might get lucky.)

>> No.7196250


as long as you aint offensively ugly (which i promise if you're browsing this forum you probably aren't) and your body is decent, you can still pull a lot off. people love to be around someone that's confident in themselves, that applies everywhere.

>> No.7196269

haha why did i laugh at this

>> No.7196276

>see a good looking guy post on /fa/
>get annoyed, jealous and then sad

>> No.7196282
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>>"haha that's not necessary"

>> No.7196292
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>haha that's not necessary

>> No.7196321

Another man's pain is another man's pleasure.

It's OK, I don't blame you. I laughed too in hindsight. Except for the first girl. That shit still hurts my heart.

>> No.7196323
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>tfw overhear conversation of girls talking about me

>he's really funny
>would you date him?
>he's just kinda ugly looking
I don't think i'm that ugly. It's just. This acne man. Ruins all aesthetics. And my skin. I have good skin. But this acne. I think it's genetic really. Nothing works. It's not exactly chronic so I can't get accutane. I got Epiduo recently and it's starting to go away. I hope it does before summer. Also I look 8/10 normally. 3/10 at school. It's because I get up to early. Gonna have to reschedule classes.

It won't interfere with my job. I street perform.

>> No.7196364
File: 31 KB, 315x300, Porn+ads+are+getting+a+little+offensive_fa3bc6_3722585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7196371

why are people so obsessed with height ? unless it's on the extreme side of the spectrum.

>> No.7196375

Probably better looking than the most of considering he's now married.

>> No.7196384

Just guys. Girls generally don't care. My crush dated this short guy. He's between 1.50 to 1.60 meter. Shit broke my heart, man. ;_;

>> No.7196389
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Oh fuck man. I've got this deep rooted feeling that someone has had that exact same convo about me.

No-one has ever outright rated my looks (which is probably why I'm so insecure about it) and I'm never in anyone's Top 3, even when it's just picking from like 10 people in the room

>> No.7196393

>talking to friend and his gf
>"Doesn't anon look fucking great with his head shaved? Come on anonette, you'd bang him right?"
>"Mm.. no, I wouldn't."

>> No.7196397
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Before acne I overheard women say I was hot. Then I got acne and now I hear them say i'm ugly.

God damn my incredible hearing. I don't even have big ears.

>> No.7196415

hello yes I am ugly as well

big nose
bushy eyebrows
fucked up teeth
horrible hair
unable to grow a beard
long ass neck
auschwitz skinny

and yet, somehow, i've managed to have 2 gfs. why? granted, the last one was like 5 years ago but still - I was even worse as a teenager

>> No.7196409

>and I'm never in anyone's Top 3, even when it's just picking from like 10 people in the room

how do you get in that situation where people are ordering peoples attractiveness
how many times has that happened

>> No.7196418

>big nose
>bushy eyebrows

The only reason I'm ugly as sin. ;_;

>> No.7196435

well don't complain
if you have a decent jaw (or at least hide it with a beard) and lift, you can pull off a fairly manly look...which is obviously not very /fa/ but it's a start

>> No.7196444

I can't, I'm also sorta Auschwitz skinny. Plus I'm too lazy to start lifting haha. I can grow a pretty nice beard for an 18 year old, though. I have dark hair so that's cool. But girls don't seem to look past my eyebrows and my nose. Sure, I'm "hilarious" but that's not enough, I guess. I appreciate the kind words, though.

>> No.7196617

u're beautiful for dubs
dubs are beauty
constantly risking absurdity

>> No.7196699

I'm kind of average
my pores are a bit too big and my teeth are yellow, but most importantly I have shitty hair.

>> No.7196828 [DELETED] 
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>dubs are beauty
then what are these triples?

>> No.7196875
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>in high school
>terrible cystic acne and pimples
>big nose
>pointy canine teeth
>weak jawline
>weird bumps on neck
>girls I like tell me "any girl would be lucky to be with me" or that "I'm every girl's dream" but never want to be with me

>discover /fa/
>get a haircut
>suddenly jawline improves a little
>rely on casual, drunk encounters to make up for lack of connection with other girls
>potential relationship appears and become a nervous wreck in solitude
>tfw being ugly has emotionally crippled me

>> No.7196883

Thanks, appreciate it.

>> No.7196907
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>tfw being ugly has emotionally crippled me
there's just no way I could ever be in a healthy relationship now

>> No.7196908

>tfw 6', have good job nice hair
>tfw qt girls glance at manlet poorly dressed white guys
>tfw 23 and learned not to covet what I will never have

I generally don't think I'm less of a person because I'm brown but as I've gotten older I sometimes wish I was white

>> No.7196912

i'm sorry cheease

>> No.7196921

>I sometimes wish I was white
Goddamnit brother, are you letting racism win? You are so fucking insecure it hurts my heart. Stop being a huge faggot. Being brown is good!

>> No.7196925

lol its k just gets annoying sometimes

>> No.7196932


i'm glad i refrained from asking him lol

>> No.7196929

I'm white and wish I was black. I guess we'll always want what we can't have...

>> No.7196935


>> No.7196937

>Talking to grill on phone convo goes to talking about condoms
>grill"Do you want me to show you in class to morrow with a banana?"
>"haha no I could just use youtube it if I wanted"
>"Uhh I see you as a younger brother it would be... weird"
>Thinks I said "I could use you for it"
>Try to correct her doesn't believe me

She avoided me for the rest of the semester we never spoke again.

>> No.7196960

I don't feel bad about being brown but sometimes I feel like people don't treat you the same.

Also I've been turned down for jobs before because I wasn't white. The older I've been getting the more I see it

>> No.7196965

Not unforgivably ugly but I'm 23 and look 10 years younger than my age, which is just as bad.

how to look older /fa/? I can't grow a beard btw.

>> No.7196970

but wouldn't you have said "you could just use me" if you were talking about your own penis and not the banana?

if yes and i'm not misreading your post then she doesn't sound very smart

>> No.7197014

you're horrible at telling stories i cant understand who is saying what at all
why do people have to use retarded dot points to tell a story

>> No.7198605

>i only ever want a car for its price efficiency and reliability
people say the same things about clothes
different people are just drawn to different things

>> No.7198632


>> No.7198635

they're fun when fast

plus most people like building shit

a drag car is just one bigass lego set with expensive ass parts


but if you want something cheap

mustang cobra -terminator year
smaller s/c pulley, lop off exhuast , 150 shot nitrous

boom 11 second street car

>> No.7198687

Only get cosmetic surgery if you truly feel you'll be happier.
Tbh, I'm getting a forehead reconstruction, hopefully at the end of next year.

>> No.7198728

>be 6'2", athletic build, 8/10 bone structure
>have terribad acne, crooked teeth and mottled skin

My genes are taunting me

>> No.7198735

>tfw was ugly duckling
>now when girls approach me I never ever take it anywhere

>> No.7198741

>tfw ugly as sin
>somehow manage to get girls because i give off a idgaf attitude, but actually do
>when at home stare at a mirror for like 30 mins each day

>> No.7198747

Man iktf. It sucks, sometimes I can't help it and I feel a little inferior but remember there's nothing wrong with your skin, is the fucking society, >>7196921 is right.

>> No.7198764
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I know it's off topic but i gotta post what happened to me last week.

>i'm a slav
>was on public transport heading towards home, at like 3am
>sitting in the back seat
>see some black dude in the middle of the bus
>some fuckheads yelling something
>as they get off the bus one of them throws a beer bottle at the black guy
>he missed though and hit some girl in the head

Dunno why i had to write this down, but i was so fucking disgusted by people since then.

>> No.7198768

posting in this thread because i'm ugly

>> No.7198834


People that can't fling bottles makes me disgusted o. iktf

>> No.7199017

Well yeah, that's true lol. But fuck those people. They're faggots anyway. I'm actually sorta yellow and I'm sure I get discriminated too, living in a Western country. But that doesn't bring me down, right? Besides.. what jobs do you even apply for? You gotta apply for general jobs. They won't turn you down as long as you've got the skills then.

>> No.7199019

Welcome to the fam, brother.

>> No.7199060

I also used to feel inferior and shit because I was black but after becoming effay,I'm the most arrogant sunovabitch I know. That plus me being quiet due to being an aspie leaves most people thinking I'm an asshole or a homeless basketball player who can't speak english(thank you rick). I constantly judge people on what they're wearing and I truly feel as if.I'm better.than everyone else whether my fits are on point or not.that day.

I still can't talk to people though

From the bottom of my heart, thank you /fa/ for raising my self-esteem to astronomical levels

>> No.7199414

good job

post pics

>> No.7199440

>tfw feminine Asian face
>tfw 5'7"
>tfw girls find me "cute"
>tfw no facial hair

plz kill me

>> No.7199452

>bald can look good too

Oh fuck off. No it can't. Patrick Stewart aside.

>> No.7199460

top kek/10

>> No.7199467

im so sorry.

>> No.7199483

It's OK, you may have all the top keks you want. ;_;