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/fa/ - Fashion

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7192528 No.7192528 [Reply] [Original]

anyone else feel like "being fashionable" is (i hate to say it) becoming too mainstream?

Look at /fa/ 2-3 years ago. This edgy GN look was not /fa/s thing. I specifically remember the "generally fashionable" look we all aspired to. Peacoats, plimsolls, dbs, harringtons, fuck you all even thought the herschel bags were nice.

Does it not bother anybody else that everywhere you look, people in general dress considerably "entry level fashun"/trendy?

its really ruined the sense of individuality you guys give me. I cant even crawl back to my beloved style of non obscure band t's and tight faded rawz, cause ill just look like i regularly shop at UO.

>tfw soon gothniggy will be the nee "hurr herschel m65 slim jeans and boots"
>tfw death grips and swans becoming the new trendy moozik

how do i develop a very individual fashun sense¿ should i just stop caring¿

>> No.7192531

stop posting that girl all the time

>> No.7192539
File: 166 KB, 682x1024, Casual Clothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go to sleep

>> No.7192542

idk kill yourself or something

>> No.7192541

despite what you think

individuality isn't necessarily about being different

>> No.7192544

Remember when everyone on /fa/ bought Supra Skytops? Good times.

>> No.7192554
File: 526 KB, 1280x800, 1rj659yc.wizardchan.Screenshot_from_2013-10-2-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how individual can you be when you genuinrely like something or a style and soon everyone likes it? it kind of defeats the point. Imagine if some goth kid went to a hs wears black all the time, and his "style" became the style every single vapid pleb adopted? hed probably start going to school in a fucking dress just to separate himself

>> No.7192563
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brb, killing self.

>> No.7192580

Why would he

If that's what he really likes, he wouldn't betray it just because now their are other people who could possibly enjoy it. Hell, wouldn't that be even better? Now you don't have to be the only one, you have people to enjoy it with.

Deal with the fact that there are too much people in the world to be different to them in every possible way.

Enjoy what you want to enjoy, dig deep in your interests.

Have your differences be in the details. People do notice them.

>> No.7192587
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Disliking something because a lot of people like it is just as bad as liking something because a lot of people like it.

Be cool, be you. Only one in the world.

>> No.7192601

so youre telling me if you like GN and GN becomes the new fucking vans, youd still wear them.

fashion is something more than the admiration of a certain look or style. Its the segregation of your sense of self, away from the unthinking masses.

>> No.7192595

hop onto techwear.
it's too pricey for casuals to do properly.

>> No.7192610

It's also mad ugly on anyone but asians.
Sure the pieces are fun, but they're not very serviceable.

>> No.7192623

uhhh i'm not entirely sure that's true. it's like you're adding a spiritual dimension to fashion. "fashion" is just dressing aesthetically. i think you're letting high fashion costumes and /fa/ shit posters get to you

>> No.7192642

Yeah, I'd still wear it, if I liked it. As of right now I only like certain pieces of GN mixed with streetwear.

>away from the unthinking masses
shit c'mon man

you sound like one of those psuedo-intellectuals who -actually- think they are better than everyone else, don't do that.

Honestly, I think maybe you SHOULD stop caring. That's probably going to help you most. You're going to try and stop caring, but then the things you actually care about will stay around and you'll know what you need to focus on to be 'individual'

>> No.7192661

>This edgy GN look


>> No.7192717

this is why you don't label yourself constantly, soon you'll feel mad or betrayed by the thing you once took part in. calling yourself fashionable is making a statement, calling yourself a 4channer is making statement, and since these things are just words, labels, anyone can change them into their own thing, why not diversify yourself by staying away from labels like 'fashion' and strive towards yourself. don't even label yourself as an individual, it puts you in a group with other people who want to be individuals, and they might not be the kind of people you enjoy either. if everyone becomes an individual, they are now part of a group.

oyea and death grips is a new band, its not like they became trendy over night, and most people only listen to new swans or their 'post-rock' stuff, and not Filth or Cop

>> No.7192750

Are you telling me that /fa/ has caused the current fashion on the high street?

>> No.7192805

I never understand all the bitching about things becoming popular. If anything all it means is that you're going to get laid easier. If you've already been wearing the style for ages and have a decent wardrobe then you should be styling on everyone else right now and getting mad compliments. Then when the trend passes you'll go back to getting zero positive attention and having your precious individuality back.

The guy always changing his style to whatever's popular isn't the fuccboi here, it's the guy changing his style to whatever isn't popular that's the true fuccboi. Real G's just ride that shit out.

>> No.7192832

you develop it by actually beong an individual lol
and swans and dg are already trendoids

>> No.7192845
File: 24 KB, 240x320, loureedlaurieanderson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on, man. Wooster wears checkered Vans, named them in an interview as an item he'd never be without. Michele Lamy wears crocs.

What does someone like them have to do with the masses? If you actually have a strong, individual personality "the masses" don't concern you like that. You're just being that person you are. And, the masses not bad people.

I'm enough of a strange bird I probably couldn't "fit in" even if I wanted to, so I don't try. And when I do make an effort to stand out, through fashion or anything else, it's not to "segregate" myself. Quite the opposite. It's because I've found that when I'm most expressing my self, most individual, most oddball, that's when I've found it easiest to get in and be with the masses, as a person of equal worth.

Also, relevant, Lou Reed:

>Still, I have never thought of music as a challenge — you always figure, the audience is at least as smart as you are. You do this because you like it, you think what you're making is beautiful. And if you think it's beautiful, maybe they'll think it's beautiful. When I did Metal Machine Music, New York Times critic John Rockwell said, "This is really challenging." I never thought of it like that. I thought of it like, "Wow, if you like guitars, this is pure guitar, from beginning to end, in all its variations. And you're not stuck to one beat." That's what I thought. Not, "I'm going to challenge you to listen to something I made." I don't think West means that for a second, either. You make stuff because it's what you do and you love it.

Pic related, the unthinking masses.

>> No.7192849

this guy gets it

>> No.7192859

you know what will never go out of style?

the good lord.

thanks for listening. have a nice night.

>> No.7192867

That's some motivating shit man. Thanks.

>> No.7192871


>> No.7192881

>believing in a fairy

really? use your head

>> No.7192884

I discovered death grips recently and I feel I already dress for their music. Black boots (levi's I think, they were my grandpa's), black joggers, black top and a black actual pain sweater while working a diy indoor farming job
I'm also pretty into witch house which fits my style

I definetely wouldn't consider
>non obscure band t's and tight faded rawz
To be fashionable, and I hate to break it to you but that has been mainstream for a little over 6 years

There's still so many places to go with fashion and life in general but good luck in finding your next bandwagon

>> No.7192885


>> No.7192891

>diy indoor farming job

u mean like



>> No.7192896

Michael from vsauce told me that due to the limited amount of variation possible in genetics that statistically speaking there is someone else in the world who looks almost exactly like you

>> No.7192897

i'm afraid if i used my head like you,i wouldnt be alive nor happy
let people be and u'l be free B^)

>> No.7192900

I doubt it, simply because of epigenetic factors. Also, how close is "almost?" Like siblings? Or nose ten degrees off and that's it?

>> No.7192902

honestly? yeah
i mean when you really think about it(like CRITICALLY think about it) most of the worlds problems would be totally fixed if we just outlawed religion :/
I mean if i said i believed in like unicorns and rainbows and stuff people would think im crazy.
But if i say i believe in talking snakes and lightning bolts? then they want to put me in congress.
Atleast there are some people like Dawkins around who make some effing sense atleast.

>> No.7192903

i dont think he expanded on it any more than that and i can't remember which video it was from or i would link it sorry friend

>> No.7192904

does anybody else get called a hipster constantly

>> No.7192914

Dude this just reminded me that Lou Reed died the other day. Now I feel all depressed.

>> No.7192927

i dunno lol

>> No.7192946
File: 21 KB, 590x394, Lou-Reed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go listen to "There is No Time."

The "Yeezus" review was the last piece of work Reed published, too.

>> No.7193550

>anyone else feel like "being fashionable" is (i hate to say it) becoming too mainstream?
yeah, but i noticed it happening over 5 years ago as opposed to just recently
hell, i can even recognize that it was happening in the 90s despite the fact that i was hardly aware of anything at that age

>its really ruined the sense of individuality you guys give me.
fuck off

you're going to have to stop using images of that girl if you don't want to be known as the fuccboi from wizardchan in every single thread you make
it's so painfully obvious that you're one of the newcomers you belittle

>I cant even crawl back to my beloved style of non obscure band t's and tight faded rawz, cause ill just look like i regularly shop at UO.
you might as well

you don't even genuinely like it
you genuinely like the idea of being a part of a niche community
you're profoundly pathetic

>> No.7193580

why do y'all care so much if a style YOU DON'T EVEN WEAR AND YOU MAKE FUN OF becomes popular!?!?!??!?!?!?

>> No.7193590

>Lou Reed died the other day


>> No.7194227


>> No.7194265

no because what most people think is fashionable is always going to be mainstream and if you really want to be alternative hanging out on 4chan will not help you achieve that it will do the opposite really.

if you really want to be the most alternative person I have no advice for you because you have to work that out your self but my only advice would be that the decision to be alternative is best made just before or just after you start some thing new for the very first time.

so ya if you want to be alternative keep that it mind. but a lot of being alternative is just like magic and if you try to hard you will fail at it.. so really idknow become friends with some one you think is really alternative but don't copy them and that might work out ok for you.

im not sure if the idea that some people will never be alternative and special is true.. I wouldn't worrie about that even if it is.

*im the kind of person that people come up to and tell me im really cool for no reason and if I ask them they cant pinpoint it and just want to worship my existence and lots of people want to try and learn some magic from me like I can change there life or some thing or like im a walking living version of a final fantasy hero.. its pretty nice but ya... just for your reference I am pretty fucking cool all things considered so my advice is worthy*

>> No.7194285

Nigga what was that ending part? You went full on deluded maniac right there.

>> No.7194289

Not here in the western us. Cargo shorts and graphic tees, rvca or volcom and snapbacks, or gym shorts and plain tees. That's pretty well it.

>> No.7194301

/x/ actually believes in magic and talks about it like it's normal. Everything they say is out of fucking control. One guy tried to tell me he astrol-projected and can see what anyone in the world is doing as well as the overlord spirits. Was laff

>> No.7194326


Did he like Yeezus?

>> No.7194329

Sound like OP wants to go running-core

Functional and fashionable

>> No.7194338

to an extent i see where you're coming from and agree with you.

however. bored like /fa/ should only be used as a guide to get you started. once you've established the basics it's up to you to step off and make your look your own.

>how do i develop a very individual fashun sense
use what you know and what works for you on a personal level and experiment. most things wont work, but like writing a good story, you have to know what wont work before you can find what will.
And that's what you're doing with your clothes; telling a story

>> No.7194343

Developing your own fashion style takes time- and remember fashion is also more of a hobby than a lifestyle or anything like that. In your case I'd recommend getting some accesories or something to help you not feel like such a sheep

>> No.7194418

I loved the part where he explained that because people thought he was cool it made his point valid. That's the thing I would imagine some basement-dweller saying because it's how they imagine the world outside.

>> No.7194445



>> No.7194455

Well for one you are delusional to think /fa/ 3 years ago was some sign of fashionable that was removed from the mainstream. I didnt go on /fa/ back then so I cant really say but fashion in general flows from obscure to mainstream. Its kind of the nature of things becoming fashionable.

Those things you pointed out werent new for that time at least, peacoats had a resurgance among "hipster" types in the mid 2000s at least, personally I had a pair of db's by 06 or 07. Now many people throw around the HY cut like its recent, or recently passe when actually its been drove in the ground quite some time, I know I had one in like 08. What is fashionable is something that changes relatively fast. To be fair I dont know much about this board though, for clothing I used to surf hypebeast (I still have a couple pairs of dunks in a closet somewhere...), then i posted on sufu for a while,then the last three years I've been pretty broke and generally just dressed in what I could afford without much internet browsing for inspiration. Honestly if you want to feel less "mainstream" about what you wear then I dont think going by internet trends is the way to do it, a lot of it comes full circle. Most shit out there is a reflection of whats popular. If you dont want to look entry level then you have to "adapt" ahead anyway, although if you really want to be out in front then you would need to create your own style or clothes and will probably get laughed at by most people because it would differ from whats acceptable to the masses.